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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [00:21]
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refizulhello fabricius [01:54]
fabriciushello refizul
say, did you already vote?
Today is the last day to vote for Tiki as "Best Free CMS" of the 2012 Critic's Choice CMS Awards. Please vote now: http://list.ly/list/1wJ-best-free-cms
arildb__joined #tikiwiki [02:04]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r43899 10branches/9.x/tiki-browse_categories.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Must use a reference to get the iteration to work properly (maybe due to PHP 5.4?)
tikiwiki 03arildb r43900 10branches/10.x/tiki-browse_categories.php
tikiwiki [fp/r43899][FIX] Must use a reference to get the iteration to work properly (maybe due to PHP 5.4?)
tikiwiki 03arildb r43901 10trunk/tiki-browse_categories.php
tikiwiki [fp/r43899][FIX] Must use a reference to get the iteration to work properly (maybe due to PHP 5.4?)
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [02:17]
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refizulTiki vs XOOPS is +9 again?! [02:32]
marclaporteI sent a few emails :-)
I don't know what campaign they did but Xoops has a significant community and their score was increasing steadily
refizulyeah . but they were only 3rd 24h ago [02:40]
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [02:46]
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fabricius+ 10 now [02:59]
refizula miracle
when does the vote end? 12pm UTC?
fabriciusrefizul: no not a miracle, but marclaporte's hard work for us all ... as said, he wrote a fe emails
marclaporte: what time and date (UTC) ends? I do not find on the website.
October 12, 2012 to November 11, 2012: Voting occurs.
refizulNov 11 due to which timezone? all?
so till 11:59 pm +1200, I guess - what do you think?
fabricius: did you notice the scheduled article do not disappear from info.t.o?
goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki [03:09]
termitorjoined #tikiwiki
someone can help me about google map on tikiwiki 11 ?
refizulhi - tiki 11? Tiki 10 isn't released yet ;-) [03:16]
termitorsorry or 9, where see the version ?
and what it the solution ? (sorry my english is bad)
fabriciusrefizul: no
termitor: you can see in /tiki-admin.pgp?page=general or so
termitor: solution for which problem?
termitor{GOOGLEMAP(type=item, mode=hybrid, key=XXXXX, name=test, width=500, height=400, frameborder=1|0, defaultx=-79.4, defaulty=43.707, defaultz=14, setdefaultxyz=1|0, locateitemtype=wiki page|..., locateitemid=xxx, hideifnone=0|1, togglehidden=0|1, starthidden=0|1, autozoom=14)}{GOOGLEMAP} [03:21]
fabriciusmaybe a problem with the api key ... I actually do not know, if the plugin uses the flash api or the javascript api - v2 or v3
lindonbi believe it uses the v2 [03:27]
termitorthe documentation no so clear [03:29]
marclaportetermitor: related: http://profiles.tiki.org/Cartograf
fabriciuslindonb: google strongly recommends v3 - would we have to adjust/recode the plugin then? [03:29]
lindonbyes we would
however all coding effort is going to streetmaps
collaborative alternative to googlemaps
fabriciusrefizul: I think we should take care a bit more about the up-to-dateness Tiki news article section ... maybe Rick would appreciate some support ... branching of 10 is not mentioned yet and the next webinar surely is not in October [03:33]
termitorlindonb streetmaps, tiki have a plugins? [03:35]
refizulthe webinar should have disappeared automatically as far as I understand
fabricius: so something is buggy at info.t.o
fabriciusrefizul: maybe a setting issue? ... checking the setting, but we leave it and mention to Rick ... he is the man of the news [03:37]
refizulI don't understand yet what is wrong, and I do not know Tiki 6
But the calendar module is buggy, too - as in Tiki 9
lindonbtermitor: http://doc.tiki.org/PluginMap
just type {map} in a page and you'll see
fabriciusrefizul: type "event" is set to be visible after expiry date, so it is visible due to being set visible [03:39]
lindonbit's actually called OpenStreetMap [03:40]
fabriciusrefizul: if you want to know why and if you want to suggest to change, I suggest to ask Rick [03:40]
refizulI suppose I've detected a memory leak in etherape - it's consuming 900M+ right now. Horrorshow.
fabricius: an article about upcoming webinar is more urgent
fabriciuswhat's etherape? [03:45]
refizulfabricius: etherape is a graphical viewer for network traffic [03:46]
fabriciusah refizul
lindonb: map plugin not fully working in my Tiki10 ... might be a config-error <-> any bug known?
