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sylviegof course [00:01]
xTremePowerbecause french hosters are expensive [00:01]
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sylvieghas somebody a clear idea what is the difference between drupal CCK . and tracker? [00:02]
xTremePowerfor me i'ts chinese :) [00:03]
sylviegdrupal has the pathauto :-!
a dynamic sefurl ...
SEWilco2sylvieg: It doesn't matter whether I give show_image.php the scalesize=360 or not, I keep getting the original image. [00:04]
sylviegI think you can not do it - becaue you need to be in a defined scale... so far I remember [00:05]
SEWilco2I see the thumb parameter, and that produces the size of my defined thumb (200).
Oh, GD lib needs to be configured with permitted scales?
sylviegI think scale are not dynamically computed .. I THINK some code is missing
Oh I am depressed http://learn.awakenedvoice.com/2007/07/30/drupal-cck-and-views-tutorial/ we have to work...
SEWilco2sylvieg: Ah, I see thumb testing code in rebuild_image(). Tsk. [00:11]
sylviegit should not be to hard to have a dynamic scaling.... [00:12]
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lphuberdeausylvieg, unless they completed their port to drupal 6, they also have to work ;) [00:21]
sylvieglph give me more - I need some stimulus.. [00:23]
lphuberdeauhum, started watching the video, downloading all field types sounds like a pain to me [00:24]
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sylviegok - but not sure we are doing better [00:25]
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SEWilco2SEWilco2 tickles sylvieg until it's enough stimulus. [00:25]
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lphuberdeaudrupal is a lot more people, can't beat them everywhere [00:26]
sylvieglph did you ever look into drupal code - is it clean?
i nver look at drupal - I must admint
ikecoDoes anyone know where the pref "$show_author", in the "tiki-read article" template is stored, or can be set?
Good evening, btw...
sylviegare you 1.9 or 2.x? [00:29]
ikeco2.2 [00:29]
SEWilco2ikeco: Isn't show_author in Articles>admin types? [00:29]
ikecolemme look--brb [00:29]
sylviegseesm to be that 1) you are still on the prefs all way that in a prefs in an admin panel - or perhaps you forgot to upgrade the database and have not the column in the database [00:30]
ikecothere is such a setting there...let me see if it does what I expect--thanks [00:31]
SEWilco2sylvieg: I think ikeco was looking for the admin panel, not the DB table. [00:32]
ikecoboth actually---and it does work...right on! [00:33]
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lphuberdeausylvieg, about halfway through.. they did a nice job on the UI in the sense that it does not look as cluttered as tiki's, but I feel it has the same problem: it's implementation driven
I see the classes and relationships when I look at the UI
it's also very complicated in the sense that you need to know what you're doing
so far, I can see their pluggable field types as an advantage because it cleans up the code
URL stuff is nothing major
everything views except maybe the RSS part can be done through wiki pages and plugins
I was expecting more
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lphuberdeauI heard someone praising the thing before... really not up to my expectations [01:09]
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marclaportepolom [03:13]
lphuberdeauback? [03:22]
marclaportey [03:24]
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marclaportelphuberdeau: : do you know if your office is open tomorrow 10am?
Patrick & I will go and work there
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chibaguylphuberdeau, will tiki-page_controls.tpl be implemented in other sections of Tiki sometime soon? [03:56]
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chibaguyAlso the Actions dropdown appears on individual forum posts. This will also require template changes.
I wonder if this will be done in a new way, or should the current forum post actions just be restyled as a dropdown list.
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chibaguyThe basic question that I've styled the forums a couple of times already based on uploaded prototype images and wonder if I should wait for different tpls, or work with what we have now.
Before doing it again.
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chibaguySame for blogs. The templates for comments/posts are unified across Tiki sections/features. Is pkdille doing this? [04:24]
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chibaguy(email sent) [05:00]
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marclaportepolom chibaguy [10:57]
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chibaguyhi marclaporte [11:19]
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ricks99hi all
anyone see my rss+tracker question on tw.o forums?
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marclaportelphuberdeau: : are you at your office one day this week?
Patrick and I are going this afternoon
....... (idle for 30mn)
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lphuberdeaucould be Thursday
might be able to switch for tomorrow if it's urgent, but I would need to confirm
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if you can, it's good for me
lphuberdeauyou mean thursday? [15:46]
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16047 /trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php: only formatting and quote [16:56]
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marclaportelphuberdeau: : did you confirm? [17:09]
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16048 /trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]tracker: multilingual etxt and textarea [17:16]
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mib_6mmsxtis there a way to disable TikiWiki-2.0 from using its own internal user passwords and instead ONLY rely on ldap?
err sorry 2.2
or is this impossible? I have an issue with users changing their ldap passwords and tikiwiki not reflecting the change
otherwise, logins work
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is anyone even reading this?
ricks99sorry. i have no experience with ldap authentication [17:33]
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sylviegmib_6mmsxt: yes use the ldap in admin->login [17:41]
mib_6mmsxtyeah...it still checks the internal user db
and it wont update passwords
is there any way to just remove the internal pass DB check?
that would solve it all : (
sylviegfor admin or any user? [17:43]
mib_6mmsxtadmin is fine, all other users can login unless they change their ldap password [17:43]
sylviegstrnage ... working for me... [17:44]
mib_6mmsxtthen tiki wont allow a login either with their old password or new ldap password
has there been a new release since early november?
if so, ill try updating to that and see if any ldap changes have been made
i do have one option unset that most seem to leave
and am not allowing tiki user creation if the user exists in ldap
due to the nature of the wiki
sylviegAuthentification method is pear auth? [17:46]
mib_6mmsxtwould this cause the issue of the internal DB passwords not being updated upon ldap auth?
