Hello I hope someone ehre can help me I just upgraded my site from version 1.9 to 2.2, but in the upgrade something funky happened and I have no idea how to remove it. hello anyone here? Does any one know where I can find how to make a tracker so that only the user that input data can view and edit it? yes called "User Trackers" a little tricky to setup but it works I will check it out thanks New Forum Posts: Upgraded from 1.9 to 2.2 and have an issue - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33588 I have tried that it requires a tracker Id and ItemId the tracker id is no problem but the item Id is be cause if a user different users log in I can not have a link to automatically enter that user itemID in the query string any ideas? Tikiwiki is awesome I have 2 sites running on it now and working on a third it is very robust its great. I am just trying to figure out how to have users apply for Jobs for volunteer work so it needs to be private, Thanks for any help that can be provided!!! http://doc.tikiwiki.org/User+Tracker tikiwiki: 03chealer * r19641 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-preview_post.tpl tiki-blog_post.php): tikiwiki: Blog posts have a single author. If someone other than the original author modifies the post, the author should remain unchanged. tikiwiki: Fixes: 1091 (Blog post: editing a post (as admin) changes the author) Thanks the +user seems to work !!! New Forum Posts: Wanted Example settings for active directory with tikiwiki - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=17&comments_parentId=33594 Hi guys. My tiki-admin_modules.php and tiki-list_contents.php aren't loading. Or, they're blank when they load. Anyone have an idea whiy? I'm still using 2.3. Is this a corruption I could fix? or a bad setting somewhere? hi everybody hi gary you there ?? stripmind: did you look at your logs? problem is, it's been a while since i did any admin, as I've been writing content for the last month. don't really know when this problem started. i'll go back in time to see... last time i made a change in modules was march 19th, and it worked then. only other changes since then have been users added, and content. other admin pages seem to work. modules also are displaying correctly. clearing caches doesn't seem to help i'm pretty new at this I've tried looking at it from Firefox (Mac) Safari (Mac), and Firefox (PC) no difference page source reveals nothing there, so it's not a formatting/display issue ? maybe stripmind: maybe what? look at your logs if you haven't yet. maybe (seems to me) it's not a formatting/display issue. Also, I looked in syslog, and only see logins and some user changes after the last successful change in modules, which was on march 19th. Is there something else I should be looking for or at? toctoc I'm missing the article-topic images in tiki 3 at the module ARTICLES... anybody knows if there is any extra pref. in tiki 3 that needs to be enabled for those article topic images to show up???? I've been 15min looking at the code (tpl's, php's, ... but I'm not getting any clear info from there... I guess I don't know well how to read code... or where to look for that code) luciash ? stripmind: look for errors when you get blank pages. these are likely caused by PHP errors i see no logs of errors in the syslog 'Tiki logs' list. is there a different log that I should be looking at? stripmind: ensure you host has mysql 4.1+ with mysql 4.0, tiki2 has problems with admin modules and admin something else (I don't remember now) in case it helps was it tiki-list_contents.php? that's the other one I can't see stripmind: and ensure you have 32mb in your memmory limit (php.ini) these things all worked a couple of months ago. you can check those two things through admin > phpinfo stripmind: yes, the PHP (Apache logs) Mysql Client API version 5.0.67 php config shows 32mb memory limit Error log: [Wed Jun 17 00:41:29 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/stripm2/public_html/404.shtml [Wed Jun 17 00:41:29 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/stripm2/public_html/tikiwiki/styles/transitions/1.9to2.3.css that's the error that seems to be repeated when I try to load those two admin pages. stripmind: but not with other pages, right? right. actually, that's wrong. the error still shows in the log when it successfully loads other admin pages or any other page, for that matter. so those missing admin pages aren't showing a different error than pages that successfully load stripmind: OK. and that's all you see when loading the problematic pages in apache's error log? that's the only error in this log, and it shows every time i load a page. I'm checking to make sure there's not another log somewhere that I'm not seeing, because this one is not labeled apache anywhere, it's just labeled the general error log on my server. stripmind: could you provide your php.ini? how? stripmind: you could put it in a pastebin, for example tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r19642 10/trunk/tiki-all_languages.php: - tiki-all_languagages.php now displays the name of the page for each of the languages requested. I'm still wondering with this issue with article pre-defined topic images... they are shown in individual articles... e.g.: http://moviments.net/uelm/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=1 but not when shown through the ARTICLES plugin in the homepage however, article topic images seem to work fine (be displyed) in tw.o, info.tw.o.... I tried using strasa.css also, but no change, in my case, they are not shown ¿? Any hint on where to look at would be much appreciated... 