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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki
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chibaguySadly, it's overcast here in Tokyo-Chiba region of Japan, so we can't see the sun.
But it's definitely getting darker as the eclipse progresses. :-)
About 15 minutes more until the peak - 75% obscuration in this area.
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MacLeod has joined #tikiwiki [02:18]
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chealersylvieg: thanks for the help. I reported this as a bug on I submitted that as http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3446
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Petjal2Hi all. Kinda dumb question, but hard to google, I think: how do I insert a variable in my wiki page that will render to a simple current date string (like, July 21, 2009). Thanks, Pete. [03:55]
marclaportePetjal2: I don't think this exists
but countdown plugin is close
Petjal2Thanks, Marc. Hmm, do you think maybe a novice like me might be able to tweak that plugin to just display the current date? [03:59]
marclaportea bit what you want: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/wish948
Petjal2: yes, I think you can tweak, learn and share
you can use Smarty in modules, so
http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.variables.smarty.php -> {$smarty.now}
Petjal2Thanks, Marc. Checking out ./lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_countdown.php now... [04:04]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03chealer * r20290 10/branches/experimental/modules-doc/ (575 files in 110 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 19945 to 20250 [04:52]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: wiki_forum_id bug? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34017 [05:12]
Petjal2Sorry, in my new
file, I can't figure out how to get the output of
{$smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}
into the $ret variable...
Any hints would be appreciated! Thanks!
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chealerPetjal2: perhaps you want {assign} [05:29]
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Petjal2chealer: ok, thanks, trying that... [05:56]
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Petjal2sorry, I just don't have any clue as to how to put the smarty code in the plugin file ./lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_now.php. Grepping for "smarty" in the plugin directory, I saw that the vote plugin uses smarty, like so:
$smarty->assign('date', $tikilib->now);
return $smarty->fetch('wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_vote.tpl');
This gives me a blank page:
function wikiplugin_now() {
global $smarty, $tikilib, $tikidate;
$smarty->assign('ret', $smarty.now);
//{assign var=ret value=$smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}
//return "$smarty.now";
return $ret;
Am I close?
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Creating Links in Editor for connecting files in filesystem? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34018 [06:34]
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Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [07:14]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03axold * r20291 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/profilelib/installlib.php: [FIX] Fixed a error typo in installlib [08:13]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20292 10/branches/experimental/ws/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] Added tiki-user_ws.php: this interface shows the WS that a user have access [08:19]
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tobi_hhi all - i just tried to upgrade vom 3.0 to 3.1, but the result only gives me a blank page. after checking with the INSTALL-file, http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Upgrade&bl=y and google, i am somewhat stumped. I backupped, then extracted the 3.1 files overwriting the 3.0 installation, and pointed my browser to .../tiki-admin.php - blank page, as with all others. adjusting permissions by running setup.sh did not make
s/vom/from. sheesh...
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tobi_h is now known as tobi_h|away [09:09]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl not registered - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34022 [09:51]
New Forum Posts: tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl not registered - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34023 [10:01]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20293 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/workspaces/ (wslib.php wstools/scriptCreator.php): [MOD] Added function set_permissions_for_groups_in_object: it sets differents permissions to differents groups for a signle object [10:23]
tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20294 10/branches/experimental/ws/tiki-admin_include_workspaces.php: [MOD] Modified some stuff in wslib.php [10:33]
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tobi_h|away is now known as tobi_h
tobi_hCaarrie: Hi - thanks for picking up my problem with the feeds/forum link from the bot - i just found out that this seems to spread further... [10:36]
Caarrieok [10:36]
tobi_hon http://de.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php there is an RSS-feed-area on the left hand side -
clicking there results in a similar error -
I get sent to tw.o, where it says Notice: this variable may not be empty: $_GET["forumId"]
I will have to leave in about 10mins, but if there is anything i can do to hunt down what is wrong there, pls let me know, k?
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Caarriei have no idea i just put the feed into the script for the bot [10:38]
tobi_hcould it be that the feed itself then is broken/out of order/mangled...? [10:39]
Caarriei think the code for rss for forums was not updated at sometime when the url was changed [10:39]
tobi_hthat's what i take as a first idea (and could be completely wrong here...)
ah. jup.
is anyone in charge of that code?
