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ricks99looks like doc.t.o is bkac [00:06]
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fabriciusyes ricks99
but itś a bit odd - seems as in the middle of a revamp
ricks99there's a major re-indexing ongoing. other sites were down ealier today [00:29]
fabriciusif you do not know the page names it gets a bit uneasy [00:29]
ricks99? [00:29]
fabriciusI am not sure, but I think, that structures are broken somehow
was agonising today, how to get the german translation in
ricks99no. it is because some of the pages are in multiple structures. so, if you open the page without the structure ID, there structure drop down is emply --- you need to seledct the structue [00:31]
fabriciusI would prefer just to use one multilingual structure - respectively one for each guide [00:31]
ricks99no. there's only a single structure -- simple translate the pages 1:1
dont make a new structure
fabriciusI know, but for example with the german start page (Documantation -> Documentation,de) ist seems strange
it seems, that there is a structure with the same name than the page name
ricks99there are 2 new (revamp) guids. I'd start with those:
fabriciusI do not strat additional structures - want to keep iut simple and follow you, until I see s.th. to discuss
have seen that
I am agonising on a specific point at the very beginning of the documentation
ricks99ricks99 can get back to tiki doc, now that Smarties is published :-)
ah. i can't help with German, but ping me if you have issues
fabriciusthe general stuff - all what you did send me today seems very clear
it seems not only to be german
s.th. with the structures is odd - very different than yesterday and all the last year
ricks99structure is different than last year, yes. But should be same as yesterday. We started during TikiFest Boston
But then, doc site is running Tiki7beta (I think) so things might be "flakey" for a bit
fabriciusperhabs I didn't realise it earlier on, because I work mostly in english
the real problem is following:
ricks99ricks99 wonders what the german equivalent for "flakey" is... seltsam ? [00:40]
fabriciusdepends on how you mean flakey - do you mean "unsound" or "undependable"
seltsam would more be "weird" or "curious" or "strange"
so flakey in the sense of undependable would be "unzuverlässig"
and flakey in the sense of strange would be "seltsam"
ricks99"undependable" [00:45]
fabriciusbut good point [00:45]
ricks99ooooohhhh "01unzuverlässig" I like that :-) [00:45]
fabriciusso back to the structure ...
in english version all would behave like you mention it
but if I switch to german, then go to "all the documentation" you'll find a german translation of "Documentation" named "Dokumentation"
sorry, delete the two sentences
that are the startpages, thats fine
I meant "Documentation+TOC"
and it's translation "documentation,de"
ricks99in the revamp, there wont be a "All documentaiton" structure
the idea is...
fabriciusmom pleas
I found that translation today and I had to realise, that this translation seems to be in a different structure
than "Documentation+TOC"
but multilingual structures is activated
ricks99The Documentation+TOC structure is old -- prior to the revamp [00:51]
fabriciusmight it be, that Tiki translates the structure name aswell, if the page has the same name as the structure? [00:51]
ricks99the root of the struture is a wiki page named identically to the structure [00:52]
fabriciuswhat I am wondering is, that the structure of the german page is clearly shown in the drop down menu, but does not exist in tiki-admin_structures
so the structure name is translated aswell? looks like
would explain
ricks99I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand. You only need to translate each wiki page *in* the structure
You shouldn't have to change or edit the structure at all
fabriciusricks99: no worry, I did not do any different, I just found a previous translated page and I am wondering ...
so in this translation there is a wikiplugin {TOC} - shouldn't this wikiplugin show the same pages than the english original?
if available the german versions and if not the english versions?
ricks99yes, *if* the site lang is DE [00:57]
fabriciusAnd THAT'S the point -> this is not fitting together
the translation only shows a fraction of the pages of the original
hmmm I'll check, if the parameters are the same in the original than in the translation
ricks99what page (url) are you looking at [00:59]
fabriciushttp://doc.tiki.org/Documentation+TOC [01:00]
ricks99that is the old structure
it is not part of the re-vamp
Try this, it will make things much clearer...
fabriciusI think so [01:02]
ricks991. log out of doc.t.o (so that your personal prefs will not mix things up).
