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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16710 10/trunk/styles/feb12.css: [FIX] PHPLayers horizontal background image and padding fixed. ***: rpg has quit IRC ()
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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: "A category is mandatory" -- How do you turn this off in trunk? Seems like I've turned it off several times already but can never remember where.... -: chibaguy needs big wall to write notes on in large letters. chibaguy: "Force and limit categorization to within subtree of" -- I believe that's it, on blogs admin page for blogs anyway. luciash: polom polom polom chibaguy: hi luciash. Are you up early? late? :-) luciash: hey gary, yep, simmilar is on Admin > Wiki
common work-start time :) it's 9:00am here chibaguy: Ah. ***: stripmind has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) luciash: how r u doin' ? chibaguy: busy.
Feeling some pressure about Tiki 3 and themes. luciash: btw, CSS menus need some fixes before they can become default instead of PLM, i hope to fix it for thenews soon
i see chibaguy: I made a lot of css menu changes at ui-revamp. I'd like to add to trunk.
Please have a look at http://zukakakina.com/ui/tiki-index.php . All the menus are css. luciash: ah, great
i hope to have this one there at the end ;) → http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/
(see the examples) chibaguy: Heh heh, why not? :-) They're lists, just like we start with already, so just add the jquery.... luciash: yep, it's based éon suckerfish css menu chibaguy: I'll put the ui-revamp css menu stuff in trunk during the weekend or right after. luciash: that would be very appreciated :) chibaguy: I wonder why there's a "permalink" link on an individual blog post (tiki-blog_post.tpl). Is it so people can click and save rather than copy the page address?
I guess it's common practice for blog posts to have such a link? luciash: i guess it is common practice in blogs to provide permalink
LOL chibaguy: wow
:-) luciash: because it is time based diary ppl get the permalink to be able to libk to a specific blog post
like http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_blog_post.php?blogId=26&postId=374 chibaguy: So even on the individual post page there is a permalink for that post, not just on the blog main page? luciash: but i agree it's nomore necessary to have it displayed on the blogpost page again when it's already in the URL chibaguy: Extra convenience, I suppose. luciash: i suppose it's just there because the list and the individual post shares the sme code
*same ***: Yoni has joined #tikiwiki
Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki Yoni: polom ? chibaguy: hi Yoni Yoni: He he Chibaguy !
konishuwa ? -: luciash doesn't like the new icons :-/ chibaguy: heh, konnichiwa to you too. ;-) Yoni: ;)
hello lu luciash: yo Yoni Yoni: i was concern my irc client was not working properly. It is nice to talk to you again guys luciash: irc always works ;)
how's netineo going ? Yoni: well quit fine... We are behind Homelook an Orange project... Not a lot of money but nice partner to have in the book :) luciash: :) Yoni: brb ***: R|SK has joined #tikiwiki CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16711 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_notifications.tpl: [FIX] typos ***: zef has joined #tikiwiki
zef has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16712 10/trunk/templates/ (2 files): [MOD] better matching icon already available for plugins from the Jini iconset R|SK: Guys, a question about a detail: Can User Files be shared with other users?
Or is it only for the uploading user himself? chibaguy: R|SK, I always thought just for the one user. Never tried anything else, Maybe you'll have to do a test to check. R|SK: Hmm, ok. Thank you ***: Yoni_ has joined #tikiwiki
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jerkface03 has quit IRC () luciash: any idea why in tiki.sql we mix INSERT INTO <backticks>tiki_something<backticks> with INSERT INTO tiki_somethingelse format ???
for what are the backticks useful there ? ***: jerkface03 has joined #tikiwiki luciash: i'm asking because the backticks cause convertscripts results inserts in fail for some database table names
chibaguy: still on ?
chibaguy: what TheNews should actually look like ? what inspired you to give it such name ? i'd like to keep the spirit and not to end up with some look and feel that you don't like... chibaguy: The idea was something like a newspaper online site. I got ideas from sites of newspapers, etc.
So some borders but not too many, and not many colors, probably. luciash: can you say specifically which news sites ?
so play with typography mostly ? chibaguy: Heh, well, I like the font as it as actually. luciash: nope, i don't mean to change the font chibaguy: Well, go ahead and try what you like. luciash: i mean maybe to add some typography CSS effects like big quotes for quote plugin, maybe some kerning between letters on some special places like maybe forum topics, etc. chibaguy: Ah yeah, sure. luciash: bigger numbers for ol lists etc.