lindonbdoes {map} work? [03:55]
fabriciusthe plugin shows a map and I have few controls, but the system does not trigger the search for an adress - anyay I can search and find my location
zoom does not work and I cannot move the map
lindonbthere's not a search location link at the bottom of the map? [03:59]
fabriciusno switching the layers - just a static map of the world (like a picture) or a map of 300 km around my location
there IS a search dialogue and I CAN type inmy adress in the popup
after applying nothing happens but a reload of the page to the same static map image
refizulI wrote the article [04:01]
fabriciushmm clearing caches lindonb
thx refizul
lindonbfabricius: yes, same for me [04:01]
refizulpublish it or review first by someone? [04:01]
lindonbused to work [04:01]
RobertPlummerMobjoined #tikiwiki [04:02]
fabriciuslindonb: static map image still ... you confirm the behaviour in Tiki10?
if yes, we found a second blocker
lindonbyes, confirm your behaviour in 10 [04:03]
fabriciusgrrml - hoped it would be a config problem [04:04]
refizulI lost connection to info.t.o [04:05]
fabriciusbtw lindon, I wanted to use our osm for usermap ... anyidea howto? did not use after I tested about 2 or 3 years ago with google maps
refizul: dito - how you crashed it?
refizul: :-D
refizulI didn't - I saved the article and checked with another browser where I wasn't logged in
it's back
fabriciusjust kidding
ah yes - back for me aswell ... maybe just lagged
refizulerror - not logged in [04:08]
fabriciusI am still logged in [04:09]
refizulneed to be published (checkbox) - wnat to review first? [04:09]
fabriciusok [04:09]
refizuls/wnat/want/ [04:09]
fabriciusrefizul: found one typo, kept it in the pocket and published [04:12]
refizulEvent, not article -- and expiration added [04:12]
fabriciusargs did not check THAT ... just the text - thx for double check [04:13]
refizulyou published?
then I overrided - pleasecheck typo again
lindonbfabricius: don't know offhand, would need to look at docs [04:14]
fabriciushey, why did you took the typo ack from me ... now I keep it [04:15]
refizulI corrected Event and expiration with a copy with the typo - sorry
Do you publish - or shall I?
fabriciuslindonb: not thus important now ... will check the docs another day myself, but in the end it must work 9.3 and 10.0 beta - at leat 10.0 final [04:16]
lindonbdoesn't seem to be working in 9x [04:17]
fabriciusrefizul: just ok now, as I have it back. just have been wondering ;-) [04:17]
refizulI wonder which typo - most stuff was c&p [04:18]
fabriciuslindonb refizul : I fear a bit too fast development of new features, if we frequently face lacks in core features and general important features ... or maybe simply a lack of tracking the bugs [04:19]
lindonbi agree [04:20]
fabriciusanyway things are developing in respect of bugtracking anyway [04:20]
lindonbextends to documentation as well [04:20]
refizulonce I understand the structure I can participate to fix bugs [04:20]
fabriciusmaybe we need responsible persons per feature or so
refizul: that would be very cool
lindonbmap works in 8x [04:21]
refizulbut this will take some time - I didn't make efforts with the encryption yet. [04:22]
fabriciusbesides my personal projects in respect of the development of the consultance business I have a certain focus towards tiki [04:22]
refizulfabricius: did you fix typo and republish again? [04:22]
luatdojoined #tikiwiki [04:23]
fabriciuswebsite revamp - marketing strategy - consistency - filling holes in between core features
refizul: yes indeed - I told you that I took the typo back into my pocket ... didn't I
refizul: it was just a "to" missing in the last sentense
mostlikely a running typo due to c/p
refizulstill there? it's published now [04:25]
luatdohi refizul [04:27]
refizulhello luatdo [04:30]
fabriciusrefizul: yes, I published and I took the typo out a second time .. finished and thx for writing [04:33]
Tiki|botInfo: Next Tiki Webinar to be held on November 15 - http://info.tiki.org/article205-Next-Tiki-Webinar-to-be-held-on-November-15 [04:34]
fabriciusfabricius needs to get some food - hungry big time
refizul: siehgst?
refizulsiehgst? [04:35]
fabriciusrefizul: Tiki bot has spoken ... hast gsehn mein I
argl, kimmscht ja vo avi links
refizulyes - and I see the missing word when I compare with October
are you from Scotland? :-�
sandroandradejoined #tikiwiki [04:37]
fabriciushehe [04:38]
luatdojoined #tikiwiki [04:43]
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luatdohi marc [04:47]
Nikharjoined #tikiwiki [04:50]
fabriciushi marc [04:51]
luatdohi fabricius [04:54]
fabriciushi luatdo
lindon, just saw that you have committed to blog feature recently
lindonbreally? [04:58]
fabriciusI have a massive regression (or two) related to blogs in Tiki 10
not you?
