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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:13]
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Bamie_ has joined #tikiwiki
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lq_342 has joined #tikiwiki
lq_342is there a way I can set rel="nofollow" attribute for all external links on the site? [00:49]
sylvieglq_342: change tikilib.php search external and change the html [00:52]
lq_342nice. thank you
hey sylvieg, would you also happen to know why my favicon won't show for ie but works for firefox?
SEWilco2lq_342: Two reasons I'm aware of... 1. need IE's nonstandard HTML tag for favicon (I forget what it is but easy to find)...
2. Your favicon.ico is not in .ico format or not the right .ico format. You might try using netpbm to convert the icon.
lq_342I'll check the html tag, the .ico converter I used I've used before and never had a problem. Thanks SEWilco2 [00:59]
I keep breaking tikilib.php by adding rel="nofollow" I've tried it in a couple places now and still no luck [01:13]
Hey SWWilco2, I keep seeing <link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" /><!--[if lt IE 7]> <link rel="StyleSheet" href="css/ie6.css" type="text/css" /> <![endif]--> in my source code but this is not in the header.tpl file. Where is this coming from? [01:24]
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lq_342Ok I got the favicon to show finally. I'm still confused about the rel="nofollow" though if you're still there sylvieg? [02:10]
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lq_967 has joined #tikiwiki [03:02]
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lq_287Anyone have a good example of robots.txt for TikiWiki where it will scan the objects in my categories without so much clutter? [03:31]
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SEWilco2lq_342 apparently found it, but for other readers I'll mention that favicon code might also be in the styles files. And I think IE likes favicon.ico not favicon.png. [03:53]
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lq_287hello anyone? some help on robots.txt plz? [04:25]
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Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [06:58]
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relena has joined #tikiwiki [09:47]
relenahello [09:47]
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luciashhi [09:59]
ametteho [09:59]
luciashhey bro ! how r u ? is your cold better ? how are your feelings from québec ? :)
dust settled down ?
.... (idle for 17mn)
relenasomebody speaks French, the French channel is empty [10:18]
luciashoui-oui, sorry, nope :)
try Jyhem
Guest37179Hi li
Hi am
Hi re
Guest ?
luciashhuh ? [10:22]
Guest37179ouin... it is yoni
luciashah, *g* [10:22]
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Yonihi yo :) [10:23]
relenalol [10:23]
luciashyo yoni [10:24]
Yonisun is shinung... the weather is goood... :)
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idle-here it's raining
that's better then sun, sun is causing cancer.
..... (idle for 23mn)
acid rain is good for your skin neither ;)
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17228 10/branches/3.0/favicon.png: [MOD] new favicon
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17229 10/branches/3.0/favicon.ico: [NEW] lets have favicon for IE6 too
***Beestje has joined #tikiwiki [11:20]
Beestje!help [11:21]
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [11:21]
BeestjeHello all! [11:23]
luciashhello [11:24]
BeestjeI updated a 1.8.5 install to a 1.9.11 using the docs, everything works fine. Then upgraded to 2.2 and everything seemed to work fine (articles, blogs) ... but when I want to display the tiki-galleries.php page, it's just blank. Anyone familiar with this problem?