:) chibaguy: http://www.latimes.com/, http://www.guardian.co.uk/ are a couple I liked. There are more but I don't recall now. luciash: thank you chibaguy: sure. btw, what do you want to do with the simple and simple-amette themes? They aren't getting all the updates, etc. amette: I don't have the time to take care of them, you can remove them luciash: yup, i guess either i'll have to remove them both or keep updated only one
hi bro :) amette: heya ho, bro :) -: luciash goes to remove simple-amette from trunk CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16713 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-shoutjax.tpl: [FIX] Adding popup_init for overlib (and the Id svn:keyword)
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16714 10/trunk/styles/ (amette/ simple-amette.css): [DEL] no time to maintain and enhance this sub-theme, sorry ***: navster has joined #tikiwiki amette: *sniff*
;) CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16715 10/trunk/pics/large/ (plugins.png plugins48x48.png profiles.png profiles48x48.png): [ENH] Profile image now more like the other ones - changed unused plugins ones ready for new plugins manager page just so it's different from "plugins aliases"
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16716 10/trunk/styles/darkroom/options/small-type.css: [FIX] Show module flip icons (with partial opacity - but not for IE6) so it can be used on iPhone and is more intuitive generally (imho) chibaguy: ok. luciash: now i wonder why the form on tiki-listpages.php is made of ul list ???
chibaguy: if i'll not update simple until 3.0 release, we can remove it too...
s/until/before ***: marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) luciash: heh, now i see really a candle stand instead of profile faces on the icon :)
cool, much better now... the icon matches the rest
(the Profiles icon)
text area needs new icon too ***: ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16717 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-adsense.tpl: [FIX]added the missing support for 120x240 and 200x200 ad sizes. luciash: hi rick ricks99: good morning luciash CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16718 10/branches/2.0/templates/modules/mod-adsense.tpl: [FIX]Backported fix from 3.0 to add the missing support for 120x240 and 200x200 ad sizes. ***: navster has quit IRC ()
Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie luciash: re Yoni: re re CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16719 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] vertical-align: middle for inputs ricks99: need help with my installer ui revamp ideas... in php, how do i insert an item into the prefs table? CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16720 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [ENH] better look for fieldsets when tabs are off ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: polom Yoni: polom Marc luciash: marclaporte: polom ***: SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki Yoni: Hi ricks. May be lib/setup/prefs.php ? ricks99: hi yoni. im a non-php-dude. i need explicit info... exactly what should my php code be?
i want to insert value="foo" into table "tiki_preferences" for name="bar" Yoni: same here :) (not so php)
so i just duplicated then sylvieg: Yoni is right :-) duplicate a line from prefs.php and clear the cache log off and everythig will be fine Yoni: Hi Sylvie ! :) sylvieg: :-) ricks99: i must be dumber than i thought... i see nothing in prefs.php that lookslike a sql UPDATE statement? sylvieg: it is put in the database ony if you change the default
otherwise $query = "insert into `tiki_preferences`(`name`,`value`) values(?,?)";
$this->query($query,array($name,$value)); ricks99: ahh... now *that*looks like what im looking for.... sylvieg: sorry repalce $this with $tikilib ricks99: does tiki already know things like my db acccess, how to automaticallyconvert the query for sqli or oracle, etc? sylvieg: or do $tikilib->set_preference($name, $value); ***: hernan has joined #tikiwiki sylvieg: if you want to do in an isolated script, you need at the first line include('tiki-setup.php'); ricks99: call to a member fuction set_preferences() on a non-object ??? sylvieg: tikilis is set in tiki-setup.php
tikilib ***: nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki ricks99: i added the include("tiki-stup.php") and now i get "cannot redeclare class ***: hernan has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") sylvieg: are you in an isolated script ? or somewhere?
