[01:10] 2009/12/19 02:09 OK db0 Disk OK : /: 68%used(3491MB/5110MB) : < 80 % [05:35] *** Rigieta has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [06:15] *** franck has quit IRC () [06:32] *** Rigieta has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [06:32] *** Rigieta has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [07:43] *** veronica has left [07:49] *** epeli_e has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [08:17] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [13:53] *** Rigieta has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [13:54] *** Rigieta has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [13:58] 2009/12/19 14:54 WARN db0 Disk WARNING : /: 80%used(4091MB/5110MB) : > 80 % [16:30] *** changi|home has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [16:30] *** changi|home has left [18:09] *** epeli_e has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [18:09] *** epeli_e has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [18:35] *** Rigieta has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [18:36] *** Rigieta has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [19:22] . [19:57] *** marclaporte has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") [20:42] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [21:48] *** epeli_e has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [21:49] *** veronica has joined #tikiwiki-monitor [22:59] *** Rigieta has quit IRC ("Leaving.")