same problem when displaying tiki-admin.php?page=gal
luciashblank pages are usually memory_limit
>whatis memory_limit
Sug4r'memory_limit' could be the most frequently asked question about trouble getting blank pages. The PHP memory_limit should be >= 16M (see your php.ini). You can check it with <?php echo ini_get('memory_limit'); ?> and read more at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Requirements+and+Setup&bl#PHP [11:28]
luciashbetter 32M [11:29]
Beestjehmmm... it seems it's set to 128 :)
max execution time is 30 and max input time is 60
gonna go on lunchbreak first, never solve problems on an empty stomach ;)
luciash*g*, then you have to check out your apache/php logs [11:35]
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [12:17]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17230 10/branches/3.0/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]lang: when mulitlingual on and restricted language is off, show all the languages in edit translation [12:51]
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r17231 10/branches/3.0/styles/tikineat.css: [FIX] tikineat: fix the look of date informations in rss feed [13:03]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r17232 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-stats.tpl: [MOD] tiki-stats: some tiny cleanups and code reindenting - no changes
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17233 10/branches/3.0/modules/mod-calendar_new.php: [FIX]calendar: module calendar new - param - calIds[]=1&calIds[]=2 to view specific calendars: take away the calendarId 1 that was the only displayed : TODO: default display all the visible calendar
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Beestjeback from lunchbreak :) i turned on php error logging in tikiwiki (duh... stupid me) and i get this error when viewing galleries : (without the logging it's just a blank page) Fatal error: Call to a member function list_visible_galleries() on a non-object in /var/www/ohmpi/modules/mod-last_image_galleries.php on line 11
line 11 states the following : $ranking = $imagegallib->list_visible_galleries(0, $module_rows, 'lastModif_desc', $user, '');
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17234 10/branches/3.0/templates/sent_newsletters.tpl: icon [14:08]
Beestjeoops... sorry for breaking the paste code/errors rule :) here's the pastebin : http://pastebin.com/m3c8369ec [14:08]
sylviegin averypage or only some? [14:11]
luciashdid you do tiki cache clean after the upgrade ? [14:11]
Beestjeonly in galleries or admin-galleries
emptied the tiki cache from Tiki Cache / Sys admin
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17235 10/branches/3.0/tiki-galleries.php: global [14:14]
sylviegtry this patch http://pastebin.com/m2133e0ae [14:15]
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ailmankiI am helping on a installation of tikiwiki, where only the admin group can login, the registred group succesfully logs in, but gets thrown back to the login page. Yet log says user logged in.. what shall I do? [14:33]
sylviegailmanki: check your cookie + perhaps try to have session in database [14:34]
BeestjeI applied the patch, but I still get the same error message :/ [14:37]
sylviegwhich version? [14:38]
Beestje2.2 [14:38]
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ailmankihm, I got 2 cookies from it. A phpsessid and local_tz.. ; trying to find where to configure session & db [14:41]
Beestjei first upgraded from 1.8.5 to 1.9.11, then upgraded to 2.2 following the upgrade documentation (not just copying the stuff over and running tiki-install) [14:43]
sylviegBeestje: I have no problem with my 2.x - but I know it can depend on the list of modules.... you use on your site [14:47]
ailmankiI couldnt find any database authentification, beside that the user seems correctly authenticated. I made now a new user in 'registred' tried to login - back to login pag. I added that user to the admin group tried to login - success.. I suppose its some issue with not having the right to view the pages.. is there some way to get more log output? [14:54]
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sylviegailmanki: try 'Store session data in database.' must be in admin->general or admin->login depending of the version [14:56]
ailmankiv2.2, found it - made the admin auto log out after save. Unfortunately I can still not login with the normal user. [15:01]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17236 10/branches/3.0/tiki-send_newsletters.php: [FIX]newsletter: do not store the text in the database if it is a computed texte - because when reuse a newletter - people forget to update the text [15:01]
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ailmankiI just noticed, it shows the normal user as online .. while trying to directly access a page from tikiwiki does lead to login page with that user - yet it stays in list (I am using a virtual machine for the normal user.. so those browser do not interfere - bein loged with both ) [15:06]
sylviegis the login module box displayed?
if yes do you see the user name or not in this box?
virtual machine?
perhaps it will break the session memrisation
ailmankithe login is a custom page which only shows login fields + a pic.. the login box on the site is disabled, but a box to change the current user is there, I have just called the owner of it - damn - they edited the group security settings ... The virtual machine is VMware Workstation with a windows.. so that should work fine .. [15:15]
ricks99q: if i edit a wiki page directly in the database (via phpmyadmin) and create a link, how do can i "update" tiki so it recognizes the backlink? [15:15]
sylviegricks99: update tiki_links too [15:16]
ricks99ah.. manually. no auto-update? or re-index? [15:17]
sylviegI do not know if there is such a function... [15:18]
ricks99k. tx [15:18]
YoniHi rick, hi Sylvie [15:19]
sylvieghi yoni [15:19]
ricks99shalom yoni [15:19]
YoniPourim Sameakh rick :) [15:19]
ricks99tonight :) [15:21]
Beestjesylvieg : is it perhaps possible that something went wrong when executing the sql script during the upgrade from 1.9.11 to 2.2, and is it safe to run it again? [15:21]
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Yonibye all [15:24]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17237 10/branches/3.0/tiki-send_newsletters.php: [FIX]newsletter: do not record the computed text form when save a draft [15:27]
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tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17238 10/trunk/ (49 files in 17 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/3.0 17198 to 17237
tikiwiki: 03kerrnel22 * r17239 10/branches/experimental/tracker_ui_macros/: Creating 4.0 branch for Tracker UI revamp and macros.