2. Go to http://doc.tiki.org/Tik+Installation+Guide
3. Notice that the entire {toc} is in English (the site default language).
4. Now, switch the language to French.
5. Notice that some of the pages in the {toc} are in French (others remain in English because they have not been translated yet). But it is all in the same / single / one structure
does that make sense?
it makes sense and it work with german same than english
err french
only two things, I do not yet understand:
1) why is that different than with the old structure, where it should be the same
2) on the top of the page "Documentation+Toc" and so on you do have a "structures dropdown
but on the Tiki+Installation+Guide the backlinks
ricks991) the old structure was created in 1.x and continually upgraded. In older Tiki, there was no "multilingual structure" feature [01:11]
makes thing odd or strange or flakey
ricks9901unzuverlässig :) [01:12]
fabriciusand the startpage of the installation guide is only in one structure [01:12]
ricks992) if a page belongs to multiple structures, and if you open the page from a URL that does not include the structure, Tiki opens the page with a "blank" structure. As we continue the revamp and move pages out of the old structure, this will no longer be an issue. Each page will be in only 1 structure [01:13]
fabriciusso if thats all right understood now, I would think it would be the best generally allow only one structure per page for the documentation [01:13]
ricks99Things are still "in flux" right now [01:13]
fabriciusahhh that's very very good [01:13]
ricks99"im Wandel" ? [01:14]
fabriciusEach page will be in only 1 structure - exactly my conclusion, so just take my +1 afterwords, even if I missed Boston and it would be too late anyway [01:14]
ricks99Are things more clear now? [01:15]
fabriciusyes I thank you very much [01:15]
ricks99no problem. Thanks for the translations [01:15]
fabriciusI was thinking in this direction, but somehow have been at the start of the detective work - just saw the mess in front of the house, while you and the others have been cleaning up inside since a while
in flux: im Wandel or in Entwicklung ... Entwicklung would be development ... literally flux means s.th. like streaming
ricks99Excellent. I think we're all on the same page now. :-) [01:19]
fabriciusI think so aswell
I did chat with Gregor a couple of times now on those issues
he (we) was thinking to translate somehow better in the new structures
How we (Gregor and me) could best enqueue in the doc revamp team not to mess up things? What would you suggest?
do you take pages out of the old structures and rearange them in only one structure for each, so we could translate in the new guides
just to understand your workflow
ricks99intially, no. because we didn't want to "break" the exiting structure (remember, all the Tiki help links point to the existing/old structure).....
so unfortunately, we'll have 2 strucgtures (old and new) for a while, as we work forward.
fabriciusok [01:25]
ricks99when we're "done" we'll edit the "old" pages in the "old" structuer and place a redirect to the new page in the "new" structure. [01:25]
fabriciusso the new pages are renamed copies or completely new written documents? [01:26]
ricks99the new pages are completely new pages. we cut/paste content, as needed. again, i didn't want to risk "breaking" any existing links. [01:26]
fabriciusI mean, do you mostly cut/paste all and just overview or do you mostly rewrite and cut/paste just a litle bit?
anyway it seems most appropriate to translate only in the new guides
I say we should make up a remarker, a not or a post-it for that
just to prevent people to translate at the wrong side? would you agree?
fabricius goes for a smoke bb in 5 minutes
ricks99there used to be a custom center column... but it got "lost" during the upgrade i think..
ricks99 goes to get a drink...
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joshais it possible to register users manually via a script easily? or is there some pre-fabricated way of doing that? [03:01]
CIA-87tikiwiki: 03chealer * r34600 10/branches/7.x/modules/mod-func-change_category.php: [FIX] Change category module URL parameters description: reference to previous parameter names [03:04]
ricks99|away@josha: are you using some sort of external authentication (CAS, etc) from which you want to pre-load users? [03:06]
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josharicks99: no, i am integrating with a custom php app i have written. i want to be able to register remove tiki users based on actions in this other app
ricks99: it looks like i can fairly easily just insert them in the db though
ricks99: i was just digging through the schema and it doesn't look like there is anything special that i need to do really
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CIA-87tikiwiki: 03chealer * r34601 10/branches/7.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: [FIX] "will be automatically be inserted" -> "will be automatically inserted" [06:10]
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coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [06:45]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Installation Issue 6.3 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=41328 [06:47]
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jonnybpolom [09:34]
anyone fancy 7.0RC1? [09:43]
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chibaguypolom [09:48]
jonnybpolom chibaguy [09:48]
chibaguyhi jonnyb [09:48]
jonnybany 7.0 blockers still for you? can't see any on dev.t.o/t7 [09:49]
chibaguyNo, I don't think so. [09:49]
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fabriciushi jonnyb [10:02]
jonnybhi fabricius [10:02]
fabriciusI am making up a new small site for one of our local groups - installed a while ago with 6.1
actually I am customizing the template a bit - itś just a short term solution based on our old design, because some stuff isn't clarified regarding to the new national design
why not using 7.0 RC1 ?
