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miststlkrIs there a way to list Wanted Pages on the menu when I hover over Wiki in the nav panel? [0:32]
benoitgjoined #tikiwiki [0:51]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Bloqueo del sitio al crear un nuevo módulo - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=43600 [2:41]
miststlkrleft #tikiwiki [2:42]
AldenisZenjoined #tikiwiki [2:50]
goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki [3:4]
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Bernard1joined #tikiwiki
blackbird_joined #tikiwiki
hi folks
Bernard1hi [9:19]
blackbird_my uploads are not working ("cannot write to this file"). but I have properly set up the chmod to 777 for files/uploads/ and I have not exceeded the max_file_size. and the apache-user is owner of files/uploads/
does anyone have any other idea what might be wrong?
Bernard1blackbird_: which tw version ? [9:23]
blackbird_w8, I fetched a coffee. I'll have a look
using version 8.3
Bernard1Mmm… not used it that much. Do you have shell access ? [9:36]
blackbird_yes [9:36]
Bernard1go into your tw folder do sh setup.sh. It will set ownership and permission for all the tw folders properly. [9:41]
blackbird_okay. is it safe to do this right now whilst have a running system of tiki? [9:42]
Bernard1well if you didn't do anything weird, it is (my) standard process install each time i install or upgrade a TW (any version). At my knowledge it touch only TW folders and files [9:44]
blackbird_ok; I'll try. I simply gonna make a backup b4 [9:45]
Is there a simple way make all the plugins approved all the time in tw9 (trunk) = checkbox attitude
Jenserleft #tikiwiki [10:2]
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blackbird_Bernard1: has not worked, still "cannot write to this file" [10:35]
Bernard1arf… from where come the error ? tw or server ? [10:41]
phantomfakeBNCjoined #tikiwiki [11:6]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [11:7]
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RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki
polom all
polom xavi
Bernard1joined #tikiwiki [12:30]
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RobertPlummerpolom chealer [13:16]
blackbird_palim palim [13:23]
Bernard1Polom someone
I found in trunk some string ending with semicolon. ie : "{tr}Published At:{/tr}". Shouldn't is be "{tr}Published At{/tr}:" ?
blackbird_Bernard1: no I don't think so because it's no semicolon but a colon and signifies, that this is the label and a value will follow [13:32]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Hide edit button in custom module - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=43605 [13:36]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [13:42]
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03yonixxx * r40242 10/trunk/templates/tiki-view_articles.tpl: [FIX]misplaced text string and translation tag for Published At [14:9]
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radek82joined #tikiwiki [14:19]
Hammerjoined #tikiwiki
guys how can i buld 3 pics on 1 line and each pic has a link to another page ?
JyhemBernard1: no! {tr}Published At:{/tr} is correct. Otherwise french translators would not know to put a space
Hammer: for alignment, you can look at tables, at the plugin SPLIT or the plugin DIV
Bernard1Jyhem: hi, in the meantime i got it (about :) but i had to correct the tpl as the string was misplaced and the {tr}{/tr} was missing anyway [14:41]
in 2.2 now the use a custome plugin
it is not working in 8.2
so i wanna change it in 2.2
before i migrate to 8.2
i meant upgrade
Bernard1I have some missing translation (string not in lang/en/language.php) is their a procedure for such case ? [14:43]
blackbird_what does the checkbox "title" mean in the tracker list?
um sorry. try and see is best way to get to know. it simply adds a link to the specific column to view the tracker entry details.
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Hammer||Active Batch Prodedures|iSpectrum Procedures|Members Channels Produdures
((Ops ActiveBatch Documentation|{img
src="img/wiki_up/ablogo.gif"}))|((Ops iSpectrum
Procedures|{img src="img/wiki_up/iSpectrum.JPG"}))|u||
what s wrong in my syntax ?
cannot show the pic Ispectrum.jpg
Jyhemis it JPG or jpg ? Does it show when you access directly img/wiki_up/iSpectrum.JPG ? [15:22]
Hammeryes it shows
i am putting them in table
as u can see
a subject in row1 colum1 then pic with a link in row2 column1
3 rows 3 columns
my table
Jyhemand img/wiki_up/ablogo.gif works ? [15:24]
first one works
second pic does not
Jyhemwhichever is first ? [15:25]
HammerAbolgo first
i want the second pic
in row2 column2
JyhemOhhh, I guess you are confusing the parser with some | as table columns separators and some as ((link|text)) separators [15:26]
any other way than tables ?
i can use here
JyhemThere were changes in the parser between 2.2 and 8.x. I would not waste time on that.
yes: plugin SPLIT or the plugin DIV
And, if it's not intranet, i would advise the latest 8.x, not 8.2
latest i guess
SPLIT exist in 2.2 ?
