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chealunable to login to doc.tw.o [00:41]
luciashoh, is it back ? [00:41]
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chealluciash: yes, but it took a while to get a page at first [00:50]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22802 10/trunk/ (26 files in 10 dirs): [KIL] Remove Workspace-Helper related files, as explained at http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.devel/14261 Hope it is completed and added to Tiki5 or Tiki4.1 Workspace withouth helper, are working fine [00:54]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22803 10/trunk/_htaccess: [KIL] Remove htaccess entries for removed features. [00:59]
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marclaporte4 webcams on TikiFest live! [02:20]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Toggle menu item stopped working in 3.3 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=35120 [02:21]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22804 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] making the newly added minify feature be default off, until it's more vastly tested. Moving the other minify feature next to it, as a reminder than it may disappear in the future [02:28]
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ibrrorgI just loaded ur tiki and love it! I have a ? and can’t find an answer anywhere. I loaded the collaborative community and want to change the ‘Our Community Log in learn and share’ heading. My other ? is I can’t seem to find a page that has templates (I need one for the 50 states like on Wikimedia as my site deals with states and I don’t want a huge TOC). Thanx for all ya’ll do! [02:47]
marclaporteibrrorg: our profile expert will come online [02:48]
ibrrorgthanx [02:48]
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marclaportehere he is [02:48]
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pascalstjeanhi iborrog: to answer your first question. In order to change the header and title of your website you can go to tiki-admin.php?page=general of your website. Or if you can navigate on the left hand menu. Scroll all the way down until you see Admin Home. Then click on the first Big Square that says General [02:54]
ibrrorgmy sitename is changed this is the words "Our Community Log in, Learn, Share" it is under where I put my logo and appeared after I loaded the collaborative community profile. I changed it in the areas provided, but it didn't end up changing it [02:56]
chibaguytooibrrorg, go to tiki-admin.php?page=look (Look and Feel admin page). [02:56]
pascalstjeanas for your second question. could you elaborate a bit more. I am not very familiar with mediaWiki templates. In Tiki I know our Content Templates don't mean the same thing [02:56]
ibrrorgthanx! [02:57]
chibaguytooibrrorg, you mean you need a way to link to pages for the 50 states? [02:58]
ibrrorgyeah see the normal TOC will occur when you start to add headings and can be removed by __NOTOC__ when you have a bunch of 'headings' you end up w/a huge TOC
a template allows one to hyperlink the name of the state down the page to where it appears
chibaguytooHow does the wikimedia template work (avoid the long list)? [02:59]
ibrrorgi'll show the link in a second [03:00]
btw thank you chibaguytoo, those variables are in Look and Feel
ibrrorghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:TOC_US_states_2 see i took the coding/script or whatever and put it in a template and used it [03:00]
pascalstjeanibrrorg: quick question, did you install the profile directly from the Tiki Installer. Or post installation? [03:01]
ibrrorgi used my cpanel softolocous (sp?) program, run 3.1 tiki
i had to use the installer and enter in some db codes
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chibaguytooHm, the wikipedia page appears to be just a list of links, but displayed inline rather than vertically. [03:02]
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ibrrorgyeah it simply allows one to say have 50 states listed in horizontal lines and then link lower in the page to them thats what i want to do
sorry to take up so much time
pascalstjeancould be done in Tiki using the Include Plugin [03:03]
chibaguyno problem [03:03]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22805 10/trunk/doc/devtools/release.php: [DOC] doc link [03:04]
ibrrorgok ill go and read up on the stuff ya'll have cited to me and then touch base tomorrow have a good one! [03:04]
pascalstjeanyou can create a wiki page with the content that you wish to reuse in another. Then use the following plugin to insert that page. http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginInclude&structure=Documentation [03:05]
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pascalstjeanglad to hear you enjoy the Profiles. We are acutally working hard on them now to make them even better.
if you have feedback please feel free to let us know :)
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Tiki with Joomla - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=35121 [03:23]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r22806 10/trunk/lib/calendar/calendarlib.php: [FIX] query error with perspectives and clean up perspective deployment to calendar list [03:26]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22807 10/branches/4.x/tests/test_cvs_file.txt: test [04:29]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22808 10/trunk/lib/calendar/tikicalendarlib.php: [FIX] assigning value by reference
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22809 10/trunk/templates/header.tpl: [FIX] undefined editable, galleryId, description notices
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22810 10/trunk/templates/header.tpl: presumably fix broken logic on universaleditbutton.org button display check
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22811 10/branches/4.0/: [BRANCH] Creation, trunk 0 to 22810 [04:55]
chibaguySo now what is the relationship between branch 4.0 and proposed branch?
changes for tiki 4.0 should be committed to proposed, and then the quality team commits them to branch 4.0?
marclaportechibaguy: I am not sure yet [05:02]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22812 10/branches/4.0/tests/test_cvs_file.txt: test [05:03]
chibaguyseems like now trunk is for tiki 5 commits, but maybe people shouldn't commit directly to branch 4.0; proposed should be in between as for 3.0.
so proposed needs to be the same as branch 4.0, to start with cleaning the branch for release.
(but the experts will know :-) )
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chealerchibaguy: right. but we can run branch 4 without approval for a while [05:09]
so commit changes (fixes, etc.) to branch 4.0? Then they will get backported to trunk?
chealerchibaguy: or forward-ported. that's apparently what most people prefer [05:13]
chibaguywhich means, commit the changes to trunk? [05:13]
luciashluciash will continue commit to trunk and backport fixes to branch4 [05:14]
chibaguydoes that mean committing to trunk and also to branch 4? [05:15]
luciashyep, how would you do that without commiting ? [05:17]
I mean you do both commits yourself; there's no porting by quality team or anyone else.
