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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r43846 10trunk/ 10templates/admin/include_general.tpl 10lib/setup/last_update.php
tikiwiki [FIX] for installations using TortoiseSVN 1.7+. The SVN revision number is now displayed.
tikiwiki Requires the "sqlite3" PHP extension.
tikiwiki The last update time is still not set. Changed template to allow for display of revision only (thus last update time is unknown).
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [00:35]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r43847 10trunk/lib/setup/last_update.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Get rid of debug code
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [00:41]
fabriciuspolom everybody [00:46]
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dennmansleft #tikiwiki [01:01]
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kstingel|coding: hi r u there?
kstingel ?
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fabriciushi arildb [01:10]
arildb_hi fabricius [01:10]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03nkoth r43848 10branches/ 1010.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php 1010.x/lib/core/WikiParser/PluginMatcher.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Array key was getting messed up causing recalllastsearch feature to break inconsistently as it depends on it for fieldid
tikiwiki 03nkoth r43849 10branches/9.x/ 10lib/core/WikiParser/PluginMatcher.php 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php
tikiwiki [bp/r43848][FIX] Array key was getting messed up causing recalllastsearch feature to break inconsistently as it depends on it for fieldid
luciashhi fabricius , arildb [01:24]
arildbhi luciash [01:25]
fabriciushi luciash
still working you two?
Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [01:26]
do u have any clue what is the name for user preference type field for avatar icon ?
in trackers
sure not :)
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [01:35]
luciash"avatar" does not seem to work [01:37]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r43850 10trunk/lib/setup/last_update.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Show last update time for Tortoise 1.7+ SVN
refizulfabricius: hello [02:18]
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jacmoejoined #tikiwiki [02:37]
fabriciusrefizul: hi
luciash: err what?
luciash: tracker field type for user avatar?
kstingel1joined #tikiwiki [02:44]
fabriciusluciash: maybe show_avatar ? [02:45]
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refizulI checked CSS validation, very much trouble there. [03:07]
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RobertPlummerleft #tikiwiki [03:14]
fabriciusrefizul: tell me more pls [03:18]
luciashit is not user preference... that explains why it does not work :-/ [03:20]
fabriciusI have a problem with blog and categories in Tiki10
I get strange errors when I post/create/edit a blogpost or a blog, if categories are activated
I would need categories for structure modules etc., but blog is kind of not usable for normal users, when categories are active
verry bad situation
refizulfabricius: I uses W3C CSS validation on some themes - I got lot of errors and warnings [03:32]
marclaportealzoo: about your questions about image upload (unzip): I'll nobody ever decided on the order, so it could be changed
alzoo: you might be interested in doc.tiki.org/Screencast which will make add pics to pages so much faster
fabriciusrefizul: maybe we should chat about that the next days ... maybe early next week ... should be considered in respect of the website revamp and in general
joined #tikiwiki
refizulactivating SEFURL + parameter 'lang' leads to an 404 for fullscreen [03:41]
fabriciusparameter 'lang' whats that? [03:42]
refizuloO(...am I hunting bugs or are bugs hunting me?...)
give /en/foo.en and /fr/foo.fr
fabriciusstill not understand the context [03:45]
refizulat /en/foo CSS is missing completely - maybe a race condition because page is not translated completly? [03:45]
luciashrefizul: tiki cannot work with sefurls like tiki/en/foo [03:46]
refizulI activated SEFURL, and there is a parameter field to rewrite ?param= into URL path .../param/ [03:46]
fabriciusstill not get it ... /en/foo ??? [03:46]
luciashthat is why CSS is borked - missing [03:46]
refizulMy pagename is foo [03:46]
fabriciusahhh [03:46]
refizulI activated SEFURL and wrote 'lang' in the field at admin page for SEFURL [03:47]
fabriciusyou want to organise the links depending on the language: given example.com/foo => example, [03:47]
refizulNo I get URLs in tiki with /en/foo and /en/foo.en [03:47]
fabriciusexample.com/en/foo exmple.com/fr/foo [03:48]
refizulStep 2 at http://doc.tiki.org/Clean+URLs [03:48]
fabriciuschecking [03:48]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03ricks99 r43851 10trunk/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX] Added <label> elements for a11y requirements
refizulah - there it is at doc.t.o: "This setting requires you adapt your .htaccess." -- ok, but how? [03:50]
page=foo?lang=en would in my mind need that a page and its translations have the same name and this is not possible ... am I wrong?