Caarrieno idea, you could make a tracker entry [10:40]
tobi_hok, will do when i come back, later today.
thanks for listening, anyway. :)
Caarrie thinks she did a good job acting awake
tobi_h;) [10:42]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20295 10/trunk/tiki-tracker_rss.php: [MOD]tracker: new rss param status [10:47]
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tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20296 10/trunk/lib/commentslib.php: [FIX]db: "" was doing syntax error with the new db lib for adodb [11:21]
luciashpolom polom
hi chibaguy, hope all is fine at your place with all those floods and landslides :-/
chibaguyhi luciash, yes, we're ok, thanks. [11:26]
luciashphew, Hofu city is not that far as google maps say
the floods and storms are over here... now tropical temperatures again :-p
chibaguyInteresting weather these days. [11:36]
sylviegin Boston we only perhaps get 5 days with sun since the beginning of the summer - depressing [11:37]
Hi again, just bumping this. I'm not a developer and have never written a tw plugin, and I'm a little confused on how tw/smarty/php talk to each other, but I need to pass the content of a smarty variable to the $ret variable in my newly created ./lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_now.php. I think it should be almost as simple as something like this: function wikiplugin_now() { global $smarty, $tikilib, $tikidate; $
sylviegCaarrie: do you know how the message we receive on IRC from the forum have no forumId? [11:38]
Caarrierss feed [11:38]
sylviegthx will check [11:39]
Caarrieok [11:39]
sylviegok you are right - fix on the way [11:39]
Caarriegreat [11:39]
luciashPetjal2: most easy is use module [11:42]
sylvieghttp://smarty.net/manual/en/api.get.template.vars.php to get a smarty var in the php world [11:54]
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20297 10/branches/experimental/ws/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Modified tiki-user_ws.php: now it shows a WS objects when selected [11:55]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: syntax for image galleries - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34025 [12:03]
Petjal2luciash: thanks. I just need the current date string in the middle of my wiki page "report" to my user. Can a module output a simple string in the middle of a wiki page?
back in an hour+, off to a breakfast mtg with a tech mixer buddy
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20298 10/trunk/tiki-forums_rss.php: [FIX]forum: fix the forumId not affected in the IRC message - that was creating a logging error on tw.org [12:06]
luciashPetjal2: it's easy like this
Petjal2: {$date|tiki_long_datetime}
chibaguyIs is possible to use Tracker plugin (or something like it) to have a tracker form in a wiki page, but fields aren't just in a table, but rather are inline in the rest of the wiki content, and just one "submit" at the bottom? [12:09]
luciashPetjal2: put it in a new module [12:09]
chibaguy(so it's a kind of highly styled form) [12:09]
luciashchibaguy: yes, pretty tracker [12:09]
chibaguyah, ok. [12:09]
luciashchibaguy: currently playing with it on http://crystals.ourwiki.net
chibaguy: feel free to test
chibaguy: you have to use TRACKER plugin
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20299 10/branches/proposed/tiki-forums_rss.php: [bp/r20298][FIX]forum: fix the forumId not affected in the IRC message - that was creating a logging error on tw.org [12:12]
chibaguyDoes this site use Intertiki, or do I register? [12:13]
sylvieg^^ needs 2 validation in order to backport in 3 and fix the forum irc problem [12:13]
luciashchibaguy: register
sylvieg: thx
chibaguyok, I registered. [12:17]
luciashvalidated :)
i have some glitches there still (need to figure out showing content only to friends in the trackers outputs) and few others
but you can play to see what it can
i can give you source/history reading perms
chibaguythanks, logged in. :-) [12:22]
luciashexample of wiki page template used to format tracker form output can be http://crystals.ourwiki.net/Edit+User+Post+Template [12:23]
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20300 10/trunk/tiki-view_forum_thread.php: [MOD]forum: not anymore necessary to give the forumId to see a post (cost one more request [12:27]
luciashchibaguy: basically you need a tracker with Item creator can modify his items [12:29]
chibaguyok [12:30]
luciashchibaguy: then you need the user field (type user selector) with option "1," [12:31]
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20301 10/trunk/tiki-webmail.php: [FIX] Don't refresh if autorefresh == 0 [12:31]
luciashchibaguy: and your fields you want (I am using the little tracker to embed "micro-blogging" to the user profile page as an example) [12:32]
chibaguyOn the link above, I see variables for tracker items, I guess, not a form or data. Is that as expected? [12:32]
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luciashyes, this wiki page is used as "template" to format the actual input form
it is called using TRACKER plugin from another wiki page where it renders then
chibaguyah [12:35]
luciashchibaguy: it is this tracker actually → http://crystals.ourwiki.net/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=4 [12:35]
sylviegI would like to do a 'print' for tracker item, forum.... what part do I have to give to css and what part in the tpl/php. I thiought to call tiki-print.tpl and to do the rest like navbar... (display:none) in layout.css
(I do not wnat to dupliate the code as we do for tiki-print.php for a wiki page)
Is there a beetter practice (because I see the navar in the browser - even if I do not see it in preview / print)
luciashchibaguy: i am embedding the input form into another tracker template even → http://crystals.ourwiki.net/tiki-index.php?page=User+Profile+Template
sylvieg: i don't know if we actually use the print stylesheet but it works like if you have it in html head it gets automatically recognized by browser when going to print, so there's no need for specially formated print page but CSS only hides what is not desired to print when the CSS is written like that ideally
marclaporte+1 to print.css thing [12:40]
chibaguychibaguy agrees
luciash, how are the tabs done, on the wiki page?
