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rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [00:41]
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ietcjoined #tikiwiki [05:42]
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Mbeckerjoined #tikiwiki
Just had a question, not sure if anyone would be able to help
I have a tiki page with hundreds of attachments on it that I want to split up into seperate pages. When I copy and paste the wiki mark up to these new pages it says it cant find the attachments. Is there any way to transfer the attachments to another page without re-uploading them all?
If anyone would be able to point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. matthew.becker17@gmail.com [06:28]
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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [07:00]
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [07:54]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki [08:39]
fidelpolom [08:43]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r42164 10/branches/9.x/templates/mail/user_watch_calendar.tpl: [FIX]Usability: add an empty line before and after the body of the event for better readability [08:57]
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hhmjoined #tikiwiki [09:22]
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lorincjoined #tikiwiki [11:02]
fidelhi - is there some kind of diff available which lists all changes from tiki9(beta2) to tiki9(final)? [11:04]
changifidel: no, but we can provide one [11:07]
fidelhi changi
would be interesting in general. we are heavily using/testing 9b2 - and are somehow curious if some of those points we noticed as bugs and might not have report them already are mentioned or not
so if possible without big effort - i would really appreciate having a changelog ;)
..... (idle for 22mn)
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [11:33]
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jacmoejoined #tikiwiki [11:50]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r42165 10/branches/9.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php: [ROLLBACK r42109] Broke maketoc [11:51]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [12:01]
changifidel: a changelog or a diff patch ? [12:02]
fidelchangi: sorry - i ment changelog [12:03]
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rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [13:13]
ricks99joined #tikiwiki [13:21]
polom y'all
q: in tiki 9, i have a tracker with a multiselect field. how can i, using a pretty tracker, test to see if a specific option was selected?
thought i could use smarty stripos function in the wiki template page, but Tiki throwing an error.
{if stripos('OptionA', ($f_1)) == true} ..... {/if}
.......... (idle for 45mn)
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r42166 10/branches/9.x/lang/es/language.php: a few more (bbb) [14:18]
xavileft #tikiwiki [14:18]
changifidel: https://dev.tiki.org/dl30 [14:25]
fidelui thank you very much
changi: very helpful - thumps up
.... (idle for 16mn)
ricks99joined #tikiwiki [14:44]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Trackers, linking trackers and use part of the data only. (how to get rid of empty cell ?) - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=44272
New Forum Posts: Intégration de WebSVN avec Tiki - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=44265
New Forum Posts: Impossibilité de créer des galeries de fichiers ou de modifier l'existante - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=44261
radek82joined #tikiwiki [14:56]
ricks99anyone using pretty tracker wiki templates in tiki9? how do i test/evaluate for the value of mutliselect field in my wiki page tpl?
and, how to use a multiselect field in a trackerlist? 1/m throws a tiki errror
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Trackers, linking trackers and use part of the data only. (how to get rid of empty cell ?) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=44272
New Forum Posts: Intégration de WebSVN avec Tiki - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=44265
New Forum Posts: Impossibilité de créer des galeries de fichiers ou de modifier l'existante - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=44261
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [15:12]
g0thjoined #tikiwiki
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [15:19]
ricks99: what error do you get? I'm no expert, but your smarty syntax seems strange. I would have attempted {if stripos('OptionA', $f_1 ) == true} ..... {/if} or {if stripos('OptionA', "$f_1") == true} ..... {/if}
ricks99just a generic tiki sytax error.
will try your code...
... supposed to allow any smarty function in a wiki tpl, right?
ah.. closer.. now getting PHP funtion 'stripos' not allowd by security setting...
where/how do i enable?
benoitgjoined #tikiwiki [15:37]
ricks99ahh.. got it
still getting "PHP function stripos not allowed by security setting" when I add ^^^^ code to my wiki tpl :(
how do you usually store custom data?
I put the tiki on the main web directory
now lets say I use my own logo, where would I store it? Do you guys create some "custom" or "data" directory ?
ricks99g0th: u can, and then FTP it. Or you can upload to the Tiki file gallery [15:45]
g0thwhat's the standard procedure in general [15:46]
ricks99either way really [15:46]
g0thhmm I guess normally there are not that many files [15:46]
ricks99if you don't have ftp access, then you're forced to use file gallery [15:46]
g0thonly the logo icon essentially ^^
for ftp
it should be accessable for apache/etc
so the rights have to be set correctly
I think I'll just make a custom directory at "/"
ricks99correct [15:47]
g0thof the web
ok thx
Jyhemg0th: do you use a Tiki theme or a custom one ? If you have ftp/scp access, the natural place would be styles/yourtheme/ (in my opinion) [15:49]
ricks99+1 [15:49]
Jyhemricks99: hmm and is stristr() allowed by security settings? [15:52]
ricks99how would i know?
or is there a better way to check multiselect values?
guess i could do it in a TPL, but would rather do it on a wiki page
Jyhemricks99: sorry, stristr() is a php functio, not smarty :( [15:54]
ricks99 knew that!