lindonbdon't remember doing anything on blogs for a while [04:58]
fabriciusrechecking, maybe I mixed the date or the name [04:58]
lindonbcould have been fixing notices [04:59]
fabriciusyes ... you have been the last one with a few commits in trunk ... october, so it is 10 now [05:00]
lindonbok, what is the regression? [05:00]
fabriciusmaybe you see a short description on the 10er regression page ... just added after your post [05:01]
lindonbok, will take a look [05:01]
I go there to collect my typos in the meantime
bbl [05:08]
marclaporte108 vs 107 votes [05:09]
we need more
my people I could ask are still sleeping
I try in an hour or so ... how long will stay open?
marclaporteIt finished today but I don't what time that means :-) [05:12]
fabricius|showerthat's the point [05:12]
Jyhemjoined #tikiwiki [05:16]
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.... (idle for 16mn)
refizulgna - -1 vote
strange - I'm more interested in this vote than in the US election last week. What does this tell me?
marclaportehahahhahahha [05:33]
luciashlol [05:33]
marclaporteIt has more impact on your life? :-) :-)
I don't remember seeing them
refizulklick at "who votes" XOOPS - there are 10 fake accounts?! [05:37]
marclaportehahahahaha [05:38]
refizulJoe-Doe Joe-Doe-1 ... Joe-Doe-9 [05:38]
marclaporteand not the most subtle :-)
Let's just continue to get legitimate votes
refizulthis must me investigated by the supreme court [05:39]
luciashlol, US court [05:39]
marclaporteThere will be a recount! hahahaha [05:39]
fabricius|showermarclaporte: stefan is trying now [05:39]
refizulBut only in Florida! [05:39]
marclaporteI sent a bunch of emails late in the day, and people are voting! [05:40]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lindonb r43902 10branches/10.x/templates/tiki-blog_post.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX] Fix regression from r43321 causing edit area not to show when creating a blog post (thanks fabricius).
marclaportethey are getting creative desperate? https://twitter.com/crqrgvuhup [05:42]
fabricius|showerlindonb: THX that is half of a blockerfixed! [05:42]
lindonbhow to test category problem? [05:43]
fabricius|showerswitch on the category feature and create or edit a blogpost or edit a blog ... saving should give you an error message [05:43]
luciashthe voting system is bad [05:43]
lindonbok, let me check [05:44]
fabricius|showerif not, tonight I will provide you with access to the private site and error messages [05:44]
lindonbi turned on categories and saved a post and it worked okay
do i need to categorize the post?
refizulcrqrgvuhup didn't tweet yet
Supreme Court decision: the winner of the Best Free CMS public vote is: George W. Bush
fabricius|showerhmm I did categorise and uncategorise the blog
lindonb: need to shower (still) and have to go out for the day ... I will svn up, recheck and coe back to you in the evening, ok?
lindonbsounds good
i categorized and then uncategorized a blog post and it works okay
I check if I find the erormessage before I go to bath
lindonbokay let me know
will be back on tomorrow evening NY time
turned on multilingual and still okay
fabricius|showerdid send you the error message in query (too long for here)
marclaporterefizul: lol [06:00]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [06:06]
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fabricius|showerjim smith, john warm ... arrgl
I got a few guys to vote, but they have a fake account maker
it is not a matter of them having a strong community
marclaportedon't worry [07:40]
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marclaporte: have you had a chance to play with the show Tikis yet?
fabriciushi kstingel have you voted yet? [08:02]
kstingelfabricius: voted??? [08:02]
fabriciushttp://list.ly/list/1wJ-best-free-cms kstingel
Tiki need you NOW!
kstingelI think I did ... trying to login now to see if the "vote" button becomes available [08:06]
http://list.ly/list/2Hx-most-actively-developed-cms biggrin that one needs votes too [08:14]
...... (idle for 27mn)
marclaportehehe [08:41]
kstingelmarclaporte: no giggles from non-voters! :-P... we're still only one vote in front of the pack [08:50]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [09:02]
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ravijoined #tikiwiki [11:31]
Guest24368i update my tikiwiki 6.6 to tiki 7 my spreadsheet working but when i update my tikiwiki 7 to 8,8 and 10 my spreadsheet not working.
how to resolve my error?
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refizul5min left
last chance to vote
00:00 UTC
no - more one hour?
Last hour to vote...
