[00:04] Tiki|bot Info: BitNami Announces the Inclusion of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - http://info.tiki.org/article209-BitNami-Announces-the-Inclusion-of-Tiki-Wiki-CMS-Groupware [01:14] arildb_ joined #tikiwiki [01:31] sylvieg joined #tikiwiki [01:38] tamara joined #tikiwiki [02:14] arildb__ joined #tikiwiki [02:35] USlacker joined #tikiwiki [02:40] laurei joined #tikiwiki [03:09] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [03:39] sandroandrade joined #tikiwiki [03:50] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [04:11] Jyhem joined #tikiwiki [04:13] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki [06:23] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [06:39] ravi joined #tikiwiki [06:39] Guest55502 hello; i login user ldap user but after login i get blank page ; plz help me [06:40] Guest55502 we use tiki 6.8 version [06:44] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [06:53] laurei joined #tikiwiki [07:01] Guest55502 hello [07:14] Tamara joined #tikiwiki [07:46] Bauernfeind86 joined #tikiwiki [08:48] Tiki-KGB joined #tikiwiki [08:56] Tamara joined #tikiwiki [08:59] GillesM joined #tikiwiki [09:11] gour joined #tikiwiki [09:27] rinnan polom [09:31] redflo joined #tikiwiki [09:49] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [10:42] arildb joined #tikiwiki [10:48] gour_ joined #tikiwiki [11:03] vmachine joined #tikiwiki [11:05] vmachine left #tikiwiki [11:05] vmachine1 joined #tikiwiki [11:06] vmachine1 left #tikiwiki [11:25] dennmans joined #tikiwiki [11:27] dennmans left #tikiwiki [11:59] Tamara_ joined #tikiwiki [11:59] gour joined #tikiwiki [12:04] Tamara_ joined #tikiwiki [12:26] arildb joined #tikiwiki [12:31] rodrigoprimo1 joined #tikiwiki [12:33] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [12:39] Tamara joined #tikiwiki [12:44] Tamara joined #tikiwiki [12:46] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [13:07] vmachine2 joined #tikiwiki [13:07] vmachine2 left #tikiwiki [13:08] Tamara joined #tikiwiki [14:09] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [14:13] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [14:29] lphuberdeau joined #tikiwiki [14:46] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [14:49] redflo joined #tikiwiki [15:35] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [15:44] changi joined #tikiwiki [15:44] changi polom [15:44] jonnyb moloq changi [15:45] jonnyb have two (at least) more bugs to fix for 10.0 i feel, what are your thoughts on when to release? (as it's up to you really ;) ) [15:45] changi jonnyb: when you say go, i can start [15:47] jonnyb and Bernard - guess he'll be back later [15:48] changi bernard send me a private mail to says that i can start when you have finish [15:58] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44315 10branches/10.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php [15:58] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] wysiwyg: Tracker plugin causes ckeditor to fail, quick fix adding it to the "don't preview" list for now [16:08] arildb joined #tikiwiki [16:26] arildb joined #tikiwiki [16:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44316 10branches/10.x/lib/ckeditor_tiki/ 10plugins/tikiwiki/plugin.js 10plugins/tikiplugin/plugin.js [16:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] wysiwyg: Reparsing after double-click-editing a plugin was causing any modules plugins' quotes to duplicate. [16:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki Happening because the data was getting converted to html twice but, for some reason, only affecting {modules} (thanks to many) [16:42] jonnyb hi all - arildb (and anyone else), can you test the commit i just did for the wysiwyg modules issue please? [16:42] arildb jonnyb: testing [16:42] jonnyb it's not a great fix but seems to work for me here - still testing [16:42] jonnyb thanks arildb [16:49] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [16:55] jonnyb this one should stop the millions of blank lines appearing when you edit plugins in wysiwyg... [16:56] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44317 10branches/10.x/lib/tiki-js.js [16:56] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] wysiwyg: Insert plugin code with a span instead of a
 block to stop extra paragraphs appearing as you edit plugins
[16:56] arildb jonnyb: still not ok...though better
[16:56] jonnyb hmm, how so?
[16:57] arildb I still get the double quoted  {module module=""last_modif_pages""}
[16:57] arildb steps...