luciashis the 4.0 just for test ? [05:20]
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chibaguyI guess marclaporte knows. I assumed it was the new branch. [05:21]
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luciashyes... i mean it depends on developer who ports if he wants it released in 4 or later (it doesn't have to be dev who originally commits that to trunk) [05:22]
chibaguyok [05:22]
luciashquality team can decide to reject [05:22]
chibaguyright [05:22]
luciashbut doesn't have to approve [05:23]
marclaporteso.... [05:23]
luciashwell, that was my idea about it [05:23]
marclaportethere was a 4.x for testing
but merge from 4.x to trunk wasn't working
luciashwe want 4 too
for testing ;)
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luciashno, seriously, if 4 works me, sylvie and everybody would prefer that than 4.0 [05:24]
marclaporteWe assumed merge script was choking on branch name
but both 4.x and 4.0 are causing issues
luciashis it the same ? [05:25]
marclaporteso it's unlikely the name makes a difference [05:25]
luciashok, so lets go with 4.x and fix that later [05:26]
marclaporteluciash: that is my feeling [05:27]
perhaps name does make a difference, but script needs work anyway [05:33]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22813 10/branches/4.0/: [KIL] deleting test branch
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22814 10/branches/4.x/: [KIL] deleting test branch
luciashwow, we got snow outside again this morning :-p [05:52]
chibaguyheh, daytime temperature here dropped from 20C to 15C and we're all shivering. Don't want to think about anything colder. :-) [05:56]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22815 10/branches/4.x/: [BRANCH] Creation, trunk 0 to 22810 [05:58]
chibaguyI wonder if tikiwiki/PHPLENS_COM/ can be deleted (4 years old). Or should it be kept for some reason?
(in the svn repository)
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luciashnever heard about it [06:05]
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marclaporteok, everyone
the countown is started
luciashmarclaporte: thank you
marclaporte: for managing it out ;)
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22816 10/branches/4.x/tests/testfile.txt: [TEST] test commit on 4x [06:11]
marclaportetks luciash
1am here
so we close up Tikifest for today
luciash7am here :-p [06:11]
marclaporteother timezones can take over [06:11]
luciashi will go to bed soon too i guess ;) [06:12]
marclaporte:-) [06:13]
chibaguyhm, 3:30pm here so could have a siesta, I guess. :-)
but probably should get some work done instead
luciash*g* [06:14]
marclaporteover & out [06:16]
luciash too
chibaguycya later [06:18]
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changi|workcould someone go to http://www.doc.tikiwiki.org and explain me why it does not work properly [10:02]
luciashchangi|work: because you use www. before doc.
we never used that before
you should put a redirect in .htaccess to disallow that and redirect every request to ^www.doc. to doc.
changi|work: does this explain it to you ?
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changi|workhum ok luciash
www.doc.two is a Tiki4 vbersion of tiki
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changi|workpeople who have a account on doc.two please test www.doc.tikiwiki.org [10:34]
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chibaguychangi|work: some wiki syntax isn't parsed: on http://www.doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tiki3, {img}, {iframe} {remarksbox}, etc. syntax just displays instead. [11:01]
Also, I wonder what happened to the "ui enhancement" tab of admin features. In particular, how to turn on CSS menus. I don't see it in other trunk installs either.
at www.doc.tw.o, L&F UL Effects has "Warning Requires jquery feature" warning box, but jquery is already on by default, right?
Superfish doesn't seem to be used, though it's turned on.
jonnybhi chibaguy - the ui tab on l&f is still there, just renamed i thought [11:12]
chibaguyhi jonnyb [11:12]
jonnyboh i see - no menus checkboxes, yes - i had a struggle finding them last time!
aha! it's on admin/general/navigation
(they are navigation things, i guess!)
chibaguychangi|work: btw, at at www.doc.tw.o, I turned on tabs and shadowbox, but they didn't become effective. I went back and found the boxes unchecked.
oh, yeah, jonnyb, I see them now.
luciashchangi|work: ah, ok :-p that was confusing to me [11:18]
jonnybi really wanted to add a thing to the admin search feature that tells you where to find the stuff next time... ah well, another thing for 4.1 i guess
polom luciash
luciashhi jonnyb [11:18]
chibaguySeems like Admin General Navigation Menus maybe should be on Admin Look and Feel
Same for Admin General Site Identity
(sort of thinking, the fewer things on Admin General, the better, if they have "Admin Specific" alternatives.
jonnybseems fair chibaguy (if you fancy doing it! ;0 ) [11:30]
chibaguySeems like other people might have a different opinion. I recall discussions about location of browser title admin, before. [11:32]
changi|workdid someone know how to activate the picture reflection effect ? [11:34]
chibaguychangi|work: it's activated already.
There's some problem with admin settings not being used.
(tabs, superfish, reflection, some wiki syntax tags...)
Maybe a problem with minified javascript?
jonnybi just enabled tiki_minify_javascript and reflection still works...
and supersuckers :)
mind you... the js isn't minified
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chibaguyat www.doc.tw.o? [11:50]
jonnybno sorry - my local [11:50]
chibaguyah, ok. mine is ok there too. but not at www.doc.tw.o.
comparing the page source, I saw <script type="text/javascript" src="temp/public/minified_b1c0f2e0fcf109785dd211b80acb240e.js"></script>
whereas I have a paragraph of js links instead, so just assumed.
jonnybstill trying to catch up... i'll get there eventually :) [11:52]
changi|workshould i purge this folder "temp/public"? [11:54]
chibaguymaybe so [11:55]
changi|workdoesn't change anything [11:56]
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chibaguyI guess there's no admin interface yet for minimizing javascript?
I don't see where to turn on|off.
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jonnybon admin performance, chibaguy [12:54]
ok, at www.doc.tw.o I turned off both Minify javascript and Use Minified Scripts, and now superfish, tabs, reflection (at least) work.
Turned them back on, and those things are still working.
So maybe js had to be minified again ?
I have no idea how the minifying is applied, etc.
But no sign of reflection or superfish when I check with srware iron (like google chrome).
and {img} tags still aren't parsed.
(or others)
(I was using Opera.)
jonnybi think the idea of the new minify thing is to do it on the fly, and cache the minified results (in temp/public i think)
but still haven't managed to read the new code
(svn merge fun for me today! :) )
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chibaguyjs seems fairly messed up at www.doc.tw.o. The column hide|show links don't work. Superfish isn't working for Firefox, tho it is for Opera.
Pages load pretty fast though. ;-)
could be the minified thing
chibaguyseems to be
but the img tags, etc. not being parsed may be something else.
well, are something else.
there's a huge improvement when minify is used, though, in terms of number of server requests and total transfer size.
so it'll be great when the bugs are ironed out.
marclaportehuge improvement in speed? [13:25]
chibaguyyeah, just comparing roughly www.doc.tw.o with minify on, and my localhost trunk with minify off - looking with firebug. [13:30]
if we have on the fly minify, the old setting to minify may no longer be needed?
chibaguyI image not, but am no expert. [13:36]
jonnybpolom marclaporte
i'm fighting with the branch merge thing, but will gladly stop if someone else who understands it wants to have a go :)
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marclaportehi Kimberlee!
marclaporte misses Nyloth & mose
Kimberleehiya Marc. :) [13:41]
marclaportebranching & scripting kings they are
jonnyb : you are trying to fix merge from 4.x to trunk?
jonnybi just doid a manual merge and all it found was a load of stupid property stuff (not your test commit)
the trouble is it takes 30 minutes to make each mistake!
