[01:22] cc-daveloper joined #clearfoundation [02:18] marclaporte joined #clearfoundation [05:46] marclaporte joined #clearfoundation [06:27] cc-daveloper joined #clearfoundation [06:37] MarcelvanLeeuwen morning [06:38] MarcelvanLeeuwen so it friday again [06:39] MarcelvanLeeuwen a couple of hours of work and then enjoy the weekend!!! [12:38] MAvL joined #clearfoundation [16:38] marclaporte joined #clearfoundation [17:17] cc-daveloper I was able to talk to qazsteve briefly [17:50] marclaporte Hi TimBurgess! Glad you are here! [18:47] cc-daveloper_ joined #clearfoundation [18:58] cc-daveloper joined #clearfoundation [19:54] MarcelvanLeeuwen So it's weekend [19:58] MarcelvanLeeuwen going to update my Windows 8.0 machine [20:00] MarcelvanLeeuwen It has some nice improvements for desktop users [20:05] MarcelvanLeeuwen cc-daveloper: i read that you have spoken to qazsteve [20:05] MarcelvanLeeuwen and? [20:05] cc-daveloper yeah…he's going to get on and see what he can do…probably tonight his time (you'll be in bed though) [20:05] MarcelvanLeeuwen hmmm that's a pity [20:06] MarcelvanLeeuwen damn time differences [20:26] MvL joined #clearfoundation [20:46] MarcelvanLeeuwen joined #clearfoundation [20:52] MarcelvanLeeuwen joined #clearfoundation [20:55] MarcelvanLeeuwen away [21:01] M_v_L cc-daveloper, erry has no news yet. He says he let me know when he has... [21:01] cc-daveloper sounds good. I asked him if he needed qaz to do anything…he didn't reply. [21:02] cc-daveloper so i assumed nothing was required there. [21:02] M_v_L okay [21:03] M_v_L anyways [21:04] M_v_L is it save to upgrade proffesional to 6.5 beta 2 [21:04] M_v_L i saw the announcement on the blog [21:06] cc-daveloper no, it is still beta [21:06] M_v_L okay [21:06] M_v_L then i'll wait [21:07] cc-daveloper you should try it out in a VM but I wouldn't run it in production just yet. [21:07] cc-daveloper there is some cool samba4 stuff in there though. [21:08] M_v_L yeah i have the release information in front of me [21:10] M_v_L btw those icons with installed (sreenshot) on it. I like it. It's very easy to see if a app is installed [21:12] M_v_L So samba has it own directory services [21:16] M_v_L I must say ClearOS is becoming better and better [21:16] M_v_L also looking foward to Tim's Owncloud app [22:04] MarcelvanLeeuwen clear [22:14] M_v_L that clear command was for putty [22:14] M_v_L i'm tired... [22:14] M_v_L off to bed [22:14] M_v_L zzz [22:26] marclaporte joined #clearfoundation [23:18] Marverick joined #clearfoundation [23:19] Marverick left #clearfoundation [23:27] wolfmitchell joined #clearfoundation [23:27] wolfmitchell left #clearfoundation [23:32] q_a_z_steve joined #clearfoundation [23:32] q_a_z_steve hey all. Who's awake? [23:37] cc-daveloper hey [23:39] q_a_z_steve So no one has kept any permissions? [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:04 info #clearfoundation [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Information on #clearfoundation: [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Founder : freenode-staff [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Registered : Feb 20 02:58:03 2011 (2 years, 34 weeks, 3 days, 18:06:36 ago) [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Last used : Jan 17 02:24:24 2012 (1 year, 39 weeks, 2 days, 18:40:15 ago) [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Mode lock : +ntc-slk [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- *** End of Info *** [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:21 access #clearfoundation list [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:21 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Entry Nickname/Host Flags [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:21 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- ----- ---------------------- ----- [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:21 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- 1 freenode-staff +AFRfiorstv [modified 1 year, 17 weeks, 5 days, 06:56:28 ago] [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:21 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- ----- ---------------------- ----- [23:40] q_a_z_steve 15:21 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- End of #clearfoundation FLAGS listing. [23:42] seed_ joined #clearfoundation [23:42] erry joined #clearfoundation [23:42] seed_ any hot chicks here? [23:42] erry ಠ_ಠ [23:42] seed_ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [23:43] q_a_z_steve cc-daveloper: eery is a free node staff, I asked them to come in so we can get this resolved. [23:43] erry i'm already trying to resolve this with cc-daveloper [23:44] q_a_z_steve Oh, well I'm just trying to grease the wheels... [23:44] seed_ can we kline bazhang as an ice breaker for the negotiations? [23:44] Lacrocivious ( ⦿ Y ⦿ ) [23:44] * Lacrocivious removes exhibitionist hot chick from channel [23:45] Lacrocivious The #clearos channel is also needed, right? [23:46] q_a_z_steve I can probably take care of that one... [23:56] Lacrocivious MarcelvanLeeuwen has agreed to become chanop, presumably here and in #clearos [23:58] q_a_z_steve I vote however this goes forward, that a bot gets some +o as well, and that bot is available to whoever mvl is replaced by, or another ClearFoundation or ClearCenter employee. [23:58] q_a_z_steve Lacrocivious: PM? [23:58] Lacrocivious Agreed, very good idea. This is essentially what I thought should happen when I came here to find nobody else home [23:59] Lacrocivious q_a_z_steve: sure