JyhemJyhem is confused and sleep deprived :(
first of all, what is displayed if you display $f_1 ? A value or "Array" ?
ricks99all the selected values
in straight text
ValueA ValueB ValueX
JyhemJyhem wonders if $f_1 contains 1 value or the array of the multiple selections [15:57]
ricks99it contains a single value of all the selections, plain text
hence my use of stripos
JyhemLooks encouraging, but that's beyond my smarty skills :( [15:57]
ricks99guess i could use mutiple checkboxes instead of a single multiselect tracker field :(
but seems like a huge waste
but maybe easier
Jyhem got to go, sorry
ricks99thanx. same security erorr tho. :(
think i'm gonna have to use separate checkboxes.
at least i *know* that will work
g0thhmm now I get "The requested URL /HomePage was not found on this server."
when I try to access the wiki
ricks99Are you using SEFURL? Did you update your htaccess? [16:13]
g0thI made a ln -s _htaccess .htaccess
or other way
first way :)
ricks99if you can access the page as tiki-index.php?page=HomePag but not as /HomePage, then it is a problem with your htaccess [16:14]
is ln -s _htaccess .htaccess in the root dir not enough?
ricks99should b [16:16]
g0thseems not :(
it works again after turning the SEFURL off
thx, I didn't realize about SEFURL
ricks99you're welcome. very common issue. b sure to see docs for deatils [16:19]
g0thcan I copy modules?
so I don't have to add all information again?
ricks99y. edit the module and change the name, then save
original will remain
g0thit is all a bit confusing for me, I need to get used to this first [16:34]
ricks99some good docs <shameless plug> at http://tikiforsmarties.com [16:35]
g0thfor menu module there is "menu", "structure", "module title" and then there are categories, sections [16:35]
ricks99y [16:35]
g0thwhat do I put in menu/structure/module title ?
for me a menu module should "essentially" just need one information, the "name"
ricks99don't understand your question [16:37]
g0thI will rtfm [16:37]
ricks99for modules, you can also control who can see the module. tiki has very fine-grained permissions
you can also have modules dynamically show/hide depending on, what tiki section (e.g., wiki, article, blog) is being shown...
g0thyeah I saw that [16:38]
ricks99or what category is being shown...
g0ththat I don't understand
but I'll read about it
I guess it is something like "tags"?
ricks99very flexible. but somewhat more complex than others
tags = folksonomy tagging. similar, but different than categories
g0ththe basic structure is 3 types right?
admin, user, guest
admin, registered, sthg else I forgot
ricks99in tiki lingo, "structure" means wiki structure (e.g., browse sequence)
are you asking about user groups?
g0ththat was not my initial question, my last question was refering to your remark about fine-grained permissions, it was about confirming that three types are used [16:41]
ricks99even more. you can have permissions for a group/global, for a category, and for a specific object [16:41]
g0thbut I can go without category if I want?
it is something like a tag I can give stuff
and then search for it, apply permissions to it etc
ricks99so if you have 3 groupos 10 categories and using blog, wiki, files, you can have 90 different perms [16:42]
got it
(I hope)
ricks99lots of good docs explaining perms. very powerful/very complex [16:43]
radek82where in the database is the force https login in tiki? :P i locked myself out [16:43]
g0thessentially our setup is: admin, several users, some guests, probably no anonymous
I'm not sure about the authentication, probably ldap+tiki
when I use ldap, it creates a tiki user (or at least it can be set that way)
ricks99radek82: most prefs in tiki_preferences [16:44]
g0this it possible to add meta information to that user and create a nice viewable user database [16:44]
radek82ricks99, thanks :P [16:44]
g0thmaybe it is easier to do that manually [16:44]
ricks99g0th: can use a registration tracker to collect additional user info at registration time, then store in tracker/display [16:45]
I have so many questions, I should first of all read some manual
like the link you posted before
ricks99:) [16:46]
g0thhow do I save my wiki?