if somewhere you must just add global $tikilib; ricks99: i am in tiki-install.php
* rick needs php training :( sylvieg: oh tiki-insall.php ..... I do not know - the tiki env is not loaaaded... -: luciash wonders why we cannot have tiki-install.php with tra()s luciash: sylvieg: i need to ask you something about find.tpl form
sylvieg: why the change to ul list ? it's somewhat weird having form items in a list when CSS is off sylvieg: Is better than table no? luciash: sylvieg: why not simply <form ...><label ...>...</label><input ... /><label ...>...</label><input ... />...</form> wouldn't be enough ? sylvieg: because some people wnat sthere find on 3 lines other on one line... luciash: i believe label does start on new line
i'm not sure though sylvieg: pkdille will know beter than me.. luciash: it is better than table but as tables are meant for tabular data, lists are meant for listings, so we just moved "from a mud to a slop" as we say :)
i already talk with pkdille
i just want to know the reasons
thx sylvieg: I am wondering in css if it is easy to have the label stuck with the input et no span around?
the problem is always the label at the end of a line adn the input next time
so me need something more to assure that can stay together
after to have a li - a span.... a div....
? luciash: when we have label we can put clear:left on it so it stays together with next input sylvieg: :-) I learnt something
so ok for me - if pkdille is ok to change it luciash: fine :) sylvieg: (we need some great guys like luciash - feel dump to let an implementation to go in this way because I did not know the trick) thx luciash
I think a lot of cleaning can be done in tiki-upload_file too luciash: sylvieg: moreover, did you know that you can put the input *inside* the label element ? :)
like: <label>Your Name: <input ... /></label> sylvieg: yes this I know - but if you want a display like table...
you can not assure the label to be the same length luciash: even label in label ;) sylvieg: did we follow the discussion we had with sept_7 with tiki-upload_file? luciash: you could achieve that if you specify the width to the label and smaller width for the input which you can float right inside
i don't recall such discussion CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16721 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] A way is needed to specify site title text for Look and Feel, so to
tikiwiki: differentiate from the browser title bar variable ($siteTitle), set in admin
tikiwiki: general, use ($siteheadertitle) in admin Look and Feel. Theme-specific
tikiwiki: tiki-site_header.tpl files will need updating for the variable name change. sylvieg: was on cvs list around aug 27
scratching my head - seems chibaguy waas on something I did not know... chibaguy: hi sylvieg. sylvieg: sorry if I broke something chibaguy: Look and feel lost the ability to set site title text at page top, so I made a new variable, different from title bar one.
I hope it works ok.
seems to. -: chibaguy must now walk the dog.... sylvieg: there was already perhaps a var for site title $prefs['sitetitle'] and a var for browser title $prefs['siteTitle'] - so perhaps the error was just in header.tpl luciash: oh, sorry sylvie, i just found out that label doesn't render line break before (is not block level element) but it can be achieved via CSS display: block
label {display: block} Yoni: bye bye all luciash: bye Yoni marclaporte: +1 to have 2 different variables sylvieg: bye Yoni chibaguy: cya Yoni sylvieg: there were 2.... except that one time the right one was not used
... perhaps we can reintroduce sitetile prefs to preserve the existing? chibaguy: sylvieg, maybe so, but maybe it's better to have more-different names? sylvieg: ... or so we need only on update in the database ***: Yoni has quit IRC () chibaguy: Well, whatever will work smoothly. sylvieg: prefs->sitetitle becomes siteheadertitle
? luciash: +1 to have one for browser titlebar and one for site title when no logo is used for example chibaguy: Definitely it's good to be able to enter text for use like a site logo. Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2295 - specific search causes crash for tiki-searchresults.php - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2295
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2297 - another patch on aulawiki.1.6.2 for tikiwiki.2.2 - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2297
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2298 - site based on 2.2 + tikipedia attacked at tiki-browse_image.php from galleries - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2298 marclaporte: and upload logo would be nice too chibaguy: Yep, would be convenient. sylvieg: you can upload in fgal and use the url... marclaporte: {$block.title|escape} <- I have this in a template. I want a {tr} {/tr} effect on the ouptut
sylvieg: : yes, we can add a little note about that. File Galleries are on by default anyway luciash: reuse the code which uploads and inserts image from filegal on wiki page now ***: rpg has joined #tikiwiki CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16722 10/trunk/templates/tiki-listpages_content.tpl: [FIX] XHTML code fix: improperly closed form which is not open if $checkboxes_on are not 'y' ***: chibaguy has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) sylvieg: ricks99: I am in tiki-install.php - if fact $dbTiki->Execute("insert into `tiki-preferences` ... should work ricks99: o... i was trying tikilib->set_preferences.... CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16723 10/trunk/templates/find.tpl: [MOD] simplification using the label element instead of complicated non-semantic ul list (CSS for those who need it displayed on each row: .findtable label {display: block}) ricks99: @sylvieg: more help pls: Execute("insert into 'tiki_preferences' set 'name'='siteTitle' 'value'='foo'"); doesnt seem to work? luciash: ricks99: use backticks not apostrophes sylvieg: $dbTIki->Execute("insert into `tiki_preferences` (`name`, `value`) values('pref_name', 'value')"); ricks99: hm.....