sylviegbut it is mystyle-print.css ... I would like it in layout.css [12:44]
MacLeodLooks like the "3d browser" options have been removed from Admin > Wiki in 3.x ...? [12:46]
chibaguysylvieg, doesn't it need to be a separate stylesheet to be used just for print? The link to the css needs media="print". [12:46]
luciashchibaguy: i made a special module for it using the {tabs} smarty via Admin > Modules [12:46]
chibaguyI see.
(I was thinking that would be nice to have.)
This is how "versions" should work (no page refresh).
luciashchibaguy: you can view the source there now [12:49]
chibaguyok, thanks. [12:49]
marclaporteMacLeod: : maybe just moved [12:49]
MacLeodWhat's the strategy in doc.tw.o w/r/t different TW releases? Some pages show the current version, some show earlier versions. Is it the team's intent that a page on a given feature should contain info on multiple versions, or separate pages for older versions, or what?
I was going to make some edits to http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki+3D , but I'm not sure how everyone wants to handle outdated instructions.
chibaguyMacLeod: now that I see luciash's tabs-in-wikipage, I think that'd be the best way. ;-) [12:53]
luciashchibaguy: in the User+Profile+Template you can see the tabs module is embedded using {MODULE(module="user_profile_tabs",decorations="n",flip="n",np="1",notitle="y",nobox="y")}{MODULE}
chibaguy: the nobox param is new in trunk, but the site is 3.1
MacLeodchibaguy: i don't follow; think i missed some precedent discussion [12:54]
luciashMacLeod: the VERSIONS plugin is used [12:54]
chibaguyMacLeod, I think using the versions plugin was agreed on
MacLeodk, i'll go read about the versions plugin :) [12:55]
luciashchibaguy: in the same page source you can see how the wiki template for the tracker input form is called → {TRACKER(trackerId="4" fields="64:65:66" action="Post It !" showmandatory="y" embedded="y" view="user" wiki="Edit User Post Template")} [12:56]
chibaguyI think the tabs method is better, since no page refresh is needed.
(better than versions plugin)
luciashchibaguy: i think the VERSIONS plugin can be edited to use tabs if on [12:57]
chibaguyok [12:57]
luciashin trunk there's tabs smarty block and even tabset block available
chibaguy: explaining the params: fields means what fields you want to show, action means what to show on the submit button, showmandatory doesn't work i think, embedded does dunno what, view is important if you want to display the form for actual user and fill back the data already submitted (not applied here, because the tracker is not limited to only one entry per user), and the wiki param
chibaguy: the wiki param says what page to use as "template"
chibaguy: there's even param tpl, which i didn't test yet, but should use smarty tpl instead
chibaguyok. I'm going to have to spend some time on this. ;-) [13:03]
luciashif you need help drop me a line [13:05]
chibaguythanks [13:09]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03axold * r20302 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/ (profilelib/installlib.php workspaces/wslib.php): [FIX, MOD, ADD] Fixed bug in wslib, modified in installlib the ws handler, and added some options to it [13:13]
luciashchibaguy: just a note, the simmilar way you display the "results" posts of the tracker using TRACKERLIST plugin [13:25]
chibaguyok [13:26]
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nickleushaving some trouble with menus. i want Admins to have all menu options, but Registered users to only have a list of the wiki pages. what's the easiest way to do this? [13:38]
SEWilco2Petjal2: Earlier you used smarty to assign a value to 'ret' and then did return $ret [13:41]
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SEWilco2Petjal2: You got nothing because the Smarty variable 'ret' is separate from the PHP variable $ret.
Petjal2: If all you need is the date to be returned, look on php.net for the date formatting function and have your plugin return that date.
Pegjal2: If you have PHP in your computer, debug your date formatting element before wrapping it in the plugin.
chibaguynickleus, normally the menus display links according to what groups can access.
You can either assign perms to individual menu items, or you can display different menus for Admins and Registered.