1h already looking for that with no luck... I don't know where else to look at... ah, ok, it seems that on tw.o, default images for artuicle types are not shown either... the ones which are shown, were uploaded through the "use own image" thingy to me, this looks like a regression since Tiki 2.x... chealer, seems i can't find it. supposed to be at /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini but that's not a directory i can get to. I could send you the tiki-phpinfo.php data sylvieg ? stripmind: ping hi xavi Hello hi sylvieg Phoenix_X: hello hm kinda new to this portion of the site sylvieg: I'm getting mad with the article topic image issue topic image not shown on article ... on article when inside ARTICLES plugin ok will have a look sylvieg, hold on.. I'll give you two urls from tw.o where it can be reproduced sylvieg: see this: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_articles.php for instance, the last one which says: Security release 1.9.9 no topic image is shown however, viewing the single article, the topic image is shown: http://tikiwiki.org/article162 in 1.9.x the topic image was fetch by topic_image.php but in tiki 3.x, that was changed to get all images from article_image.php and specifying a param as an example in a tiki 1.9.x site: http://drecerca.org articles shown through ARTICLES plugin do show their topic image indeed sylvieg: if you add your own image to the article, then it seems to be shown properly even through the ARTICLE plugin btw, tiki 2.4 seems to be showing the images properly, also, as seen on info.tikiwiki.org I've tried with png and jpg (just in case), but no change I need it to produce this type of homepage: http://www.poblesec.entitatsbcn.net the topic image is also not shown in tiki-view_articles yes, I know, in tiki 3 but it is in tiki 2.4, afair info.tw.o shows them (tiki 2.4) : http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_articles.php New Forum Posts: How to count (total) markers on GMap Usermap - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33595 tikiwiki: 03floh1111 * r19643 10/trunk/installer/schema/20090617_add_new_table_for_reports_tiki.sql: Added SQL schema for databaseupdating humm there is no param showimage to ARTICLES? tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19644 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_articles.php: [FIX]ARTICLES: show topic image if topic has tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19645 10/trunk/tiki-view_articles.php: [FIX]articles: show topic image if topic has param showimage? sylvieg: I hadn't seen that anywhere... xavi did you try the fix? I'm in the process of trying... sf.net is kinda slow but already got the diff from web page at sf.net (svn diff on both files) stripmind : Tiki 3 is more robust to errors in general. I suggest you test an upgrade to 3.x it seems to prove that murphy's law... this morning was superfast (when I didn't need to apply fixes) but nowadays, it's dead slow... :-/ murphy must be around somewhere... sylvieg: yes, fixed! thanks heaps! :-) :-) tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19646 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] Don't animate ajaxLoading div (also tidied up other exceptions - now only help_sections & ajaxLoading) tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19647 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] Correct path to images (ajaxLoading anim and fancytoclevel) tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r19648 10/branches/proposed/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] topic image is shown when articles have a topic with a default image selected. Thanks sylvieg for fixing! :-) Another article image bug: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/wish2065 xavi : & sylvieg we had this bug on info.tikiwiki.org and it was problematic. Not sure if solved in 3.0 no idea myself marclaporte, sorry if you have a 3.0 handy, can you test? sorry, I can't delayed urgent work here, sorry moreover, that bug report has "priority 1 low", fyi (I agree) :-) commented the item to request the submitter to retest in tiki 3 fyi tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19649 10/trunk/lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php: [FIX] $ajaxlib->registerFunction() now uses an array input properly so callbacks etc can be used tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19650 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Webmail inbox module refresh can now be aborted - plus better handling of mailbox account (user's current one or set in mudule param) feature or bug? I can log onto the same tw.o site as the same user (ricks99) using 2 different PCs/browsers at the same time concurrently Hi all. I need some help. I am tryng to install the latest tarbal got from svn7trunk, but running it I got a message like 'lib/core/lib/Zend/something is missing. In fact it is not there. It WAS there though some time ago.. pinguntu: you need to do a proper check out because it is something like 'external'?? yes well, I haven't the svn client on the pc where I am. Do you think that if I download the 3.0 distrib, the one I'll find there is ok? yes thx! tikiwiki: 03floh1111 * r19651 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Added plaintext mail, report feature is now feature complete, only nice mailsending is left on feature todo anyone? is this a bug or feature? for me it is a feature k tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r19652 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): - When you search for a page name in a specific language and it does not exist, system will now offer you to create it IN THAT SPECIFIC LANGUAGE (used to be in the site's default language, typically English). ricks: for me a feature too ^ ricks99 seems like a (potential) security hole I am having problems using the flash plugin in TW3, that a TW2.4 site test