tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r34570 10/trunk/doc/devtools/update_english_strings.php: svn:keywords propset Id polom Chibaguy there ? or here :) hi Bernard1 chibaguy: i wanted to ask you , is it you that have design fivealive ? No, it was a designer named Simon who works at CGCOM in Montreal. I did the implementation for Tiki of his photoshop files, etc. … i have designed an hebrew theme but i used the fivealive css as basis. I want to commit it with hebrew language and rtl support. any suggestion ? If it uses a lot of the fivealive theme, maybe it could be added as a theme option for fivealive. That would make maintaining it easier, if it could work as a theme option. Now fivealive's theme options are just color variants, but a theme option can be any kind of variant, as long as it uses the theme file for most things, as just adds its own variations. as -> and sry everybody in world as decided to come my place. :D Well it will be hard to relate it to fivealive option… http://www.avtalyon.org.il I will try to check the stylesheets and see if it could be a fivealive theme option. ok tks … i 'm lost between category and tracker…. To restrict item tracker display to specific category (category used as group perm) item should be categorized. This part work well. BUT i want the category to be automatically assigned on item creation (user from group a = category a and anything created by this user (tracker item) should be from category a). I don;t want the group user to see the category. Where can i set that ? polom New Forum Posts: Extending wiki argument variables - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=41303