I have some database versions problem, I cannot get rid of - Tiki tells me that the db version is not fitting and I should upgrade the database, what I did three times yesterday
jonnybplease do use 7.x, especially if you can use if via svn - that way you can easily update any fixes
not sure i follow about the db "not fitting"
fabriciusI am still not familiar with svn -- too diferent for me -- I still believe, I would need s.b. to give me a hand for the first steps
ah ... a sec please
Database Version Problem -> Your database requires an update to match the current Tiki version. Please proceed to the installer. ...
jonnyband when you do you get errors, yes? [10:12]
plenty of them
jonnybyou need to click the thing that says "show errors" and click the checkboxes of ones that are ignorable [10:12]
fabriciusnearly 300 errors [10:13]
jonnybcan you put them in pastebin?
fabricius285 actually [10:13]
jonnybsql errors?
where did this db come from?
fabriciusin the installer -upgrade dialogue
It was a new db for Tiki 6.1 and I have just a bit content in it - building up new
jonnybi've never seen that many errors (since tiki 2 or 3 i think)
sounds like something's gone very wrong
can you paste them somewhere please?
fabriciusI had similar situations before, while mostly when I do a fresh installation or an clean upgrade I get 0 errors [10:16]
jonnybat the moment i only get two, which were caused by the accounting stuff [10:16]
fabriciushuh ... paste all the faults you mean? -> for some of the faults I must scroll down in the small boxes, guess most of them I do not need
I could try to get them out and show tham on a html page or s.th. similar, then give you a link
you mean like this? that you can see the error messages?
or I take out one or two and paste them here [off]
jonnybcopy the errors and go here: http://pastebin.com - paste them into the box and then paste the url back here? [10:19]
fabriciusok [10:19]
cool website - didn know it - will use that more often, thanks
jonnybweird there are so many
any with "already exists" or "duplicate column" in can be checked and ignored
or "Duplicate entry"
have you somehow changed your database manually?
looks like tiki_schema has been emptied at some point?
fabriciuswouldn't they appear atthe next upgrade again? [10:30]
jonnybno, one you ignore them they're added to the list of "already done" updates [10:31]
luciashpolom [10:31]
fabriciusmoloq [10:31]
luciashmy first coffee today [10:31]
jonnybp.luciash [10:31]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Classified posting work (5856) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=41329 [10:32]
fabriciusso you would not see any danger for me to continue using this database? [10:32]
jonnybfabricius: if you can i would start again with a clean install - seems very odd that you have all there spurious errors [10:32]
that's a clear message
it is no problem
jonnybwell, if it's not something you did in phpmyadmin or something it just seems very odd - all those updates have been run, but it didn't remember somehow [10:33]
fabriciusdidn yet start with the content, but would have today [10:33]
jonnybok, weird - start afresh then [10:33]
fabriciusso I do a new start
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jonnybso you're running 7.0beta2?
cos 7.0RC1 should be out quite soon...
fabriciusI could start with 6.2 or 6.3, cause I need that little style template as fall back solution for anothe group - then upgrade directly to 7.0beta2
but if it would be any help for you, I could also start with 7.0RC1 today
ah sorry mixed up the two versions
other way round
jonnybup to you, feedback about both would be welcome :) [10:38]
fabriciusstart with 7.0beta2 today if you need feedback or upgrade to 7.0RC1 from 6.2 in a couple of days [10:38]
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fabriciusIs there any style ported to 7.x already? I guess fivealive might be alright working on 7 ?