[16:57] arildb 1. Create a simple table
[16:57] arildb 2. Add the last_modif_pages module in the first cell
[16:57] arildb 3. save...all OK up to now
[16:57] arildb 4. Re-edit the page
[16:57] arildb >> now you can see the double quotes
[16:58] arildb If you save again, the plugin is corrupted
[16:59] arildb test done using CkEditor
[17:05] jonnyb checking, thanks arildb
[17:22] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44318 10branches/10.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/TextArea.php
[17:22] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] trackers: Truncate textarea values in list mode if listmax is set (removes html tags first - TODO including formatting one day)
[17:26]  Bsfez joined #tikiwiki
[17:30] jonnyb hi Bsfez
[17:30] Bsfez jonnyb: yep yep
[17:32] Bsfez :) A propos Nasa… today is the anniversary of Apollo17 (last mission on the moon) returning to earth.
[17:33] jonnyb nice
[17:36] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44319 10branches/9.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/TextArea.php
[17:36] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44318][FIX] trackers: Truncate textarea values in list mode if listmax is set (removes html tags first - TODO including formatting one day)
[17:44] gour Bsfez: http://www.thespacereview.com/article/184/1 ;)
[17:45] jonnyb arildb: ok, r44320 should fix it everywhere, but i still don't see what's causing it in the first place
[17:45] jonnyb hope it works for you! :)
[17:45] arildb jonnyb: testing
[17:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44320 10branches/10.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php
[17:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] wysiwyg: modules plugin was still getting double-quoted in some cases, so remove here to cover all situations (thanks arildb)
[18:03]  changi joined #tikiwiki
[18:07] arildb jonnyb: It looks good!
[18:07] arildb jonnyb: thanks for that
[18:07] jonnyb yay, woot!
[18:07] jonnyb well many thanks to you for testing! :)
[18:08] jonnyb so we can share the blame if something else has fallen off ;)
[18:08] arildb he he...guess so
[18:08] jonnyb changi & Bsfez: so i think that was the last 10.0 blocker, we should be good to go!
[18:10] laurei whats the difference between http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki_9.x_Herbig_Haro/9.2/Tiki_WebPI_9.2.zip/download and http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki_9.x_Herbig_Haro/9.2/tiki-9.2.zip/download
[18:11] arildb laurei: WebPI is the Windows installer, where as the other is the raw Tiki installation file
[18:12] laurei raw please
[18:12] arildb The raw you can use everywhere. WebPI only on Windows
[18:16] laurei im no centos, i always download the zip files because i keep forgetting how to untar
[18:18] RobertPlummer polom all
[18:21] jonnyb hi RobertPlummer
[18:21] RobertPlummer hi jonnyb
[18:22] laurei "Tiki cannot find a database connection. This is normal for a new installation." Why is it that wp and other software can find a driver
[18:22] jonnyb really odd ckeditor plugin parsing weirdness - but think i got it fixed
[18:23] jonnyb and also stopped it doing 2 ajax trips for the formatting when editing plugins :)
[18:24] laurei guys you need to sort out the installation page for the database, its conflicting/confusing information
[18:24] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Love it!  I had a hard time wrapping my mind around that one.
[18:24] laurei Tiki requires an active database connection. You must create the database and user before completing this page / Enter the name of the database that Tiki will use (if already created) or create (if permitted).
[18:25] laurei so does tiki create a db or not
[18:25] jonnyb laurei: why us guys? ;)
[18:25] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I see r44306 includes those changes to trunk, I've got them in 10, but have not committed yet, but they need to go in 10 and 9, correct?
[18:26] jonnyb which one was r44306?
[18:26] RobertPlummer jonnyb: The bit about moving syncGroupsWithDirectory and adding $prefs['auth_method'] == 'ldap
[18:26] RobertPlummer plus moving the prefs
[18:26] RobertPlummer if ( $prefs['auth_method'] === 'ldap' && (....
[18:27] jonnyb think i committed to 10 and merged to trunk
[18:27] laurei jonnyb: because you probably care about users, and probably more in a situation to help them than a random person installing the packages
[18:27] RobertPlummer jonnyb: That is the thing, I don't see them in 10.
[18:28] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I just svn up'ed
[18:28] jonnyb laurei: i guess we don't read any of that anymore :) is good to get new eyes on it
[18:28] Bsfez changi: jonnyb yes we are go for T10
[18:29] jonnyb RobertPlummer: did you commit it then? (don't have tiki open, link to the commit would help, busy on other stuff, sorry)
[18:29] RobertPlummer jonnyb: nm, I'll go ahead and just port it back to 10 and 9
[18:29] RobertPlummer Bsfez: Let me backport first.
[18:30] jonnyb odd, as i remember doing that one so should be in 10 already (as it cured a WSoD)
[18:30] Bsfez changi: is the one that press on the button ! :)
[18:31] Bsfez so as long as he is not say "Stop" you can do
[18:31] RobertPlummer jonnyb: lol, I forgot to switch branches!