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20303 10/branches/experimental/ws/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Modified get_object_perms_for_group: now it's called get_object_perms_for_user and seeks the perms related to a object for a single user [13:50]
tobi_hsylvieg: thanks for your fix of the rss prob! :) looking forward to it getting used in tw.o... ;) [13:50]
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nickleuschibaguy: how do i display different menus for Admins and Registered? that sounds easier. there are 8 pages of menu items in the application menu. i want to disable the top horizontal menu for users too.
chibaguy: or have i misunderstood your reply? in the application menu there's only a link to "List pages" under "Wiki", but i only want Registered to see a list of pages. i want the list to be the menu.
chibaguyYou'll have to use the custom code textarea for the code to display menu according to group. The standard topbar menu is just on/off. [13:55]
nickleuschibaguy: ok. thanks, i'll try to put together some code then. doesn't seem to easy though for a beginner...
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03axold * r20304 10/branches/experimental/ws/templates/tiki-admin-include-workspaces.tpl: [MOD] Added an apply button in templates [13:57]
tobi_hI already asked this morning, but now there's more ppl: i just tried to upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1, but the result only gives me a blank page. after checking with the INSTALL-file, http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Upgrade&bl=y and google, i am somewhat stumped. I backupped, then extracted the 3.1 files overwriting the 3.0 installation, and pointed my browser to .../tiki-admin.php - blank page, as with all others. adjusti
and btw: http://irc.tikiwiki.org/ seems to cut off entries... ;)
tobi_h needs to post less...
sylviegtobi_h: did you upgrade your database too? [14:01]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Tracker Action Field, anyone have any info? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34031 [14:04]
tobi_hsylvieg: not yet - I understood a comment from marc earlier today/last night that that was not necessary or part of what happened after i went to /tiki-admin.php. so should i?
sylvieg: there, found it: yesterday: [14:25] <marclaporte> 2- Just replace old files by new ones and point your browser to tiki-admin.php It will detect that you DB is not up to date and offer a link to the installer to update DB
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chibaguyWill this work for nickleus - {if $group eq "Admin"}{menu id=x}{else}{menu id=y{/if} - anyone? [14:08]
sylviegtobi_h: do you have the same problem with tiki-install.php?
chibaguy: or to use 2 user modules with {menu{ and group perms on module
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luciashchibaguy: Admins, should work [14:22]
chibaguyok [14:25]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20305 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [MOD]tracker: item print button(works only for style using layout) [14:40]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20306 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_faqs.tpl: tabs [14:51]
tobi_hsylvieg: thanks for the hint: no, there it says that the installer is disabled. would i now remove the lock? or is there a special/better way to upgrade vs. (re-)install? [14:54]
sylviegremove the lock and try ti upgrade the database [14:55]
tobi_hsylvieg: removed the empy file lock, and pointed browser to /tiki-admin.php, hoping this would update db as per marcs comments. nohing happens, blank page... [14:58]
sylviegmarc said - it will show you if you need to update the database - but not that it will automatically update the db
you need to run tiki-install.php to update the db - or you can use a command line
tobi_hi am sorry, i mistook the later for the former.
i guess i'd prefer the commandline option - how would i do that?
sylviegsh doc/devtolls/sqlupgrade.sh [15:01]
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sylviegsorry doc/devtools [15:05]
Petjal2SEWilco2: Perfect! Thank you so much!
function wikiplugin_now() {
global $tikilib, $tikidate;
$ret = date("F d, Y");
return $ret;
I'll try to generalize the formatting now! Thanks again!
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luciashPetjal2: {$date|tiki_long_datetime} in Admin > Modules > User Modules + MODULE plugin and you could save lot of oding time ;)
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20307 10/trunk/ (7 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] some print buttons
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20308 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Overlib/ClueTip replacementr:
tikiwiki: Small fix - setting html() on a jQuery element to something big (over about 2k) makes it blow up
MacLeodI simply cannot find the options for the Morcego 3d browser in the v3.1 Admin panels. It's turned on, but there used to be settings for several options. [15:27]
sylviegohoh all my admin pannel are empty
MacLeod: I think I already reported this to ricks99
:-( and the cookie show php error is broken :-(
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20309 10/trunk/modules/mod-wiki_last_comments.php: notice [15:45]
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SEWilco2 has quit IRC ("Leaving.")
tobi_hi just upgraded from 3.0 to 3.1. i did a reinstall/upgrade using /tiki-install.php, which ran ok once i deleted the lock.
the installer then claimed to have upgraded my db to 3.1 (installer, btw., claimms to be 3.0), and then said "upgrade complete". asked me to lock and go o homepage, which i did.
now i get a blank page, no content, nada - only one found working is tiki-install.php, which tells me that there is a lock.