is it enough to save the database?
ricks99do you mean backup? [16:46]
g0thI know it says to save additional files but I haven't uploaded any so far
the whole tiki is quite big
so it would be nice to avoid having to save all that
that's also why it would be nice if I could store all additional stuff (i.e. non svn stuff) somewhere else
ricks99depends if you're storing in db or file. You might find http://twessentials.tikiforsmarties.com/What+to+Backup very helpful
<another shameless plug>
g0thany other books?
tiki essentials and tiki for smarties you mentioned on the site
ricks99http://tikiforsmarties.com/Books [16:50]
g0thwhich lists exactly the two I just mentioned ^^ [16:51]
radek82ricks99, i changed https_login to Disabled, but its still locked out
ive got a broken SSL cert
and can't get into tiki
ricks99g0th: working on new series: http://series.tikiforsmarties.com [16:52]
radek82feature_switch_ssl_mode and feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode are set to n [16:52]
ricks99radek82: clear all caches (tiki and browser)
may need to manually empty the TMP and CACHE folders
radek82k, trying now
just delete everything in TMP and CACHE? im not gonna break anything else?
ricks99look in ../temp/ theres a bunch foiles to clear out too
and ../templates_c/
radek82checking now
cleaning temp/caceh
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [17:05]
radek82can i erase all the files in those dirs?
or should i leave wikiplugin
and index
jonnybhi all [17:07]
radek82baah, cleared all caches, still locked out :*( [17:18]
now it gives me a different error
You have to enable cookies to be able to login to this site
never seen this one before
.... (idle for 18mn)
finally got it
thanks ricks99
...... (idle for 27mn)
ricks99great [18:13]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Display a list of links in a wiki page changing according to user's group - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=44273 [18:24]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [18:31]
ricks99using trackerlist plugin... i *thought* there was a way to use a wiki/tpl to customize the form iteslf (not the results)
but i can't find anything. did i imagine this?
sandroandradejoined #tikiwiki [18:37]
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jonnybhi ricks99 - still there? yes, you can use a wiki page as a tpl for the form (i thought) [19:24]
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ricks99hi jonnyb.... how? [20:00]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42167 10/branches/9.x/lib/ (setup/cookies.php smarty_tiki/block.tabset.php): [FIX] cookies: Use "." operator to join php strings (not "+"), and correct order of params for js setCookie fn in tabset [20:00]
jonnybhi ricks99 - sorry, i thought you meant the tracker plugin
trackerlist doesn't have a form does it?
ricks99sorry, mean trackerFILTER
the 100F temperature must be getting to me
jonnybah right - hmmm, no, that's a hard coded thing
why not try custom_search? it's very pretty! :)
nice. is that for trackers specifically? is that the search module?
ah found it
can you pass tracker id and field info?
jonnybit's a unified search thing, uses the {list} plugin eventually
yes - been meaning to add some more docs and examples
ricks99but can be used as a replacement for trackerfilter searches? i can add filters based on tracker fields? [20:08]
jonnybyou specify the tracker with: {filter field="tracker_id" content="1"} [20:08]
ricks99awesome. might be what i need! [20:09]
jonnybcoolio - i'll try and assist as much as i can, then you might be able to make the documentation more useful (or even another book? :P ) [20:10]
ricks99+100. my next 'books' will be a short series of guides, on a specific tiki feature. "search" would be perfect [20:10]
jonnybi'd recommend playing with the {list} plugin for a while to get used to it [20:11]
ricks99yup. doing that now. thanks for the pointeer [20:11]
jonnybthat otaku one would be in the "advanced" section ;) [20:11]
ricks991 more (last?) tracker issue... using a Date/Time field type. have the Start Year=1900, but Tiki starts at 1970
is this a hardcoded limit?
jonnybis saw a commit re that and wondered the same [20:15]
ricks99ah.. in trunk? [20:15]
jonnybi thought it uses unix timestamps (which do start in 1970) [20:15]
ricks99so tiki can't use dates prior to 1970?
ricks99 thought unix timestamps could b negative?
