tikiwiki: 03gregmartin * r39141 10/branches/8.x/ (lib/blogs/bloglib.php tiki-view_blog_post.php): [NEW]counting blog post hits tikiwiki: 03gregmartin * r39142 10/branches/8.x/installer/schema/20111210_add_blog_hits_tiki.sql: [NEW]counting blog post hits I have a problem with trackers (too poor uinderstanding is probably the error). Using Tiki 8.1. I have 1 Company tracker and one Contact tracker. A Company can have a set of contacts, joined by the company name. I have added a trackerlist plugin in my Company "Output TPL" wiki page. Plugin {trackerlist trackerId="3" fields="25:26:27:28" sort="y" filterfield="31" exactvalue="MyCompany" periodUnit="hour"}. ItemID: 31 is the contact tracker companyName. I h ave added a contact which should links a company. However, nothing is displayed. Any ideas? The contact record is displayed OK, when I view the "Company Output TPL" page, but on in the company view arildb: ? xavi: yes I did read the irc log I sugest that you remove the periodunit param you seem not to use it moreover, what you are looking for, seems to be the dynaic items list behavior: xavi: I have finally managed to get it to work. Had to alter a couple of things. http://doc.tiki.org/Dynamic+items+list ah, ok xavi: I tried the dynamic items list, too, but I could not get it to work anyway, fyi, dynamic items list didn't work for me in 8x (regression) it does work nicely in 6x lts xavi: Is the way I am trying to use a trackerlist inside a wiki-output-template, a "regular" implementation? wiki output template: I couldn't see it in your syntax If so, I should probably commit my changes the easy way is without wiki-output-template ok? can you how me the code again of your trackerlist plugin call? {trackerlist trackerId="3" fields="25:26:28" sort="y" showlinks="y" shownbitems="y" filterfield="31" exactvalue="{$f_1}" periodUnit="hour" ignoreRequestItemId="y"} The last param: ignoreRequestItemId="y" is a part of the fix. Otherwise the wrong tracker is processed by the trackerlist plugin yes, sounds ok I also had to rename the $trackerId to $listTrackerId in tiki-view_tracker_item.php/tpl Otherwise the editing will update the wrong tracker The trackerlist plugin will overwrite the "mother" trackerId, if the same name is used. Should I commit this change? mmm, well, I'm not expert. but what you say, seems to fix an issue I would say: ask in the devel list if in doubt yes, I however unsure if this is "common" usage, or this change will break "common" usage xavi: Yes, good idea btw, pediodUnit="hour", why do you need that? that param is supposed to work in conjunction with periodQuantity (or similar) The config dialog does not have an empty option well, then, that should be fixed for sure! I don't think it does any harm, but you are right, it doesnæt seem to belong these params period* are only for cases with periodic listings (newsleters sent once a month, items added each day shown, ...) ok New Forum Posts: Having trouble with site title - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42763 Hi. I get the error "An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be applied. Message: Invalid URI supplied" when I want to load the "Company_Intranet_8x" profile on the 8.2 tiki version (same problem on v8.1) hi Loll1978. Checking.... Loll1978: I couldn't reproduce your problem, but I did hit another error: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/demotw/3.0/8x/lib/core/Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/File.php on line 367 I'm using xampp on windows xp, but I guess that is not the problem no idea. I'm on linux (local test, and on demo.tw.o). both worked, besides the timeout I get the error quite fast... within a few seconds and below the error it is showing the "Table of contents" of that profile is that problem shown with any profile for you? no. only for that one the other ones work normally ok, no idea, then thanks anyway np polom Where I can change the maximal size of the uploads? php post_max_size is set to 8 MB but I can not upload pictures larger than 1MB has anyone get plugin scroll to work on 6v4 Loll1978: check your tiki-phpinfo.php . And check the documentation site http://doc.tiki.org/Upload+file+size upload_max_filesize=128MB so that not the problem Loll1978: read the docs also, mysql could be the limit if you upload to db so, read the docs (and improve them, if you know how)