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RobertPlummerpolom all [13:40]
lphuberdeaujoined #tikiwiki [13:43]
fabriciuslla wolod RobertPlummer
refizul: r u there?
refizul: need to chat with you
RobertPlummerfabricius: I'm here
anybody here I can talk with about legacy wysiwyg?
arildb: you around?
fabriciusuh this discussion went apart from me up to naw RobertPlummer - feel free to tell me if nobody would be around to talk with you :-) [14:08]
RobertPlummerfabricius: You used legacy wysiwyg? [14:09]
fabriciusnot that I know, but should not be a problem to try it
always interested on wysiwyg improvement - not that I personally would be keen to go for wysiwyg, but some projects are and Tiki needs it to keep up on the market
I think as important as hopefully soon to get real calendar synchronisation
hi RobertPlummer: what u need to know about Wysiwyg ?
RobertPlummerluciash: I need to get it to the point it was in 9.x, I'm limited by real world examples.
I think geoff sent some, but having trouble locating them.
luciashthere are not many real world examples you could get access to edit... why not just copy and paste some html and/or word documents on demo ? [14:19]
RobertPlummerluciash: I want to get it working like it was in 9.x.
luciash: I could easily get side tracked into other bugs in it.
It isn't that I don't want to, I just don't have the resources to go down that road.
luciashhow can we help ? [14:22]
RobertPlummerThose that are familiar with how it works in 9 can aid in helping me get it back to that point. [14:23]
luciashi am familiar how it works in 9.x but i am not familiar how it works now in trunk or 10.x :-p
i know there are some limitations in 9.x so you will get to those bugs for sure
RobertPlummerluciash: You are the man for the job1
luciashhow much u pay ? :D [14:25]
RobertPlummeras much as I'm getting [14:25]
luciashnot interested [14:25]
RobertPlummerluciash: $0 an hour, sound good? [14:25]
just ask
i do not have time to think up questions and answer to them at the same time
pedorjoined #tikiwiki [14:27]
RobertPlummerluciash: I understand, talking a bit with jonny as a primer.
luciash: There is an option to turn html into wiki syntax, do you know what/where it is?
luciashsure, send by mail
on Admin > Wysiwyg panel
RobertPlummerthere [14:29]
luciashdo not enable experimental
causes save failures
htmltowiki is experimental and not recommended to use in tiki 9
RobertPlummerit is "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" [14:30]
luciashstick to stable stuff first
then fix the experimental
i need to leave now for downtown
c u later here or by mail
fabriciusRobertPlummer: so you are talking - legacy wysiwyg = wysiwyg-wiki? [14:34]
RobertPlummerfabricius: Right.
fabricius: Jonny says there is an option to convert html to wiki I guess, and I and he doesn't know what it is called, his system is down.
fabriciusRobertPlummer: I did use that alright and I think that is the way we should go ... and I have project that should really become productive now, as it is nearly finished, just mainly eitors stuff ... people missing to take the last steps so the webdev has to do ... It is kind of a customers project, but I can alright deside to upgrade and use Tiki10 SVN [14:37]
RobertPlummerfabricius: Do you know what the pref is called? [14:38]
fabriciusRobertPlummer: and they desperately want to use wysiwyg, whilst I hate the idea and do not want to loose wikisyntax ... simply as I will have to further help them editing
maybe an ideal project for you, but it is in german lang nearly 100%
luciashhtmltowiki [14:39]
fabriciusI think "use wikisyntax in wysiwyg" ... but not how in the code [14:39]
luciashis the preference name [14:39]
fabriciusa "transform" I did not se ... ahh good luciash [14:40]
RobertPlummervery good. [14:40]
luciashthat is the experimental buggy one [14:40]
RobertPlummerSo we want to turn that off. [14:40]
gotta run
c u later
RobertPlummervery good, 1 hour in, I know the pref name, good start, lol. [14:40]
fabriciusyes! I always have problems with switching editors as long as html and wiki would be mixed [14:40]
RobertPlummerfabricius: It will not be a problem with the new wysiwyg system. The html works as both the output for the editor, and a data transformation layer for the html -> wiki parser.