Kimberleequestion - besides setting the upload_max_filesize is there any files size limitations in the file gallery? [13:45]
ricks99embeeded context ads on tw.o? !yuck! [13:45]
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marclaporteads? [13:50]
ricks99i see embeeded links all over tw.o sites
odd... gone now...
i was seeing double underlined embeedd link ads
jonnybhey lphuberdeau - you know about this svn merging thing [13:53]
lphuberdeaumost of what there is to know [13:53]
jonnybi'm getting loads of prop changes - the usual suspects (lib/test ones) - is there any way of getting rid of them? [13:54]
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jonnybat the moment my plan is to do an initial merge by hand from 4.x to trunk, as the script seems to be saying it can't do the first one [13:55]
marclaporteah [13:55]
jonnybthere is one real difference in tests/testfile.txt, but i'm only getting the bogus property stuff [13:55]
marclaportericks99 : maybe your browser? [13:56]
lphuberdeauwas it upgraded to handle the 4.x branch name? I suspect the regular expressions in there are fairly strict [13:56]
jonnybi think my time would be better spent fixing bugs... [13:56]
marclaportelphuberdeau : no [13:56]
jonnybyes, i changed svn tools is_stable to suit [13:56]
marclaportewith 4.0 or 4.x, it would not work either way [13:56]
but i suspect there's more to do!
lphuberdeauI would just remove that stupid test folder on both sides
completely useless
jonnybgreat! kil kil kil!!!!
(except it looks like there has been lots of "work" in there)
SEWilco2kil kil? I think I saw that movie. [13:58]
having stepped through the svnbranchupdadte script it looks like it really has to find something in find_last_merge() to work, is that right? (seems "odd")
i think i'll remove all the mergeinfo props from trunk - surely that shouldn't be in there? (just in the branches, right?)
lphuberdeau: at the moment i'm testing having replaced line 37 of svnbranchupdate.php from "error( "Could not find previous merge. Impossible to merge automatically." );" to $last=0; - does that sound like A Good Thing?
chibaguyfresh install of branch 4x results in system error "Table '4xg.tiki_pages' doesn't exist The query was: select tp.* from `tiki_pages` as tp order by `pageName` desc" . Is this expected at this point? (database name is "4xg".) [14:10]
lphuberdeauthose scripts don't use the svn merge props
they were written before svn added those
jonnyblphuberdeau: good - but they keep merging them back in (and out) [14:13]
lphuberdeauand because they are done client side, we can't rely on everyone having svn 1.5 anyway [14:13]
jonnybchibaguy: i had a tiki_pages missing thing on trunk the other day - trying to remember why... [14:13]
lphuberdeauthe script looks for the previous commit by matching the commit message
finding nothing is a problem
jonnyboh yes, i'd set the database to use ucs-8 encoding, instead of utf-8 (don't even know what usc is!)
lphuberdeau: finding nothing means it's the first merge, no?
lphuberdeauThe branching commit message has a specific format too [14:14]
jonnybyes, spotted that
this was why i was going to fake one
the script just ran - doing $last=0 instead of error() - checking...
hmmm - it did nothing :(
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22817 10/trunk/ (lib/categories/categlib.php tiki-approve_staging_page.php): [MOD] Mozilla upstream. This is the integral file from mozilla. No significant changes were made on the tiki side since 1.10. [14:17]
lphuberdeauwell, you can do it manually and just write the commit message as it should be
those scripts don't do magic
jonnybhaving a go at that (manually == every year!) [14:18]
lphuberdeaujust avoid the tedious manual task of checking logs [14:18]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22818 10/trunk/tests/testfile.txt: [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/4.x 0 to 22816 [14:19]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22819 10/branches/4.x/tests/testfile.txt: [TEST] 2nd test commit after 1st merge [14:25]
jonnybbbl [14:27]
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chibaguytiki_pages table wasn't created because " Column 'pageName' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index". I got 13 errors similar to this doing the fresh install of branch 4. [14:59]
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jonnybchibaguy: did you see my msg about the encoding? i think it got swamped in svn stuff
(previously) chibaguy: i had a tiki_pages missing thing on trunk the other day - trying to remember why... oh yes, i'd set the database to use ucs-8 encoding, instead of utf-8 (don't even know what usc is!)
chibaguyoh ok. now I see. [15:06]
jonnybso that sounds like it's a FULLTEXT thing of some sort [15:06]
chibaguydamn, I did the same thing.
jonnybi wonder what it is (apart from your bedtime! ;) ) [15:07]
chibaguyhm, 3-letter acronym starting with u - must be the one. ;-)
or abbreviation
made a new table with the right encoding and this time no errors :-)
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22820 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]TRACKERFILTER: force to test on the upper value [15:22]
chibaguyer, i mean a new db. [15:23]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22821 10/branches/4.x/ (52 files in 21 dirs): [SVN] Removing old mergeinfo props for cleaner merging in future [15:23]
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is the merging problem fixed?
jonnybi hope so - just running it now
sign... it's doing all the props mergeinfo again :( obviously have to remove them from trunk (i think?)
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jonnybhere goes... [15:37]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22822 10/trunk/ (55 files in 23 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/4.x 22816 to 22821 [15:38]
ricks99has anyone tried to combine the mod-translation & mod-switchlang? i'd like to be able to show all language options in a single module [15:40]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22823 10/branches/4.x/tests/testfile.txt: [TEST] 3rd test commit after 2nd (1st proper automatic) merge [15:42]
chibaguyIn my localhost branch 4, minify javascript seems to work fine - superfish, column hide/show, etc. work normally.
oops. it's not minifying. Maybe due to being a wamp server, even though minify javascript is turned on, firebug shows the js scripts aren't minified.