Create user if not in Tiki? is unchecked
sylvieguser will be created in tikiwiki in anuy case - only the login/pass will be checked in ldap [17:46]
they are being checked, i can validate that
but tiki wont allow a login if the tiki stored password and the ldap password stop matching
is this due to the Create user if not in Tiki? being unchecked?
sylviegno if ldap it does not check the password in tiki [17:48]
mib_6mmsxtthats not the behavior i'm witnessing : (
let me try this again then
nope, won't work : (
would this be because the user's were created, and then ldap auth was turned on afterwards?
I had to that as a work around due to a flaw in the user creation process
sylviegI do not think it changes something if the user has being created before but I never tested this case [17:51]
the reason I did that is when creating a new user with tiki and pear selected as the login method, you cannot add the user because it requires a password but the password field is blank.
there isn't a password stored in the mysql db though
sylviegstrange I do not have this behavior ... [17:54]
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mib_6mmsxtI'm using 2.2
ill be back in a bit
i need to make sure something hasn't changed on ldap
i don't actually have control of that server
i can change my password and get a correct ldap response using it
but tiki wont allow my auth
is there any way to actively watch how the auth process is moving along inside tikiwiki
or what page controls the actual login process?
sylviegthe ldap code is in lib/pear/Auth/Container/LDAP.php
otherwise the code is in tiki-login.php or lib/userslib.php
i see what you mean about the user creation thing
how they are made anyways
ok so looking at lib/userslib.php it looks like the code only updates the name?
i dont see where its pulling in the new password, but i'm not very familiar with php
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Partoftimeyop [18:36]
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by alain_desilets :: r 16049 /trunk/lib/core/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Still working on automatic paralel text alignment. [18:36]
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happytry to load jpgraph mod -keep getting impossible to copy message [18:42]
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16051 /trunk/tiki-assignpermission.php: [MOD] clear cache button - forgotten commit
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16050 /trunk/templates/tiki-poll.tpl: comment_button
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16057 /trunk/lib/userslib.php: [FIX]user: name pattern can be empty->no limitation
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16056 /trunk/tiki-admin_trackers.php: notice
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16055 /trunk/tiki-login.php: [FIX]login: all login errors must not redirect to login box
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mib_6mmsxthmmmmm, so about the ldap logins
i've changed a couple things around in my userslib.php page
but i can't seem to get it to just ignore the case of the auth not matching tiki but matching ldap
because i can watch a successful bind occur yet i'm still denied entry
i'm assuming tiki still checks the has of the password before login correct?
i've found the line where it checks to see if my user is present in tiki and authenticated in ldap
it SHOULD be updating the DB password, but I don't appear to have that working?
something doesn't seem to be meshing between the ldap and tiki systems
sylviegif tiki fetchs the info on ldap , it does not copy the passwd on tw [19:28]
mib_6mmsxtthen how do i make tiki stop checking its internal stuff
i fixed that
tiki wiki gets very unhappy if you don't allow the user to be created in the tiki if ldap says ok and tiki says no
so i just forced tiki to go on IF the user was found in ldap
now to see if this allows my users to still be correct
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by alain_desilets :: r 16058 /trunk/lib/core/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Still working on automatic paralel text alignment. [19:36]
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mib_6mmsxtsadly, no this doesn't work [20:19]
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clicchi I'm having trouble with including javascript src files inside a plugin
it doesn't seem to read it at all, even if the .js file only has one line: window.alert("hi");
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marclaporteclicc : : what version of tiki? [21:02]
cliccthe latest, 2.2 I think [21:03]
marclaportemib_6mmsxt: : greg matin is resident LDAP expert [21:03]
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cliccmy goal was actually to create my own AJAX inside of a page that I'm generating from a plugin
and I originally wanted to include a js file so that I didn' thave to spit out every line of javascript to the $ret var in php
I've already tested on a separate page and it works outside of tikiwiki, so its not anything to do with server config at least
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16059 /trunk/ (7 files in 4 dirs): [FIX]tracker: multilingue on text & textarea in normal view and TRACKER [21:08]
SEWilco2My podcast dir is not showing .flv suffixes. Is there a config option for what suffixes are to be visible? [21:14]
chattikiwiki1Hi all. Sorry for breaking in but if you want a "drop down box" in main window to link to several "intertikis" what code shall i use ? [21:15]
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cliccwhat's the state of tikiwiki and ajax anyways?
