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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [00:14]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Monitoring all test sites from the 1-click installers - http://dev.tiki.org/item4702 [00:37]
Recent Bug: - Invalid pagination in trackers history - http://dev.tiki.org/item4703 [00:47]
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Recent Bug: - Trackers inline editing: data is not added to tracker history - http://dev.tiki.org/item4704 [01:07]
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [02:59]
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fabriciushi, what is tim? [04:13]
marclaporteTIM is like TRIM, but without the R [04:17]
fabricius: http://doc.tiki.org/TIM [04:25]
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GillesMMjoined #tikiwiki [10:18]
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For creating a https connection you have to set the things on your server first, right? [11:12]
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TelesightHas anyone the right steps to setup a https conncection? [12:44]
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fabriciusTelesight: you need a certificate [12:56]
TelesightFabricius: I have one created
Fabricius: I have this in my browser now:
But now I can not login to set the https in Tikiwiki :)
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ricks99joined #tikiwiki [13:25]
TelesightIs this the correct code for the apache server? http://pastebin.com/TC2JBbVy [13:27]
Tiki-KGB03jyhem r47301 10trunk/doc/devtools/tim/tim * [ENH] Help provide info on disk occupation [13:38]
Jyhem_laptopfabricius: TIM is the collection of scripts that make show.tikiwiki.org communicate with dev.tiki.org not really trying to have a relationship with TRIM [13:43]
amettepolom [13:56]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Proposal for LTS versions to be 5 years, instead of 3.5 years, starting in Tiki12 LTS - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=48860 [17:45]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Namespaces: links are broken in print mode - http://dev.tiki.org/item4705 [19:29]
Telesight1Where can I help with translation? [19:29]
ricks99Telesight1: see i18n.tiki.org [19:30]
Telesight1Ricks99: Ok thanks, do you know which tool is used? [19:31]
ricks99we use tiki. [19:31]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [19:31]
Telesight1ricks99: Ah offcourse ;-) [19:33]
ricks99indeed :) [19:33]
arildbHi marclaporte
I wanted to check the bug http://dev.tiki.org/item4705 and the show servers for the first time
Telesight1By the way this page looks a bit ruined: http://tiki.org/forums [19:34]
arildbHowever, after going to the instance, I am prompted to change the admin password.
That's not good. Probably means I will lock others out...or? How is this supposed to work?
I got in [19:43]
marclaportearildb: just set to the same password as demo.tiki.org [19:43]
arildbTo me it looks fine
password ...ok.
marclaporte: Creating an XYZ page on ABC / DEF, should become ABC:_:XYZ, or?
marclaporteI made screencast: http://dev.tiki.org/item4705
Telesight1: what is wrong with http://tiki.org/forums ?
Telesight1Marclaporte: Iwork with Firefox and it looks if two columns are over eachother
The community startpage shows the same problem ...
marclaporteIs it orange or purple? [19:53]
Telesight1Orange, more pages under Community show the problem, the rest of the site is ok. [19:56]
marclaporteTelesight1: looks OK to me, can you share a screenshot? [20:00]
Telesight1marclaporte: Yep. Send to ... [20:03]
marclaportemarclaporte at tiki dot org [20:08]
Telesight1Moment ...
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [20:37]
arildbmarclaporte: I (hope) this latest commit fixes the Namespaces: links are broken in print mode [20:47]
Tiki-KGB03arildb r47302 10trunk/tiki-print.php * [FIX] Namespaces: links are broken in print mode [20:48]
arildbHowever, ideally I would like to go into the show instance and update to the latest trunk. Then I could verify the fix in show. Is this possible today?
If not, how often are show instances updated?
are they automatically updated? [21:00]
Crash in Tracker Bugs and Wishlist: http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=5&status=op&sort_mode=created_desc&filterfield=47&filtervalue[86]=&filtervalue[26]=&filtervalue[54]=&filtervalue[47][]=262&filtervalue[47][]=266&filtervalue[47][]=267&filtervalue[47][]=263&filtervalue[27]=&filtervalue[56]=New&filter=Filter# [21:09]
rinnanjoined #tikiwiki
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marclaportethanks arildb for 47302 [21:16]
arildb:-) [21:17]
marclaportearildb: Nelson wrote on August 21st "Just to keep you informed, the show.tw.o dev team will be working on this over the next 2 weeks." http://dev.tiki.org/item4645 [21:18]
rinnanjoined #tikiwiki [21:18]
arildbmarclaporte: thanks [21:18]
marclaporteTelesight1: that is ugly indeed [21:19]
Telesight1marclaporte: Difficult to read :-( [21:20]
marclaportearildb: your suggestion a year or so ago (about issues shown on demo.tiki.org not being permanent) was a motivation for getting show done. So a big thank you to you! [21:25]
arildb:-) [21:25]
marclaporteIn one year from now, we will look back and marvel to which point show.tiki.org was a game changer and we will wonder how we ever got by before it :-) [21:26]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [21:31]
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marclaporteTelesight1: I added your screenshot as a comment here: http://dev.tiki.org/item4701 [21:37]
Telesight1marlaporte: Ok so it seems to be an issue ... [21:44]
I want to register for translation but the link on this site seems not to work: http://i18n.tiki.org/tiki-index.php [21:51]
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Is there an other way to register as translator? [22:52]

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