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22824 10/branches/4.x/lib/test/core/WikiParser/: [SVN] Removing old mergeinfo props for cleaner merging in future (missed one)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22825 10/trunk/ (. lib/test/core/WikiParser/ tests/testfile.txt): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/4.x 22821 to 22823
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chibaguyah, I see a minified js does get made, but there are a lot of other .js files also - jquery, superfish, etc. That doesn't seem right. [15:52]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22826 10/trunk/: [SVN] Added svn-commit.tmp to svn:ignore
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22827 10/branches/4.x/temp/public/: [SVN] Ignore minified script cache
oops wrong channel
yonixxx:) hi Rick [15:57]
ricks99hi yonixxx [15:57]
yonixxxhope you are doing ok [15:58]
ricks99yes, thanks. and u too [15:58]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22828 10/branches/4.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [bp/ r 22820][FIX]TRACKERFILTER: force to test on the upper value [16:04]
.... (idle for 17mn)
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22829 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-editpage.tpl tiki-editpage.php): [ENH] Mozilla upstream. Suggest to change page title if it contains bad characters. [16:21]
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marclaporteTikiFest day3, has started [16:33]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22830 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Add a switch to prevent the creation of pages containing bad characters.
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22831 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [MOD]lesser magic: radio prefs (todo: hide the child when switching)
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nkothjonnyb: [16:36]
jonnybhi nkoth [16:37]
nkothhi, yesterday i was testing out the category perms [16:37]
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nkothand sometimes a "Remove button" appears
what does "Remove" mean?
jonnybremove should appear when there are some perms to remove [16:38]
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jonnybmeans delete really i suppose [16:38]
nkothdelete? [16:38]
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nkothso if I have assigned some, and I uncheck and assign again, it removes. [16:39]
jonnybperms are rows in the user_xxxxperm tables - removing them means deleting those rows
nkothso why is there a need for a "Remove" button? (isn't assign enough?) [16:39]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22832 10/trunk/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl: [ENH] Change the message if the prevent switch is on [16:40]
jonnybyou don't have to click it :) [16:40]
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testwow [16:42]
sylviegin which table are kept the installer/schema that have been run? [16:42]
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jonnybtiki_schema or something i think sylvieg [16:43]
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sylviegthx jonnyb [16:43]
pascalstjeanBigBlueButton has been rebooted. We are broadcasting with sound today [16:44]
nkothjonnyb: if I click remove, it's supposed to remove which perms? All? [16:45]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22833 10/branches/4.x/installer/schema/20091103_upgrade_categperm_tiki.php: [FIX] officially move the categ perm upgrade script to the installer ... better than nothing [16:45]
jonnyball perms on the current object
it doesn't (shouldn't) appear on global perms
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22834 10/branches/4.x/tests/upgrade_categperm.php: moved [16:46]
yonixxxIn "Image Gallery" i can't find a way on TW3 to move an image from a gallery to another gallery... That looks trivial so i guess i miss something... [16:47]
marclaporteyay for Radio buttons in dynamic prefs! [16:48]
chibaguyhi yonixxx [16:50]
yonixxxHi hi hi ! :D [16:50]
marclaportesylvieg: : for your last commit, $tiki_p_admin check doesn't seem needed? [16:50]
yonixxxor Ay Ay Ay Chibaguy [16:51]
chibaguyat a url like tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=43, I get a dropdown selector "Move image:"
nkothjonnyb: so "Remove Category Perms Set" might be a better label I think, but it's a mouthful
or maybe we can add that to the tooltip
chibaguyyonixxx, do you see it? - down below the image in that table of image information. [16:57]
yonixxxlol chibaguy !!! If i browse an image, i have an option (as admin) to move it (the one you just point to me). If i edit an image... i don;t have that option.
i guess as small tuning should be good :D
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22835 10/branches/4.x/installer/schema/20091103_upgrade_categperm_tiki.php: oops- no need to check perms in installer [16:58]
well, i believe the plan is to use file galleries also for images, and phase out image galleries. So you could check the procedure for moving files, there, maybe.
sylviegI have no idea how a php script must be writen for the isntaller [17:03]
chealerpolom [17:06]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Tracking Content at a user level - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=35123 [17:07]
chealerahah, doc.tw.o fixed
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chealerKimberlee: yes, see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/File+Gallery+Config&structure=Documentation (post_max_size) [17:12]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22836 10/branches/4.x/installer/schema/20091103_upgrade_categperm_tiki.php: oops again - a php installer script is a php but a function
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22837 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Cleaning up misplaced hints.
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marclaportelphuberdeau: : about "Unless a significant amount of preferences are documented and use dynamic preferences before the 4.0 release, this search feature will become disabled by default." we did good progress, but I don't have a count (or an easy way to count). What do you think we should do? [17:14]
lphuberdeaudisable the search by defaults. All those descriptions are too poor to help searching
when there are descriptions at all
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I would have a question or two, relating to format tikiwikilinks
am I right in this chatroom?
chibaguyTorsten_: yes, this is the right place. [17:33]
Torsten_cool [17:33]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22838 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Mozilla upstream. Allow to disable the reply title for forum threads. [17:34]
Torsten_I would like to format a wikilink, that opens in a new Tab, or a new Window of the browser [17:34]
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Torsten_what is the syntax for that [17:35]
chibaguyhm, I don't know if that's possible with normal wiki links. But you could use the external link syntax, and set the preference to open external links in a new window. [17:36]
Torsten_set it in tiki or in the browser? [17:36]
chibaguyin tiki [17:36]
Torsten_where? [17:37]
chibaguyOn tiki-admin.php?page=textarea, "Open external links in new window."
Then wiki links need to have the [http://www.example.com/Pagename|Pagename] format.
I don't know if shortening it to [Pagename] will work.
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22839 10/branches/4.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]admin group: pagination [17:43]
chibaguyBut maybe even with the external link format, if the link isn't really external, maybe Tiki won't apply the open-in-new-window rule. You'll have to test it. [17:44]
Torsten_thx [17:44]
chibaguyAn alternative would be to use html and use the target=_blank, I guess. [17:44]
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chibaguywell, I just tested and [http://www.mysite.com/MyOtherPage|MyOtherPage] doesn't open in a new window even with its external link syntax, and pref set to open external links in a new window.
Can't fool Tiki, I guess.