I tried a 7.0beta1 some time before and at least fivealive seemed ok
fabricius gets a coffee now, will brb
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CIA-87tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34602 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] tracker plugin: Add special creator/modifier fields to tracker form if they're not specified in the field list
tikiwiki: Currently they show in the form, unlike in Tiki 6, but at least the data will get saved (Tiki 8 will address presentation)
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luciashanybody merging 7 to trunk or should i port my fix in 7 to trunk ? [11:14]
jonnybhi luciash - you could do it :) [11:19]
luciashnow i see it's already done
if it was merged and i want to bp to 6 branch, do i specify rev number of the original fix in 7 or the rev of the merge ?
jonnybthe more people that can do it the better it is
it's the "fix conflict" bit that occasionally is a pain...
but now i need to know what rev num to specify if i am backporting to 6 from branch 7 and not from tunk as usual
jonnybuse the original commit rev (in 7.x) [11:28]
luciashcool, thx [11:29]
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qbcheers, is there any way to make tiki able to parse camelCase, as for default it seems to work only with CamelCase (first char has to be upper) [11:32]
CIA-87tikiwiki: 03luciash * r34603 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tiki-browse_freetags.tpl: [bp/r34505][FIX] Freetags: the clear button link onclick attribute needed "return false" to prevent going away from the page (while it just should clear the form input) [11:33]
luciashqb: i fear u'd need to modify the parser in lib/tikilib.php
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ricks99polom y'all [11:37]
qbluciash, thanks, I will take closer look there [11:37]
jonnybhi ricks99 [11:37]
luciashheya ricks99 [11:37]
ricks99anyone see the email I sent yesterday... regarding the problem with "&" in menu URLs (on doc.t.o) [11:37]
luciashsomeone switched off fulltext search on doc ?
i saw that ricks99
jonnybricks99: sounds like chealer's department to me :P [11:39]
ricks99can that be fixed before rc ?
kinda major issue?
ricks99 thought it was a jonnyb-issue
luciashchealer's escaping unit [11:39]
jonnyb:) [11:39]
luciashor squad ? ;) [11:39]
i'll add to dev.t.o/tiki7 page, i guess
luciashricks99: i also have something to edit tehre, editing it now ?
ricks99no. go ahead. in fact, you can add my item if you want [11:41]
jonnybricks99: i'm not getting & escaped on my menu item here, neither the url (correct) nor the label (incorrect) [11:44]
ricks99on an upgrade? [11:45]
jonnybno, just added a new one [11:45]
ricks99ricks99 wonders what is differnt on doc.t.o then
its an upgrade issue
luciashdoes this work for you ? → http://themes.tiki.org/Themes?find=theme&search=Search&exact_match=# [11:46]
jonnybmaybe the pref menus_item_names_raw is on there (off here) [11:46]
luciashin Chrome [11:46]
ricks99checking....but then it wouldn't have worked in 6 [11:46]
luciashpls if u can test [11:46]
jonnybluciash: not showing any search results for me [11:46]
luciashjonnyb: can u reinput in the search field and hit enter ? [11:47]
ricks99@jonnyb: y, it was off, turning on & checking [11:47]
jonnybyes, and it posts ok, but no results page [11:47]
luciashjonnyb: that's the issue i meantioned for doc, but on doc it had changed in the meanwhile to tiki-searchindex search which works
jonnyb: i meantioned on the Tiki7 page
ricks99@jonnyb: nope, still broken (on upgrade)
a blocker (imho)
jonnybthey should both be using the new unified search thing now, no? [11:48]
luciashi think mysql fulltext search is the thing
which is off now on doc
jonnybthat should be off now, i thought [11:49]
luciashyep, but it wasn't on the upgrade causing this search disfunction
which is now reproducible on themes
jonnybchecking settings on themes [11:49]
luciashit is completely weird issue to me as gary told me yesterday it worked for him in Opera in any case [11:50]
jonnyblooks right, maybe the index needs rebuiling - shall i click it?
luciashmysql fulltext is off on themes ? [11:50]
jonnybyup [11:50]
chibaguystill tracking down the search problem?
very mysterious
jonnybworks when logged in for me
but as anon i don't get the "search" "titles" buttons of the autocomplete list
luciashjonnyb: also weird is on my localhost the buttons pop-up if i input something in the field and autocomplete works, but not on themes [11:53]
jonnybas anonymous? [11:53]
CIA-87tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34604 10/branches/7.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] Encourage header and footer content to widen when middle has wide content. [11:53]
luciashas anoynmous on themes
on localhost i didn't try as anonymous, just a mom
jonnybsame on doc - ok logged in, bad as anon
fine locally though
luciashon localhost branch 7 it works for me as anonymous fine
sends me to http://localhost/tikibranch7/tiki-searchresults.php?find=test&boolean=on&boolean_last=y&search=Search&exact_match= though
so my fulltextsearch seems on
searchresults means mysql fulltext search, right ?
