tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27389 10/trunk/templates/tiki-register.tpl: [FIX] generate password for case where user tracker is not being used for registration (preserving previous behavior) tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r27390 10/branches/5.x/styles/ (fivealive.css layout/layout-reference.css layout/layout.css): [MOD] Because any theme can use site login popup, layout-related (not specific to theme style) r27359 mods moved from from fivealive.css to layout/layout.css. tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27391 10/trunk/ (11 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] Ability to use pretty trackers registration form (when user tracker is being used). tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27392 10/trunk/ (9 files in 5 dirs): [ENH] Jquery validation to be used for email/pass/username in registration when user tracker is used Hi, I am new to tikiwiki. Is there a user registration feature? I know there is a user/password feature, but is their a screen for entering name, org and other infor? harrier: use user trackers Thank you. harrier: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=User+tracker Thank you again. I should have found that documentation. It is nice to know there are helpful people out there. Hi, I am new to Tikiwiki. I am trying to format content within a wiki page. Is it possible to define a box for an object, or divide a wiki page into columns (but not all pages)? Thank you for help. harrier: did you check the SPLIT plugin? No I'll check now. Thanks. Hi, there is an issue I logged as http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=3200&trackerId=5&show=view . The group selector does not work for me. As a result the create group per item does not work either. Would someone test it or have a look at my example in the issue? it is in the 5.0 beta 1 éééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééÉÉ @Gregely: try the 5.0 beta RC. It is newer. Your issue may be resolved Gergely: I commented your tracker item there hi ricks99 and chealer tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r27393 10/trunk/templates/tiki-searchresults.tpl: [FIX]Bug #3155. Turning off the "Search box" on the results will no longer disable the Search Bar hi xavi & chealer oh. thanks for the attention. xavi: I tried that, but that just shows the current default group, which cannot be selected "which cannot be selected" but isn't your option "1" in gruop selector saying self-assign? if you want to assign it manually, change that param, afaik and set who is allowed to edit it... xavi: param 1 is set. It worked in 4.1 code what I meant that the default group is shown, which cannot be changed in a drop-box or anything,. it is just the plain text there hi sorry, I don't undertand what you expected, and what you get instead I'm not used to group field, just to user field, and I thought it could be similar to what I know (about user field behavior) expected: the tracker plugin does not show anything for the group selector field, but assigns it I also had difficulty with the user selector, and luciash helped me to fix that. My old 4.1 way did not work there either. ok, did you try setting the filed "viewable by" X & Y groups? s/filed/field or did you play with the field "Field is hidden"? with param: 'visible by admin only' .... Gergely, did you read the documentation for trackers? I just double-checked: it is just public. for everyone, and it is not hidden. the editable by is set to the group I use sure I read. hey, I even corrected it great :-) I would say that for what you are looking for, you set that field as "visible for admin only", and then, set permissions fro your group for the whole tracker, not just that field. Would that make sense for you? hmm. I got to think it sounds okay for my case, while I doubt that the 2nd person who bumps into this would accept it then I could add the the group selector to the fields param, you mean? just started to test: when it is visible for admin only, the field name is there for a not-admin (ugly), its value is not it does work this way! the group selector is assigned! I only wish the field label was not there.. you can play using with pretty trackers then, you have full control of what you want to be displayed, etc. thanks, xavi. I still got to look why the user selector has not been assigned tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r27394 10/trunk/templates/ (5 files): [ENH]Some renaming from "tikiwiki" to "tiki" as per new branding welcome, Gergely the same recipe works for the user selector field. the field label is shown, unfortunately I will update the doc polom Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3202 - - 5 RC1 Calendar Popup CSS errors - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3202 Rick Sapir, are you on line? ping daniam Hello Rick. Just sent you an email. So perhaps go over it and let me know what you think about adding a paragraph to the news release. y. i am reading it now. video looks good i had to login to view it, though. is it supposed to be public? IMMO, video quality is not good enough. See the enlarged screen view at: http://www.kaltura.com/index.php/kwidget/cache_st/1275256836/wid/_287062/uiconf_id/48130/entry_id/0_194o83l4 looks good. just send u email with some ideas/suggestions OH, then its on my side. OK, let me read it and get back to you. changing the title to: Tiki: How to get help is being done now what will the final URL be? Final url can be: http://tv.tikiwiki.org/tiki-kaltura_video.php?mixId=0_ixxlv8il Just answered your mail. Rick: AND you may want to verify with the others in the admin group as may be I need to fix the embed option and place the same video clip inside related pages. What do you think? not sure i understand the final URL link does not appear to be publiclly available polom guys hi luciash