[18:31] laurei i guess, i'djust like to know if the 9.2 installer actually works, i've created a db, and i have both mysql and mysqli working, and nada.
[18:32] jonnyb yes, works fine laurei i'm sure - installed one the other day
[18:33]  marclaporte joined #tikiwiki
[18:34] laurei jonnyb:  could not find driver is what it's saying, but i don't know why, most other cms' find the mysql drivers fine
[18:36] laurei nevermind i imported the db manually and the mysql drivers are magically not missing anymore
[18:37] laurei another very unhelpful misleading instruction
[18:38] laurei i do appreciate the effort that goes into open source software, don't get me wrong :) but this is going to turn off users
[18:39] ricks99 laurei: wha's ur issue?
[18:39] jonnyb yay, ricks99 to the rescue! :)
[18:40] ricks99 lol
[18:40] laurei ricks99: I am fine, i got around it, just a little helpful advice if i can offer it to save other users
[18:40] jonnyb sorry laurei - i do care loads, just a bit snowed under
[18:40] ricks99 laurei: help out where you can -- the wiki way :)
[18:41] laurei do you have a bug tracker?
[18:41]  marclaporte1 joined #tikiwiki
[18:41] ricks99 laurei: it is dev.tiki.org (look at the footer of every tiki.org wepage)
[18:43] ricks99 if you're new to Tiki, I  recommend the tikiforsmarties.com beginner's guides
[18:43]  kstingel joined #tikiwiki
[18:44] kstingel do we have specifics on what will be discussed @ tomorrow's webinar?
[18:46] laurei thankyou, my issue is just the wording of the error messages really, on the install page it tells the user that they myst have a database created, but then tells them further down that tiki will create one (rather contradictory). The other issue is that it tells the user that it "can't find the mysql driver" which is clearly not the case if when i manually import the sql file the error dissapears.
[18:48] ricks99 tiki can attempt to create the db, if permission
[18:49] ricks99 "can't find mysql driver"... is that a tiki error or server?
[18:49] marclaporte1 laurei: doc.tiki.org/Check is there to help
[18:49] ricks99 polom marclaporte1
[18:50] laurei ricks99: that error showed up in a tiny box  like ajax when i hit submit on the install, and yes it had permission, i was using root
[18:50] laurei every time i hit submit another box with the same error appeard next to the first one
[18:51] * ricks99 didnt think the installer had any ajax validation...
[18:51] ricks99 odd. what is your environment?
[18:51] ricks99 and which tiki version are you installing?
[18:51] laurei like ajax maybe not, just gui kinda looked like that
[18:51] laurei 9.2
[18:52] marclaporte1 laurei:  example.com/tiki-check.php -> what does this file say on your site?
[18:52] laurei says i am not logged in, my tiki is working now after i simply imported the sql
[18:53] ricks99 oh.. u did manual install
[18:54] laurei i did, also there is no 9.2 in the manual install instructions
[18:54] laurei https://cloudunited.com/tiki-check.php
[18:54] laurei i moved the file so you can see
[18:55] laurei everything in the db is ugly except the version and char set system  which is good
[18:55] ricks99 you're missing the pdo driver. Pls see http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements
[18:56] ricks99 that was the "driver not found" msg
[18:56] laurei i did read that, but pretty sure that was just a reccomendation
[18:57] ricks99 can use ADOdb for fallback, but not all features will be supported
[18:58] laurei i guess install is an unsupported feature
[18:59] ricks99 ?
[19:02] laurei installation page errors out completely with the "driver not found" and doesn't work, so clearly the installation is an unsupported feature of the ADOdb fallback
[19:03] ricks99 correct. automated installer needs pdo.