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [20:47]
ricks99ping jonnyb [20:54]
jonnybpong ricks99 [20:55]
ricks99trying a simple custom search: {CUSTOMSEARCH{wiki="myTPL"... {LIST()}{filter field="tracker_id" content="1"
to search the items in my Tracker #1
myTPL looks like:
First name: {input _filter="content" _field="tracker_field_2" type="text"}
{intput type=submit}
basically, i want to search on the first name of the tracker (field #2)
if I execute the search with the form blank, Tiki properly shows me a list of all trackers, as i expect
but, if I enter "J" for the first name, i get no results. However, there is a tracker with the first name "JOE" that i expected
jonnybtry J* ?
it might need more chars than that - like jo*
ricks99hmm [20:59]
jonnyblucene is word based [20:59]
ricks99tried "Jane"
still no results
there is a tracker with first name "JANE"
what am i doing wrong? doesnt {filter field="tracker_id" conent="1"} define the "scope" of the customsearch to all of tracker #1?
jonnybin tracker admin do you have it set to use "permNames" or field id's? [21:00]
ricks99checking [21:00]
jonnybperm names are good, you'll need something like {input _filter="content" _field="tracker_field_firstName" type="text"} [21:00]
ricks99i have a permname for the field
but i just realized, do i have to enable seach for the field?
jonnybno, the tracker field search thing is for the old "filter" on tracker_list [21:02]
ricks99thas what i thought [21:02]
jonnybtry the search in tiki-searchindex.php
just to check
ricks99i have mysql search disabled. but the tracker filter search works [21:03]
jonnybthat uses direct mysql queries
rather than the "fulltext" type of search
ricks99tiki-searchindex does not find it (but that's because i have search disabled for that field) [21:03]
jonnybshouldn't make a difference afaik
you might need to rebuild the uni-search index if you only just switched it on
on admin/search
is it a big tiki (yet)?
ricks99very small
only 3 items in my tracker
jonnybshould be quick then
bless :)
ricks99rebuit. but still no results.
i have a JANE DOE tracker
searching with custom search ^^^ shows no results
jonnybstill nothing in tiki-searchindex.php
ricks99tiki-searchindex finds it [21:07]
jonnybcustom search can be quite picky
ok, have you changed the _field name reference to use the permanent name of the field?
ricks99on my tpl?
so it should be: ... _field="firstName" ... instead of _field="tracker_field_2"
jonnybno, tracker_field_firstName
(assuming firstName is the perm name of that field - you can check it on the field edit dialog)
ricks99got it
looks like a min of 3 characters required?
jan finds nothing, but jan* finds JANE DOE
jonnybi think that's a Lucene thing
jan~ would also find Jannet and Janey etc
ricks99 really likes how "j" will find jane in trackerfilter
some people have very short names
Al, Joe, Cal
might be back to using HTML for my tackerfilter anyway :(
thanks for your help
jonnybno probs
i'd say it's worth pursuing - it's so much quicker and more flexible
i'd guess the "search by initial" thing could be fixable
ricks99y. i definately see big advantages. [21:16]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: pdf of page with tabs - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=44275 [21:16]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42168 10/branches/9.x/templates/modules/mod-quickadmin.tpl: [ENH] quickadmin: Add a quick way of opening the Smarty "debug" window (thanks marclaporte) [21:18]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [21:19]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r42169 10/branches/9.x/templates/tiki-view_articles.tpl: [FIX]Icons for watching articles needed to be hidden when actions=n (in newsletters sent by email, etc through plugin articles in wiki page templates) [22:05]
xavijoined #tikiwiki
ricks99 or any css master? :-)
jonnybhi xavi [22:10]
xavihi jonnyb [22:10]
jonnyboops ;) [22:10]
xaviI'm in process of sending the monthly newsletter...
in intercanvis.net (barter networks, etc) but this time with Tiki9 :-)
and I can't seem to get module upcoming events to get 100% width
here: http://intercanvis.net/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=228&no_bl=y#Propers_esdeveniments
the content there comes from module upcoming events:
{MODULE(module="upcoming_events", decorations="n", flip="n", nonums="n", showaction="n", notitle="y", nobox="y", max="20", width="100%")}{MODULE}
but no way, since upgrade to tiki9, it just takes 180px it seems
I've added this in custom css:
#role_main .module { max-width:auto !important; }
but it didn't work...
I'll try setting it to 600px or something, and not just "auto"...
jonnybtry with... style="width:100%;" instead maybe? [22:13]
xaviok... 600px worked. uff! I'll try your tip, just in case it works also...
oups, it didn't work
ok, hardcoding some value works, at least....
I wonder if something should be commited to svn about this display regression...
jonnybi'm sure i tackles this some time ago...
xaviin tiki6, nobox=y made the content of the module to display 100%, afair
well, I can't test a god solution to be commited, so I'll keep my hack locally for our tiki9 site for the time being
see you!

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