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omstefanov... on sourceforge ... sorry have sticky j key that keeps interfering. [00:00]
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switching to a specific version, e.g. svn switch https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/tags/6.9/ results in the msg that there is no such directory. [00:41]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4376 - - svn up goes only to 6.8 instead of to 6.9 (may be sourceforge directory name error) - http://dev.tiki.org/item4376 [00:51]
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goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki [03:11]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: category assign by timestamp - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45822
New Forum Posts: Config Issue: Fatal Error - SmartyCompilerException - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=45818
New Forum Posts: TRACKERITEMFIELD doesn't see all fields - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45817
New Forum Posts: category assign by timestamp - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45822
New Forum Posts: Config Issue: Fatal Error - SmartyCompilerException - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=45818
New Forum Posts: TRACKERITEMFIELD doesn't see all fields - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45817
luciashomstefanov: we are on new repository
omstefanov: see e.g. http://dev.tiki.org/SVNTips
omstefanov: use relocate command to switch
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omstefanovluciash: before doing the svn up I had done the relocate exactly as stated there. [11:01]
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luciashomstefanov: afaik 6.9 was not released yet so there is no tag for that yet [14:29]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r44766 10trunk/ 10lib/structures/structlib.php 10modules/mod-func-menu.php 10lib/smarty_tiki/function.menu.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Improve namespace support in Menu (from structure) module. Add show_namespace param. On by default.
tikiwiki 03arildb r44767 10trunk/modules/mod-func-menu.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Use LF line endings
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r44768 10trunk/ 10templates/modules/mod-last_modif_pages.tpl 10modules/mod-func-last_modif_pages.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Improve namespace support in Last Changes module. Add show_namespace param. On by default.
tikiwiki 03arildb r44769 10trunk/modules/mod-func-menu.php
tikiwiki [DOC] Document options better
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r44770 10trunk/ 10templates/modules/mod-breadcrumb.tpl 10modules/mod-func-breadcrumb.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Improve namespace support in Last Visited pages module. Add show_namespace param. On by default.
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tikiwiki 03arildb r44771 10trunk/templates/modules/mod-breadcrumb.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX] Use LF line endings
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omstefanovluciash: if 6.9 has not yet been released (your 14:29 posting), then why, when on another PC I try to install a 6.x version it is 6.9 that is installed. [19:23]
RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki [19:26]
luciashomstefanov: oh, you're right, sorry, then i do not know if you use the https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwiki/code/tags/6.9 [19:30]
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RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki [19:46]
omstefanovis anyone there who has a local tiki installation on a windows PC (preferably on a Windows 7 Professional)? I want advice on how/which local mail service I should install to allow my local tiki to send mail. [19:46]
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luciash: When I issue the svn switch command "svn switch --relocate https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/6.x http://svn.sf.net/tikiwiki/code/branches/6.x" I get the following resonse: "svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Subversion'; please relocate" What does this mean? What should I do? How temporary is this? [20:17]
pedorjoined #tikiwiki [20:23]
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luciashomstefanov: aren't you mising the p/ in the path ?
omstefanov: and if th relocate does not work for you can you just try svn co into new dir ?
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [21:28]
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nilsgejoined #tikiwiki
hello tikis
I had tiki installed in the past to manage several communities and projects. Was always fun and for something like developing a compiler or a library It is still my first choice.
but now I had to create a more "shiny" page. I went with Joomla and bought a graphical template for 15 Euro and it looked nice and I was impressed. (http://www.laborejo.org) but that is the end of the story. I am disappointed and would gladly go back to tiki
are there more themes than here? http://themes.tiki.org/Themes . I would pay, but I need something that looks a bit more "commercial", to present a single program. If you know what I mean...?
luciashnilsge: hi, sorry, there is no other tiki themes specific site afaik [22:50]
nilsgeso I have to find and pay a designer
or are there known ways to port themes from other engines?
I choose technical superiority over design now anytime
luciashnilsge: it is mostly manual check and convert classes in CSS work [22:51]
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omstefanovjoined #tikiwiki [23:16]
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luciash: you were right (at 21:18) I was missing the /p/ in the svn switch --relocate command.
luciash: I corrected this, and tried again. But now I get the prompt "Password for 'default' GNOME keyring:" and it does not accept my sourceforge password (as it did in an earlier session today.
luciash: how do I get the default GNOME keyring password?
luciash: The command I used, that prompted for the above was: "svn switch --relocate https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/6.x https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwiki/code/tags/6.9"
luciash: I tried once again, and this time I get, for this command the prompt: "svn: Relocate can only change the repository part of an URL" Which part of the FROM or TO URL do I have to cut off to make this work?
luciashomstefanov: do you intend to commit code to tiki ? if not, you can use http:// instead of https:// which prompts for sf.net password
omstefanov: and you mix the apples with pears because you try to relocate branches with tags
omstefanov: i would suggest first relocate branches, then svn switch to the wanted tag or anything else (other branch e.g.)
omstefanovluciash: sorry, but I'm not familiar with branches vs. tags; it is the first time I heard about tags. What I want to do is change an svn-controlled local directory which, in response to an svn info says the following 2 things:
luciash: URL: https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/6.x
luciash: Repository Root: https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki
luciash: and, for good measure: Path: .
luciashjust switch to the same branch on the new repository then [23:52]
omstefanovluciash: I want to change this to point to the svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwikie/code place that lets me update to current content.
can you post the svn switch I should code (or 2 or more commands) please?
luciashsvn switch --relocate https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/6.x http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwiki/code/branches/6.x [23:53]
omstefanovluciash: thanks, let me go try.
luciash: the svn switch appeared to work. now, when I issue svn up, I get "svn: Checksum mismatch for 'doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh'; expected: '1fa2a31017362bf69367df154662d9d0', recorded: '84c4c5f511659db5816c523cbc6b1294'"
luciash: how can I force it to go on?
luciashnot sure, maybe -f ? [23:56]
omstefanovluciash: ok, I'll try [23:57]
luciashif it is only this one file you can try also remove it and svn up will bring the correct version from svn back to you [23:57]
omstefanovluciash: I don't know how many files, but I can try to delete tikirelease.sh and try again before trying -f [23:59]

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