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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41042 10/branches/9.x/lang/no/language.php: [TRA] More Norwegian translations [00:15]
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lindonbleft #tikiwiki [05:09]
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03luciash * r41043 10/branches/9.x/styles/layout/design.css: [ENH] nicer default design for fieldsets borders [06:04]
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tikiwiki: 03luciash * r41044 10/branches/9.x/styles/layout/ (design.css layout.css): [ENH] nicer default design for tabs and tabs toggle button (tested in all built-in themes, check with empty.css theme) [07:40]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki
Jyhem, I have some info for you (for whenever you are around)
fabriciuspolom [08:26]
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03luciash * r41045 10/branches/9.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [ENH] basic layout (some little padding and align the arrow) for CSS menus (tested in all built-in themes, looks good) [08:46]
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r41046 10/branches/9.x/db/tiki.sql: [FIX] syntax error in tiki.sql [08:55]
Jenserjoined #tikiwiki [09:07]
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03luciash * r41047 10/branches/9.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] align the arrow for CSS vert menus only, horiz was fine [09:08]
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xaviJyhem? [11:37]
Jyhempolom [11:43]
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xavihi Jyem (and Jyhem_laptop) . I noticed yesterday that the tracker fields item_list works for me in all 9x sites that I have
not only in one
I dunno why, at work, I couldn't see the items listed there last week (maybe tiki cache?). I tried yesterday upgrading the other tiki9 site (in another server) amd item lists where working
JyhemJyhem looks at demo.t.o [12:12]
xaviso that I tested in my own server at work, and they work also
fyi: et edition time, you see: "Read only", but when some data is found matching your params, then it's shown as an unordered list (afaik) in the item vieqw
however, remember that my case it not "nested item lists" that you said you were doing (afair, aprox.), but simple item lists (basic usage as documented in our current documentation in doc.t.o)
and a css question: tracker field "item link" can be set to allow choosing more than one link (so mved from a drop down to a multiple selection in a box). How can this box be resizable?
^ luciash ? jyhem? anyone else?
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r41048 10/branches/9.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] Unwanted extra vertical space added by clearfix class's display:table property. Changed to display:inherit as per Tremblay's suggestion for the fix. [12:18]
Jyhemxavi: this css question is out of my league :-( [12:20]
xavihe he :-)
.......... (idle for 45mn)
I can't edit trackers in one tiki site that I have upgraded (for production) to Tiki 9 :-(
I noticed today
we have been using it with tiki9 for a few weeks without issues
but I didn't try editing trackers or tracker fields
With a url like tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php?trackerId=3
I get:
Error(s): Page cannot be found
LouisMartin_j0bjoined #tikiwiki [13:08]
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [13:12]
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RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki
polom all
arildbxavi: I have gotten the clearance to release the local reference handling module mentioned in prevous email. Plan to integrate into trunk today. We have a user manual, and I thought doc.tiki.org/References would be a suitable place to publish it. However, I don't seem to have access to the FileGallery to upload images [13:40]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [13:41]
RobertPlummerxavi I'm around now to help with the issue of the installer. [13:42]
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Jyhem you around? [14:18]
Bernard1joined #tikiwiki [14:24]
xaviback [14:32]
RobertPlummerHey xavi, [14:32]
xaviarildb: ok, let me have a look [14:32]
arildbthanks [14:33]
xavihi RobertPlummer [14:33]
RobertPlummercan you run that script I sent you in the email, rerun the parser, and let me know if you have any problems. [14:33]
xaviok, I will
thanks RobertPlummer
RobertPlummerXavi, I cannot reproduce the problem of editing pages, or syntax at this time, which leads me to believe that the installer just isn't running like it needs to. [14:33]
xaviok, RobertPlummer, you can try with the db dump I gaveyou last week
wiki page to try: (see its name in a pm on irc)
arildb: username?
in t.o, I mean
arildbarild [14:36]
xaviok [14:37]
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41049 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] Ensure updating revisions checks for existance of status column [14:38]
xaviarildb: I don't get it. you can upload images to the docs
I've uploaded one myself for you here: https://doc.tiki.org/References
please, remove when you edit the page
arildbxavi: I don't see any interface for it.
ah..in the editor of course...let me try it
was looking for the filegalley menu item
sorry about that...thanks anyhow
benoitgjoined #tikiwiki [14:54]
xaviarildb: in the editor toolbars, of course, that's the path with the minimum number of clicks :-)
for end users, afaik
rodrigoprimotchau hackl [14:56]
arildbxavi: yes, it is [14:56]
rodrigoprimoops, wrong tab :) [14:57]
xavihi rodrigoprimo ( "tchau" = see you? :-) [15:08]
rodrigoprimohi xavi
xavi: "tchau" is more "bye bye"
xavioh well, yes, same as here :-)
you are right, more bye-bye than see you
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41050 10/branches/9.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/ (codemirror_tiki.css codemirror_tiki.js):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Prevent codemirror from loading if not needed (no mode that is compatible with codemirror)
tikiwiki: [FIX] Removed unneeded $.modal, added opacity of 0.01 so you can't see it load for the tenth of a second when it does.
