polom 3.1 rocks you guys & girls rock tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19694 10/branches/proposed/styles/ (layout/layout.css thenews.css): [QT] Rollback rejected proposition r19589 tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19695 10/branches/3.0/ (. lib/userslib.php): tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport tikiwiki: r19662 | Jyhem | 2009-06-17 20:43:09 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2009) | 1 line tikiwiki: [FIX] Now new installs show the full list of category permissions when assigning category permissions again (rev 19660) !help >help I'm locked out of my site from one IP address only, my home of course. renewing my IP doesn't work. any ideas? !help You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . hello all New Forum Posts: my own IP banned? how? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=33621 hi people im currently fighting against Googlecalendar mods i've seen that a fix is provided to correct the typo of the copy process in the info.txt . But nothing worked i try to test several path ( unix like and Windows like ) no change i check my security on the different folder for apache user and all is ok . Is there anyways to include this mods manually ? tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19696 10/branches/3.0/tiki-view_tracker.php: tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport tikiwiki: [FIX]incomplete proposed 19449 that breaks user tracker perm tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19697 10/branches/3.0/tiki-setup_base.php: tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport tikiwiki: [bp /r19655] clean some Ids for permission issue tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19698 10/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): tikiwiki: [NEW] tiki-webmail now uses IMAP, Mbox and Maildir (as well as POP3 still) via Zend Mail lib tikiwiki: So far: recieving, listing and reading mails (including HTML mails!). tikiwiki: Partially using AJAX, still more links to fix. tikiwiki: TODO: tikiwiki: Send/reply/forward still to come tikiwiki: Delete, flag etc operations and some more charset re-encoding (as always) tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19699 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD]stat: plugin stat on object for a period of time this day, this week, this month, this year - only for added tracker item hi we are having lots of spam in our server, and the sys admin is allowing to send email only to web apps which can use an smtp account to send email, and not just the php function to send email (which is being used by the spammers by old web sites with non secured software, etc.) I'm looking for a coder willing to add this feature. I'm willing to pay for that, if I can afford it anybody around who could help me/us, please? xavi: jonny is integrated the zend mail library in tw - perhaps it can help as far as it's sent as a generic web app, I wonder if this will make any difference our sys admin says that other web apps (such as drupal) allow to do that, which allows the sys admin to let them go through without letting all the spam go through... http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.mail.html if your system admin is happy with this library - you can sponsor Jonny to finish the job ;-) having a look talking to jonny right now thanks for the tip, sylvieg :-) oups, jonnyb arrived here :-) sorry - was hiding (so i can code) oh, in fact, I?ll need to hide, so I can work on other delayed things (my todo list went way too long in the last weeks) see you, and I'll send you the email as talked on skype tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19700 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]STAT: add filter on trackerId and stat on wiki tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r19701 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): tikiwiki: - If user asks to see 'all' languages, then display all HIS languages only, tikiwiki: UNLESS, he has defined only one language in his preferences. In the later case, tikiwiki: display ALL the sites' available languages (otherwise, why would the user have tikiwiki: asked to see all languages if he only defined one). tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19702 10/branches/3.0/ (. doc/devtools/release.php): tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport tikiwiki: r19673 | nyloth | 2009-06-18 11:53:46 +0200 (jeu. 18 juin 2009) | 2 lines tikiwiki: [bp/r19672][FIX] release script: fix changelog generated for minor versions + remove useless comment New Forum Posts: Compulsory category for a user group - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33623 tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19703 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 2 dirs): tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport tikiwiki: r19648 | xavidp | 2009-06-17 14:43:52 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2009) | 1 line tikiwiki: [bp/r19645][bp/r19644][FIX] topic image is shown when articles have a topic with a default image selected. Thanks sylvieg for fixing! :-) New Forum Posts: NO PUEDO INCREMENTAR EL TAMAÑO