i am stumped and happy for any and all input - tia!
luciashtobi_h: remove the lock
increase memory_limit
check the server logs what php error it gives
tobi_hremoving lock does not change a thing. [15:59]
luciashit unlocks the installer [15:59]
tobi_hmem-limit is afaik 32m - should i have more? [15:59]
luciash32 is minimum, i'd try 64, but also check u have cleared templates_c/
but 3.0 to 3.1 shouldn't cause such problems.. weird... unles you customized something
tobi_hnot afaik
PHP Fatal error: require_
once() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening require
d 'lib/setup/third_party.php'
this is from error.log, last entry
sorry, missing: (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')
in /var/www/html/tobi/tiki-setup.php on line 20
increased max-memory, restart httpd, result: empty page.
what exactly means "check u have cleared templates_c?
(btw: thanks for the input!) :)
marclaportetobi_h: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Debug_Mode_Enabled [16:05]
tobi_hmarclaporte: thx, looking into it... [16:05]
marclaportethis section: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Debug_Mode_Enabled#I_am_locked_out_of_Tiki [16:06]
MacLeodsylvieg: ok, so i'm not crazy or blind.... [16:08]
tobi_hin tiki_preferences, it says tikirelease=3.0 - is that something i should worry about? [16:13]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20310 10/branches/experimental/ws/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] Modified some names and checked some stuff [16:20]
tobi_hok - having set error logging to 2047 using phpmyadmin, loading the homepage gives me the following entry in the httpd error log:
[Wed Jul 22 18:23:11 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning: require_once(lib/setup/third_party.php) [<a href='function.require-once'>function.require-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/tobi/tiki-setup.php on line 20
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: TikiFestBarcelona en breve, y durante 10 días! - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34037
New Forum Posts: TikiFestBarcelona en breu i durant 10 dies! - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34036
tobi_hfollowed by [Wed Jul 22 18:23:11 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: require_once() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required 'lib/setup/third_party.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/tobi/tiki-setup.php on line 20 [16:26]
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20311 10/trunk/installer/schema/ (3 files): [FIX] Use unix line ends (my ones had Mac ones somehow - app responsible has been reprimanded) [16:33]
sylviegcheck if you have the file lib/setup/third_party.php
and it is readeadble by the server
some server need a write only for the server
tobi_hthanks for the hint, probably should have thought of that myself: the file does not exist. [16:38]
CIA-58tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20312 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Webmail/GroupMail fixes [16:39]
tobi_hi will now red/load and verify. [16:40]
MacLeodhas anyone collected performance data on the relative speed of 2.x vs 3.x? [16:51]
luciashmarclaporte: 2 days on TikiFest WS only ? [16:53]
marclaporteno, 10 days! [16:54]
Petjal2luciash: Thanks for the tip. I created a new User Module called IPMDate with just {$date|tiki_long_datetime} in it (wiki parsed checked), and then put ::{MODULE(module=>IPMDate)/}:: in my wiki page and that displayed the date in the format set on page tiki-admin.php?page=general . This particular wiki page "report" is kind of unique, so I think I prefer not to modify my tiki-wide date formats for this one, so instead I'll use
./lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_now.php for now and hopefully generalize that to a new ./lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_phpvars.php someday soon... Thanks again everyone for you quick help!
luciashmarclaporte: phew, there was error on the wiki page then saying you departure on AUG1
Petjal2: np :) there is lot of options to display the date using various smarty modifiers in lib/smarty_tiki/
(the stufff after "$date|")
marclaporteah! [17:00]
Petjal2OK, I'll take the bait--how would I construct the part after the pipe? [17:00]
marclaportegood catch
Petjal2luciash: or point me to a doc [17:01]
luciashmarclaporte: ah :)
Petjal2: instead of the |tiki_long_datetime you can use different modifier or options
Petjal2: e.g. |tiki_long_date, |tiki_short_date, etc. see the modifiers in lib/smarty_tiki/
Petjal2: e.g. |tiki_date_format uses PEAR:Date to format datestamps
strftime format for output
Petjal2: |tiki_date_format|%d.%m.%Y|_user
Petjal2luciash: awesome, cool, thanks. But I would have to construct a user module for each different php variable that I'd like to insert into my wiki page, correct? If I can build a generalized version of my "now" plugin, name it something like PHPVARS, and access it via {PHPVARS(var=>"date" ,opts=>"F d, Y") /}, would that be useful to the community? [17:14]
tobi_hthanks all, especially sylvieg, for your persistence - it works now, i suspect mc, the nc-clone on linux, having its part in not completely unpacking/copying the 3.1 files from the tar.bz2-file to the dir.
just to round things up, sylvie: should i have the devtools in there? as in my also re-d/loaded file, i can't find them?