Torsten_hmm [17:49]
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Torsten_any other option? [17:49]
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chibaguyDo you want every link in your wiki to open in a new window? [17:50]
Torsten_not necessarily -> I need "not every link open in the same window"
would need it optional I guess
every link open in a new tab / window would be worse I guess
chibaguyYou can use the HTML plugin and then use standard HTML syntax to open in a new window, but would be extra trouble to input each time. [17:52]
Torsten_I use tiki for an intranet an would like sometimes to use headers as links itself and then I´d need "open in new tab"
would I have to upload / install the plugin (I have tiki 2.2 at the moment ... will probably get 3.2 in a while)
chibaguyI don't know if the plugin will work in 2.2. probably not. [17:54]
Torsten_and ... I am a fool in html ... means I do not "speak" html ;-)
What would the situation with the plugin be in 3.2?
chibaguyI don't think there's a simple solution. [17:54]
Torsten_hm. But there would be a solution at all?
I could take it down to a lower priority, once I know some point, where to find the solution
chibaguyIn 3.2, you could put standard HTML link syntax inside an {HTML()} plugin. [17:56]
Torsten_perhabs I could give somebody the job to find it out, once the project went some further
Ah, that would be a plugin : {HTML()} ?
nkothsylvieg: [17:57]
sylviegyes [17:57]
chibaguy{HTML()}<a href=http://sitename.comrdblquote target="_blank">Link text here</a>{HTML} [17:57]
marclaportechangi|home : changi|work how is doc.tw.o surviving Tiki4 upgrade? [17:57]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03dexl_2000 * r22840 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [MOD] removed the profile selection and wording on the 5th installation process. [17:57]
nkothsylvieg: when you looked at sumo polls, did you see how tiki will support multiple polls per page? [17:57]
Torsten_once I know, there would not be an easy solution in 2.2, but it would be quite easy in 3.2, I would decide to wait for the 3.2 [17:58]
sylviegYes it needed a rewritting to be generic - I did the specif - but did not go further
if lph or other wants my note...
chibaguyLet me try that again: {HTML()}<a href="http://mysite.com/WikiPageName" target="_blank">WikiPageName</a>{HTML} [17:59]
nkothsylvieg: so can I tell lph this is to be upstream and ask you for your note? [17:59]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22841 10/branches/4.x/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Make searching in admin panels an option, off by default and experimental. We made great progress here and will continue for Tiki5. http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Dynamic+Preferences [17:59]
sylviegyes - even if lph will probably redo the stuff ;-) [18:00]
Torsten_chibaguy: WARNING: No such module HTML! <a href=HomePage target="_blank">zurück nach Hause</a>
chibaguy: what might be the problem on that?
chealersylvieg: the result with upgrade categperms looks good - thank you [18:02]
sylviegit is probable incomplete .. butbetter than nothing [18:03]
chibaguyTorsten_: Are you using Tiki 3? [18:04]
chealerTorsten_: HTML is a plugin, not a module [18:04]
Torsten_chibaguy: tiki 2.2 [18:04]
chibaguyHTML plugin isn't available in tiki 2.2, only 3 and later [18:05]
Torsten_chealer: probably I didn´t yet understand what a tiki-plugin is at all ?? [18:05]
chibaguy(IIRC) [18:05]
chealer: chibaguy told me the reason
chealerTorsten_: a plugin is an extension to "Wiki syntax" [18:05]
chibaguyanother option is to turn on HTML generally, then you can use the HTML syntax to open in a new window.
Since you are using on an intranet, so a trusted environment.
Torsten_chealer: like an extra code, but I would not install it? are those plugins included out of the box? or can I extend the number of plugins? [18:06]
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chibaguy: am on that right now
chealerTorsten_: plugins are included, not necessarily enabled. you can create new plugins. [18:07]
chibaguysorry, I have to go now (3am here). [18:08]
Torsten_chealer: aha ... but creation might be some step further ... I am a beginner ;-)
chibaguy: thx very much for your help
chibaguysure, see you later. [18:08]
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Torsten_chealer: you helped me aswell, thx - have to go now by myself [18:09]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22842 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-admin-include-features.tpl: [MOD] duplicating Dynamic Content checkbox to main feature admin panel, because people also tend to think it will be here. [18:09]
chealerTorsten_: it's a pleasure if that helped [18:09]
Torsten_by chealer [18:09]
chealerbye [18:09]
Torsten_;-) [18:09]
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.... (idle for 17mn)
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marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Version+lifecycle -> please read [18:28]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03dexl_2000 * r22843 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [MOD] accept only mysql databases in database selection on 4th installation process.
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22844 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Add pagination to limit the amount of records displayed and loading time.
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03nagendra016 * r22845 10/trunk/db/ (5 files): [FIX]Broken Kaltura upload link on clean install [19:04]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22846 10/branches/4.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW]TRACKERLIST: new param showpagination [19:09]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22847 10/trunk/ (14 files in 9 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/4.x 22823 to 22846 [19:20]
luciashsylvieg: is the new param meant as option for the max param ?
to display or not the pagination when using max limit ?
marclaportesylvieg or anyone: if people fix things in trunk (by accident), can that be backported to 4x without risk? Or it will be double commited from 4.x to trunk again?
ex.: r22846
r22845 /trunk/db/ (5 files): [FIX]Broken Kaltura upload link on clean install
jonnybmarclaporte: it should be ok - svn's not _that_ bad!
i was chatting with nagendra earlier but he gone now
marclaporteok [19:34]
jonnybat worst it'll be a phantom conflict [19:34]
marclaportesounds fun [19:34]
jonnyboh yes, they're fantastic!!
mind you, after the past few days rebuilding alcns.net i'm looking forward to some tiki
i'll do r 22845
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22848 10/branches/4.x/db/ (4 files):
tikiwiki: [bp / r22845] [FIX]Broken Kaltura upload link on clean install
tikiwiki: (and convertsqls)
luciashjonny for a backporter ! ;) [19:41]
jonnybhey, i got the GSoC t-shirt, so seems fair! [19:44]
luciashand google wave invitation ;) [19:44]
jonnybyes but i think i lost it... too many mails from that list [19:45]
luciashi see
only régis catched it ;)
lphuberdeaulphuberdeau got one too [19:47]
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luciashlphuberdeau: ah, congrats :) so i suppose you're in touch already with régis there [19:47]
lphuberdeauyeah, we planned a pub crawl for jonny in there [19:48]
jonnybthink it might be a bit cold for t-shirts? [19:52]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22849 10/branches/4.x/ (5 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: [KIL] Remove experimental static minified JS files and references
tikiwiki: (also $Id property and (c) notice added)
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coaboa has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [20:50]
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ibrrorgI am attempting to configure the Maps. The config page asks me to enter files that I don’t understand such as full path to mapfiles, default mapfile, full path to gdaltindex and ull path to ogr2ogr. I have the google maps setup and the Maps folder on my server only has an index.php. Where can I read what files to add/create and then where can I read on how to start deploying the maps in a page? Thanx!