I never worked with param lang
refizulfoo and foo.en leads to same result with /en/ in the path [03:53]
fabriciusthat means, I could name the pages foo.en foo.de foo.fr and get /en/foo /de/foo /fr/foo ? [03:55]
refizulThe situation occurs when I cancel the translation of English page
then there is a /en/ in the path suddenly
fabriciusof the german version of the page? [03:58]
refizulno, when it should return to the English page after translation from German to English [03:59]
fabriciusI never have seen this behaviour [03:59]
refizultiki-admin.php?page=sefurl -- List of Url Parameters that should go in the path -- lang -- leads to broken pathnames after editing a translation [04:04]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03ricks99 r43852 10branches/10.x/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.tpl
tikiwiki Backport of #43851
refizulI don't know whether this is serious or not for a special usecase of mine
I hope not.
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03ricks99 r43853 10branches/6.x/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.tpl
tikiwiki Backport of #43851
.... (idle for 15mn)
fabriciusrefizul: at least I think, I finally understood your problm [04:31]
marclaporte1joined #tikiwiki [04:34]
refizulI'll deliver more of 'em ;-)
I detected some LaTeX problems with the class beamer while preparing the Tiki lecture yesterday.
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [04:36]
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fabriciushi kstingel [04:52]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [05:02]
................ (idle for 1h16mn)
refizulre - short - new bug:
the time in spreadsheets' list 1) created 2) last modified seem to show actual date
dates andd times in history seem to be correct, but not in the list
..... (idle for 20mn)
marclaporterefizul: good catch!
Does it look easy to fix?
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alzoo@marclaporte many thanks, I will check i tout [09:48]
marclaporte, in the meantime on v9x is there a way to change the unzip order so it does it sequentially and not in random? [09:53]
luciash or any css master around?
moseheya xavi [09:58]
xaviI see in strasa.css (9x) as if inactive tabs have the opposite color between hover and no hover...
hi mose :-)
mose, btw, have you seen what can be easily done with R through Tiki? (PluginR) http://r-es.org/r_test6
and thanks to other things connected (googleVis package, in that case, to use google chart API, etc)
... or what I did a few months ago with the html from mods.t.o that you started years ago: nice Wordcloud just using R packages (no google thingy, etc): http://r-es.org/r_test5
mosecool [10:05]
xaviR is hot...
regarding the css issue... I'll commit the change in the tab color behavior, to fix (what I understand was) the original idea
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ravi_joined #tikiwiki
i got below error in spreadsheet listing page:-
PHP (5.3.3) NOTICE (E_NOTICE): File: templates_c/en18b660cf6951a7bde07357befc24a4e5^cec0723482148e5d8e3be12f31f2bc8fa119972a.file.tiki-sheets_listing.tpl.php Line: 92 Type: Undefined index: individual
what is solution for this errors
BsfezMm… this is cache, first empty Tiki cache
If needed empty manually (ftp/ssh) /templates_c/ ::: Keep index.php file
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [11:36]
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ravi_anyone has a solution of this errors? [12:25]
joined #tikiwiki
how to resolve following errors
PHP (5.3.3) NOTICE (E_NOTICE): File: templates_c/en18b660cf6951a7bde07357befc24a4e5^401f8938f244d75b678aaa91ecb8077d892380e5.file.tiki.tpl.php Line: 76 Type: Trying to get property of non-object
i got above error after upgrade tikiwiki 6.6 to tikiwiki 9.2
...... (idle for 26mn)
arildbravi_: try to clear your cache [13:02]
ravi_i already clear cache
and also clear cache and cookies of browser
arildbwhen does the error occur? [13:03]
ravi_in bottom of every page show button like "show php error messages"..............when click on it show error at bottom of that button
PHP (5.3.3) NOTICE (E_NOTICE): File: templates_c/en18b660cf6951a7bde07357befc24a4e5^401f8938f244d75b678aaa91ecb8077d892380e5.file.tiki.tpl.php Line: 76 Type: Trying to get property of non-object PHP (5.3.3) NOTICE (E_NOTICE): File: templates_c/en18b660cf6951a7bde07357befc24a4e5^401f8938f244d75b678aaa91ecb8077d892380e5.file.tiki.tpl.php Line: 76 Type: Undefined index: print_page PHP (5.3.3) NOTICE (E_NOTICE): File: templates_c/en18b6
arildbcan it be some custom code triggering it? [13:06]
just upgrade tikiwiki 6.6 to 9.1 and problem occurred
arildb...and you aready updated the database and cleared the cache...h-m-m [13:08]
ravi_yes [13:10]
arildbdo you get any more info when using Firebug (or similar)? [13:10]
everything working fine except spradsheet and below error
ricks99joined #tikiwiki [13:16]
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polom all
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arildbIs there a permission to control the ability to display slideshows from wiki pages? [14:14]
ravi_how to change error reporting level notice to ignore? [14:14]
jonnybbetter late than polom
jonnyb is quite please he finally worked out how to do this: https://dev.tiki.org/SVN+Tips#MultiTiki
arildb: i don't think so - it's a pref only
arildbjonnyb: ok, thanks ... strage that no perm exists. Should there be one? [14:17]
jonnybravi_: it's on admin/general near the bottom (also on the installer) [14:17]
arildbI haev some pages, where anonymous user should not see any command buttons. Yet on other page, the slideshow should be present
Is this a common scenario?