1 html = (output + data transformation tracking)
fabriciusRobertPlummer: with wysiwyg-wiki it seems more stable, but I anyway frequently lose content - pages get empty and not editable anymore ... need to roll back or delete and recreate (copy paste of a rollback normally works) - so I cannot really give it a productive .... If I knew you on my side developing, I would definitely dare to make the site 90% wysiwyg [14:43]
RobertPlummerfabricius: It will be some time before the new wywiwyg is ready for a alpha or beta status, but the platform is there, and is passing transformation steps. [14:44]
fabriciusand a stable wysiwyg similar using like openoffice would ease the projects search for editors and getting the content in [14:44]
RobertPlummerfabricius: So it is like, in the old legacy we started going down a road, and didn't know what was possible, with the new one, it is possible by design. [14:45]
fabriciusRobertPlummer: you just need to tell me when you are ready to use a productive site to test-develop [14:45]
RobertPlummer:) [14:46]
fabriciusRobertPlummer: actually I have a second site from tha mother of their organisation in development right now: the intranet of the national organisation (the website above is from a local branch) [14:47]
RobertPlummerfabricius: Could I get a db dump? It'd be nice to work with some real world data? [14:48]
fabriciusRobertPlummer: this I make from scratch with 10 and it should become productive in alpha or beta state by end this month [14:48]
RobertPlummerfabricius: That is a good timeframe with the new editor, want to have something working by the end of the week, something almost alpha by the end of the month. Buttons, auto-save, prefs.
Those are goals, not exact dates, but I don't see anything that is going to set us back to far.
I think we are though going to use the new ckeditor, 4 I think.
So that legacy code is not bothered, and when it goes production, html5 will be standard.
fabriciusRobertPlummer: as said, it is all in german ... we are in the process of starting to move old content to the new side and to create new content ... and the guys have no time ...
... kind of waiting for each other ...
... but yes RobertPlummer, in general I can provide you with a copy of the website, whilst I would take out one or another table - files, users
RobertPlummerfabricius: Clean up as you wish, I just want content to test wiki -> html -> wiki conversion
unit tests are good, real world tests... are better.
fabriciusI know RobertPlummer - that is the reason why I switched to use SVN and I dare to go productive with fresh brached and long running trunks since Tiki7 - and I know that I (all of who do so) have enough backup from the devs for being able to held the risk down [14:58]
RobertPlummerfabricius: :) [14:58]
fabriciusRobertPlummer: in the end it is as easy as this: * we cannot fix the bugs if we do not find 'em and we cannot find 'em if we do not use the features (and versions). * [15:00]
RobertPlummerfabricius: My view exaclty, my site is on trunk
clients not, but can't push them for what they don't want or need.
fabriciusI mostly switched to 10 now, cause we need to solidly release 10 and tighten 9 [15:01]
Bsfezhi all [15:03]
fabriciusI have one site I develop now - volontarily aswell - which can only be in 9, as it has to work and it is a coop project with orgas from a few countries and with people from universities ... must be stable .... mostly ths others can be 10 and maybe the one or other could lateron move up the trunk again - will see
hi Bsfez
release chat?
Bsfez? nobody answers but u… :(
may be we wait a little more people wake up :D
fabriciuspart of the blockers alredy fixed ... lindon, robert, lph [15:04]
Bsfezwell not sure... [15:04]
fabriciusyou found more? [15:04]
Bsfezgot this on a fresh install an hour ago:
Syntax error in file: /html/lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php
ADONewConnection: Unable to load database driver ''
Invalid db object passed to TikiDB constructor
at tiki-install
fabriciusouch [15:05]
Bsfeznever saw such [15:05]
fabriciusadodb driver broken? did you try with pdo? did you try an svn up - maybe just a file corrupted on checkout?
should try the mentioned file out of an older inst that worked aswell
and we check in the mail-logs if and who and when last commited to this file or someting around db-drivers
RobertPlummer: what do you think?
RobertPlummerNothing I'm working on would cause that.
Myn has always just worked.
fabriciusBsfez: and lph already answered in the devlist with further questions - so do not worry to get a quick solution [15:08]
RobertPlummerAny other errors? [15:09]
fabriciusI chck the cvs/svn list
BsfezWell… all what is suggesting LP is already in my first email.
revision, new install, doing what...
btw i though that the revision number would give the branch. wrong ?
well on a new install hard to go anywhere ! :) i can't set the db :D
luatdojoined #tikiwiki [15:14]
fabriciusBsfez: you work with SVN or download and unpack? -> then which package? [15:15]
Bsfezsvn (as it says) [15:15]
lphuberdeaubsfez, you still havn't answered most questions, but I could assume the answer based on the fact that you did not understand them [15:18]
Bsfezpossibly, can u help me ?