[19:04] lphuberdeau actually, that's likely just a bad check in the installer
[19:04] lphuberdeau installers are annoying
[19:04] ricks99 lol
[19:06] laurei I'm recompiling php, do i need to reinstall tikiwiki to clear any ADOdb flags or it will magically start using the pdo
[19:07] ricks99 should work fine unless your local.php explicity calls adodb
[19:07] ricks99 b sure to clear tiki caches
[19:07]  vmachine3 joined #tikiwiki
[19:07] lphuberdeau you should have either PDO with PDO_MYSQL or no PDO at all, and things should work
[19:08] lphuberdeau the check was fixed in tiki, but installer was likely forgotten
[19:13] laurei well i read the social contract for the bug tracker, retyped the captcha a few times, and submitted my application, but i got an error that an administrator needs to approve me lol
[19:14]  vmachine3 left #tikiwiki
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[19:21] laurei ok so my pdo is all apples now
[19:23] laurei I think I'm going to enjoy this more than mediawiki
[19:24] marclaporte1 laurei:  sorry about the hassle to join, it was made more difficult because our volunteers were drowning in spam
[19:52] marclaporte1 kstingel: whatever people want to talk about.  I expect we'll talk about Tiki10, and start thinking about http://dev.tiki.org/Tiki11
[19:58]  arildb_ joined #tikiwiki
[19:58] marclaporte1 laurei: you will run into some issues unless you have gd or Image Magick (ex.: CAPTCHA)
[19:59] * marclaporte1 is pretty please with tiki-check.php   Congrats amette
[20:01] marclaporte1 laurei & amette & all: I added inconsistency between installer and Tiki Check as a bug here: http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=Server+check&history_offset=1&diff_style=sidediff&diff_style=sidediff&show_all_versions=y&compare=Compare&newver=0&oldver=205&paginate=on&history_pagesize=40
[20:01] laurei there was image magick, but must have been when i reconfigged php
[20:20]  arildb joined #tikiwiki
[20:21] jonnyb ok, bye all, off out - more tomorrow... hope 10.0 gets out soon! :)
[20:30]  Bsfez joined #tikiwiki
[20:58] * marclaporte1 cheers changi!
[20:58]  sandroandrade joined #tikiwiki
[21:02] changi so is it ready to go ?
[21:02] changi marclaporte1: cheers
[21:02] Bsfez yes yes yes !
[21:02] Bsfez :D
[21:02] marclaporte1 The release coordinator said so! Bsfez!!!!
[21:03] Bsfez respect ! ;)
[21:03] Bsfez brb
[21:03] * ricks99 has even gotten his tiki9lts book out yet, and we're ready to release 10. but still glad!
[21:08] Bsfez :)
[21:08] changi so release for 10.0 / 9.3 / 6.9 ?
[21:08] marclaporte1 10 for sure
[21:08] marclaporte1 9.3 and 6.9 could use a few backports
[21:09] Bsfez 9.3 was yes last time we talked about it
[21:09] Bsfez 6.9… ?
[21:09] marclaporte1 but I guess we can those backports can wait for 9.4 and 6.10 :-)
[21:09] marclaporte1 but I guess those backports can wait for 9.4 and 6.10  :-)
[21:10] changi ok, starting with 10.0
[21:12] Bsfez … my spiderman senses told me a or 2 fix have been backported to branche 9… but i can't recall
[21:12] Bsfez but yes 10.0
[21:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44321 10branches/10.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
[21:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] Preparing release
[21:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44322 10branches/10.x/README
[21:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] Update README file for 10.0
[21:23] changi ricks99: >> There were already some commits for the same final version number in the changelog. Merging them with the new ones.
[21:23] changi >> Changelog updated with 72 new commits (revision 44320 to 44083), excluding duplicates, merges and release-related commits.
[21:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44323 10branches/10.x/ 10(49 files in 49 dirs)
[21:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] Update language.php files for 10.0
[21:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44324 10branches/10.x/changelog.txt
[21:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] Update changelog.txt for 10.0
[21:27]  arildb joined #tikiwiki
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[21:32] marclaporte1 Is someone available to backport 1 commit to 9x and 6x?
[21:32] marclaporte1 so we can release those as well today?
[21:36]  arildb joined #tikiwiki
[21:38]  arildb joined #tikiwiki
[21:39] changi marclaporte1: http://sourceforge.net/p/allura/tickets/5481/ did you get an anwser, because it make the release a little harder
[21:39] changi for tiki 10.0, i will not update copyright.txt
[21:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44325 10branches/10.x/db/tiki-secdb_10.0_mysql.sql
[21:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] SecDB for 10.0
[21:42] laurei hi guys, set my tikiwiki up great! thanks for your help. I'm having a problem with MIME headers in the wiki importer
[21:42] laurei i didnt think xml files had MIME headers
[21:45]  arildb joined #tikiwiki
[21:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44326 10branches/10.x/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh
[21:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Wrong url
[21:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44327 10branches/10.x/doc/devtools/svntools.php
[21:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Wrong url
[21:50] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44328 03tags/10.0
[21:50] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] Tagging release
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[22:01] changi marclaporte1: tiki10 is on sf.net :)
[22:04] marclaporte1 woohooo!
[22:05] gour congrats!!!
[22:05] marclaporte1 changi: they will do it eventually (http://sourceforge.net/p/allura/tickets/5481/)
[22:05]  Bsfez joined #tikiwiki
[22:05] marclaporte1 changi:  are we using this page for the release process?
[22:06] marclaporte1 who can do two backports?  gour?
[22:06] marclaporte1 Jyhem?