jonnybyes arildb - you can use css for that [14:20]
arildbjonnyb: I can? [14:21]
jonnybcheck out the pref: layout_add_body_group_class [14:23]
arildbok [14:23]
jonnybon admin/look/custom [14:23]
arildbok [14:24]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [14:25]
arildbI have activated the feature: "Add group CSS info", but I am not sure how to integrate this. So, the slideshow button is hidden for anonymous users. [14:33]
jonnybhave a look at the body tag - will get class grp_Anonymous added to it, so you can use custom css to hide stuff, like the page bar [14:34]
arildbok, will check
grp_Registered grp_Admins is defined but not grp_Anonymous
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03eromneg r43854 10branches/10.x/templates/tiki-blog_post.tpl
tikiwiki [ENH] make blog body edit area full width so wysiwyg editor in particular aligns with previewed/displayed content
jonnybare you logged in? [14:38]
arildbyes [14:38]
jonnybas admin? [14:38]
arildbah...now I see how it works
yes, I was admin
now I logged out and grp_Anonymous (only) is defined
jonnybthat's correct then - grp_Anonymous will be there only for anon (sorry for lack of docs as usual ;) ) [14:39]
arildbthanks jonnyb [14:40]
gojjoined #tikiwiki [14:40]
arildbI am not successful with by CCS. Trying to hide the cammand bar for anonymous. Added custom css code in admin/look: .grp_Anonymous page-bar
display: none;
Probably incorrect css...any suggestions?
Bsfezpolom [14:56]
jonnybpolom Bsfez
arildb: page-bar needs a dot or hash in front (depending if it's a class or id)
arildbtrying [14:58]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43855 10branches/10.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_list.php
tikiwiki [FIX] When using smarty templates with the list plugin for tracker data, include the tracker fields based on their prefix since they can break the heuristic of all lowercase letters
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [15:27]
RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki [15:30]
arildbI am testing a fix, which requires an "view recording" perm, to see the BBB recordings. View recordings is currently implicit if the "Join session" perm is granted.
In the use case researcher interviews "participants", only the researches should have access to the recordings. All "participants" must be able to join, but not view the recordings
ricks99k [15:41]
arildbFirst questionl, is this a general case?
Second question. SHould it be backported to 10 (and possibly 9?)
lphuberdeauyou want to add a new privilege?
sure for trunk
backport to 10: Bsfez can decide
backport to 9: seems a bit late for that, this is not a bug
arildbno the orivilege exists. It just enforing that explicit view-rec permission is needed, i.e. no longer implicit with the join permission [15:43]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r43856 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_bigbluebutton.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Need explicit permission tiki_p_bigbluebutton_view_rec to view recordings.
tikiwiki tiki_p_bigbluebutton_view_rec is no longer implicit if tiki_p_bigbluebutton_join is granted
arildbBsfez: The latest commit (r43856) is more of a MOD actually, than a fix. It covers the use case I mentioned above. SHould I backport to 10? [15:58]
RobertPlummerpolom jonnyb [15:59]
jonnybhi RobertPlummer [16:02]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: Any success? [16:05]
jonnybstepping through parse_first... [16:07]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: What fun. [16:09]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [16:15]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: I really think in 10 that the whole thing in just broken, if you do get a fix, something will break.
jonnyb: I'm literally just a few days away from having a working basic wysiwyg with the new parser.
jonnybbut how come it got broken since 9? [16:17]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: wysiwyg jison or wysiwyg legacy? [16:17]
jonnyblooks like it's r41705 again
but i can't see why exactly - something to do with the option defaults getting reset each time parse_data is called i think
RobertPlummerjonnyb: That sounds right. [16:22]
jonnybseems the if on line 449 or parselib is now flipped in ck_editor mode somehow [16:25]
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RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki
woops, connection dropped.