jonnybi got sent to tiki-searchindex.php on localhost, my fulltext search is off
luciashokie, so it seems to work fine for both cases on our localhosts
so is something breaking JS for it in between ? is the search completely JS dependent now ?
i mean, shouldn't the search input field work even by hitting just enter on the field with JS off (extreme cases) ?
jonnybno, the form should work without js still
isn't there a list pages perm? can't see one on themes (tiki_p_search is ok for anon there)
luciashso i wonder, why in the anon case on themes, it doesn't do action on the form sending to tiki-searchindex.php, but uses only the ?... part on the currently presented page instead ? [11:59]
jonnyband the same on doc.t.o
maybe more coffee will help... brb
luciashby the "?... part" i mean the "?find=theme&search=Search&exact_match=#"
yep, might be :D
ricks99: sorry, didn't get to the Tiki7 page editing yet ;)
chibaguyluciash (when you are back), I don't know what you mean by "it doesn't do action on the form sending to tiki-searchindex.php..." I get search results on tiki-searchindex.php when searching as anon at themes. Is that different from your experience? [12:02]
luciashre :)
chibaguy: yes, me (and jonny) has different experience with WebKit browsers
chibaguy: it works for you on enter key in Opera, right ?
btw, I just found at themes.t.o I forgot the closing {DIV} in the footer module. that' why the php error about smarty tag (bad copy/paste).
jonnyberror gone now chibaguy - ta [12:09]
luciashchibaguy: ah, good catch
luciash added something to https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki7#Demonstratable_bugs
Utopiahhi #tikiwiki [12:21]
jonnybhi Utopiah [12:21]
Utopiahso I just watched FLOSSS Weekly #146 with Marc Laporte wanting to know what tikiwiki is all about [12:21]
jonnybluciash: i'm geting the same search problem on themes.t.o in firefox [12:21]
UtopiahI know a bit about wikis and have been using PmWiki for few years [12:22]
jonnybUtopiah: i still haven't got round to watching that - oops! :P [12:22]
Utopiahso ... would it be fair to say it's a knowledge management web "distribution"?
jonnyb: well...it's a bit long :-#
jonnybi gave up during the guy's intro - he went on for ages! [12:23]
ricks99Tiki is (IMHO) a wiki-based CMS. How's that? Short and sweet [12:23]
luciashUtopiah: Tiki can be almost anything u can imagine running in your browser window [12:23]
Utopiahricks99: yes but I have to compare it a bit with what I know and for example PmWiki is minimalist,there is the bare diff and few options then the rest is delegated to plugins
jonnyb: right, you can skip to min5 or sth
jonnybjonnyb hopes someone's taking notes for the new exhibition stand banner wording [12:24]
ricks99@Utophiah: If you want to compare just the wiki functionality, try wikimatrix.org
But Tiki is (much) more than "just" a wiki
Utopiahricks99: well according to the interview that wouldnt be useful since it has everything built-in ;)
(reading http://dev.tiki.org/Hello+World )
luciashUtopiah: that's for devs if you want to join us ;) [12:29]
Utopiahluciash: yes, well I dont know yet that's why Im asking those questions :p [12:29]
jonnyblooks like the search module issue is caused by the cacheing - set it to 0 on themes and it seems to work now... [12:31]
CIA-87tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r34605 10/branches/7.x/templates/tiki-user_cssmenu.tpl: [FIX]menu: do not put a link if there is no url on the section [12:31]
luciashjonnyb: cacheing of what ? the module ? [12:32]
jonnybyes [12:32]
jonnyb: yea, it works now ! seems Opera goes around the problem somehow providing its own caching mechanisms
jonnybcoo - weird [12:33]
luciashcoo coo, definitely :-p
jonnyb: will u strikethrough it on Tiki7 dev page ?