Which branch? = 10.x
Is that revision the latest one or you could get it to work right before that revision? = irrelevant it is a new install from 0
Was it a clean install or re-using credentials from a past installation? = it is a new… clean install
When does it occur? = when i go ti tiki-install.php to proceed to the installation.
that's ok ?
lphuberdeauthe question was to know if you had pinpointed the issue to that commit
when does it occur? is it the first step of tiki-install, initial page load, or further down the process
don't assume I don't read the emails please
Bsfezno i don;t pinpointed to any commit
it happen on initial page load
radek82joined #tikiwiki [15:23]
lphuberdeaugood, now you'll have to search for the faulty commit, because I can't reproduce the issue [15:23]
BsfezLP, It look to me the elements are in my first email. I understand we don't speak the same technical language and i'm trying to learn from this discussion.
So, i don't assume anything… if you have that feeling it is yours.
Thanks for your help LP
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [15:30]
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fabriciusarrgl my thunderbird hanged up on trying to prepare 19k mails to be moved [15:31]
radek82joined #tikiwiki [15:42]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43904 10branches/ 109.x 109.x/tiki-setup_base.php
tikiwiki [FIX] bp/r43903 Reccuring error on tiki.org
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43905 10branches/10.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php
tikiwiki FIX] Added extra html special characters decode of plugin syntax, arg, and body to get legacy wysiwyg parsing of plugins
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
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hi all
Bsfez1: adodb is third party... are u sure the SVN checkout went well ? such errors happen when for some reason third party svn repository is unreachable and svn checkout does finish with errors
fabriciusIn such a mystearious case I just would run an svn up and try again
luciashyep [16:39]
fabriciusmaybe delete the folder upfront [16:39]
luciashnot necessary [16:40]
fabriciusand then svn up
ah ok
luciashsvn up should work [16:40]
fabricius/s/mystearious/mysterious [16:40]
Lukejoined #tikiwiki [16:42]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03fmg-sf r43906 10branches/10.x/setup.sh
tikiwiki [ENH] verbose message how to use script
Guest18919Greetings! I've looked around unsuccessfully for a hosted instance of TikiWiki for a community organization I help out with. I tried a couple of vendors on the following list but had no joy: http://tiki.org/Tiki+Friendly+Hosts
Any suggestions?
While I'm comfortable with web administration, I'm time-constrained and not everyone in the organization is comfortable with web administration -- the service really needs to be turnkey.
ricks99lots of tiki consultants available at http://tiki.org/consultants [16:45]
Guest18919That's not quite what I'm looking for -- I'm looking for something more like the Drupal or Wordpress instances available on GoDaddy. Hiring a real person to help us out is likely cost-prohibitive, and I could do it if I had the time. [16:47]
luciashGuest18919: hi Luke :) where r u based ? US ? [16:47]
Guest18919I am based in the US [16:48]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43907 10trunk/ 10templates/admin/include_trackers.tpl 10lib/core/Services/Tracker/Controller.php 10lib/prefs/allocate.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Apply extra memory allocation to tracker item export
luciashGuest18919: had no joy with the friendly hosts means what ? [16:48]
ricks99most hosts have tiki available via simple scripts or similar one-click-installs
have used with godaddy, bluehost, etc all the time
Guest18919I went through the list and read the PR pages of a number of friendly hosts. I even tried subscribing to two of them (I don't remember which), only to find that the service wasn't what I thought it was.
Does GoDaddy offer the automated updates?
ricks99think simplescript offers updates [16:49]
Guest18919I can deploy a PHP app to GoDaddy, but I'm concerned about the organization's ability to maintain the site if I'm unavailable due to being busy. [16:49]
ricks99not the host provider, but the script isntaller. two different things
installation & administration/config: 2 different issues
Guest18919With the Drupal/Wordpress installs on GoDaddy, they send out e-mail and provide push-button installs/updates. (I'm not a fan of GoDaddy, and their installs don't always work, but it does provide a handle for people who don't use bash.)
So, does TikiWiki provide a selfupdate feature?
I've only tinkered with it on the LiveCD.
ricks99tiki provids update notification. so do some script installers (such as simplescript) [16:53]
Bsfez1Hi ricks99
lphuberdeau: u still here ?
lphuberdeauyes [16:54]
Bsfez1i have tried on 3 different servers [16:54]
Guest18919I'll read up on simplescript, and see if it does what I need. [16:55]
Bsfez1sry :) clean install of 10.x
it seams that the problem happen on my squeeze using sbox
when i install at first i got this error:
Sbox Error
The http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/sbox/ program encountered an error while processing this request. Please note the time of the error, anything you might have been doing at the time to trigger the problem, and forward the information to this site's Webmaster (mailto:%5Bno%20address%20given%5D).