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xaviRobertPlummer: how can I add a new mode for codemirror? shell
RobertPlummerxavi, it just needs upgraded, the mode will be automatically added in. [16:11]
xavisince we use tiki to document shell (bash) commands , this is somewhat useful for highlighting in tiki9
ah, ok
RobertPlummerTo link up to geshi, do this: [16:11]
xavii've done it
already in localhost
ln 35:
'bash': 'shell',
RobertPlummerfind geshiColors [16:11]
xaviin codemirror_tiki.js [16:11]
RobertPlummerah right, you did it.
Clear cache and it'll be readded.
xavibut I mean I can't find the shell mode in the lib folder of tiki 9 [16:12]
RobertPlummerxavi, to upgrade codemirror, you don't need anything special. Just delete everything that is there, commit, and re-add with the new version of codemirror
xavi it'll be in modes folder I believe
oops, "mode" folder.
xaviyes, but shell it's not in our codemirror version [16:13]
RobertPlummerxavi, like I said it is in the newer version of codemirror, you will need to upgrade it to get it. [16:13]
xaviI 'm reluctant to change codemirror myself at this time (pre 9.0) [16:13]
RobertPlummerit just came out. [16:13]
xaviok, not urgent at all [16:13]
RobertPlummerok [16:14]
xavishall I edit codemirror_tiki.js now, even if it refers to shell mode which is not in codemirror in tiki yet?
I mean, I will forget about this in the future, or it'll take longer for me to remember what to change where to have bash highlighting supported...
ok, never mind, I'll add a note for myself to add this in a few weeks or months
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r41051 10/branches/9.x/styles/eatlon.css: [FIX][rb/40944] The fix was making white-on-white buttons in tracker edition pop-ups. Issue about black on black text on 'Upload file(s)' in File Upload interface still present :-( [16:24]
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RobertPlummerxavi it is up to you [16:41]
xavinp, I added a "todo" in my task tracker to be revised in a few weeks or months
hey, Robert, I applied the same type of patch (your sql command to delete that decode info from the upgrade script), svn up, ensure .htaccess was up to date and edited to match the server... and voila.... trackers for this other site work again! :-)
I'll reply through the devel list, to close the thread
RobertPlummerThanks buddy. [16:53]
xavithanks to you also :-) [16:53]
RobertPlummerxavi, also, I'm not sure what is going on with the huge page you sent me, but it is unified search messing with the variables, very very odd. [16:53]
xaviok, if it's a very rare case, and only me experiencing that issue, then forget it
if it does not automagically dissapear in a few days/weeks, I'll have a good reason to split the big page into smaller chunks
for sure it will help to isolate the issue, if it still persists by then
RobertPlummerIt is intermitten, I'm still tracking it down....
It may be the document size if being reached or something.
xavimmmm, RobertPlummer, do you mean the issue with section edit loosing content? [16:55]
RobertPlummerxavi [16:55]
xavi? [16:55]
RobertPlummeryes, I'm not sure it is a scope bug in php or what. [16:56]
xaviwell, it's risky to leave as is... [16:56]
RobertPlummerBut when unified search receives the document that has been edited, it blows everything up. [16:56]
xaviif it was only me, then no problem, I would spalit the page [16:56]
RobertPlummerI think I can fix, give me a few more minutes. [16:56]
xavibut this page might be the oportunity to find a fix a bug that might be critical to prevent sites loosing content in a few months when they grow, etc.
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [17:07]
I am unable to save pages using the latest trunk version.
Unknown column 'status' in 'field list'
The query was:
INSERT INTO `tiki_pages` (`pageName`, `hits`, `data`, `description`, `lastModif`, `comment`, `version`, `version_minor`, `user`, `ip`, `creator`, `page_size`, `is_html`, `created`, `wysiwyg`, `wiki_authors_style`, `status`, `lang`, `flag`, `lockedby`)
This is followed by a sequence of Data too long for column 'comment' at row 1
The query was:
insert into `tiki_actionlog` (`objectType`,`action`,`object`,`user`,`ip`,`lastModif`, `comment`, `client`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki [17:16]
arildbIt comes from the automatic merge r41023. Maybe a db schema update is missing? [17:23]
xavic u all (time to leave for me)
left #tikiwiki
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41052 10/branches/9.x/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] Prevent pages that are being edited as sections from being refreshed from freetags to lucene search indexer [18:04]
arildbRobertPlummer: r41012 [FIX] Prevent new pages from ever being converted introduced a new attribute status on tiki_pages it seems. The database update is missing and it prevents saving pages (in trunk) [18:15]
RobertPlummerarildb: Perhaps we need to auto -merge [18:16]
arildbRobertPlummer: the change was picked up by an automerge, but no schema update was included [18:16]
RobertPlummervery odd, one minute while I merge and fix [18:17]
arildbthanks [18:17]
benoitg1joined #tikiwiki [18:29]
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41053 10/trunk/ (16 files in 11 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/9.x 41031 to 41052 [18:30]
RobertPlummerarildb: svn up, should be golden now [18:31]
arildbchecking [18:31]
RobertPlummerWe have 1 remaining issue with the conversion script. We need to convert modules. After that, we should be set.