Bsfezarildb: as you describe it, it is ok to backport it to 10 beta.
hi all
arildbBsfez: will do [16:46]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43857 10trunk/lib/ 10test/core/JisonParser/OutputTest.php 10core/JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php 10test/core/JisonParser/Abstract.php 10test/core/JisonParser/HtmlToWikiTest.php
tikiwiki [ENH] plugin override very simple span with param "data-syntax" being urlencoded syntax of plugin
tikiwiki [ENH] check if syntax is broken, fix, but give the dom element a data-repair attribute, so we can restore it broken
tikiwiki [ENH] line override, returning a break for every single line, we need to handle viewing with css, where br just after item is hidden, that way no guess work
tikiwiki [ENH] added exceptions for if a syntax is looked up that doesn't exist
tikiwiki [FIX] tiki comment is wrapped in syntax, substring it
tikiwiki [ENH] A few types added for handling
ricks99ricks99 reminds everyone that this is the final weekend to vote for Tiki: http://info.tiki.org/article202-Vote-for-Tiki-Best-Free-CMS [16:57]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r43858 10branches/10.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_bigbluebutton.php
tikiwiki [bp/r43856][FIX] Need explicit permission tiki_p_bigbluebutton_view_rec to view recordings.
tikiwiki tiki_p_bigbluebutton_view_rec is no longer implicit if tiki_p_bigbluebutton_join is granted
RobertPlummerricks99: I voted [17:04]
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RobertPlummerjonnyb: just replied, what do you think?
jonnyb: I'm cleaning up my code and committing right now, svn up currently.
jonnyb: I think an analysis of it would be in order for us to determine if it is actually of quality, but consider that wysiwyg is experimental, and my code is too.
jonnyb: So experimental could allow for some of these things.
jonnybi don't follow, sorry RobertPlummer - we need the parser working like it did in 9.x (not the new one, the current regular Tiki one) [17:26]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: It never did work, that is the problem [17:26]
jonnybhow do you mean? [17:27]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: It mutilates everything I use it with. [17:27]
jonnybthe examples Geoff sent seem to work in 9 but not 10 [17:28]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: It is just so fragile.
Let me get my code committed and perhaps we can spend a few minutes looking at together, what do you say?
jonnybsorry RobertPlummer, as i said, must get on with other things [17:29]
arildbRobertPlummer: In earlier versions WYSIWYG-HTML worked. There are lots of problems in 10.x (See http://dev.tiki.org/Regressions+in+10x) [17:30]
RobertPlummerarildb: Are we just talking about wysiwyg? [17:31]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43859 10trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Track syntax that is being repaired
tikiwiki [ENH] isFirstBr and line from private to public (need to override)
tikiwiki [ENH] fix syntax on return empty
tikiwiki [FIX] Removal of totalPreParseLineCount, not used anymore
tikiwiki [FIX] Clarify that method "plugin" is public, and therfore overridable
tikiwiki [FIX] "Italics" to type "italic"
tikiwiki [FIX] description for block items is that they start with a block, not that they end with it
tikiwiki [ENH] Track exclimation as option, which adds 'data-count' to element
tikiwiki [FIX] Stack list cleanup for better handling
tikiwiki [FIX] Block handling of newLine character
RobertPlummerarildb: or are you talking about all the other errors? [17:32]
arildbRobertPlummer: I am talking about the wysiwyg errors [17:33]
changijoined #tikiwiki [17:34]
arildbRobertPlummer: I upgraded our local wiki to 10, to take advantage of jcapture. I am still unable to edit the main page. (double encoding in the editor), and lots of plugins have gotten their data corrupted. Always double encoding. [17:35]
xavileft #tikiwiki [17:39]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43860 10trunk/lib/core/ 10JisonParser/Html.jison 10JisonParser/Html/Handler.php 10JisonParser/Html.php 10JisonParser/Html.js
tikiwiki [NEW] Added blockSyntax which post parser checks the $output for and removes first "n" if it is of the block syntax
tikiwiki [ENH] Reversal of parse model (inside out to outside in) to match that of the wiki handler, we need to track plugins, also added ignorable tags
tikiwiki [NEW] Added preParse and postParse methods, like wiki handler
tikiwiki [NEW] Added plugin handler
RobertPlummerarildb: I hear you, I'm working on it so that this doesn't become an issue in the future. [17:46]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki [ENH] Types that are not handled are thrown and exception on
tikiwiki [NEW] Added stashing methods, static for keyword only, and stash on type index
tikiwiki [NEW] Split list that toggle to unordered and ordered
tikiwiki [NEW] Added statedSyntax that tracks if a syntax is broken and restores it broken, that way there is zero change to syntax
arildbRobertPlummer: thanks [17:46]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki [FIX] Renamed "simpleBox" to just "box"
tikiwiki [NEW] Added pre-formatted text handler
tikiwiki [NEW] Added missing link types
tikiwiki [FIX] line count is irrelevant
tikiwiki [NEW] Line handling skipping when needed
RobertPlummerarildb: trunk isn't an option? [17:46]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43861 10trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Added override for header, to track original number of exclamations
arildbRobertPlummer: not really [17:47]
RobertPlummerarildb: The sooner I get the parser stabilized the sooner we can backport it to 10 if the release coordinators are on board.
