Caarrie: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41623 10/branches/9.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] Correcting some of the integration of draw with serviceDialog, also make it easier for other integrations goj_killedByISP: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki xavi: joined #tikiwiki
polom tim: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41624 10/branches/9.x/tiki-objectpermissions.php: [FIX] perms: Use static call for library (wasn't even using include_once, causing WSoD in some cases) ricks99: joined #tikiwiki
happy polom y'all CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r41625 10/branches/9.x/styles/layout/design.css: [FIX]Usability fix: reduced contrast for non-relevant information for end users in directory links xavi: hi ricks99
ricks99: the css question of the day for you?
I've been using some custom css with toc and maketoc for months in some production sites ,and I'm considering to commit that to default design.css before 9.0
but I'd like to hear your opinion (and from anyone else interested to discuss about it, of course)
see this: ricks99: looking xavi: the section below "Material de cursos d'anys previs" (on the right, and bg in yellow) comes from a "toc" with two levels ricks99: style is really an "in the eye of the beholder" thing... xavi: mm, a better example (for toc and maketoc) see this instead, please: ricks99: personally, i prefer my numbers be out-dented instead of indented. instead of using <li> you should be using <ol> for numbered list xavi: ricks99: i like the gray bar overall, but not for sub-steps. just my $0.02 xavi: maketoc on the left, and toc on the right
yes, sub-steps, that's what I want to remove :-)
for maketoc, it's fine as is
for toc, I get the bar in the substeps, which I want to remove, but I don't know how ricks99: but the list numbers are still indented. just my opinion. xavi: how do I do that?
fro toc, I have right now in custom css:
.toc { border-bottom: none; border-top: none; border-left: 3px solid lightgrey; }
mmmm, and for maketoc, it seems that I don't have anything special, so the same .toc rule applies (?) ricks99: the numbers are manually added in the headings? xavi: nope
maketoc using !!#, etc ricks99: ahh xavi: toc using levels="1" (or similar) rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki -: xavi checking the right syntax ricks99: no, i mean, for example: xavi: {toc shownum="1"} ricks99: where are the numbered headings from? xavi: !!!# Taller estadística: 2 sessions
!!!# Taller bioinformatica: 2 session
etc ricks99: ah. xavi: oups, typo, fixing (s/2 session/2 sessions) ricks99: looks like a bug (imho) for maketoc xavi: bug? maketoc is showing the effect I'd like to reproduce for toc, in fact ricks99: when using !!# it should create the toc with <ol> elements -- not <li> xavi: ah, I see (bug: +1)
mmmm (lunch time here)
I'll check irc after lunch (in case you have some proposal on how to remove that sub-step gray bar for toc) ricks99: coffee time here xavi: ok, see you later and thks for feedback ricks99: cya xavi: oups: Fatal error: Call to a member function getElementsByTagName() on a non-object in /path/lib/bigbluebuttonlib.php on line 274 ricks99: xafi: xavi: :-( ricks99: xavi: to remove the gray bar from sub-sections, you need a second declaration:
something like: .toc ul.toc * {border-left:none} -: ricks99 off to refill his coffee cup xavi: ok, thks ricks99, I tried with your trick , cleared tiki and browser caches, and same effect
lunch time, see you later arildb: joined #tikiwiki
Has anybody tried to implement an organizational hierarchy in Tiki? If so, any recommended approach? ricks99: not sure what you mean by "organizational hierarchy" but tiki categories are highly useful for organizing structured content arildb: Yes, categories is probably the right angle. By "organizational hierarchy" I mean that the organization may be split into a structure, where access to data is limited to the users "home node". Users higher in the hierarchy can access lower nodes.