Petjal2luciash: this first version of my PHPVARS plugin gives me a blank page:
function wikiplugin_phpvars($var,$opts) {
extract ($params,EXTR_SKIP);
global $tikilib, $tikidate;
$ret = $var("$opts");
return $ret;
..... (idle for 20mn)
oops, fixed the function line, http://pastey.net/117972 but still get blank page...any suggestions [17:37]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03nagendra016 * r20313 10/branches/experimental/kaltura_integration/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [17:44]
SEWilco2Petjal2: Doesn't a plugin get $var as an array? See Hello World's plugin example.
Petjal2: Try var_dump($var); And expect an ugly screen because it dumps its output outside the TW wrappings.
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luciashPetjal2: it would be useful but very dangerous when admins accidentaly allow it to be used by common Anonymous/Registered users [18:04]
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CIA-58tikiwiki: 03stojanovim * r20314 10/trunk/lib/core/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Machine Translation: put titles to lower case so Google Translate doesn't consider the words in it as proper names [18:09]
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luciashPetjal2: don't you need eval() ? [18:09]
Petjal2SEWilco2: are you saying I may have a namespace conflict? I'll try $pjvar...
luciash: yes, dangerous, but manageable in my current case, and a pro tw coder could wrap some protection, I would hope. I'll check out eval()... thanks
SEWilco2Petjal2: No... I think a plugin is passed its parameters in a format different than an ordinary variable, so you can't use $var directly. You have to extract the parameters into variables.
Petjal2: Look at some other plugin. I can't remember whether it's extract() or convert() or something else.
Petjal2I'm looking at ./lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_countdown.php and it uses extract() [18:13]
luciashSEWilco2: you overlooked [18:13]
function wikiplugin_countdown($data, $params) {
global $tikilib, $tikidate;
extract ($params,EXTR_SKIP);
if (!isset($enddate)) {
luciashSEWilco2: he already uses extract() [18:14]
SEWilco2Oh, he did use extract(). Oops. OK, so from his phrasing I think his parameter might be called "var" and he did have a name collision, but he says he changed that. [18:15]
Petjal2maybe I need to add a global?
haven't changed it yet...going now...
luciash$ret = eval($var.'('.$opts.')'); [18:16]
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SEWilco2Petjal2: Why are you trying to indirectly use $var as a function? What options might you be trying to offer? [18:17]
luciashSEWilco2: he needs date() [18:17]
SEWilco2luciash: Yes, so he should hardcode date() rather than let users execute any PHP function. [18:18]
luciashSEWilco2: that's what i told, but he's lazy as every programmer ;)
SEWilco2: so he wants this "universal" ugly higly flamable stuff under his control ;)
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luciashuniversal [18:19]
SEWilco2luciash: A properly lazy programmer would hardcode it rather than trying to figure out how to perform an indirect function call and then add security which restricts everything except "date" in PHP english encoding. [18:19]
luciash:) [18:19]
Petjal2the laziest :^)
but that drives me to be efficient, doesn't it?
SEWilco2Or, if you're elitistly lazy, you write a tool which generates the code for the plugin, so you can spit out plugins by clicking checkboxes. [18:20]
luciashluciash wonders if there's function restrict_everything_except() ;) [18:20]
SEWilco2Then after you release it someone can write a script which checks all the proper checkboxes, and TW acquires 2,048 new features. [18:21]
luciashjust wondering, does the eval() work for you Petjal2 ? [18:22]
Petjal2I am fully prepared to drop this if the community can't or won't use it. I have my little now plugin that works for me, but everyone has been so helpful to me over the many months, so I figured this could be my little contribution back, but of course, I'll endanger many a site with my efforts :^) [18:22]
luciashPetjal2: smarty plugin would be nice if you want contribute back ;) [18:23]
SEWilco2Petjal2: If the only thing the plugin can do is safely emit the date then it might get accepted. More likely to be accepted if it obeys the TW configuration for the site date format. [18:23]
Petjal2eval() doesn't seem to work but it could be broken by my other lazy coding. To go back a bit, I just want to generalize this, which works:
$ret = date("F d, Y");
luciashPetjal2: less dangerous than any php but still a bit dangerous [18:23]
Petjal2I figured I could pass in a variable that contains the string "date" and a variable that contains a string "F d, Y"...sounds simple... [18:24]
SEWilco2Petjal2: If you find a piece of code which emits the system-configured date format, you can probably use that. I don't know if it would be best implemented as a plugin or a documented Smarty incantation. [18:24]
luciashDATE plugin could be a good start too to pas params for various formatting and another than current date as option in data maybe
or TIME plugin ;)
{TIME(format="F d, Y")}July 22, 2009{TIME}
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luciashwould be handy too, what do you think ? [18:28]
xavitoctoc [18:28]
luciashhola xavi [18:28]
xavihi luci :-)
I'm attempting to produce a new tiki plugin...