let me search
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r40243 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Relationships not being removed for children sheets, and removal of those that don't exist [15:41]
Bernard1joined #tikiwiki [15:42]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4182 - - Freetags apostrophes are escaped - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=4182 [16:9]
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Hammerjoined #tikiwiki
QUICk question
what s the best way to upgrade to 8.2 from 2.2
go 3.8 first then 6.5
then 8.x
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xavileft #tikiwiki [16:39]
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03yonixxx * r40244 10/trunk/styles/BiDi/BiDi.css: [FIX]BiDi correction to handle rtl languages
tikiwiki: 03yonixxx * r40245 10/trunk/lang/he/language.php: [TRA] hebrew translation progress
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tikiwiki: 03yonixxx * r40246 10/trunk/styles/BiDi/BiDi.css: [FIX]BiDi correction to handle rtl languages - theme specificities removed [17:10]
chealerjoined #tikiwiki
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Hammerno answer ?
what s the best way to upgrade to 8.2 from 2.2 , go 3.8 then 6.5 ?
wish i knew
im just full of questions also :|
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [17:35]
phantomfakeBNCjoined #tikiwiki [17:38]
Hammeryea eh [17:42]
phantomfakeBNCjoined #tikiwiki [17:43]
Hammerwhat s the best way to upgrade to 8.2 from 2.2 , go 3.8 then 6.5 ? [17:47]
wakey wakey
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r40247 10/trunk/installer/schema/20120319_remove_sheets_with_no_relation_tiki.sql: [FIX] Look for relationships on both sides, not one or the other [18:15]
blackbird_joined #tikiwiki
hi folks. what is the code to include tiki pages into other tiki pages?
(so that I can reduce redundancy, e.g. when I wrote a page about the sparrow and I want to create a page about birds I can include the page about the sparrow)
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [18:23]
Hammerwhat s the best way to upgrade to 8.2 from 2.2 , go 3.8 then 6.5 ? [18:32]
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rain``is there a translater that will convert one page of mediawiki code to tikiwiki code? I'm looking for something that doesnt need to export the page out of mediawiki [18:57]
arildb__joined #tikiwiki [19:8]
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r40248 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/ (Abstract.php ForwardLink.php):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Added ability to set feed origin from call of method feed()
tikiwiki: [ENH] Moved from standard forwardlink output of json variable to return a feed after receiving one, so we have a base of what to expect
RobertPlummerMobjoined #tikiwiki [19:22]
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r40249 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/ForwardLink.php: [FIX] Trim is needed to check phrases, we don't include things like line breaks in phrases, which can be seen as spaces that need trimmed [20:12]
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AldenisZenjoined #tikiwiki [20:43]
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r40250 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Abstract.php: typo
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r40251 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [ENH] add the capability to filter by freetag in wikiplugin trackerfilter
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r40252 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [ENH] add the capability to filter by auto increment field in wikiplugin trackerfilter
benoitgjoined #tikiwiki [20:51]
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_qPjoined #tikiwiki [21:43]
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Bernard1joined #tikiwiki [23:2]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [23:8]
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Bernard1RobertPlummer: here ? [23:12]
fabriciushe's in the listing, but maybe afk
hey there, I need urgent help - crashe a recent published site
site is off -> see full error message here:
what can I do?
<= I did put a Javascript in the site header area of look and feel -> then the errorrappeared
<= I did take it out again directly from the database -> but still not working
I need help
should I need more db tables than preferences?
Bernard1aoutch... [23:22]
fabriciusyes a huge ouch!!
I just released the site
I should not PLAY on a running site !!!
Bernard1This happen to me, i had hard time cleaning everything. I think that in my case cleaning the cache was not enought. I delete all files manually (but index.php) from template_c
check you don;t have a memcache or apc
fabriciusah -> ftp -> temp?
delete temp?
template_c aswell?
I mean now -> temp -> cache might work hopefully
thx for the hint
no panic
I HAVE a towel
Bernard1:) [23:29]
fabriciusWoohoo - Bernard1 -> manually deleting the cache via ftp/ssh worked [23:31]
Bernard1welcome !
fabriciuskisses and hugs - site is back up and running
that was absolutely the quick help, I needed
I just forgor what caches are and that they are stored in the tmp - loool
Bernard1lately (tw8 and trunk), i have to do it more and more (empty template_c). I have almost never done this while i was still on tw6…
I wonder if something is not broken
fabriciusMaybe your site has grown and Tiki has grown [23:41]
Bernard1on different website [23:41]
Tiki has grown anyway
Bernard1i don't see your point [23:43]
fabricius_joined #tikiwiki [23:43]
Bernard1template_c is supposed to be flushed when cleaning the cache in TW. However it have to be done manually to make it work. [23:43]
fabricius^^ [23:47]

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