the new parser that is
arildbRobertPlummer: ok, but the new parser will have it's own run-in period, I assume. Should the old parser be fixed for 10.x ? [17:48]
RobertPlummerarildb: Can we test the sites you are having trouble with trunk?
in trunk I mean
I will shortly have a file in place that will test all wiki pages for wiki -> html -> wiki conversion
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43862 10trunk/lib/core/WikiPlugin/Negotiator/CKEditor.php
tikiwiki [FIX] no longer mimic the legacy parser on plugin output
arildbRobertPlummer: I'd rather not. It's our working site. I setup lot's of cases on demo, which unfortunately now all are wiped. However, simply try to use the CkEditor, add several plugins, save, edit and save again...repeat it. Errors are usually not hard to find. Take a look at the Tiki 10 regression list. [17:51]
RobertPlummerarildb: Is this the site you gave us db access to?
I think it was jonny and me.
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43863 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php
tikiwiki [MOD] Use global rules to validate if the items can be deleted or modified
arildbRobertPlummer: no
RobertPlummer: it's no need to test a particular site. The regression list has lot's of cases. ... I wish the "show" servers come online soon. Will making such test cases much easier.
RobertPlummerarildb: Is getting a copy of the db out of the question? [17:54]
arildbRobertPlummer: yes, like I mentioned, the cases are not hard to reproduce [17:55]
RobertPlummerarildb: I don't mind opening an editor and doing those test, but that is not enough of a stress test, I need the real world. [17:55]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43864 10(16 files in 10 dirs)
tikiwiki [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/10.x 43831 to 43858
tikiwiki conflicts fixed manually:
tikiwiki lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_bigbluebutton.php
tikiwiki templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.tpl
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43865 10trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Link.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Add reltype, data-page, and includePageAsDataAttribute which
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43866 10trunk/lib/core/ 10JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php 10JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Added $includePageAsDataAttribute, and override
tikiwiki [FIX] Forgot to return header
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43867 10trunk/lib/core/ 10JisonParser/Wiki.jison 10JisonParser/Wiki.js 10JisonParser/Wiki.php
tikiwiki [ENH] track syntax that is broken
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [18:11]
luciashpolom [18:21]
jonnybhi luciash [18:22]
luciashhi jonnyb [18:26]
.... (idle for 16mn)
RobertPlummerhi luciash
Does anyone know if a list that starts ** is valid?
Or must they start *
Valid in what respect? Tiki? html?
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43868 10trunk/lib/test/core/JisonParser/HtmlToWikiTest.php
tikiwiki [FIX] remove debug code
marclaporte1: I don't know wheather spreadsheet is easy to fix or not, but as a shot in the dark: I guess easy
Bugtracker bug dev.t.o : https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=5 -- Choose a filter: Category -- others are buggy, too
RobertPlummerJyhem_laptop: Sorry didn't see your comment
Jyhem_laptop: I got it worked out, added new type to handle it
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43869 10trunk/lib/core/ 10JisonParser/Html/Handler.php 10JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php 10JisonParser/Wiki/List.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Lists get listEmpty, in scenario when lists start with more than 1 symbol [*#+]
tikiwiki [FIX] cleanup
tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43870 10trunk/ 10(7 files in 6 dirs)
tikiwiki [NEW] Allow for more granular control of allocated memory and execution time
luciashRobertPlummer: it is second level li [19:19]
RobertPlummerluciash: got it, thanks [19:20]
luciashRobertPlummer: it is valid i think [19:20]
RobertPlummerluciash: I believe it is, in the new parser it is for sure. [19:20]
luciashRobertPlummer: by w3c, but not sure, it is as with the H1 - H6 [19:20]
changijoined #tikiwiki [19:21]
luciashRobertPlummer: they recommend only one H1 on page but ppl do not care mostly [19:21]
RobertPlummerluci <ul><li><ul></li></ul></li></ul> is valid, but li can be the only child of ul. [19:21]
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [19:22]
luciashthis is not valid but i understand you :) [19:22]
I see my mistake.