Petjal2luciash: but I needed it to be a variable displaying today's date [18:29]
xavi.... and I wonder whether is way too far from my skills... [18:29]
luciashsure, {TIME()/} would do that
(without any params)
Petjal2DATE and TIME plugins do _not_ exist yet, correct? [18:29]
xavirodrigo_sampaio: ? [18:30]
luciashcorrect, it's homewrok for you ;) [18:30]
Petjal2and it would be a valuable contribution? [18:30]
xaviI started the R plugin ( http://r-project.org for statistical computing and scientific graphs, ...) [18:31]
luciashyep, i think so [18:31]
rodrigo_sampaiohi xavi! [18:31]
xavihi rodrigo_sampaio :-)
I started my first attempt to produce the R plugin
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: and how it is going? [18:31]
xavibut after I placed the first files inside tiki 3 svn, I get blank pages when attempting to edit a paeg
and I don't know how to follow....
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: do you have php error messages enabled? [18:32]
xavimmmm, there I go to check... [18:32]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: go to admin -> general and enable all kind of php errors
xavi: then instead of a blank page you will probably get a useful error message that will point you to the error
Petjal2luciash: above, you said "smarty plugin would be nice", is that completely different from what I've been doing here today? [18:33]
xavirodrigo_sampaio: you are right. First step forward. Cannot redeclare wikiplugin_r()
xavi is searchying for that line
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luciashPetjal2: a bit what you wanted to do (universal) plugin but it would return smarty stuff (like in modules and custom code look and feel areas you can use) [18:35]
xavierror is, in fact: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wikiplugin_r() (previously declared in /var/www/tiki3svn/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_r.php:21) in /var/www/tiki3svn/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_r.php on line 116
ah, got it, this one. Silly mistake....
luciashxavi: you have declared that function in some other plugin accidentaly [18:36]
xaviyes, yes, newbie-coder here :-) [18:36]
luciashxavi: yep, it happens ;) [18:36]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: :) [18:36]
luciashPetjal2: i can imagine something like {SMARTY()}{$date|tiki_short_date}{SMARTY}
Petjal2: it would be a bit more difficult to create this plugin, because you'd need to pass the data to a smarty tpl file instead of direct ret
anybody knows, can be a wiki plugin used as a param of another wiki plugin ?
Petjal2luciash: ok, good, as I was flailing with smarty earlier, I keep thinking that it needs to talk to a .tpl which didn't seem to make sense to _this_ newbie-coder. [18:45]
luciashPetjal2: ok, so the TIME plugin is easier task i guess for you ;) [18:46]
Petjal2yes, I was just thinking the same thing...
will I have a format string quoting problem?
luciashhmm, no idea [18:47]
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Petjal2I'll probably waste a lot of time failing to escape my quotes properly [18:48]
luciashin Tiki we can use plugin syntax like {usercount} nowadays, right ?
it's the same like {USERCOUNT() /}, is it so ?
xavirodrigo_sampaio: the r extension for mediawiki has something like this:
Add in LocalSettings.php the line require_once('extensions/Rext.php');
where should I add this require_once?
tiki-setup.php or tiki-setup_base.php for instance?
sylvieg? ^
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luciashanybody knows ? [18:56]
xaviluciash: no idea myself [18:56]
luciashxavi: in the plugin function
xavi: if not used anywhere else
xavioh well, yes, but the localesettings.php seems to be the equivalent to tiki-setup.php. There are a few other php files for the extension out there... which might use it, I guess
other require_once are inside the plugin pgp file itself, but not this one, as the R_mediawiki_extension install instructions say
luciashi am going to try create USER plugin which would return current $user, then i would like to use this in another plugin as param, e.g. {GROUP(groups={user})}only my user group can see this{GROUP}
do you think this would be possible ?
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: you can include the file extensions/Rext.php in the plugin file or you can copy the functions from Rext.php to the same file of the plugin [19:16]
luciashoh, sorry, that's nonsense example
xavino idea luciash. [19:17]
luciashit would change with every user so the guy would _always_ see it
xavirodrigo_sampaio: I'm already touching problems...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function Rerror() in /var/www/tiki3svn/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_r.php on line 75
and that line 75 is ...
file_exists($fn) or Rerror ('Rform', 'can not find R program: ' . $sha1, '');
copied literally from the equivalent R.php extension for mediawiki...
so Rerror is not identified as a function...