seems to execute ok (no errors) but my db is not update :( need more testing... sylvieg: depends perhaps where you put the line ***: mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki mlaporte: polom ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away ricks99: its running. ive halted the script immediatly aftwards, but my db is not updated ***: mlaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) sylvieg: mlaporte: I am almost finished with multi fields filtering in tiki-view_tracker.php , as I said - so please do not encourage people to do that - I can commit - I only need to fix the next button in tiki-view_tracker_item - but no time SEWilco2: The tracker page at security.tw.o is emitting a hex number under "Open", "Pending", and "Closed". ***: mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki
Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16724 10/trunk/templates/ (3 files): [ENH] added help links to the title SEWilco2: Tracker page at security.tw.o is working again. luciash: trunk doesn't highlight search results ? ***: mycomputer has joined #tikiwiki
stripmind has joined #tikiwiki ricks99: btw, tx sylvieg for all ur help. now working :) ***: lq_958 has joined #tikiwiki lq_958: could use some help with a tikiwiki install problem. I'm on a WAMP server and just installed tikiwiki 2.2. When I log in as admin/admin, I get a page not found because the URL for the change password renders as http://[host]/tiki-change_password.php?user=admin (note the backslash after the host). I've had other installations do the same. The BASE_URL object seems not to be being created properly...Any ideas? Thi
PS I can get the page to load by deleting the backslash and hitting return. CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16725 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [ENH] set bg color for highlight lq_958: PSS Apache, PHP 5.2.8, MYSQL 5.1.30 CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16726 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-general.tpl: [FIX] some fixes for non-tab layout (when you copy&paste please don't copy everything but modify accordingly) ***: Wilkins has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) luciash: lq_958: sorry, no windows here mlaporte: About images in trackers. {trackerlist trackerId="14" fields="256" showcreated="n" showfieldname="n" max="-1" itemId="2079"} doesn't show same behavior as {trackeritemfield trackerId=14 itemId=2079 fieldId=256} -: mlaporte just ordered a Windows server but hasn't attempted to add tiki to it lq_958: so is the suggestion it is likely a windows issue?Oh, and the backslash in URL is only for Firefox...IE has double forward slashes... ricks99: @lq_958: know issue with win servers. check forums. i recall seeing this in the past mlaporte: lq_958: absolutely certain it's because it's not LAMP
This could also happen in emails that are sent
for emails sent, you can go to templates/mail/*.tpl and hardcode the values lq_958: I've not had any issues with emails, just URLs. mlaporte: lq_958: Is it Apache or IIS? (I know you said WAMP but...) lq_958: WAMP: Apache, PHP 5.2.8, MYSQL 5.1.30
IIS is not running
Windows 2000
ricks99: likely that was my previous post...I never got a real response on the forum...mostly just responded to myself. mlaporte: lq_958: nice of you
:) ricks99: i think u need to modify the $baseurl lq_958: I'd hard code that, but WHERE? ricks99: apache conf. i think documentroot
known issue: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2224&trackerId=5&show=view lq_958: ricks99: I'll give that a go...that sounds promising according to what I've encountered. mlaporte: if it works, maybe this guy should commit the fix :-) ricks99: *rick wishes it were easier to search tiki.... to much knowledge is hidden lq_958: rick99: I agree 100%
adding that line to setup, I get a parse error...ideas? ricks99: sorry. my winxp/vista + wamp works out-of-the-box mlaporte: lq_958: try 3.0 lq_958: mlaporte: not sure what you mean by 3.0! mlaporte: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/download#Pre_release_packages_zip_files_ lq_958: ah, ok... mlaporte: Why use 2.2, when you can live precariously on 3.0 :-)
it's pretty stable
And if the problem is solved, it's a hint lq_958: any idea when that will be released? I have about 6 weeks to go live... ***: tomb__ has quit IRC ("Ex-Chat") mlaporte: sylvie: ok. Thank you very much for multi fields filtering in tiki-view_tracker.php
lq_958: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/roadmap
lq_958: depending on which features you are using, 3.0 can be suitable already
Some things are better, some worse than 2.2 -: SEWilco2 wonders when "pretty stable" stuff starts serving *.tw.o. lq_958: installing now, I'll see soon. Any idea why I get a parse error adding CODE if ($tikiroot == '') $tikiroot = '/'; /CODE to tiki-setup.php? ***: tomb__ has joined #tikiwiki lq_958: mlaporte :-( still fails with the backslash in the URL. mlaporte: and can you hardcode c:/tiki ?