this is the doc page for configs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Maps+Config
luciashiirc Map feature doesn't use Google Maps but requires own map server installation
try to use Google Maps feature instead (if any)
ibrrorgis there a page that will show me how to deploy a map in a page? right now when i click the usermap in the toolbar there's no way to create an independent area so to speak---i geuss i'm asking what is the 'code/script' i type in to display the map in a page
i am a hobo (freight hopper here in the States and maps are critical. would it be worth my while to attempt to instal the map server i.e.; is it good open source (no api trademarks, etc) to mess with and document hybrid type of stuff?
marclaporteall TikiFesters: http://tikiwiki.org/Viral+TikiWiki [21:14]
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luciash>doctwo Gmap+Admin [21:16]
Sug4rhttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/Gmap+Admin [21:16]
luciashibrrorg: ^ [21:16]
ibrrorglinking now
i've done all that; let me rephrase: how do I now make a goolge map of my choice appear in a page---is there a doc on this? thanx, in advance, for taking time to help me!
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22850 10/branches/4.x/installer/schema/20090921_workspaces_tiki.sql: [FIX] Restore installer upgrade script for workspace helper. A new patch should be made to delete or modify any data or schema.
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22851 10/branches/4.x/tiki-plugins.php: notice
luciashnkoth: see the chat in bbb [21:21]
ibrrorghow do i get there? [21:21]
marclaporteGillesM: : time to remove Multimedia feature! [21:22]
oysmarclaporte: WYSIWYG_Wiki is not quite perfect yet. I've migrated a lot of content into the wiki using the regular wiki, but sometimes when I edit a page with wysiwyg, it takes away the line breaks. [21:22]
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oysmarclaporte: is this something you've come across? and do you know if there are any large users of tikiwiki that use wysiwyg for their wiki? [21:23]
marclaporteoys : council of Europe [21:24]
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oysmarclaporte: that's great news. are they using 3, 4, or the coe-branch?
I'd love to read/learn more about their setup.
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luciashoys: i think line breaks are largely affected by what you have set on Admin → Wiki for Wiki paragraph formatting [21:27]
marclaporteoys: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/CoE [21:27]
sylvieg+ use htmlpurifier [21:27]
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marclaporteoys: you have their nicks so I suggest to try to catch them when they come online :-) [21:33]
oyswill do. I'm really happy with everything except these minor issues that I understand are not that minor to correct (referring to the wiki-syntax/html dilemma) [21:34]
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marclaporteoys: do you follow devel mailing list? [21:35]
changi|workchangi|work nice work with branching :)
oys : we are using Tiki3
oysmarclaporte: I must admit, I did not. I will now though. [21:40]
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marclaporteoys : http://old.nabble.com/Text-area-helpers%2C-Wiki-Syntax-and-WYSIWYG-and-the-strategic-%09importance-for-TikiWiki-to25860720.html [21:42]
oyschangi|work: are your users mostly using WYSIWYG for editing wiki entries? and are you experiencing any issues with e.g. linebreaks? Also, what settings/profile are you using for wysiwyg?
changi|work: it would be really interesting to read more about your setup. maybe a sort of "customer testimonial" :)
changi|workoys: personally i don't use WYSIWYG, but nyloth and pkdille could certainly answer this [21:43]
luciashoys: i am using wysiwyg only when testing [21:44]
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oysmarclaporte: I'd come across that post earlier. I fall in the "you are not convinced yourself" category, though I'm leaning more and more towards educating users. at first glance it seems like there should be a simple solution, but I've understood that the devil is in the details :/ [21:48]
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marclaportethere are recent messages on that thread
oys : if someone can find one single stable implementation...
Perhaps part of the solution is to lock some pages to WYSIWYG
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oysfinished reating through the thread now. I am dealing with very non-technical users many for whom the concept of a wiki in itself is new. Even creating internal links with (()) is new. So far, only a small team of a handfull of people have been using the regular wiki-syntax editor. i was hoping to figure out how to painlessly switch to wysiwyg, but if that won't happen in a while, it will be interestning to see how users will react.
my fear is that they will renounce it without really giving it a try because it is not as "easy" to use as word :/
marclaporteoys: I have an idea [21:59]
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macnificHello everyone. This is my first day at the community.
Who can welcome me?
luciashmacnific: welcome :) [22:01]
macnificAfter succeed Tikiwiki installation.
Well. we are creating a barter community and tikiwiki will help a lot
marclaporteoys : tell me what you think: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/wish2842 [22:02]
macnificI have read myself all the "open organization" principles that goes in the same direction of my thinking [22:02]
marclaportewelcome macnific [22:02]
macnificthanks marcla, thanks luciash
I also reformed the PT-BR translation. And I will put available to the community.
marclaportemacnific: Did you read http://tikiwiki.org/Model ? [22:03]
macnificmarclaporte: great.. Java is really good. We have also installed Cyclos in our community and it is java based.
marclaporte: good page. I have no doubt about tiki. I made a long comparision inside wikimatrix.org
Sure I will be here giving feedback for the dev team.
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macnifichowever the point here now is more concerning the principles. [22:06]
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macnificI saw the video of TikiFest in spain. Great. [22:06]
luciashmacnific: Java ?
macnific: we are PHP, mostly
macnificBut I would like to know if Tikiwiki needed to officialize itself as an institution. Or does it exist only virtually inside net?
luciash: I know tikiwiki is PHP. I was answering concerning the page from marclaporte.
luciashwe needed to officialize just recently to have some bank account legal wire
ah, the Model ?
Ok, let me show you something
this is the community I have created since I got back to my country, Brazil.
ohh no mine, really, anyway...
here is the animation I did: http://web.mac.com/pedrobarbosa/troquei/Splash.html
and here the Tikiwiki : http://wiki.troquei.com/tikiwiki33/
I am at configuration moment.
and preparing the wiki pages
and your pages has been an inspiration for me. Mainly the dogfood and Do-ocracry terms. hehe
luciashcool [22:12]
macnificNow the point is... how to transfer this great community philosophy (focused in development) to do something similar, but turned to human beings.
that is the point I would like to have someone sharing thoughts.