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: yeah, where this function is defined
xavilooking for it...
mm nowhere, apparently....
I must be doing something wrong...
checking again...
Petjal2Thanks for all the help everyone. Here is my first cut at a new NOW wikiplugin ./lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_now.php http://pastey.net/117976 Comments and suggestions welcome. Be gentle. Thanks again! [19:21]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: I'm looking at the extension code
the function Rerror() is not defined there
xavi: maybe to use this extension you need some kind of php extention to R (just a guess)
xavi: right before the line where Rerror is called it creates a path to a R file
xavirodrigo_sampaio: yes [19:25]
rodrigo_sampaiousing a constant called r_dir, not sure, but apparently you need something to run this extension with mediawiki [19:25]
xavibtw, Rerror is not defined anywhere else in the code
mmm, Ok, I'll double check the requirements...
for installation
fyi: http://mars.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/mediawiki/sk/index.php/R_Extension_for_MediaWiki_v0.06
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xavimmm, I don't get it. I have no clue what's missing...
that original file R.php is only doing a require_once of extensions/Rext.php
and I'm doing the same in my wikiplugin_r.php
as far as I know, according to their documentation, the only thing needed for that extension to work are the files inside the r_extension package
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: I also thought this but at the same time I checked and the function Rerror() is not defined in the extension package [19:32]
xaviYes, that's what I saw
so I?m confused...
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: have you ever installed this extension on mediawiki?
xavi: maybe by doing this you can have some clue
xavino, I have never installed mediawiki in fact
yes, I might give it a try
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: it is very easy to install mediawiki [19:33]
xavibut not today. dinner time here. Tomorrow maybe.
thanks for feedback, rodrigo_sampaio
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: I just checked now to be sure and the Rerror function is not something from the mediawiki itself [19:34]
xavibtw, where are you right now? UK again? [19:34]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: I'm in Sweden [19:34]
xaviah :-) long days still there... [19:34]
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rodrigo_sampaioxavi: I'm going to London just the day before going to Barcelona
xavi: yeah, I have a really good brazilian friend that lives here in Sweden
xaviI would suggest that you try smokered mackerel, if they prepare it and sell it in sweden, wherever you are [19:35]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: what is smokered mackerel? [19:35]
xavithe one from Norway/Bergen was far better (for my own taste) than smoked salmon...
mmm, hold on... I'll search for some url for you...
MacLeodmackerel = fish [19:36]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: I just found [19:36]
MacLeodpesca? pesce? [19:36]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: unfortunately I'm vegetarian :)
but thanks for the suggestion anyway
ah, sorry :-)
smoked, I meant
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: no problem at all [19:37]
xavimmm, so many vegetarians will be around in Barcelona.... you, luci & wife, my wife, ...
we'll have to look for suitable places for veggies :-)
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: good to know that your wife is also vegetarian, I can exchange some recipes with her :) [19:38]
xaviok, see you (I'll give it another try tomorrow)
yeah :-)
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: ok, just send me a message if you need more help tomorrow
xavi: good dinner
xavibtw, last comment, I have a present for you at home: some "Creole" spices I found in Uk.
for you: you can try to add them to the computer while it's running the MW to TW importer!
in case it helps to have better WikiCreole ! ;-)
sorry for the bad joke... but seriusly, there some spices here for you called "Creole" that I found in a store in London
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: it just me took me sometime to understand it as I'm not very fluent in english :) [19:41]
xaviok, cheers. You seem to be very fluent in many languages... I wish I as so fluent in Brazilian :-)
see you
stevenbradyHowdy all. I've enabled the auto-save module. Is there a preference or something I need to adjust to make it work? My sessions still expire at the regular time. [19:42]
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ricks99i think the autosave requires ajax? not sure [19:44]
stevenbradyI turned on Ajax and JQuery and Ajax auto-save.
I can see the Ajax stuff is working ... but it's not auto saving ... at least doesn't seem to be.
ricks99hm.. not sure. sorry :( [19:49]
stevenbradyS'ok. [19:49]
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stevenbradyHowdy all. I've enabled the auto-save module. Is there a preference or something I need to adjust to make it work? My sessions still expire at the regular time. [20:17]
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SEWilco2Gee, this doesn't look right. http://www.theredbulls.org/article216/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/lib/phplayers/libjs/...
Haven't figured out where it's coming from yet. Started a couple hours ago.
I'm not seeing it in my homepage HTML.
I noticed it in my access log. Hmm.. .one IP address is doing it.

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