lq_958: can you share what type or project in 6 weeks? lq_958: I'd gladly hard code the URL as I don't see why it would change. The project is a knowledgebase for software user documentation.
BUT where to add the URL? ricks99: maybe htaccess can fix with apache rewrite? lq_958: I tried the rewrite, but I also might have done it wrong... ricks99: try fresh. as i said, i have win xp/vista + wamp forlocal testing and have never encountered this problem lq_958: yes, when I had it installed local on XP it didn't give me any issues, which was my 'proof of concept'. I didn't expect Windows 2000 to make it bug out! mlaporte: 9 years old software, it should be stable ***: Simmi has joined #tikiwiki mlaporte: maybe try with 1.9? lq_958: any clue how I might add a rewrite to the CONF? I'd be willing to try that again.
mlaporte: I get your point but I don't want to be moving backward, and if that means changing my license, I'd prefer to do that now. CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16727 10/trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): [MOD]forum topic: from sumo: anonymous can give email at topic post for notification + fix approval topic post with attachment/anonymous name,mail/tags + take away duplicate code in topic post
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16728 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp2/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] smarty icon plugin: add a default icon (a green question mark) when no _id is specified
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16729 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp2/lib/smarty_tiki/function.cookie_jar.php: [NEW] new smarty function 'cookie_jar' to get the value of one cookie from the cookie jar SEWilco2: Speaking of licenses, has someone added license/copyright info to *.tw.o yet so it's safe to participate?
Well, I guess the *.tw.o copyright is the default then. 70 years after death of author of *.tw.o. CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16730 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp2/ (14 files in 8 dirs): [ENH] menus: new feature/option to choose an icon for each menu items + define icons for menu 42 lq_958: Can someone look at http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2224&trackerId=5&show=view and tell me on which line to add "if ($tikiroot == '') $tikiroot = '/';"? No matter where I add it I get a parse error! Thanks! mlaporte: SEWilco2: what do you suggest?
lq_958: why don't I put you in touch with the guy who supplied the fix? ricks99: .. license is now (or will be) displayed during tiki-install.... :) CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16731 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp2/ (6 files in 4 dirs): [NEW] modules: new module control to partially flip modules vertically (currently only fully supported by left modules containing a standard menu, a css menu or a phplayer menu) SEWilco2: mlaporte: It's not a matter of suggestion, it's a matter of declaring what the licensing is. I can't identify it. There is a copy of a CC license buried i doc.tw.o, but its purpose is unstated.
There is material in *.tw.o which exists, but can't legally reuse or alter it without knowing what license it was created under.