jonnybjust put the cache setting back on and it breaks it again - even after clearing the temp/cache (odd) [12:37]
luciashhmm, seems modules caching bug ? or combination ? maybe with minify ? [12:38]
jonnybi think when the module is cached any js added to headerlib doesn't get cached also, although locally it seems to work... [12:39]
CIA-87tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34606 10/branches/7.x/templates/modules/mod-search.tpl.nocache: [FIX] search module: Add nocache file as search requires javascript to be added via {jq} tags in the template which doesn't (yet) get cached for anonymous [12:51]
luciashcool ! [12:51]
jonnybwhen i get more time i'll work out a way to cache the js as well,but that'll do for now
ok, i have to get back to my non-tiki stuff (all about pixels and memory leaks, what fun!)
ricks99: hopefully chealer will be along soon, i'm sure he'll be keen to look into the menu encoding thing :P
.... (idle for 16mn)
luciashjonnyb: thank you and enjoy your pixels [13:10]
jonnybthx - it's strange, haven't done anything non-web for years! [13:11]
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luciashchibaguy: right column doesn't look right → http://themes.tiki.org/tiki-switch_theme.php?theme=clubcard.css
i see it's not updated since version 4
chibaguyluciash, I need to make notes for that theme. It was designed for only two columns (left and center) in fixed-width mode. [13:23]
CIA-87tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r34607 10/branches/7.x/ (css/calendar.css templates/tiki-calendar_calmode.tpl): [FIX]calendar: calendar.css a caltable class + align middle the week number not to be aligned with day [13:23]
chibaguythree columns are ok when full width [13:24]
okie, or different perspective
chibaguyyeah, something like that. I did the wider three col version as a theme option originally, but figured it could work with the regular theme when full width. I should test it again probably. [13:25]
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luciashchibaguy: made the carousel show on complete page load [13:33]
chibaguyah, ok, I was about to ask, when I saw you changed the page. [13:34]
luciashchibaguy: it was weird when it displayed all in a huge wide row [13:34]
chibaguyyeah, that was strange. So now it waits until all the carousel images are loaded? [13:34]
luciashyup, until whole page loads as it does with every jquery block in the bottom of the html body on document.load
the trick is i did display: none by default for the carousel and show it then when it loads
cheap trick ;)
chibaguyah much nicer now, thanks. [13:39]
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luciashnow i wonder why every matching result of the search is there listed 4-times :-p →
lphuberdeauluciash, good question there, go under admin > search and rebuild the index to see if that fixes it [13:42]
luciashok [13:42]
lphuberdeauchangi built the index yesterday and we ran into some issues, perhaps it didn't fully clean up between attempts [13:43]
luciashi guess jonny already tried today but i will give it a shot anyway
rebuilding now
lphuberdeaushould be just a few seconds on that site [13:44]
luciashdone [13:44]
lphuberdeauthe site does not respond at all from here strangely enough
ah, firefox restart fixed it
luciashyep, same here.... seems it has some problems after rebuilding the index
huh, really ?
lphuberdeauwow, those results look strange
it parsed some of em
luciashChrome here... i wonder why would i need to restart my browser just because someone rebuilds his search index ;) [13:49]
lphuberdeaufirefox acts up like that
but chrome's dev tools don't come any close to firebug
I also hate the user experience in chrome for some reason
luciashtrying to restart my Chrome now [13:50]
fabriciushave to go - wish you all a nice day
fabricius checks out now
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luciashi wonder who invented that clever thing that after restarting my browser tiki doesn't remember me anymore
restarting Chrome didn't help ... the search is unresponsive now
ametteA guy who wanted to make browsers privacy aware and called it a "Session Cookie" ;) [13:58]
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BernardHey Amette ! :) [13:59]
luciashamette: heh, but normal is that other browsers remember me well if i opt-in to :-p
err, s/browsers/sites/
BernardHi All [13:59]
luciashthe remember me checkbox is only doing half-job if it requires me keeping my browser open for days to remember me
hi Bernard :)
well, seems whole themes.t.o is kinda unresponsive now
Internal Server Error :-p
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ametteluciash: yeah, it looks like a broken feature, but kind of isn't
heya Bernard :)
luciashamette: i understand your privacy concerns but for home private non-travelling machines it is not useful "feature" but an annoying "bug" [14:13]
marclaportepolom [14:13]
luciashhi marc :) [14:13]
ametteluciash: yeah, I agree.. can't you set your cookies to not be purged after browser closing? and actually: how do the other sites do it that you use?