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ailmankiIs there anyway to get more log output? So that it would show something like user xy tried to access xy.html - denied. [15:59]
ricks99i'm not sure if the action log provides that level of detail [16:08]
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ailmankiI enbaled the action log, but cannot find where to configure/view it [16:12]
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ailmankiah forget it, I told the owner - to reinstall - and when they do change something, they shall write down the changes... have a nice day - thx ( in any case it was the group permissions.. yet don't know exactly which ones.. anyway) [16:20]
ricks99Admin > Tiki Logs (from main administrator menu) [16:24]
ailmankifound it, unfortunately it has not that level of detail.. thx anyway - have a nice day [16:27]
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ricks99all plugins on doc.tw.o are 'pending approval' -- anyway to do a single, mass-approval?
see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/permissions for example
looks real bad :(
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17240 10/branches/3.0/lang/flagmapping.php: [FIX] Typo [16:35]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17241 10/branches/3.0/templates/header.tpl: [FIX] XHTML
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17242 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-listpages_content.tpl: [FIX] XHTML (no script tags allowed inside p tags)
marclaportericks99: : sorry, I don't think so [16:47]
ricks99wow. that is a big bummer. has the potential to mess up *a lot* of tikis upon upgrade...
that means, after upgrading i have to manually check every wiki page that has the plugins?
marclaporteI never thought about that [16:55]
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ricks99there's no current method to find a list of pages that use plugin "foo" is there? [16:57]
sylviegperhaps we can change the status in the source of the plugin redirect
ricks99: use the old search tiki-searchindex.php
and type the PLUGIN name
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17243 10/branches/3.0/templates/header.tpl: [FIX] Remove all Shadowbox JS (including the bug) if neither MooTools or JQuery are enabled. [16:58]
ricks99k. but this is going to affect all plugins, right, not just rename [16:58]
sylviegthe old search searches on not parsed data / the new search on parsed data [16:58]
ricks99i use JS a lot on my sites, i'm going to have to manually find those, too, right? [16:58]
sylviegor you comment in lib/wiki-plugins/ all the validate in the info function
the feature is certainly unfinished
marclaportethere is a setting [17:01]
ricks99well, i mean, i want to have the security "on" (going forward), but it would be nice if all of my existing pages (which have been live for quite a while) wouldn't have to be 're' validated [17:01]
sylvieg... there is a pref wiki-validate_plugin? [17:02]
marclaportewiki_validate_plugin [17:02]
sylviegI suppose tehre is also a bug to fix - upgrade should not invalidate all these plugins... [17:03]
marclaportemaybe this should be off by default
better to be on for security
but if it breaks upgrades...
ricks99at min, upgraders need to realize this issue [17:05]
sylviegI am sure it can be tune in lph's code [17:05]
I may have find a fix ... but now I need to build a test example... [17:10]
SEWilco2You mean there isn't a list of all plugins with checkboxes to approve them? It has to be done on each page? [17:13]
ricks99this is for upgrades [17:15]
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ricks99@syvlieg: would your fix allow me to specify which plugins are autoapproved? or global
for example, i may want to fix all the REDIRECT in a single shot, but indivually examine each JS
marclaportewe have no control panel of where each plugin is used and how many times [17:26]
sylviegno this needs to new devlopment [17:26]
ricks99yet another item to add to the admin dashboard
ok. so potential upgrades may involve *a lot* of post-upgrade-script work still? for example, can you image how many REDIRECT plugins we have on doc.tw.o?
marclaporteREDIRECT was not an official plugin because of security issues [17:31]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17244 10/branches/3.0/tiki-editpage.php: [SVN] svn:keywords = Id not "Id" [17:31]
marclaporteThere is now wiki page alias which could be more suited [17:32]
ricks99seems to be used pretty heavily on doc.tw.o [17:32]
sylviegsnif my trick does not work
in any case we need an interface where an admin can see all the places he has to validate...
ricks99are backlinks broken on doc.tw.o too? i dont see any [17:36]
sylviegit was but amette svn up - I hope he did not forgot to upgrade then database/......