You all certainly have seem barter communities such as Lets, etc.
What do you think about it?
luciashwe're all human beings here (except some few bots ;)) [22:14]
macnifichahaha, bots has helped sometimes more than some other people I know. ahaha
luciashsure [22:14]
marclaporteThe wiki way, applied to community development [22:14]
luciashSug4r: what do you think ? [22:14]
Sug4rMaybe... [22:14]
macnificwell. I would like to know how have Tikiwiki community deal with taxs, governament, etc.
Did your team created chart as a company?
Does it has an official office?
or just a server as address? hhehee
those are the questions we are asking ourselves over here.
marclaportehttp://tikiwiki.org/Tiki+Software+Community+Association [22:15]
macnificDo we need to exist officially to be together?
ohhh no. There is membership
luciashwell, we evolved without it
this is really just a necessity to handle donations and stuff around that
macnificluciash: did you see zeitgeist? [22:16]
luciashnope [22:16]
marclaportemarclaporte thinks macnific will be interested in http://cc.tikiwiki.org/ [22:17]
sylviegjonnyb|feeding: around: how far sortable is implemented in the table? [22:17]
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macnificmarclaporte: thanks a lot. checking [22:17]
luciashnkoth: i will have a look [22:17]
macnificMy God. I found my tribe I believe. hehe [22:18]
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marclaporteamd http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Exchange_Market [22:18]
luciashnkoth: the BBB frozen for me [22:18]
macnifichere: thezeitgeistmovie.com
jonnybhi syvieg [22:18]
macnificwww.thezeitgeistmovement.com [22:18]
luciashmacnific: ok, it's enough, i have no time to watch it now anyway ;) [22:19]
marclaporteoys: do you think http://dev.tikiwiki.org/wish2842 could do the job? [22:19]
macnificI was not intending to give more than that. Luciash [22:19]
nkothI think BBB is down - letting fred know [22:19]
sylviegjonnyb: I tried {FANCYTABLE(headclass=sortable) } .. suppose I am missiing some points
sylvieg begins to like jq
jonnybsortables sort of workes - messes up the odd/even thing though [22:20]
luciashsylvieg: welcome onboard ;) [22:20]
sylviegI am a slow leaner [22:20]
luciashnkoth: can you repaste here ? [22:20]
macnificI am not in a rush to change the word, I also do not have time to be with those who want to stop the change. ;) [22:20]
jonnybnever been aboard [22:20]
sylviegis there a place where sortable works? I can give a try to fix the rest [22:20]
nkothluci :http://vps13.etazo.net/trunk2/tiki-index.php does not work [22:21]
macnificThank everybody, I will be around helping on what I can. [22:21]
nkothbut http://vps13.etazo.net/trunk2/tiki-index.php?page=testcomment does [22:21]
luciashjonnyb: oh, you mean you never liked jq ? [22:21]
jonnybthere are 2 or 3 admin tables that use them - i'd have to check [22:21]
sylviegokmI saw them... [22:21]
jonnybluciash: fancytables, i mean [22:21]
nkothluci: http://vps13.etazo.net/trunk2/tiki-index.php?page=testcomment also does not work [22:22]
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nkothI mean http://vps13.etazo.net/trunk2/tiki-index.php?page=testcomment2 [22:22]
sylviegjonnyb - I simply watnt o put sortable in fancytable ;-) [22:22]
nkothluci: page too long? css? [22:22]
jonnybdoes it generate a tbody tag? (and thead) [22:22]
luciashjonnyb: hehe, i was reacting on sylvies quote "sylvieg begins to like jq" [22:22]
macnificmarclaporte: Thanks for existing. [22:22]
jonnyb:) [22:22]
sylvieghehe good point konnyb
oops jonnyb
jonnyb1 min, changing computers [22:23]
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jonnybis there an irc command to get the last few minutes of chat? [22:24]
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sylvieghttp://irc.tikiwiki.org/ [22:25]
jonnyb|mobilethx sylvieg - so not inside the irc client then - just wondering [22:26]
luciashnkoth: i suspect the minified js
nkoth: there seem to be no link to tiki.js
nkothtiki-js.js? [22:27]
oysmarclaporte: about wish2842. It might work, but I am afraid non-technical users would still see it as buggy (since their reference is a word processor). I got carried away reading about how twiki is approaching the problem : http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin#How_it_works [22:27]
luciashnkoth: and PHP error on the page
nkoth: yes
marclaportewe exactly need people to do this type of research [22:27]
luciashnkoth: can you try to switch the minified off ? [22:27]
nkothluciash: ok, one sec [22:28]
luciashnkoth: js console says it [22:29]
oysmarclaporte: I saw that on in your post. I've been giving this quite some thought, but I don't yet have a good enough understandning about the issue to make myself usefull just yet. [22:29]
marclaporteoys: in your research: http://tikiwiki.org/Wiki+Landscape [22:29]
luciashnkoth: SyntaxError: Parse error → minified_f494d67819d3ef3da8f63e52a3216b85.js (line 258)SyntaxError: Parse error [22:30]
marclaporteoys: you don't need to understand how they do it. Just validate that it works well. [22:30]
nkothluciash: turned off minify js
luciash: did it fix it for you?