DE LOS ARCHIVOS QUE SE SUBEN A MAS DE 3MB - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=33624 tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19704 10/branches/3.0/changelog.txt: [REL] Update changelog.txt for 3.1 tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19705 10/branches/3.0/copyright.txt: [REL] Update copyright.txt for 3.1 tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19706 10/branches/3.0/db/tiki-secdb_3.1_mysql.sql: [REL] SecDB for 3.1 tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19707 10/tags/3.1/: [REL] Deleting tag 'tags/3.1' in order to create a new one tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19708 10/tags/3.1/: [REL] Tagging release tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19709 10/trunk/templates/tiki-export_tracker_item.tpl: [FIX]tracker: fix the tracker export(r19679): identation can not be perfect.. New Forum Posts: Problem with upgrade to 3.0 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33626 New Forum Posts: File Gallery Additional Info - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33625 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19710 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): tikiwiki: [ENH] Webmail: Delete and mark operations fixed & checked (please test carefully) tikiwiki: Select all checkbox, better error handling and a little more text encoding Hi. I have a weird problem with my new Tiki 3.0 install (Win2k3/IIS6/PHP5/MySQL5). After the install, it gave me a blank page, which I fixed (php bug) but now when I try to login for the first time, it is placing a '\' in the middle of the links. I can't seem to find where it might be doing this. Any ideas? it actually seems to be doing this to every clicked link. Ex: wiki.domain.com\/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage Hi folks. Been following the dev list. You're doing lots of good work. Just thought I'd send a note of thanks via IRC. Correction: only some of the clicked links. I noticed it on the initial login that prompted the password change and when clicking logout. If I delete the offending backslash from the URL everything seems to work. tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19711 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-anchors.tpl: [FIX] Tiny bit of JQuery to bring back icon reflections after AJAX load tikiwiki: 03axold * r19712 10/branches/experimental/ui-enhancement/: [BRANCH] Creation, trunk 0 to 19711 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19713 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-look.tpl: [FIX] Remove nested anchors - keeping the help links as more useful that the other # links to the top tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r19714 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Search for page aliases and display them above the search results New Forum Posts: links missing from menus - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33628 How do I suggest a fix for a bug? How do I SVN up from /branches/3.0 without creating a /3.0 directory on my server? svn co https:... Your_directory Thanks Sylvie. I was missing the . to get it into current directory. hi i've tested 3 versions of tikiwiki (2.4, 3.0 and future 3.x) and i have always the same problem: i can't assign rights to groups. everything else seems to work (profiles don't). the site is up and running and i can add new users and groups but can't change the permissions of any group when i try to assign a group i get logged off. tw 2.4 gives me an error message: "You do not have permission to use this feature" and i don't understand this. i changed permissions of the files on the host to the same user apache is running. i turned on/off safe_mode but that does not change anything. has anyone anidea? tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19715 10/trunk/templates/ (4 files): tabset sui: and if you type the url directly like mysite.com/tiki-assignpermission.php?group=Anonymous sylvieg, thats the site I call when i try to change permissions: http://ultimate-giessen.nutzerverwaltung.de/tiki-assignpermission.php?group=Registered is there a possibilty to navigate for http://www. or https:// or http:// and when i try to assign eg tiki_blog_p-admin to this group i get "Error: you are not logged in. go to login page" log out is a cookie pb - you .lost your cookie... check your cookie sylvieg, i will check that sylvieg, hm, in firefox i can still see the cookie after i got logged off there are 4: javascript_enabled, local_tz, PHPSESSID, tab assumption - but if you are logged of - it is because .. you loose you cookie - or you url (domain) change and you loose your cookie if you log in in the window permission denied... can you navigate? the PHPSESSIONID must sty if you want to stay log-in sylvieg, even when i get logged of i can see the cookies. PHPSESSID ist still set. i get a 5th cookie name: menu i just look in firefox. can it be that the server or tiki itself "lost" the information about the cookie? after re-öogin the PHPSESSID remains the same s/re-login the curious thing is that it happens only on my server and only when i try to change permissions. phew, i will continue tomorrow. goodnight @all