[03:25] marclaporte joined #clearfoundation [13:36] LoneCrowe joined #clearfoundation [16:36] MarcelvanLeeuwen I had response of Tim Burgess [16:36] MarcelvanLeeuwen He had a mail address of dave loper [16:36] MarcelvanLeeuwen I mailed Dave Loper 5 minutes ago [16:38] MarcelvanLeeuwen lets hope he responds! [16:41] marclaporte joined #clearfoundation [16:42] marclaporte Good morning everyone! [16:49] MarcelvanLeeuwen Morning marclaporte [16:49] MarcelvanLeeuwen for me it's noon [16:50] MarcelvanLeeuwen almost 5pm [16:51] MarcelvanLeeuwen Dave Loper responded on my mail [16:51] MarcelvanLeeuwen quote [16:51] MarcelvanLeeuwen I'm not the channel operator. When we were launching it some robot popped on there and was preventing us from getting control of the channel at the time. I think there is a way to usurp this control but I'd need to look into it again. [16:52] MarcelvanLeeuwen So maybe he knows a solution... [16:58] marclaporte We discussed yesterday, and it doesn't seem possible at the moment: http://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_log/clearfoundation?date=2013-10-02,Wed&sel=30#l26 [16:58] marclaporte Anyone know how I can get commit notifications to ClearOS by email? [17:18] MarcelvanLeeuwen Lacrocivious asked me yesterday if i knew the channel operator [17:19] MarcelvanLeeuwen So i immediately thought it was Dave Loper of Clearfoundation [17:20] MarcelvanLeeuwen Lacrocivious asked me to contact Dave Loper [17:20] MarcelvanLeeuwen So i did [17:21] marclaporte :-) [17:22] marclaporte It would be better to have a channel op and all, but it's not a blocker to making this place useful and awesome :-) [17:23] MarcelvanLeeuwen Maybe we have to search the forums if there is some post about it [17:24] marclaporte There is a command to check how is the owner, and it says freenode-staff [17:24] MarcelvanLeeuwen okay [17:24] MarcelvanLeeuwen freenode staff??? [17:26] MarcelvanLeeuwen isn't that weird? [17:29] Lacrocivious Not weird at all; freenode is the network under which the #clearfoundation channel is hosted [17:29] Lacrocivious There are several levels of administration channel-wise... founder, superop, chanop, halfop... [17:30] Lacrocivious We should attempt to get chanop because without a channel operator, a spambot can render the channel useless with floods of crap [17:31] marclaporte Lacrocivious: I tried but failed. Can you try? [17:32] Lacrocivious The problem appears to be that, unless someone at CF set up the channel in proper fashion originally, through the freenode staff, then the demise of the registration as noted in marclaporte's link may prevent us from being able to fix things [17:33] Lacrocivious MarcelvanLeeuwen: Your dialog with Dave Loper may bear fruit [17:34] Lacrocivious I will go over my notes from the last time I got a project channel 'resurrected' and see if anything looks promising there, vis-a-vis ways to assert control of the channel. However, at that time freenode personnel were still actively registering and administering group creation/deletion/modification requests [17:36] Lacrocivious I will try to carry this further, but before I do it would be great if we had all the information we can get about who originally created the channel and what if anything they did in the context of setting it up with operators [17:38] Lacrocivious ...because one of the things I will need to do is prove to the satisfaction of ... someone who may listen to us at freenode's gargantuan secret underground headquarters ... that I am not just some bozo with no connection to CF and no business messing with a channel ;-) [17:50] MarcelvanLeeuwen Dave Loper of Clearfoundation responded agian [17:50] MarcelvanLeeuwen He said that he look into it tommorrow or the weekend [17:51] MarcelvanLeeuwen He has a vicious workload right now [17:51] MarcelvanLeeuwen thanks for the explanation Lacrocivious [17:52] MarcelvanLeeuwen I'm not the most experienced IRC user [17:52] MarcelvanLeeuwen but find it awesome to learn new stuff [17:53] MarcelvanLeeuwen Maybe Dave has to talk to the Freenode admins [19:36] marclaporte ok, thanks for the follow-up [22:12] marclaporte joined #clearfoundation