not world executable
so i change file to be world executable :
find . -iname '*.php' -exec chmod +x {} ;
lphuberdeauthat doesn't tell me anything, I'm not a system administrator [16:57]
ricks99Guest18919: see also the info on http://info.tiki.org/download [16:57]
Bsfez1MM… ok [16:57]
ricks99lots of other remote installer solutions (installatron, softaculous, etc)
hi Bsfez1
Bsfez1hi ricks99 [16:57]
fabriciusGuest189: Luke, I tell you what: the best joice in case you have at least a minimum of knowledge is simply a small friendly ISP with SSH and landline no. support -> just run your website with svn scheckout/svn up and you are mostly done - no problems with old versions or mixed autoupgrades [16:58]
Bsfez1lphuberdeau: i'll try to get some answers and feedback about this as sbox/aufs will become common on xen install from what i have understand. [16:59]
lphuberdeauIf you can identify the commit that caused the problem, I can look into it, but otherwise, it's a needle in a haystack because I can't reproduce myself [17:00]
Bsfez1lphuberdeau: i need to check my other tiki's on the same box… may be the domain protection is not set to sbox/aufs so there is no regression but a new config to check and add.
long time i didn't make a clean install :)
fabriciusGuest189: Luke, I just got a bugfix made by one of the devs in the new Tiki 10 - have no time thught, but right a minute ago, I logged in to my serverr via SSH, cd to the installation and typed "svn up" ... in a few minutes I'll type in my browser mydomain.com/tiki-install.php and 2 minutes later my bug is gone in the wind - easy, fast and full control - I never again wnt to work without ssh access
Bsfez1: so your mysterious problem magically solved?
Bsfez1not at all :) [17:03]
Guest18919Fabricius: We do have such an ISP running our Drupal site now. They're not familiar with TikiWiki. The frustrating thing about this is that I'm actually quite capable of running the whole LAMP stack and TikiWiki myself, I just don't have the cycles to do it for a few months.... [17:03]
Bsfez1I have to check furthermore [17:04]
Guest18919Gotta run -- talk to you all later [17:06]
fabriciusGuest189 not much work ... with the autoinstaller you just outsource installation and lose control ... and you easily could teach another webmaster/serveradmin-assistant how to type "svn up" in a linux terminal or in a putty ... the rest is pretty muchsame administration than with autoupdate/autoinstallation
why I always want to convince others?
maybe cause I got convinced by others
thx jonnyb for insisting that I have a look on svn and thx to Leu for explaining me the very first steps
so have to go aswell now - see ya all later
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43908 10trunk/ 10lib/init/smarty.php 10lib/prefs/smarty.php 10tiki-setup_base.php 10templates/admin/include_security.tpl
tikiwiki [ENH] Adding preferences to specify additional functions and modifiers to include when smarty security is enabled
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [17:15]
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luciashBsfez1: no luck with svn up ? if it is up to date it might be error in their scripts... btw, no PDO on your server ? or why it might try use the obsolete ADODB driver ? [17:43]
Bsfez1hi luciash it seams this happen if i use Sbox which a better way than mod_php to secure the site
i'm about to come with a solution. (crossfinguer)
luciash: if you are interested found a good guide : http://dtcsupport.gplhost.com/PmWiki/SBOXAndDTC [17:55]
refizulpolom [17:58]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43910 10(24 files in 11 dirs)
tikiwiki [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/10.x 43858 to 43909
luciashhi refizul
luciash never heard bout sbox
refizulI don't understand the +x issue of sbox [18:16]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [18:24]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03fmg-sf r43911 10branches/10.x/setup.sh
tikiwiki [FIX] verbose message: typo
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [19:31]
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Nikharjoined #tikiwiki
Hi, the permission tiki_p_admin_wiki grants all permission on wiki pages right? Like view, rllback, delete rename etc etc
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [19:48]
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refizulBsfez: does your setup work with permission 500 subdirs (some 700) and permission 700 files? [20:22]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43912 10trunk/lib/core/ 10JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php 10JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Unset certain parts of the parser so they are treated like text
tikiwiki [FIX] Check existence of smileys, autolink, hotwords, dynamicVar before handling them
RobertPlummerman it is cold here in the midwest
just ran outside, I will not recover shortly.