heya marc :)
luciashno idea, but Google, Facebook, etc. remembers me just fine even when i re-open my browser later [14:21]
amettehmmm... I have the feeling that they do it only sometimes... I know that I need to re-login every now and then... [14:22]
luciashanyway, it doesn't happen when i restart my browser as it does with Tiki :-/ [14:22]
amettefact, yes :) [14:22]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Setting up Mail on IIS - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=41336 [14:37]
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New Forum Posts: Single Sign On - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=17&comments_parentId=41337 [15:07]
CIA-87tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34608 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: French translations done on i18n.tiki.org
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34609 10/trunk/lang/cy/language.php: Welsh translations done on i18n.tiki.org
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34610 10/trunk/ (12 files in 9 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/7.x 34583 to 34607 [15:15]
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CIA-87tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34611 10/branches/7.x/ (. lang/cy/language.php lang/fr/language.php): backporting translations done on i18n.tiki.org [15:42]
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CIA-87tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34612 10/trunk/ (lib/trackers/trackerlib.php tiki-view_tracker.php): [MOD] Removing category leftovers in insert form [16:38]
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chealerpolom [17:07]
ricks99@chealer: i noticed an issue w/ Tiki7 on doc.t.o where, after upgrade, "&" in menu URLs were changed to & and the menu links now are broken
is this a parsing issue that you're familiar with?
chealerhi ricks99. yes, I was able to see it. but I never saw the problem before. the module is new and I'm not familiar with menu code, I just quickly escaped normal menus a while ago
the escaping is done in tiki-user_cssmenu.tpl and controlled by a preference
ricks99works fine when creating a new menu item. but the module on doc was created in 6, then upgraded to 7 [17:24]
chealerricks99: hum, really...
ricks99: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/changeset/31608 says that menustructure was added to trunk 5 months ago
ricks99y. i added it to doc when it was running 6 [17:26]
chealerricks99: OK, nyloth backported it in http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/changeset/32173 so it was in proposals/6.x indeed.
ricks99: good question then...
marclaportemarclaporte wants to use menustructure for suite.tiki.org but then, the forum link wouldn't be on the menu
Maybe a redirect would solve that...
ricks99i added it as a blocker... just my $0.02 [17:28]
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chealerricks99: I see the same problem in proposals/6.x. are you sure it appeared with the upgrade? [17:40]
ricks99afaik it used to work on doc. i just noticed it recently on doc tiki7 [17:40]
chealerricks99: well in any case it must not be a blocker if it's not a regression [17:47]
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sylviegwith the 'new' fetchAll how do I do a left join? [19:03]
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lphuberdeausylvieg: it does not do joins, only handles simple queries [20:19]
sylviegis it better to use the old function if a join is needed - or to add params to fetchAll? [20:24]
lphuberdeaused to do joins
it's not supposed to do joins, so you need to use the old functions
it should not do joins either
sylviegok thx [20:28]
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lmntstill trying to get ldap authentication to work with active directory - tried tiki 5.0 and tiki 6.0 - i get the same result
logging shows "bind successful" but the login screen gives me "invalid username or password"
logging on the ldap server seems to indicate the bind is actual not successful
i have run the troubleshooting script at http://doc.tiki.org/LDAP+authentication#Debugging and it seems to work
i also have another php based app on the same machine that has a similar ldap setup and it works as well...
any insight would be appreciated...
ldap server is windows 2003 server AD
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marclaportelmnt : what does the troubleshooting script answer? [21:44]
lmntwell it just doesnt give me any errors
at least none that I am catching... it looks like it runs and then closes the connection
marclaporteI think script needs to be better with a description of what is happening [21:46]
lmntok i did have to change one thing in the script this line: $dn = 'cn=username,dc=domain,dc=tld'; to $dn = 'cn=username,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=tld';.
if I run it without the added cn=users i get an AcceptSecurityContext error
but I'm not sure how to relate that information to the setting in the tiki ldap setup fields...
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marclaportelmnt : can you update wiki page with this improvement to the script? [22:03]
lmntfacepalm - I didnt have create user if not in tiki checked... ug [22:04]
you got farther than I did with that script :-)
lmnti just skipped right over that bold lettered statement in the documentation... lol [22:05]
marclaportego to go. Good luck! [22:07]
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