I think in theory at least, it would benefit so much in terms of load time
sylviegit is better and better ;-) [21:35]
clicchaha awesome
I can't wait
SEWilco2From what I've seen, the state is "Delaware". Used to be "Rhode Island". :-) [21:37]
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16060 /trunk/templates/tiki-poll_results.tpl: broken layout [21:38]
SEWilco2For a price, the state can be "Illinois". Real nice web site you've got here. Would be a shame if something was to happen to it. :-(
SEWilco2 thinks that it doesn't look right for a commit to be "broken layout" :-)
sylviegit is when pkdille did his find changes. It was a globla change [21:42]
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16061 /trunk/img/ (leftbar.gif mainbar.gif rightbar.gif): transparent icons in polls [21:48]
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clicci am an idiot
I figured it out, nothing wrong with it
SEWilco2We all know there's nothing wrong with being an idiot. All been there. :-) [22:04]
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clicchaha [22:07]
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16062 /trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: sql syntax [22:28]
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16063 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerstat.php: missing global [22:38]
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ezrakatz_I am trying out search engine friendly urls for the first time and everything seems to be working fine, except that now the tiki-contact.php page no longer displays for anonymous users. I have the permissions set correctly, but as soon as I enable the htaccess file it stops allowing anonymous users to view the contact page. I tried deleting the renaming rule in the htaccess file but that did nothing. I'm running TikiWiki 2.2. Than [22:44]
sylviegdo you have alloww anonymous contact... in admin->general? [22:52]
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marclaportehttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Structure&structure=Documentation -> (8.48) http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Documentation&structure=Documentation is 4.31
I don't understand the 8.48
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sylviegwhat does this number mean?
ah it is the place in the structure?
ezrakatz_I thought I did, but it turned out it was disabled. It's working now. This is strange, the contact feature was working fine before I tried the search engine friendly url stuff. I'll play around to see if it was just my mistake. Thanks sylvieg. [23:07]
marclaportesylvieg: But it's inconsistent [23:10]
sylviegbuggy.. [23:10]
ezrakatz_I think this is a bug, every time I enable/disable a feature in the admin menu "contact-anon" becomes disabled [23:11]
marclaporteI wonder if this has always been buggy or a regression from 1.9 [23:11]
sylviegezrakatz_: you are right
it is fiuxed in the next version
delete the line ./tiki-admin_include_features.php: "contact_anon",
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ezrakatz_That fixed the problem, thanks again! [23:16]
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16064 /branches/2.0/tiki-admin_include_features.php: [FIX] contact_anon was turned off each time a feature was changed- backport [23:18]
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didahi all [23:20]
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marclaportesylvieg: : do you have an idea about this or I should just log as a bug on devtwo? [23:24]
sylviegned first to reproduce th bug on my local... [23:26]
marclaporteyou can get a copy of doc.two :-) [23:27]
sylviegI still have to fix the intertiki on doc...
can not reproduce on my local...
marclaporteok, InterTiki is more important
I have the bug here on a local wiki
sylviegintertiki bug? [23:31]
marclaporteno, structure bug [23:35]
sylviegi think I have an idea
did you delete a part of the structure?
I am not sure the number are reset correctly
the structure UI ... needs really a revamp
.. th structure numbering is completly bugged
lphuberdeaunot just the UI [23:40]
sylvieg:-( [23:40]
lphuberdeauthe lib is way too slow
that's on my plate too
sylviegyes the database schema is 'conceptual' not ok for mysql [23:42]
lphuberdeauwell, it's not ok in any kind of relational db [23:42]
sylviegthe same for categ
need to represent properly tree in db
lphuberdeauyeah [23:43]
sylviegin db or cache... [23:43]
lphuberdeauhas to be right in the DB from the start [23:43]
sylvieg.. I have not the solution for the best representaion - I saw a couple of articles about this - but never try [23:45]
happyHello everyone (from newbie) [23:48]
lphuberdeauoh, don't worry about it, I know precisely how to do it, just need to clear up the higher priority stuff first [23:48]
sylviegok marclaporte- it will a some job to fix this the information comes directly from the database and it is not updated correctly - so ...
+1 for lphuberdeau
marclaporte: fill up a bug report
happylooking for jpgraph guru [23:51]
lphuberdeauso far, the queue looks like this... ui.tw.o... permission/category... ... structures [23:52]
sylviegsylvieg feels old - sure I learnt this at school...
s/this tre in relational database
first jpgraph has a php 4 and a php5 download
using 5
sylviegotherwise jpgraph is very nice to use.. [23:54]
SEWilco2sylvieg: In my day, at school they taught us how to write fixed length records on tape and when to change tapes. And we liked multitape databases.
... and we hung an onion from the paper tape reader.
sylviegsylvieg feels happy - not so old... [23:55]
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SEWilco2You're not so cold either. Out I go to 1 degree weather. [23:56]
sylviegsylvieg was at the beginning of microprocessor - relational databases..
and artificial intelligence - it was the big dream
lphuberdeaufor me it was a few months ago [23:56]
happyexcusa [23:57]
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sylvieghappy: what is your problem with jpgraph - it is only used in tw in contributions [23:58]
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sylvieghaapy left... [23:59]

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