ping amette
ricks99where does admin decide *which* plugins require approval? [17:38]
sylviegit is in the php code [17:39]
ricks99so no (easy) way for noob admin to turn off approval requirement? or even to know which plugins will require approval [17:41]
sylviegthis I do not know I know that there is 'validate' param in the info - but I do not know what are the values [17:42]
ricks99rick thinks that although the plugin security is great idea, it seems like it will cause a lot of headaches for upgrades [17:46]
amettesylvieg: yup, I forgot to run the db-upgrade - didn't expect anything - fixed now [17:52]
sylviegthx [17:52]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r17245 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_mouseover.php: [MOD] Expandable height if unspecified [18:16]
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lq_646Which tikiwiki files handle link processing in the wiki editor window and fckeditor? I'm trying to add an attribute to all links [18:30]
jonnybhi all - lq_646: i'm digging about in the same area - fckeditor messing up image src urls - some of it happens in tikilib/parse_data() (but not images it seems) [18:33]
lq_646I'm not having that problem jonnyb, I am having a problem after the upgrade where all images added before upgrade in image gallery are not thumbnailed though [18:34]
danopiahi [18:35]
jonnybnice nice, lq_646 - don't know much about image gals i'm afraid [18:35]
lq_646I just found what I needed. was in the file /lib/tikilib.php [18:36]
jonnyb(or *not nice, i mean) ;)
good shot
lq_646hey jonny can you give me an example of a messed up img src url? [18:38]
marclaporteHaving a list somewhere of all the plugins would be useful to know which ones I can deactivate without causing issues [18:40]
lq_646hey marclaporte, did you ever figure out how to nofollow all the wiki links? I saw you submitted it as a tracker item about a year ago [18:42]
jonnyblq_646: it's in fckeditor, but i think it's a safari client-side effect (somehow!) - there are other safari issues, i guess it's related [18:43]
marclaportelq_646 : I didn't but I think it would be a good feature [18:45]
lq_646that's what I just added if you want to write some documentation
in the file tikilib.php, a couple $attrib .= 'rel="nofollow" '; strings and a couple $rel='nofollow'; is all it took
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jonnyblq_646, wouldn't that wipe out any previous rel attribute? it's used for shadowbox and i think semantic links [18:53]
lq_646I didn't overwrite the previous $rel in there I just added an additional
I'm looking through my site and it seems fine
jonnybhmm - maybe you can have more than one rel [19:02]
lq_646sorry I think I explained that poorly [19:04]
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lq_646for example the line $rel='external'; that is in tikilib.php, I changed to $rel='external nofollow'; [19:05]
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jonnybah ok, sorry i misread (just caught my eye) [19:10]
lq_646http://pastebin.com/f38aad979 I posted the 2 sections I made code changes in tikilib.php [19:12]
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sylviegjonnyb: a lot of safari issue dissapears if you svn up + desactivate ajax autosave feature [19:33]
marclaportelq_646: : will you add to dev.tikiwiki.org as well?
SEWilco2Shouldn't lq_646's "nofollow" be configurable? Some sites might prefer for external links to be followed, to help usual sites be found by crawlers.
jonnyb: In what way are image URLs being messed up? I didn't see you posting an example of a messed up URL.
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jonnybhi SEWilco2 - it just stopped doing it - i was getting image urls of /tiki_30///tiki/pics etc instead of just /tiki_30/pics when saving in safari (wysiwyg)
i stepped through it a few times on the debugger and it just went away (sigh)
lq_646marclaporte I'll sign up later and post the information. That's alot of stuff to go through and I want to go play tennis while we still have a nice day here ^^ [19:46]
marclaportelq_646: : enjoy the tennis! [19:47]
lq_646I will. See you all later [19:48]
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SEWilco2jonnyb: I agree the /// looks more like a JS problem in the editor than a PHP error. Js would also be likely to vanish under debugging. Good luck. [19:48]
jonnybthere are plenty of other ones to play with ;) [19:49]
SEWilco2Apparently we need a TikiIRC interface to a Wii paddle, to help keep devs inside paddling code. :-)
What You See Is What You Paddle. Service!