And ready for a beta.
arildbRobertPlummer: Still the same error in trunk. The problem is that tiki_pages.status is not defined. There should be a schema/db update to fix this. [18:41]
RobertPlummerarildb: No, it is taken care of wikilib.php
Did you rerun the update script and remove the entity in the installer table that lists 999999991_decode_pages_sources_tiki.php?
arildbRobertPlummer: but it attempts to insert into the tiki_pages.status attribute...and it doesn't exist [18:43]
RobertPlummerarildb: I understand that it is taken care of in wikilib, it adds it if it doesn't exist. [18:43]
arildbRobertPlummer: that's a strange DB handling. Shouldn't all db updates/definitions be in tiki.sql and the schema updates. anyhow, it doesn't work, and I am unable to save pages using trunk [18:45]
benoitgjoined #tikiwiki [18:45]
RobertPlummerarildb: Sure we can readd it if you want. [18:45]
benoitg2joined #tikiwiki [18:46]
arildbRobertPlummer: yes please. I am a bit stuck. [18:46]
RobertPlummerarildb: Why don't you add them, that way I'm not taking on every little thing in tiki/ [18:46]
arildbRobertPlummer: ok. What should the definition be?
It attempts to add 'new9+' in the attribute
RobertPlummerALTER TABLE tiki_history ADD status VARCHAR(60) default '' AFTER is_html;
ALTER TABLE tiki_user_modules ADD status VARCHAR(60) default '' AFTER parse;
ALTER TABLE tiki_pages ADD status VARCHAR(60) default '' AFTER keywords;
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41054 10/trunk/installer/schema/20120423_add_status_attr_tiki.sql: [DB] Adding missing schema update for status attributes [18:54]
arildbRobertPlummer: I also added status to one of the tables in tiki.sql, but I am in the middle of an update and cannot commit it yet [18:55]
RobertPlummerok, np [18:55]
....... (idle for 32mn)
CIA-36tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41055 10/branches/9.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Added convertModules to follow same rules as wiki pages
tikiwiki: [FIX] tra was calling tikilib that might not exist, switch from global to Zend naming convention
RobertPlummerleft #tikiwiki [19:28]
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41056 10/trunk/ (17 files in 10 dirs): [NEW] Local reference handling added. See http://doc.tiki.org/References for the doc [19:45]
arildbmarclaporte: I just added the local reference handling we talked about earllier. Some changes had to be made to make it fit into the stanard Tiki version, but hopefully it functions OK. Like mentioned in the mail, I would be interested in getting this merged into the LTS 9.x release if possible. [19:49]
benoitgjoined #tikiwiki [19:54]
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arildbWYSIWYG is messed up in trunk. I just did a large commit, when adding the local reference handling, but it was working OK before my last sync with SVN. Now I get text like: <p>
a reference test</p> in my editor
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xavijoined #tikiwiki
issues with the "computed" param in trackers (9x)
I guet Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /path/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Computed.php(103) : eval()'d code on line 1
but I can't find any $end in Computed.php
mmm, ok , false positive: the tracker came from a duplicate of a previous one, and in that process, the field id's with values to be summed in the computed field are not updated to corresponding id's in the the new tracker.
so updating id from the computed field fixed the issue
ok, g'night
left #tikiwiki
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41057 10/branches/9.x/lib/init/tra.php: [FIX] fetchAll is not a static function [22:51]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [22:56]
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CIA-36tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41058 10/branches/9.x/lib/init/tra.php: [FIX] Make sure tikilib lib exists [23:24]
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marclaportearildb: thank you for the contribution [23:42]
arildbmarclaporte: I hope that it will be useful. Did you give it a try? [23:43]
marclaportethere is tiki_p_use_referencelib and tiki_p_edit_referencelib
why "lib"
arildbthat's just how it turned out. We used the term "reference library" internally. maybe tiki_p_use_references and tiki_p_edit_references would be better? [23:45]
marclaporteI think so
simpler, cleaner and more consistent with the rest
arildbok. I am sure there will come more adjustments. Is there a good place to collect these? [23:46]
marclaportelike trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_addreference.php  trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_showreference.php [23:46]
arildbI agree [23:47]
marclaporteWhat Tiki does: http://doc.tiki.org/References What we want it to do better: http://dev.tiki.org/References [23:47]
arildbok. I will add the page with your suggestion. Would like to collect some more feedback before changes are done [23:49]
marclaporteWith maybe perm name changes should be done now to avoid an upgrade script^
Maybe perm name changes should be done now to avoid an upgrade script?
arildbok. I will do the change [23:53]
marclaporteIf references are just for wiki, maybe pref should be located in wiki admin panel? [23:54]
arildbThey are just for the wiki, but I am not sure what you mean
ah, you mean the placement in Features
marclaporteyes in http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/tiki-admin.php?page=wiki [23:55]
arildbyes, that's better [23:55]
marclaporteAdd / show reference could be activated by default since they have feature_references as a dependency [23:56]
arildbSo, activate tiki_p_use_references by default. OK [23:57]
not the perm but the two plugins

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