I am not familiar with workspaces. Is that something that may fit? ricks99: sorry, i haven't used workspaces. but groups + categories can propably do it for you. maybe workspaces and perspectives, too arildb: ok redflo: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41626 10/branches/9.x/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] Page title is outside the background RobertPlummer: changi: If anyone asks in the future, I will be creating a branch that I will experiment syncing git in the future. I could run it off my server at my house, but it'd be nice to have it in a cron job once it is up. arildb: joined #tikiwiki sandroandrade: joined #tikiwiki radek82: joined #tikiwiki xavi: back
mmmm, antibot captcha code not shown any more in 9x for me when editing wiki pages as anon (even if the setting says that anons should enter antibot code)
maybe some missconfig of my own somewhere.... (?) -: xavi double checking xavi: nope, to me antibot captcha is broken (not shown): wysiwyca issue
atttempting to reproduce on demo.t.o/9x, I did hit an error 500
Table 'a' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in global ORDER clause
(select distinct a.* from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c where a.`action` like c.`action` and a.`objectType` = c.`objectType` and (c.`status` = 'v') and `user` = ?)union (select distinct a.* from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c,`tiki_actionlog_params` ap where ap.`value`=? and ap.`name`=? and ap.`actionId`=a.`actionId` and a.`action` like c.`action` and a.`objectType` = c.`objectType` and (c.`status` = 'v')) order by a.`lastMo
values: 1) anonymous 2) -1 3) contributor arildb: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki benoitg: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: mid-week-polom xavi: hi jonnyb jonnyb: hi xavi
just trying to work out where i can get instant frappe in the uk, seems it's a Greek/Cypriot thing only :( xavi: I'm finding weird issues lately with 9x in our production server... :-/ Tracker fields became un-exportable
instant frappe :-)
issues: plus antibot captcha not shown at all for anons jonnyb: yes, saw the mail - does it still fail with the logging off? xavi: nor editing the description of tracker fields also: clicking at save does nothing
logging off? jonnyb: that's odd - used to work - seem to remember fixing it before xavi: maybe it's just our server/site,...
but anyways, I would recommend check with care in other sites that this works for others at least -: xavi back to editing fields through phpmyadmin again as yesterday xavi: ok, I confirm that it's the "attachment" type of tracker field which doesn't not allow changing the description. Changing the description of drop-down fields, for instance, saves without issues jonnyb: curious - thought the description should be handled the same for all - thanks xavi (on other stuff at the moment though i'm afraid) xavi: yes, yes, no problem.
I was just reporting on ric (so that there is log)... in case I want to copy it later on and send it to the devel list, or "regressions in 9x" page, etc.
s/ci/irc RobertPlummer: joined #tikiwiki
polom guys jonnyb: hi RobertPlummer arildb_: joined #tikiwiki xavi: hi RobertPlummer CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41627 10/trunk/lib/svg-edit_tiki/draw.js: [NEW] Added new pref 'feature_draw_hide_buttons', which allows you to hide buttons found in Tiki Draw
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41628 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Added new pref 'feature_draw_hide_buttons', which allows you to hide buttons found in Tiki Draw RobertPlummer: :) arildb: joined #tikiwiki Alain_: joined #tikiwiki xavi: left #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r41629 10/branches/9.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] Keep image insertion window open checkbox not working properly because in order to keep unchecked state, checked attribute needs to be removed, not just have blank value RobertPlummer: So, jonnyb, did you get a chance to look at the commit from last week on lists in the new parser?
As of right now, it needs fingerprints for plugins, and icons, after that it is in beta.
Both of which are trivial.
Oh yea, and a {toc} handler jonnyb: no, can only fit in critical emergencies at the moment sadly RobertPlummer: :) jonnyb: well, at least while at the screen ;) RobertPlummer: jonnyb: understood, I need to be more helpful on that front. jonnyb: no probs - just having to be more focussed on work RobertPlummer: work outside of tiki?
ur, uh, well, work outside of releasing tiki 9. luciash: polom RobertPlummer: luciash: igual mi amigo jonnyb: some of it's tiki
hi luciash RobertPlummer: jonnyb: got-ya, I'm in the same boat. Gotta pay the bills. luciash: RobertPlummer: no habla espanol but i understand "mi amigo" :)
hi jonnyb, RobertPlummer et al CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41630 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] kaltura: Extend upload media to plugin edit form jonnyb: hey RobertPlummer - re r41627 and 8 - is that really a new top level "feature"?
and which buttons are you removing? the annoying ones added by the img plugin or some others?