that I have does not have. 1 - First of all the code has to be re-written for it to work at all. Can the edit window button be modified to insert the correct code? 2 - 'Flash player not available' appears in slides of wiki pages although wiki pages themselves work fine. In calendar, li timmy: send your suggestions (or bug reports) to http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tracker5 , besides on irc or email lists, so that they don't get lost over time will do xavi, i'm about to post on the forum too. ok got it on tracker 5. btw: any idea what these problems are or if they have been addressed already?? tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19653 10/trunk/lib/webmail/webmaillib.php: [MOD] Changed webmailib to use tiki_user_mail_accounts.flagsPublic to determine public mailbox access instead of New Forum Posts: Flash issues in TW 3.0 site - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33597 New Forum Posts: INCREASE THE UPLOAD FILE SIZE LIMIT TO 10MB - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=33599 tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19654 10/branches/proposed/tiki-view_tracker.php: [FIX]incomplete proposed 19449 that breaks user tracker perm Q: does tiki record the number of "send a link" usages per page? i dont see anything in the db, nor tiki log nor do i see anything in the tiki stats tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19655 10/trunk/tiki-setup_base.php: [FIX] clean some Ids tikiwiki: 03zchermit * r19656 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_surveys.tpl: [ENH] Spelling of the word "Closed" with a capital letter for a better perception. tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r19657 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): - Choice of language to search pages in is now session persistent. Q: When using the "Use File Galleries to store Pictures" option, will the "Remove Unused Pictures" still work? Or does the "Remove Unused Pictures" apply only to items in img/wiki_up/*.* Hi.... how do I disable ssl logins after running the installer? I am getting ssl errors, admin: login page disable the "Use HTTPS Login" option hmm... I would have to login for that, though. The error I am having is due to an improper ssl configuration. It is preventing me from logging in. Is there anyway to do this from the files? tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19658 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [FIX]thenews: there are a couple
, both classes redifine the background, highlight must be more important will need to access the db dirctly tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r19659 10/trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]added missing LABEL elements. added wiki picture storage option to PICTURES option tiki_prefs table set https_login = disabled awesome. Thanks! yw Hi guys. I'm awake again, and my tiki-admin_modules.php and tiki-list_contents.php aren't loading. Or, they're blank when they load. Anyone have an idea why? I'm still using 2.3. and the error log records the errors: [Wed Jun 17 00:41:29 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/stripm2/public_html/404.shtml [Wed Jun 17 00:41:29 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/stripm2/public_html/tikiwiki/styles/transitions/1.9to2.3.css whenever i load a page, even pages that do load. No other admin pages have problems loading. Is this a corruption I could fix? or a bad setting somewhere? Can one have more than one plugin alias? looks like I can only set one how do I delete a plugin alias ? u can have as many as you want, per plugin. but (i think) each name must be unique and how _do_ I delete a plugin alias? I note in the dev page it says its not obvious does that mean "not possible" ? dont know, but u can simply disable it ah, ok. Where is "disable" ? on the Plugin Alias tb. In the Available Alias area, just remove the checkbox from the plugin to disable shame. I made a "test" one with junk in it. dig through db maybe? http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Plugin+Alias says No obvious way to delete an alias no kidding go through the db? only thing i can think of ok, thanks. hi stripmind: how are you running Tiki? using apache? hi again, chealer, i'm on a lunarpages server running Apache version 1.3.41 (Unix) PHP version 4.4.9 MySQL version 5.0.67-community stripmind: did you consider marclaporte's advice to upgrade to Tiki 3? chealer: is kubrick updated to 3.0? stripmind: sorry, what is kubrick? chealer: kubrick theme. chealer: I was reading about theme problems with 3.0, and thought I'd wait a bit. tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r19660 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [FIX] Now new installs show the full list of category permissions when assigning category permissions again tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r19661 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): - List of search languages in terminology profile needs to be created dynamically (still hard coded... working on it). tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r19662 10/branches/proposed/lib/userslib.php: [FIX] Now new installs show the full list of category permissions when assigning category permissions again (rev 19660) can i change the admin username from admin to something else? stripmind: I don't know about kubrick. I see no indication that it's updated to 3.0 stripmind: if you're using PHP 4, your php.ini shouldn't be in /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini stripmind: tiki-phpinfo.php should be sufficient though chealer: hmmm. that is odd. the cpanel says php 4, phpinfo.php says 5. @Sonja: no, but you can add other admins. pls see the