[00:07] *** aardvarq has joined #tikiwiki [00:16] Am I missing something? How do we do multiple window.onload in tikiwiki? [00:20] *** rpg has quit IRC () [00:25] *** Amorphous has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [00:29] *** GillesM has joined #tikiwiki [00:29] hello [00:32] *** snarlydwarf_ has quit IRC ("Ex-Chat") [00:34] *** Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [00:40] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [01:38] *** navster has joined #tikiwiki [02:18] Anyone konw what the name of the feature is whereby if I visit a wiki page that doesn't exist yet - it redirects to a "best guess" existing page instead ? [02:19] Never mind - found it:- [02:19] " When viewing a page, if it doesn't exist and has one like page, automatic redirection to this like page: " [02:21] I spoke too soon - turning that off didn't fix the problem... [02:40] *** GO_Aller has joined #tikiwiki [02:49] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [02:53] Help if you please - Ver 2.2; Admin User (new to tikiwiki); Am having a problem with quicktags as the symbol we need to use is "^2 and ^8 etc" (actually alot of carat symbols). Using the normal editor it naturally converts EVERYTHING between any two carats on a page to the quicktags BOX (js function override). Have even gone so far as to try to rename all from ^text^ to ^^text^^ and other variations. That didn [02:53] Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [02:57] *** GO_Aller has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC") [02:57] *** GO_Aller has joined #tikiwiki [02:58] *** GO_Aller has quit IRC (Client Quit) [02:58] *** GillesM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [02:59] *** GO_Aller has joined #tikiwiki [03:02] *** navster has quit IRC () [03:11] *** fran_lopez has joined #tikiwiki [03:12] hello everyoen [03:12] i'm having a problem moving my tikiwiki site over to the server [03:12] i backed up the data base [03:12] moved the tiki folder over to the site [03:13] according to the steps i found on the installation and steup f.a.q [03:14] the thing is, according to the faq, when i enter the site's "tiki-install.php", i should be prompted with: [03:14] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [03:15] "You will be prompted to enter the admin password that you used for the existing site. The Tiki Installer page appears. [03:15] At the bottom of the page, click Reset database connection settings. [03:15] " [03:15] "Installer disabled. Remove 'db/lock' to enable the installer." [03:16] sorry, that last sentence is what i get instead of what i'm supposed to get [03:16] i'm thinking it has to do wiht the fact that, while installing tikiwiki on my sustem, i was following the "tikiwiki for smarties" guide [03:18] that recommended to choose the "disable installer" option, or something like that, after the initial install [03:18] is there a way to go back? [03:18] *** gferreira has joined #tikiwiki [03:21] hello tikiwiki [03:23] i am having trouble trying to include a rss module with wiki-page updates in a wiki page... maybe someone can point in the right direction? [03:23] i'll explain: [03:24] i have enabled rss feeds for blogs and wiki in admin/rss [03:24] i have created one rss module for each [03:25] i have included both in a wiki-page using for ex: {rss id=2 max=5} [03:25] the feed for blogs works, the one for the doesn't [03:25] the one for the wiki doesn't [03:26] my feed reader can read the blogs feed, but for the wiki feed it says "permission denied" [03:27] any clue what can be wrong? thanks! [03:28] *** danopia has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [03:28] *** danopia has joined #tikiwiki [03:35] As a new admin to tikiwiki, can someone point to the defacto place for user-geared support lives. Is this it? Are there forums? [03:36] Was this the "right" place to ask the QUICKTAGS questions ... (that hopefully you can see above)? Sorry - Noob to this IRC ... Thanks [03:40] *** fran_lopez has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC") [03:40] hello GO_Aller, you can try the tikiwiki users maiing list -- https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/tikiwiki-users [03:47] *** gferreira has quit IRC () [03:55] thx gferreira - will do. [04:17] gferreira: Maybe Anonymous is not allowed to read the Wiki RSS feed. [04:36] *** GO_Aller has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") [05:14] *** Elan has joined #tikiwiki [05:31] *** franck has quit IRC () [05:31] *** Olento has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [05:34] *** Olento has joined #tikiwiki [05:39] *** SEWilco2 has left [05:51] *** danopia has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [05:56] *** navster has joined #tikiwiki [06:15] *** Olento_ has joined #tikiwiki [06:15] *** Olento has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [07:06] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [08:16] *** test has joined #tikiwiki [08:21] *** test has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") [09:11] polomorning [09:18] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [10:12] Hi i am using mini chat i need to know how to get a pop up or a blinking status abr when when other user sends a chat mesg [10:12] ???????????