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dthackermarclaporte: Is there a URL to check out 3.0 "proposed"? Or should I just check out current 3.0 branch. [01:43]
chealerdthacker: you mean a tarball? not AFAIK. but you can get branches/proposed/
from svn
dthackerchealer: checking. was looking at viewsvn and could not see proposed
ahhh, I was looking under 3.0. It's at same level. Now we're cooking.
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.... (idle for 17mn)
marclaportedthacker: : get branches/3.0 to prepare 3.3 [02:12]
dthackermarclaporte: not proposed? [02:12]
marclaportedouble-check with Nyloth but I think not [02:13]
dthackerdthacker prepares to rm -rf his proposed checkout [02:13]
marclaporteproposed is temporary place [02:13]
dthackerwell I'll build 3.0 and see what happens. [02:14]
marclaporteperfect! [02:15]
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dthacker: :pkdille & nyloth did 3.2, so they are great guides
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r22402 10/trunk/lib/blogs/bloglib.php: [MOD] bloglib: no changes. Commenting the methods, some code cleaning and removing an old commented code [08:32]
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tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r22403 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] tikilib parse_data: remove global vars that are not used anymore in parse_data [09:13]
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luminoso has joined #tikiwiki [09:57]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r22404 10/trunk/lib/importerlib.php: [MOD] forum importerlib: comment the functions and indent the code [13:15]
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [17:07]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: SnowCheckMail regex change has no effect - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34965 [17:31]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03nagendra016 * r22405 10/trunk/ (18 files in 4 dirs): Upgrade to Kaltura v3 api [20:05]
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redflo has joined #tikiwiki [20:28]
chealerhi redflo [20:29]
just did a svn update to fix some things
do you know anything about search? I heard it is not working well and there are movements towards a better solution?
chealerI don'T [20:33]
redfloi know why search does not work and have some fixes but i'm unsure. Have to undo another change and i'm unsure about that ....
I'll write a mail to tiki-devel
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22406 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]another lastModif after 22289 [20:49]
chealerredflo: did you see my topic about BYTEA fields? [20:54]
redfloi think this problem has always been there.
i think usually one did not encounter the problem or did workaround the problem
saving images or files to the filesystem and not to the database
chealerredflo: OK, thanks. I discovered the issue with external feeds [21:00]
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redflohey, has anyone else the same issue: admin lost its power after svn up? He cannot do his job. I cannot see the admin menu and cannot user tiki-adminusers or anything else. [21:41]
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22407 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: notice [21:48]
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oystomorrow morning I'm going live with the wiki on our intranet. It's not connected to the public internet, so I was wondering if the best way to install tikiwiki (with the profiles I've enabled) is to do an sqldump of what I have on my development laptop. Any thoughts? [21:57]
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nelekcan i up the 10 featured links limit in tikiwiki to something higher? [21:57]
oysI'm a little concerned as I've been working with linux and tomorrow I will install on a Windows server. I've never done an sql dump from a linux host to a windows host and hope I won't encounter too many problems.
is there a way to install profiles without a direct connection to profiles.tikiwiki.org?
chealerredflo: to latest trunk? [22:03]
sylviegoys: yes you can have local profile
oys: a mysql dump should work
oyssylvieg: I agree that an sql dump should work, but I'm worried about the cross-platform aspect. only time will tell. How do I work with local profiles btw? I know I can enable settings manually, but it seems like a lot of work when there are nice profiles available. [22:05]
sylviegyu have just to copy the page/ yaml code in a local and execute it [22:06]
redflochealer: yes. problem was a missing Admins group. [22:06]
sylvieghi redflo :-) [22:07]
redflosee mail -> tiki-devel
hi sylvieg
sylviegoys: yes ... perhaps you can have problem the path like / versus when changing ... buit a quick search on tiki_preferences can do the job - never did it - but just a feeling [22:08]
oyssylvieg: I'll try an sql dump first. if that doesn't work, I'll try working with local profiles. and doing everything manually will be my last resort. Thank you for advice :) [22:08]
chealerredflo: so a local issue?
chealer didn't receive mail yet
redflo: nevermind, I'll wait the mail
oyssylvieg: That's what I was thinking. Another option is to figure out which tables contain usernames and wiki-page-entries and only dump those tables. [22:10]
redfloupgrade scripts problem [22:10]
sylvieglocal dump of tables will only bring you trouble..
if you need only user - user csv export/import
if you ned only wiki page use dump/import...
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22408 10/trunk/tiki-print.php: [FIX]print: wysiwyg for author pref [22:17]
oyssylvieg: you may just have saved me a bunch of time and frustration for tomorrow. but where is this magic dump/import link you mentioned (I've been looking for the last 10 minutes) [22:21]
sylviegit is on each feature [22:21]
oyssylvieg: so e.g. for the wiki? [22:22]
sylvieg... but you will go faster to export / import database
and to fix path / versus [22:22] <sylvieg> just scan all the tiki_preferences table one by one ;-)
and clear the cache after you after finish to cahnge
oysI will give it a go. is the dump/import functionality a module? I can't locate it under Administer, Wiki and just about everywhere else with no luck.
oys blushes. There it was all along. I'm still getting used to the Norwegian UI.
It was there all along, under admin/wiki/functions/export.
***oys has quit IRC ("so long and thanks for all the fish :)") [22:33]
sylviegall import/export are local to each feature - no centralized UI [22:38]
chealerredflo: I red your mail. which *change* does it refer to? [22:39]
redflois ther any reason why the webroot is not in the path?
chealer: not sure. its a mixture
someone introduced a Admin group.
some day
and in the last 2 months someone else finished the work and replaced the queries if $user == 'admin' with the permission query which depends on the group
i upgraded from 1.9 to svn 2 months ago.
don't know when the Admins group was added. Tiki 2.X tiki 3.X or later?
chealerredflo: apparently before 3
redflo: and even 2
redflothen the update to 3.x is not adding the group correctly?
^^^ to 2.X
chealerredflo: it would help to know which place(s) is affected
chealer bbl
sylviegredflo - we killed 'each'? test to 'admin' to replace with tiki_p_admin
should be in 3
redfloall upgrading from 1.9 to 4.0 are affected - or i missed something during upgrade. Impact: Admin has the same permissions as Anonymous. [22:47]
sylviegperhaps a admin -> tiki_p_admin is missing [22:49]
redflosimplier: just the Adins group was missing
and admin was not member of any group
but i think its really only a proble if you do a upgrade from 1.9 to 4.0
redflo thinking: or did i delete that group???
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sylviegi see a potential problem in db/tiki.sql it supposes that admin is userId=1
so if you deleted admin - recreate it - the upgrade script will not have work
redflogrep Admin db/*to*sql |grep users_groups
no Admin group is created
and in 1.9 is was not there i guess
sylviegseems I am the culprit
need to reboot my old linux to find out
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03redflo * r22409 10/trunk/ (11 files in 6 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Make Tiki search work again (wrong include path, missing utf-8
tikiwiki: preg check)
tikiwiki: [FIX] Show Add Page to structures field
tikiwiki: [FIX] Stray Pear auth settings replaced with ldap settings
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redflo1n8 all [23:39]
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [23:46]

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