There we go
luciashyep :) [19:25]
refizulIs there a way to enable automatic watches for items created or modified by users? [19:25]
RobertPlummerluciash: When they are like that, I start them not having a bullet. so ** only has 1 bullet. [19:26]
Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [19:27]
luciashyes, u need to produce exactly that html
it never did 2 bullets with ** ;)
it just indicates the level
refizul: yes
marclaporte1refizul: fixing speadsheet is easy for RobertPlummer but he is busy making magic with WYSIWYG :-) [19:31]
luciashrefizul: when you set up the tracker [19:31]
RobertPlummerWhat about the spreadsheet? [19:31]
refizulluciash: then it is optional to a user or not? [19:31]
RobertPlummertrackers + spreadsheets? [19:32]
refizulI'd like to autowatch bugs at dev.t.o [19:32]
luciashrefizul: not [19:32]
RobertPlummerAll big bugs with the html to wiki parser that I have reproduced are handled save 1. [19:32]
refizulok - I'll make a wishlist for that [19:32]
luciashrefizul: well, you can watch all of them when you watch the tracker [19:32]
RobertPlummer(syntax only, implementation still working on) [19:33]
luciashrefizul: that watching by eye icon is optional
refizul: i thought you want to watch as and admin of your own tracker
refizulyes, the eye, but then I'll have to click each bug/item myself [19:33]
luciashrefizul: there is the field send email about all activity in this tracker to this address or simmilar
refizul: nope, i think you can watch all of them
refizul: go to list all items
refizulcomplete tracker does it, but fine grained is still missing :-) [19:34]
luciashwhat fine grained ? [19:34]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [19:38]
changijoined #tikiwiki [19:41]
refizulluciash: single items automatically
wish list filed
luciashah, yep, that should be configurable too
if we have e-mail of the user
creator should get mails when item changes
maybe it is just not set up on dev correctly
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [19:46]
......... (idle for 42mn)
luciashRobertPlummer: btw, it seems -- uses strike element which is not valid HTML5 element afaics [20:28]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [20:28]
RobertPlummerluciash: What shall we use?
luciash: legacy or jison?
RobertPlummerluciash: nice find [20:31]
luciashor use s if it does not indicate content removal
RobertPlummer: http://www.html-5.com/tags/s-tag/index.html
RobertPlummerso which <del> or <s>? [20:34]
fabriciuspolom [20:35]
luciashRobertPlummer: maybe for our use cases the <s> tag is more appropriate
useful reference: http://www.html-5.com/changes/deprecated/ [20:43]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4340 - - SEFURL with parameters in URL path - http://dev.tiki.org/item4340 [20:56]
.......... (idle for 47mn)
fabriciusluciash: side by side regression is bad
luciash: in tiki10 additionally it is nearly not possible to use categories and blog the same time ... verrry bad aswell
.... (idle for 17mn)
luciashverrry :) [22:00]
fabriciusquestion is: who fix [22:03]
lphuberdeaujoined #tikiwiki [22:08]
luciashfabricius: someone who has nothing better to do ;)
fabricius: or someone who needs it desperately fixed
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [22:18]
dennmansjoined #tikiwiki [22:24]
fabriciusverrrry bad situation [22:33]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4341 - - Calendar module: parameter value missing in URL - http://dev.tiki.org/item4341 [22:46]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [22:56]
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [23:06]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43871 10trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php
tikiwiki [FIX] handling n at beginning of input, updated a bit of documentation
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [23:11]
kstingeljoined #tikiwiki [23:12]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4342 - - Calendar event description: embedding external links - http://dev.tiki.org/item4342 [23:17]
refizulfabricius: what's the limit (maximum number) for filing bugs? [23:25]
fabriciusrefizul: I guess 75000
refizul: I mean 75k
refizulper day and user? ;-) [23:37]
kstingel1joined #tikiwiki [23:39]
marclaporteRobertPlummer: surely one of the funniest demos: http://aloha-editor.org/demos/css3/ [23:40]
.... (idle for 19mn)
fabriciusrefizul: no - per week and language group [23:59]

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