// [10:18] Elan: you need some JS coding skills i guess [10:20] ok [10:21] so only by hard coding i have to implement the pop up huh? [10:22] Luciash tell me how i could do that ll lean and do that...... [10:23] *learn [10:23] Elan: i can't tell you, sorry, as i would need to learn that first too ;) [10:24] okies ne alternative u could think just need that indication that some one sent a chat message [10:24] ??????? [10:25] look into templates/modules/mod-minichat.tpl and copy that to your templates/styles/your_theme/modules/ [10:25] then you can play with it without hardcoding in original tpl file [10:26] look on internet for JS scripts which would give you something you look for and then try to implement it inside the script which is in the tpl [10:27] ok luci ask thanks a lot ll try and let u know about the result [10:28] you can try to put it into function minichatpost() or function minichat_newelem() [10:29] ok sure [10:29] for a start to check if it's the right place try to put there alert('New post appeared !'); [10:29] then you can chenge/enhance it with something different [10:29] *change [10:30] *** Olento_ is now known as Olento [10:30] ok ll do that [10:36] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16468 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-minichat.tpl: [ENH] OK as a translantable string [10:38] Hi need to inmlement task feature as menu option can ne one guide onthis [10:38] ? [10:47] 2 [10:47] oops, sorry [10:51] Elan: Admin > Menus [10:57] *** afahad has joined #tikiwiki [10:58] ya luci i to thought ouf tha [10:58] but the task featute comes inthe home page so not able set the url [10:58] in the menu option [10:59] Elan ? [11:00] Like Elan: Admin > Menus i have tried that to make the taks feature to a menu option [11:00] just put a link as tiki-user_tasks.php [11:00] but in the url section im not able to give the url as it in the home page [11:01] ok [11:03] *** afahad has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [11:04] bbl, lunch here [11:05] ok byeee thanks was able to introduce the feature [11:24] *** danopia has joined #tikiwiki [11:52] *** Elan has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") [12:39] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16469 10/trunk/ (5 files): [FIX]rss: do not show up the edit plugin icon in rss [12:53] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [12:55] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [13:00] hi all. is there a way to filter the last_modif_pages by *category*? [13:00] or better yet, only list pages that *are* categorized? [13:09] ricks99: the module ? nope [13:10] do u know of any off-the-shelf solution? or will i need to modify the module? [13:12] plugin listpages has a categ - i think - and a sort [13:13] ricks99: use last_category_objects [13:13] hm... checking... [13:15] docs r not much help... http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+last_category_objects :( [13:16] ricks99: just set id of category [13:17] by default it lists last wiki pages of the given category on trunk [13:17] separated by... comma, colon, pipe ? [13:17] looking at the php... looks like it takes only a single id? [13:18] parameters : id=1&type=*&maxlen=20 [13:18] separated by & as usual for modules [13:18] but i want: id=1,2,3,5 [13:18] i see, that's not possible i think [13:18] only one category [13:20] sylvieg: can listpages plugin return last x modif pages ? [13:20] i dont see a mod-list_pages.php (2.2) [13:20] ricks99: it's not a mod, it's a wiki plugin [13:21] o [13:22] same problem though... looking at the php, it appears that it takes only a single categId [13:23] lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_listpages.php [13:28] seems you have to implement multiple categs ;) [13:28] or * categorized [13:29] tried id=* but it didnt work [13:29] it won't work [13:30] if i manually change the query: last_category_objects('*',$module_rows,$module_params["type"]); [13:30] will it work? [13:30] i doubt [13:34] bummer [13:44] tried '2,3,5' ? [13:45] you'd need modify function listpages in tikilib i guess [13:46] *list_pages [13:46] y, im going to have to try that. something like explode(','....) [13:53] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16470 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_polls.tpl: slef_link [13:55] *** nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki [15:02] do we have admin GUI for dynamic variables ? [15:03] or how can i delete one ? [15:05] edit them with an empty value? [15:05] are they deleted from the db then ? [15:05] I don't know [15:06] i have put content which cannot be edited [15:06] u mean dynamic content? tiki-list_contents [15:06] nope, i mean dynamic variable [15:07] %up% [15:07] ahh. k. my bad [15:08] i have put "^" there and now i can't edit it [15:09] sylvieg: when i put empty value, it stucks in the db and can't edit it anymore too [15:10] if there was something like for the dynamic content it wouldn't be a problem then [15:10] yeh a missing page.. [15:11] we need tiki-admin_dynvars.php or something [15:13] i can't find in trunk where to enable the dynamic content too [15:14] tiki-list_contents.php says it's disabled [15:15] ah, it's on tiki-admin.php?page=textarea [15:16] how intuitive ;) [15:30] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16471 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/ (block.self_link.php function.button.php): [15:30] tikiwiki: [ENH] smarty button and self_link : add option to select and disable buttons [15:30] tikiwiki: and provide class when button are selected/disabled... [15:30] tikiwiki: Example : [15:30] tikiwiki: {button _auto_args='where,highlight,date' href="?where=pages" _text="{tr}Entire Site{/tr}" _selected_class='highlight' _selected="'$where'=='pages'"} [15:32] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16472 10/trunk/styles/transitions/2.0to3.0.css: [15:32] tikiwiki: [ENH] help_section : change the CSS a little to have the help section take all [15:32] tikiwiki: the place to the bottom of the page. [15:47] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16473 10/trunk/ (12 files in 5 dirs): (log message trimmed) [15:47] tikiwiki: [ENH] Search : [15:47] tikiwiki: o change in the database to allow Full Text Search on Calendar Items [15:47] tikiwiki: o for tiki-searchresult add search on date based on lastModif [15:47] tikiwiki: (All, or 1 month... 