ricks99lol. beautiful, sunny 74F here in NC [20:38]
RobertPlummerricks99: well, that does it... I'm depressed. [20:39]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43913 10trunk/lib/core/ 10WikiPlugin/expandingoutline/list.php 10WikiPlugin/expandingoutline.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Expose parser to expanding outline
ricks99you'll feel better in late july, when i have 99% humidity [20:40]
RobertPlummerricks99: I love it there actually, Ocean Isle is my fav spot. [20:41]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43914 10trunk/lib/core/ 10JisonParser/Html.jison 10JisonParser/Html/Handler.php 10JisonParser/Html.php 10JisonParser/Html.js
tikiwiki [NEW] method, isHtmlTag
tikiwiki [FIX] Getting handler tuned and using isHtmlTag to ensure we are actually handling html
RobertPlummerricks99: I went surfing there for the first time.
almost killed me, 6 foot swells on the backside of a storm
ricks99ricks99 just got back from a weekend on Roanoke Island [20:42]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43915 10trunk/lib/core/ 10JisonParser/Wiki.jison 10JisonParser/Wiki.js 10JisonParser/Wiki.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Handle false positives for external links
tikiwiki [FIX] break table away from the other contents due lex setting tableStack before it can be parsed, thus the n just before table is ignored. So I assemble table in real-time, need to do all parsing using arrays
tikiwiki [ENH] Added pipe handling
tikiwiki [ENH] use isHtmlTag to ensure tags are in-fact html
tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43916 10trunk/lib/userslib.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Notice, only one permission had missing prefs key
tikiwiki 03fmg-sf r43917 10branches/ 0310.x/permissioncheck/sbox/check.php 1010.x/permissioncheck/usecases.bin 0310.x/permissioncheck/sbox
tikiwiki [ENH] adding use case 'sbox' to TPC
refizulBsfez: you can try 'sh setup.sh sbox' [21:03]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Can't access the FAQs - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=45581 [21:08]
Nikharjoined #tikiwiki [21:17]
Bsfezrefizul: ok it will take me some 15mn to reset everything back to sbox but i'll do now [21:18]
NikharHi, if I select a user in the 'User Selector' field in a tracker, is there a way than an email is sent to that user? [21:23]
Bsfezrefizul: oot@GPLHost:xen9720201:shocksite/972.apt-proxy>_ /var/www/sites/xxx/subdomains/www/html# sh setup.sh sbox
Type 'fix', 'nothing' or 'open' as command argument.
If you used Tiki Permission Check via PHP, you know which of the following commands will probably work:
insane mixed morepain moreworry pain paranoia paranoia-suphp risky worry
tiki_starterjoined #tikiwiki
hi @#tikiwiki
i just started to test tiki, and configured it successfully except the wysiwyg plugin, it seems that there's no way that it will stay activated :(
but maybe it's a plain noob error
joined #tikiwiki [21:41]
refizulBsfez: ah, soory, forgot case switch [21:45]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03fmg-sf r43918 10branches/10.x/setup.sh
tikiwiki [ENH] adding use case 'sbox' to setup script
refizulnow it should work [21:48]
..... (idle for 22mn)
Bsfezrefizul: ok
root@GPLHost:xen9720201:shocksite/972.apt-proxy>_ /var/www/sites/xxx/subdomains/www/html# sh setup.sh sbox
debug breakpoint
refizulhuh? [22:20]
Bsfez:) [22:20]
refizulnow [22:23]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03fmg-sf r43919 10branches/10.x/setup.sh
tikiwiki [FIX] debug breakpoint removed
tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43920 10trunk/ 10(17 files in 13 dirs)
tikiwiki [NEW] Base for inline editing of tracker field values (not quite accessible for the moment, but that will improve)
Caarriejoined #tikiwiki [22:31]
refizuldoc.t.o is updated: https://doc.tiki.org/Permission+Check [22:34]
fabricius|awaytiki.org - for me it is lacking and when coming, then massive slow ... anybody confirm? [22:36]
refizulfabricius|away: yes, much slower than doc.t.o
it doesn't work at all right now
Bsfez: more success now?
fabricius|away: completely down?! [22:53]
Bsfezrefizul: checking
refizul: seam the script worked, however still no go : http://www.xn--8dbamccdqxek3e0a.com/
fabricius|awayrefizul: seems alike [23:01]
rinnanjoined #tikiwiki [23:03]
refizulBsfez: ok, I add world
Bsfez: try paranoia-suphp please
world excutable added
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03fmg-sf r43921 10branches/10.x/permissioncheck/usecases.bin
tikiwiki [ENH] adjust 'sbox' permissions
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [23:31]
Bsfezrefizul: how do i "paranoia-suphp" [23:34]
refizul: still no go… dam.
May be you can find some usefull infos i miss there ? http://dtcsupport.gplhost.com/PmWiki/SBOXAndDTC
there is something about using localhost and not not sure it is related

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