reboot time
joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: jonnyb: I'm not removing any buttons, Marc wanted to be able to hide them. This basically gives you a textbox where you can enter the ids of the buttons you want to hide.
jonnyb: There is a list of them in the description. jonnyb: ah right, buttons inside the draw editor - i see the description now, thanks CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41631 10/trunk/lib/: [NEW] jcapture: Link for library (step one) rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki El_Presidente: Hi! Is there a possibility to get the name of a category from the ID?
i.e. I would like to write "cat_2" and this is subsituted from tiki by the name of category 2 ricks99: El_Presidente: there's a get_category_name function in the category library (categlib) that you can use
i believe it takes the cat_id as input and returns the name El_Presidente: thanks :) but how do i call such a function?
do I need a certain environment? ricks99: you'd have to write a plugin for it (it is a php function) El_Presidente: okay thanks CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41632 10/branches/9.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.js: [ENH] Added the ability to obtain selections like that of textarea, this is for a fix coming next RobertPlummer: jonnyb: You're not going to like that last one.
jonnyb: But it is a fix, hold a sec while I commit the fix. jonnyb: :) RobertPlummer: trying to ensure my commits are sort of grouped and more trackable. CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41633 10/branches/9.x/lib/ (jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js tiki-js.js): [FIX] Get selection like that of textarea, this makes behavior of codemirror just like textarea, where if nothing is selected, tiki selects the first avialable plugin and attempts to edit it RobertPlummer: tada!
jonnyb: Don't you roll that one back! redflo: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41634 10/branches/9.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Draw was acting 2 ways, on new and edit, unified this to use same interface each time. Also limited what is returned so that there isn't any confusion as to what needs to be executed, it simply gets what it needs.
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41635 10/branches/9.x/lib/core/Services/File/Controller.php: [FIX] Give a default gallery (1) if none are supplied
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41636 10/trunk/ (18 files in 11 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/9.x 41612 to 41635
tikiwiki: Conflict on tiki-edit_draw.php fixed manually (please check) rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: joined #tikiwiki
Beat me to it, I litterally had the merge running when that posted jonnyb jonnyb: :)
was doing some stuff in trunk so thought i should
hope i got the conflict right
have to go now, more tomorrow redflo: joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: The tiki draw integration is amazing. arildb: I have some geotagged pages, and have added a google map on a page. I would like the map to show the location for all geotagged pages. What's the easiest way to do that? sandroandrade: joined #tikiwiki sandroandrade_: joined #tikiwiki sandroandrade__: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r41638 10/branches/9.x/lib/ (jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js profilelib/shell.php): [NEW] Shell utility to install profiles
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41639 10/branches/9.x/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] Some trads jneusteter: left #tikiwiki benoitg: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41640 10/branches/9.x/lang/nl/language.php: [TRA] commit from forum
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41641 10/branches/9.x/lang/nl/language.php: [TRA] Missing dos2unix benoitg: joined #tikiwiki Alain_: joined #tikiwiki
hi, I'am a newbie. can someone tell me how to add a survey to a wiki page? can't find the syntax for it in the documentation... changi: Alain_: did you have a look at CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r41642 10/branches/9.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Add a color picker control to allow changing the color of the features
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41643 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/ (ForwardLink/Metadata.php ForwardLink.php): [NEW] Segregated functionality of metadata into it's own class, this class will be used for both forwardlinks and textlinks benoitg: joined #tikiwiki Alain_: oh thanks. so i need to add the plugin to the editor... changi: Alain_: {SURVEY(id=1)}{SURVEY} benoitg: joined #tikiwiki arildb: Alain_: First activate the Survey feature, then define a survey + add the questions, record the id. The first survey will have id=1, then use the syntax changi listed in your wiki page Alain_: changi & arildb: thanks, that works fine :-) CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41644 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Make functionality of forwardlink different from textlink, integrate it's metadata benoitg: joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: Tiki gets a new style! CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41645 10/trunk/styles/ (32 files in 7 dirs): [NEW] Double Dot Media Ltd. had this created and I thought it would be neat in Tiki, looks nice and sleek. Permission was granted by Simon Slade, name intact for credit