luciashyes [22:32]
nkothlet me turn it on again [22:32]
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luciashbut still there's unmatched tag generated (span) [22:32]
oysI think I would be happy with a very simple wysiwyg editor that just handles simple stuff like bold, italic, and headings (and maybe tables) [22:32]
luciashoys: you can configure the toolbars icons now [22:33]
marclaportethe slippery slope! [22:33]
oyslinks and functions like toc don't need to be wysiwyg because they are more advanced features. but telling people that _ means bold will be too much [22:33]
nkothluciash: ok, that reproduced problem...hmm, i wonder if minify has a cache [22:34]
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luciashoys: at least in Tiki trunk
nkoth: yes, it has
nkoth: ctrl + U and you will see the reference
oysluciash: I know, and I've been doing this based on the various wysiwyg profiles. currently my only problem is changing between the two ways of editing breaks line-breaks [22:34]
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luciashoys: have you tried the Wiki Paragraph Formating and HTML purifier as sylvie suggested ? [22:35]
sylviegoys: there is a setting for taht - /me never remember which one [22:36]
luciashsylvieg: imho TRACKER and TRACKERLIST needs approval [22:37]
sylviegok for me - even if I think it is pretty tuff... [22:37]
nkothluciash: how you get that js error? my firebug report no error [22:38]
luciashwell, without it any user with tiki_p_edit can query registration user data from a tracker [22:38]
macnificmarclaporte: I knew transitionner.org. I see everything start to converge to the same point. [22:38]
luciashnkoth: top menu → Tools → Error Console
nkoth: i was looking with Arora Web Inspector though
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mlpvoltis anyone working on file galleries for 4.x these days? [22:40]
luciashmlpvolt: not me [22:40]
sylviegoys: Did you play with admin->textarea: tikiparagraph formatting and but still create a breaks within parag
mlpvolt: I am working around
luciashBBB seems to be broken for me currently still [22:42]
nkothluciash: i don't know enough about minify to know why it might break that page but not http://vps13.etazo.net/trunk2/tiki-index.php?page=testcomment [22:42]
marclaportesylvieg : can I delete this file? http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/db/fulltext.sql?revision=13490&view=markup [22:43]
luciashnkoth: no idea, maybe because of the PHP error reporting ? [22:43]
marclaporteand this? http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/db/case_patch.php?revision=19138&view=markup [22:43]
luciashnkoth: try to switch that off too [22:43]
nkothluciash: ok [22:43]
mlpvolthi sylvie, i've been doing some followup to work we did on filegalleries before, i've been testing and documenting ((doc:multimedia)) [22:44]
marclaporteluciash : fixed width is not working for me: http://demo.tikiwiki.org/4x/tiki-index.php [22:45]
mlpvoltwill ping you later with some ideas. [22:45]
luciashmarclaporte: you have shadow layers on ? [22:45]
sylviegoys: I juste tested with wysiwyg - i did not add br - so it is probably a setting [22:46]
marclaporteluciash: : will try [22:47]
oyssylvieg: there are so many settings in so many places so I don't blame you. customization is a good thing, but the more there is, the more to learn. thank you for all of your input. I will play around with various settings (again) and see how far I get. [22:47]
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marclaportetiki-admin.php?page=look -> shadow layer options are scary. All these boxes, I dunno what to answer [22:48]
sylviegoys: admin ->editing Wiki paragraph formatting and but still create line breaks within paragraphs. are on [22:49]
marclaporteluciash: fixed width is working when feature_layoutshadows is to y. But why do I need to do this? [22:49]
luciashmarclaporte: blame microsoft ;)
it needs extra div to make it work across browsers (including you know which one)
marclaportewhy not always have on? (clutter?) [22:51]
oyssylvieg/marclaporte: I reproduce the error consistently: saving something with regular editor and then opening in wysiwyg with wysiwyg_wiki profile on a clean install removes all line-breaks. [22:53]
luciashyes, some people don't need those extra wrapping divs... maybe it could be done better, maybe using jquery but i tried hard to make it work with every browser for ones and not to break anything for the others
marclaporte: maybe for Tiki 4.1
you can put it on by default though
marclaporteor Tiki5 :-) [22:55]
luciashfor installs
and if people don't need it, they can switch it off
wouldn't hurt i guess
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marclaporteI am trying to find a way to have non-super-large page on fresh installs [22:56]
luciashyou can put a note next to it that it is needed by fixed option for theme [22:56]
jonnyb|mobileoys: do you have wiki paragraph formatting on? [22:56]
marclaporteusing strasa-fixed instead of thenews.css [22:56]
nkothwe are changing location shortly [22:57]
oysjonnyb|mobile: yup. the only things I've changed are what's configured by this profile: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=WYSIWYG_Wiki [22:57]
luciashsure, maybe it's time to change theme for major release
default theme
jonnyb|mobilethat's what it does - i was going to fix it but apparently that's the desired behaviour [22:58]
sylviegwhat is the default theme in t4? [22:58]
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luciashsylvieg: currently still thenews for barebones profile [22:59]
marclaportesylvieg : still thenews.css but I would prefer to change if another is nice/stable enough [22:59]
sylviegsylvieg votes to change to sttrasa or coe [22:59]
marclaportestrasa is nice but quite buggy on IE [22:59]
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03dexl_2000 * r22852 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-change_password.tpl: [MOD] adding instant password check on change-password page, just basic functions at the moment. Future addon can be returnning of user name via js on GO BACK button, and tiki submit limit. [22:59]
luciashmarclaporte: still ? [22:59]
oysalso, ((links)) sometimes get garbled to [tiki-index.php?page=links|links], but this I can live with (for now) [23:00]
sylviegsylvieg remembers niclone fixed to excessive <br>...
sylvieg does not lik 22852 tone for a pre-release
luciashoys: ((links)) get duplicated here after preview in wysiwyg
luciash wonders if preview in wysiwyg is necessary
or somehow "duplicated", to be more precise
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oyssylvieg: to be clear: when you test wysiwyg, are you able to save something with the regular editor and then open it with wysiwyg and retain linebreaks? [23:14]
marclaporteluciash : yup [23:14]
sylviegoys: yes
just the setting are not friendly..
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oysI've now played with both wiki_paragraph_formatting settings with no luck [23:15]
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oyssylvieg: are you using a profile or did you set it up manually? either way: how did you do it :) [23:15]
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sylviegsylvieg needs to download a fresh install - but it is my 3- today .. pretty tired [23:15]
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22853 10/branches/4.x/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] Changing the first impressions after a fresh install. using Strasa-fixed. This is up for debate. What do you think? [23:18]
marclaporteluciash : can you review my latest commit?
We are moving to new place
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sylviegmarclaporte: the king of prefs setting - jquery is on by default now but {JG()} is not
sorry {JQ()}
marclaportewho needs?
people will put jquery in wiki pages?
sylviegI am trying to have FANCYTABLE using tablesort
... ok I can figure it out
good work everyone!
Tiki4 is looking fabulous
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CIA-78tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22854 10/branches/4.x/lib/setup/prefs.php: missing prefs [23:26]
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oyssylvieg: do you have time to pastebin output from select * from tiki_preferences;? I'd like to compare my settings to figure out what my issue is. [23:30]
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oys has quit IRC ("Thanks you, come again :)")
CIA-78tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22855 10/branches/4.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Several annoyances in dialog tools
tikiwiki: Button label for replace/submit/insert tidied up
tikiwiki: Handles plugins without closing tag
tikiwiki: Close button JS error fix
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22856 10/branches/4.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_flash.php: [MOD] Helpful description text

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