Maybe *.tw.o servers have info within their Copyright module. I'm not an admin so can't see what is in there nor whether it is enabled.
http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2289&trackerId=5&show=view Copyright and license for *.tw.o site ricks99: good idea SEWilco.
i updated the doc.tw.o footer with link to the copyrightinfo CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16732 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (63 files in 7 dirs): [DEL][MOD] cleaning: Remove useless files and fix related docs + Move some icons to a better place ***: Simmi has left CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16733 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (modules/mod-youtube.php templates/modules/mod-youtube.tpl): [NEW] youtube module: new YouTube module to display some videos + an optionnal link to the videos of a YouTube user
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16734 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (templates/tiki-blog_post.tpl tiki-blog_post.php): [MOD] blogs: add a 'Cancel' button when writing a post
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16735 10/branches/experimental/coe/tiki-setup.php: [MOD] setup: remove useless PHP5 check, since Tiki 3.0 is not PHP4 compatible
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16736 10/branches/experimental/jquery/ (100 files in 20 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16637 to 16726
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16737 10/branches/experimental/coe/templates/tiki-admin_bar.tpl: [FIX] magic: small css class fix
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16738 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/setup/js_detect.php: [ENH] javascript detection: use cookies instead of session vars to avoid problems due to session timeout + try to better detect using an additionnal setcookie()
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16739 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_survey.php: [FIX] survey wiki plugin: fix missing global mlaporte: wow: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginDBReport CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16740 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (14 files in 6 dirs): [NEW] forum and comments: New locking feature
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16741 10/branches/experimental/coe/pics/icons/lock_new.png: [FIX] missing icon for locks
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16742 10/branches/experimental/coe/img/ (custom/ silk/): [DEL] remove useless empty dirs lq_958: mlaporte, I'd be HAPPY to discuss with the person who posted the fix!!! ***: mycomputer has quit IRC ("Quitte") mlaporte: lq_958: are you getting my private messages? CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16743 10/trunk/templates/mail/user_watch_wiki_page_changed.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX/MOD] minisidediff setting wasn't working. Removing because in 3.0, diff
tikiwiki: style is a site-wide setting. The diff is broken as of today in trunk but it has
tikiwiki: nothing to do with this change. This will give shorter URLs as a bonus. lq_958: mlaporte: now I am... CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16744 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (61 files in 15 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16691 to 16727 ***: danopia has quit IRC ("2b||!2b") mlaporte: lq_958: I guess you saw this? http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Operating+System+independence CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16745 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp2/ (60 files in 16 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16697 to 16743 ***: danopia has joined #tikiwiki lq_958: mlaporte: saw and tried it...apparently Win2000 works differently than Win2003. Or am I missing the reference? ***: ricks99 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) mlaporte: lq_958: pm ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki SEWilco2: mlaporte: Yup, PluginDBReport does look wow. lq_958: mlaporte...pm returned marclaporte: We are talking about end-user programming now!
TikiIDE :-) SEWilco2: nyloth: Thanks for YouTube module, it might save me some effort. And I hope the installation program still has PHP5 test. CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16746 10/trunk/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackertimeline.tpl: [ENH] Making trackertimeline categories (left-hand side) use any available translation ***: lq_958 has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")
lq_973 has joined #tikiwiki CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16747 10/trunk/templates/tracker_item_field_value.tpl: [FIX] When viewing tracker items at tiki-view_tracker_item.php, use a translation if available from lang/*/language.php, like it already does in edit mode. lq_973: greetings. I am newbie to tiki and have just downloaded and changed the default theme to the macosx clone. Now my tiki has stopped working. When I hit the site I get a blank page. I should add I am using tiki through a vmware player and jumpbox....any thoughts? marclaporte: lq_973: : which version?
lq_973: do you have access to phpmyadmin? lq_973: standby
tiki 2.2
no access to phpmyadmin I get the jumpbox banner across the top but no content..I can adjust prefs of the jump box.. CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r16748 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (16 files in 9 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [FIX] many features: new TikiWiki version of parse_str, that:
tikiwiki: - uses a workaround for a bug in PHP 5.2.0
tikiwiki: - Handle the value of magic_quotes_gpc to stripslashes when needed (as already done for GET/POST/... in tiki-setup_base.php)
tikiwiki: This fixes bugs in multiple places where the buggy parse_str was used (for
tikiwiki: example in smarty button, which caused problems when editing/renaming/... a wiki
tikiwiki: page that includes a ' in its name. Same problem occured, for example, when SEWilco2: lq_973: phpmyadmin might require Javascript. Check that it is enabled for that site. ***: nkoth3 has quit IRC ()
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franck has joined #tikiwiki
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