11 monthes) [15:47] tikiwiki: o for tiki-searchresult add {add_help} for Advanced Search (aka boolean) [15:47] tikiwiki: o for tiki-searchresult rework of the layout to match searchindex [15:50] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [15:56] *** SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki [16:30] *** SEWilco2 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [16:31] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [16:33] *** SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki [16:36] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16474 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [DEL] forum: remove unused pref [16:51] *** ricks99 has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox]") [16:53] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16475 10/trunk/templates/poll.tpl: [FIX]style: never change background color withouit changing texte color [16:58] sylvieg: golden wisdom :) [17:03] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16476 10/trunk/templates/tiki-old_polls.tpl: self_link+ less duplicate code [17:04] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16477 10/trunk/templates/tiki-poll_results.tpl: [FIX]poll: do not show comment if looking at all teh polls [17:05] luciash: do not how multiple js functions on window load are managed in tw? [17:05] if I do a window.onload=func - seems I keep only the last - and I do not see a global function - suppose I am missing somewhere something... [17:07] sylvieg: i only know you can call functions from body onload="" separated by ";" [17:11] .. yeh - thx something must be somewhere.. [17:12] *** lq_125 has joined #tikiwiki [17:12] hell? [17:18] *** snarlydwarf has joined #tikiwiki [17:18] *** snarlydwarf has quit IRC (Client Quit) [17:21] *** rpg_ has joined #tikiwiki [17:23] *** lq_125 has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC") [17:38] *** Nightwork has quit IRC () [17:40] *** fantoms has joined #tikiwiki [17:44] *** rpg_ is now known as rpg [17:45] *** lq_341 has joined #tikiwiki [18:01] *** navster has quit IRC () [18:14] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [18:16] *** Amorphous has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [18:19] *** Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [18:29] *** fantoms1 has joined #tikiwiki [18:31] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [18:35] *** lq_341 has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC") [18:43] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16478 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_subscribegroups.php: typo [18:44] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16479 10/trunk/templates/ (modules/mod-articles.tpl tiki-user_information.tpl): sefurl [18:47] *** fantoms has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [18:51] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [19:08] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16480 10/trunk/lib/ (setup/prefs.php wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_googleanalytics.php): [FIX] Pref definition required to be listed in admin panel [19:13] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [19:18] *** Petjal2 has joined #tikiwiki [19:24] Hi all. I have a new user in TW 2.0RC4 that registered but typed his email address with .ocm instead of .com at the end. So, he did not get the validation email. I can fix his email address on the bottom of tiki-user_preferences.php?userId=131 but I can't find any way to resend the validation email to that correct email address. Any suggestions? Thanks! [19:25] Petjal2: most easily delete the user and re-register him [19:38] luciash: ugh, thanks, I was afraid you were gonna say that! Oh well. [19:38] :) [19:38] well, maybe there's another way but i don't know it [19:48] :^) Shouldn't take too long. I'll have his page open in one window so that I can copy his info into the new account, then I'll delete him in another window, then register him in a different browser. [20:13] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [20:19] *** ricks99 has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox]") [20:22] *** Petjal2 has left [20:55] *** FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki [20:59] *** ikeco has joined #tikiwiki [20:59] howdy [20:59] *** ikeco has quit IRC (Client Quit) [20:59] *** ikeco has joined #tikiwiki [21:00] howdy [21:01] fighting with the wysiwyg feature---moved to another server with a different directory structure, and now getting a "Cannot create folder" msg---I think it has to do with $Config['UserFilesPath']-------Any suggestions [21:14] did you clear the cache and log put ? [21:14] out [21:18] and check you do not have prefs with you old address in tiki_preferences [21:19] thanks sylvieg---I got it--had to change a config.php [21:20] *** ikeco has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") [21:29] *** franck has quit IRC () [22:06] *** danopia has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [22:06] *** niclone has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [22:06] *** danopia has joined #tikiwiki [22:06] *** niclone has joined #tikiwiki [22:10] *** fantoms1 has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [22:21] *** FrankP_german has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") [23:18] *** Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [23:18] *** Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [23:31] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [23:33] *** nkoth3 has quit IRC () [23:43] *** rpg has quit IRC () [23:55] Geez. I ignore things for a while and suddenly nice people like sylvieg are leaving. :'( [23:56] sylvieg: I have no idea what's going on, but if i can help (like if someone needs to get yelled at), let me know please. (I also sent email) [23:57] rlpowell: I know what you mean, I just came round after being gone for 6 months and really important devs are very upset. [23:57] thx I am not nice but I am like a piece of shit but I want to protect tw from a punch or buggs [23:57] You've always been nice to me, and to other people who come around asking for help, so I say you're nice and you can't stop me. :) [23:57] I am out - I am so upset - trying to keep a nice guy - when you slap the other persons is BAD [23:58] we are all nice [23:58] Sometimes people deserve it. [23:58] I am out - I am upset [23:58] :( [23:58] sylvieg: please take a few days and reconsider. I'm sure that these issues can be worked through. [23:59] Can someone give me a summary of WTH has been going on? Maybe in privmsg so sylvieg doesn't have to relive it?