FAQs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7 anyone got a working out of the box webservices plugin example that actually works? chealer: http://www.stripmindmedia.net/forChealer/stripmind-tiki-phpinfo.php.html chealer: on this server PHP 5 is an optional install that is enabled in my account, that's why it wasn't in the general server info stripmind: OK. I'm just back from a few toasts and there are still some more to go to call it a breakfast, so I may take time to answer. chealer: thanks for your help, i'll be here when you get back might go get some toasts myself... stripmind: you have error_reporting(0) which means errors are not handled. so there's something "wrong" (at least for debugging) with error reporting. are you going to the problematic pages and to tiki-phpinfo.php as admin (*the* admin user)? chealer: no, just as an admin user. I switched to the admin, and it still says error_reporting 0 chealer: how to turn it on? can i restrict editing wiki pages in 2 specific languages to a certain user group? Hi all - I managed to set up a wiki template, and it works - is there a way to have all new wiki entries automagically use this template as default, vs. "none"? stripmind: in tiki-admin.php?page=general, what do you have in "logs and reports", in particular for the PHP errors level? chealer: okay, yes, it was set to no reporting. I've changed it to report all PHP errors. chealer: should I also turn on smarty reporting? stripmind: I don't really know about smarty reporting. changing from no reporting is already is a great step, you can retry generating errors now. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd8))))) chealer: now I get: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class DCSLib in /home/stripm2/public_html/tikiwiki/lib/dcs/dcslib.php on line 199 awwwwwww. tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19663 10/trunk/tiki-register.php: tikiwiki: [FIX]tracker: if user tracker filled at registration time for Registered, set tikiwiki: the Registered group as the default group so that the 'More information' in tikiwiki: tiki-user_preferences links to the Registered user tracker and not to other user tikiwiki: tracker that can be have been added after chealer: and i get the same error at dynamic content admin yeah, I'm looking at that as the kitten allows tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r19664 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-gmap.tpl: [ENH]admin ui update tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r19665 10/trunk/tiki-searchresults.php: [MOD] searchresults: aditionnal commit to r19379. Homogenizing tiki-searchresults and tiki-searchindex tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r19666 10/trunk/tiki-admin_categories.php: [ENH] Only indentation corrections for legibility, no functional change Hello there I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction. After upgrading to 3.0, tiki-view_articles.php shows my articles, but does not display the images for each topic. I have images set in tiki-admin.php?page=cms What else could be the problem? Guest83264: I fixed this this morning stripmind: do you know PHP? dcslib.php must be included twice, but I can't tell where since I don't have a tiki2 /2.3 checkout Guest83264: http://pastey.net/116209 chealer: no, i don't know PHP Thank you very much indeed sylvieg. Trying it now... stripmind: there is probably a global $dcslib missing somewhere stripmind: which url do you have the problem? tiki-edit_programmed_conetnt.php? sylvieg: tiki-admin_modules.php and tiki-list_contents.php aren't loading, but other admin pages are. in tiki-list_contents.php change the line: include_once ('lib/dcs/dcslib.php'); with the line global $dcslib; include_once ('lib/dcs/dcslib.php'); I added the global $dcslib; before how can I access tiki-list_contents.php ? It's not loading normally. that's the problem, actually. do you have access to the files on the server a cpanel? or ssh? or ftp? okay, yes, wait on minute stripmind th fix is not good sorry change the line $dcslib = new DCSLib($dbTiki); with global $dcslib; $dcslib = new DCSLib($dbTiki); not sure it will work just an attempt.... 2 is old now... tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r19667 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_webservice.php: [FIX] realpath may not work with non-existent files in later PHP (see http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php#82770) tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r19668 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): - Language list for terminology search is now generated dynamically (used to be temporarily hard coded). tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r19669 10/branches/proposed/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_webservice.php: [bp/r19667][FIX] realpath may not work with non-existent files in later PHP (see http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php#82770) - needed to make web services work stripmind: you do use dynamic content, right? chealer: yes, i do, stepped away for a moment, I'll give sylvieg's suggestions a shot, but pondering that i should just upgrade and then try to deal with template problems? stripmind: I don't know about themes and the usage you do of kubrick, but if it wasn't for that, yes, upgrading would be a good idea. but sylvieg's suggestion seems good. Does anyone know how to remedy this: http://pastey.net/116216 ? I can't login to my fresh install. SSL Login was disabled during initial configuration. gah... nevermind. bad cookie sylvieg, thanks very much for the fix to the images in the topics - it works just great sylveig: hey, it doesn't seem to have worked. i'm still getting the same error. sylvieg: thanks guys, for trying. upgrading...