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jonnyb:) [19:56]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17246 10/branches/3.0/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: import also the categories in the new export way [20:02]
sylviegthe favicon is much nicer - thx to the committer [20:14]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17247 10/branches/3.0/tiki-admin_include_look.php: [FIX] Rogue $pref_toggle['feature_sitetitle'] - it's a pref_byref_value
tikiwiki: 03kerrnel22 * r17248 10/branches/experimental/eSheet/: Creating a branch to work exclusively on eSheet, a TikiSheet redesign to accommodate formulas and other enhancements for reporting.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17249 10/branches/3.0/tiki-admin_include_look.php: [FIX] Only redirect if site_style (or option) has really changed. Looses $tikifeedback notification but only if the style/theme changes now.
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r17250 10/branches/3.0/templates/ (tiki-received_pages.tpl tiki-send_objects.tpl): [MOD] code indenting - no changes
SEWilco2Looses or loses notification? [20:54]
doc.tw.o search is giving a blank page after a long delay. [21:05]
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SEWilco2dev.tw.o tracker is now showing a Rating as "/5"? I think the "/" needs to be deleted and some &nbsp; between the rating option numbers. [21:20]
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ScaryLptpanyone know why feature_minichat is still listed as disabled even though I added feature_minichat and y to tiki_preferences using phpmyadmin? :P [21:22]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17251 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-look.tpl: [MOD] Added warning message about switch theme module as it makes it look like this page doesn't work and is very confusing. TODO - always show site_style on this page.
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r17252 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] search: fix search functions in tiki-quiz_stats.php, tiki-edit_quiz_results.php and tiki-received_pages.php
SEWilco2ScaryLptp: Is minichat a feature, a module, or a plugin? There might be several settings involved. I don't know what tech it uses.
Unable to add comment to dev.tw.o to http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=1074
ScaryLptpit's a feature but there's no admin option for it. the tiki documention site says you need to add feature_minichat to y in tiki_preferences using phpmyadmin
which I did
but it still tells me it's disabled when I add the module for it
SEWilco2ScaryLptp: Oh, good so there is documentation. Hmm. Flush your TW caches?
Purchase indulgence? Burn incense?
ScaryLptptw caches [21:32]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [21:32]
SEWilco2Mail a pound of bacon to luciash?
Hey, doc.tw.o! I am an editor! Let me approve the stupid plugin!
doc.tw.o places the WikiHelp button (on wiki edit page) on right side, over the RH modules.
doc.tw.o has the message "NOTE" (from last edit) over the popup window to edit a popup.
ScaryLptpugh. I really really hate having tikiwiki on such a slow server. unfortunately putting it on a slow server is better than waiting for the IT department to give me access to an internal server :P [21:45]
SEWilco2ScaryLptp: Might help to put a cache ahead of it. But cookie requirement reduces how much can be cached. [21:49]
ScaryLptpwell, fortunately I'm off for two days so I will look around online and maybe fix it on Thursday. Thanks though.
I should join this channel from home and idle :P
ciao even
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SEWilco2 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [23:01]
chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [23:12]
chibaguypolom [23:12]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17253 10/branches/3.0/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: deleting an item was not deleting its caegoies' asssignment resulting in empty line in browse categ [23:14]
sylvieghi chibaguy [23:15]
chibaguyhi sylvieg
I'm back home after that nice trip to Portland (Recent Changes Camp) and Montreal; long list of things to do now..... :-)
sylvieggood for you - tw3 has so many bugs ... lot of job to do [23:17]
chibaguyYep. [23:18]
wb home chibaguy :)
chibaguyhi luciash :-)
feels colder here than montreal. Temperature is higher, but houses have less heating/insulation. :-)
sylviegI am not like marc 100 steps forward and only 5 backwards ---- I see only the backward ones - marc is a lucky gyu [23:20]
chibaguy:-) very true, sylvieg. [23:20]
sylviegin boston this we is was 19celsuis - and today we got 10cm of snow [23:20]
chibaguyweather is strange these days.
luciash, are there no messages on tikiwiki-artwork list so far? Nothing shows up in archives.
luciashso far none, yup [23:26]
chibaguyok [23:26]
luciashyou have to start with some ;) [23:26]
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chibaguyMaybe that ml would be good to dogfood ml-to-forum gateway at themes.tw.o
...at some point. themes.tw.o is kind of in upgrade transition at the moment.
luciashyea, +1 [23:31]
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luciashgoing to get some sleep, later folks [23:41]
chibaguycya later, lucash :-) [23:42]
.... (idle for 15mn)
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