[22:07] * gour is hardly sitting on a chair..probably next release more use from me
[22:07] marclaporte1 Here is doc on how to backport: http://dev.tiki.org/Merge+a+commit+from+trunk
[22:08] marclaporte1 it needs updating to new URLs for code
[22:08] changi marclaporte1: i'm currently backport the one you put in pm
[22:08] * gour hopes next release will be with DVCS..this one involves svn hackery
[22:08] marclaporte1 changi: ok, super!
[22:10] Bsfez changi: that's cool i was reading the doc but i'm hardly awake
[22:10] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44329 10branches/ 109.x/doc/devtools/svntools.php 109.x/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh
[22:10] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Allura changes
[22:10] changi marclaporte1: yes we are using this page for the release to get all contributor and build the copyright file
[22:17] changi marclaporte1: appart from 44292 do we have other commit to backport ?
[22:18] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44330 10branches/ 10(6 files in 3 dirs)
[22:18] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [BP/branches/10.x@44292] [FIX] Replace serialize/unserialize_calls on input with json encode/decode where appropriate, removed some others (thanks for the continued help on this Egix)
[22:23] marclaporte1 changi: I will check
[22:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44331 10branches/9.x/tiki-check.php
[22:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [BP/trunk@44314] [DOC] Make important design criteria for tiki-check more explicit
[22:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44332 10branches/10.x/tiki-check.php
[22:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [BP/trunk@44314] [DOC] Make important design criteria for tiki-check more explicit
[22:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44333 10branches/10.x/tiki-check.php
[22:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [BP/trunk@44313] [FIX] Move the Apache and IIS property sections above the longer PHP section for standalone mode, i.e. make it like in regular (inside Tiki) runs
[22:24]  lphuberdeau joined #tikiwiki
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[22:25] marclaporte1 yes, tiki-check.php should be the same in 9.x / 10.x and trunk
[22:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44334 10branches/9.x/tiki-check.php
[22:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [BP/trunk@44313] [FIX] Move the Apache and IIS property sections above the longer PHP section for standalone mode, i.e. make it like in regular (inside Tiki) runs
[22:27] changi marclaporte1: ok merging tiki-check
[22:32] marclaporte1 changi: are there other places in the code that need changes like this? http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44329/
[22:32] changi marclaporte1: should be fine now
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[22:40] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44335 10(62 files in 60 dirs)
[22:40] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/10.x 44305 to 44333
[22:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44336 10branches/10.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
[22:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] Closing release
[22:43] marclaporte1 changi:  http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44308 can go in 9.x please
[22:43] marclaporte1 (I think)
[22:43] marclaporte1 lemme check
[22:44] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44337 10branches/10.x/tiki-check.php
[22:44] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [BACKPORT/trunk] Manual update of tiki-check.php
[22:44] marclaporte1 hmmmm
[22:45] marclaporte1 does mobile mode work for you? http://doc.tiki.org/Documentation
[22:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44338 10branches/9.x/tiki-check.php
[22:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [BACKPORT/trunk] Manual update of tiki-check.php
[22:48] changi marclaporte1: only loading no page is displayed
[22:53] marclaporte1 yuck
[22:53] marclaporte1 ok, so don't backport 44308
[22:54] changi ok
[22:54] changi marclaporte1: after 5 minutes i get the page content
[22:57] marclaporte1 5 minutes?!!
[22:57] changi marclaporte1: yes
[22:58] marclaporte1 hmmmm
[22:58] marclaporte1 but you get mobile mode?
[22:58] changi yes
[22:59] marclaporte1 hmmmm, I am getting mobile mode as well now, after a load reload
[23:00] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03changi67 r44339 10trunk/doc/stable.version
[23:00] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REL] Show tiki 10.0 as a stable version
[23:00] marclaporte1 after doing it a few times, it seems faster
[23:01]  gour_ joined #tikiwiki
[23:01] changi ok, no 9.3 for tonight
[23:01] changi maybe tomorrow
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[23:02] changi|away marclaporte1: just for the record, we are making a POC with BBB at the council to provide webconference service
[23:02] marclaporte1 awesome!!!
[23:02] marclaporte1 you can do 9.3
[23:02] marclaporte1 If you have time
[23:02] marclaporte1 no need for any more backports
[23:03] marclaporte1 code is good
[23:03] changi|away marclaporte1: not now, will do it tomorrow
[23:03] marclaporte1 mobile is not a blocker
[23:03] marclaporte1 ok
[23:03] marclaporte1 rick can do all three announcements at once
[23:03] changi|away see ya
[23:04] marclaporte1 thank changi|away!!!!
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