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diggyjoined #tikiwiki [00:37]
PenguinMan98Hey guys, is there a way to have a bloglist pull from more than one blog? [00:43]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [00:45]
TomJarvisPenguinMan98: Did you see in the doc that a blog Id of -1 displays all blogs? Not that I have ever tried it [00:52]
PenguinMan98Yeah. but I'm planning room for many many blogs
It'd be nice to put in a comma list of id's and it pulls from those
maybe I'll write me up an 'augmented bloglist'
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Caarriejoined #tikiwiki [01:19]
MichaelC3joined #tikiwiki [01:29]
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Jyhempolom [02:24]
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fabriciusJyhem [02:43]
problem: Nelson has time mainly at 2:00 UTC and then I will be not at home ... I do not get BBB for Android running ... maybe we use skype? [02:48]
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JyhemSkype is OK. When s this meeting, in plain Paris-Berlin time ?
fabricius: ^
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: What File Do I need to update for this? - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=51431
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TomJarvisBye. [08:47]
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Treblyjoined #tikiwiki [10:08]
<Any Admin> Hi, It is a long time that I had no time to work on tiki. I reach yesterday https://info.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=%C3%80%20propos%20de%20Tiki&watch_event=wiki_page_changed&watch_object=%C3%80%20propos%20de%20Tiki&watch_action=add
and wish to progress in French translation, but I have not the access to "edit page"
xavi2joined #tikiwiki [10:20]
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [11:13]
Treblyjoined #tikiwiki [11:25]
Hi, I forgot the "pref" name for tpl start-stop marks. With 12.1x seems inactivated [11:30]
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Tiki-KGB03xavidp r50225 10branches/12.x/lib/prefs/page.php * [FIX]Unclear naming of feature [11:54]
03xavidp r50226 10branches/12.x/lang/ca/language.php * a few more [12:06]
Thijsjoined #tikiwiki
hi all i have a question and i need your advice :)
Tiki|botWelcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
ThijsI'm part of a SME that currently has around 50 employees, but I can see that grow very easily in the future.
I'm looking for a future proof knowledge management wiki that should be easy to use
and preferably has LDAP support
We're currently using MediaWiki, but I think we need to divert to something with more functionality and something more user-friendly
I've been looking at Doku wiki, Twiki and Tiki wiki so far
What would be your advice?
I like Doku wiki for its ease of use, but i think its functionality is pretty limited
So why should I go for tiki wiki?
I'd also like to be able to manage and document projects within the wiki
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [12:30]
arildbHi Thijs, TikiWiki is pretty rich in built-in functionality, and it has a friendly community....I am sure there is a wiki page somewhere listing "Why Tiki" [12:32]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [12:38]
arildbHi jonnyb, I would ike to test out the shopping cart you have just updated, but I cannot find any install/startup instructions. Do instructions exist yet? [12:40]
jonnybhi arildb
there's a profile http://profiles.tiki.org/TikiKart
but beware, i'm sort of half way through updating stuff
arildbso, maybe wait a week or two? [12:41]
jonnybi have some changes to the tpl files that might be needed, but not sure they're really to commit [12:41]
arildb...maybe you need help testing... [12:42]
jonnybit could do with some other input :) [12:42]
arildblet me know, when you think it's ready for me to attempt an install, and I will test some [12:42]
jonnyblet me have a quick look at these tpl's - been a while since i did anything on them
there are a couple of fixes i can do now, and will commit the tpl changes, so should be ok to give it a go later (but it is very alpha! :) )
arildbthanks. TikiKart says it's a "Full profile". I need to integrate this into an existing site. This profile probably cannot be applied directly to the target site, I assume.
I will do the initial test on a test site anyhow.
jonnybok arildb - have committed the small changes
yes, whatever you do don't apply this (or any untested profile) to a live existing site :)
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50227 10branches/12.x/ 10templates/examples/shop/product_item.tpl 10templates/examples/shop/product_list_inner.tpl 10templates/examples/shop/add_to_cart.tpl * [MOD] Some refactoring for simplification of the TikiKart profile [12:52]
jonnybit will certainly need more fixing [12:52]
arildbthanks. will try the profile in a fresh Tiki 12. will get back to you afterwards [12:52]
jonnybi just changed it back to alpha state, just in case
arildbI understand. btw. I am testing on windows 7, IIS, PHP 5.5 and InnoDB
jonnyb: I am on a dynamic IP and don't think I can test with PayPal. I still be able to start the cart, or?
hi arildb & jonnyb
jonnybsort of - you need a static ip for the notification thing
hi xavi
arildbhi xavi [12:57]
jonnybbut you can also use the mini-cart
probably a few more changes to the included pages needed - i have a setup here i should update from, but no time this week
xaviRe TikiKart profile. I reviewed it (like many other profiles) a couple of weeks ago, and I was missing some demo data there to see it working, etc. (like in the former Barter_Market profile, etc) [12:58]
arildbmini-cart..that sounds interesting. There is ony planned a few products. No shop [12:58]
xaviI honestly thing that we need to include some profile in the Profiles Wizard related to the Cart, whenever it's good to fit in the "demo" section [12:59]
arildbxavi: yes, I agree [12:59]
xaviTikiKart, Mini-cart: any one to work as a demo. Like what you are looking for nowadays, arildb
re: http://dev.tiki.org/Profiles+Wizard
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [13:00]
arildbxavi: I will try the TikiKart profile first, but mini-cart sounds interesting [13:00]
xaviwhichever you feel it's the best candidate for what you are looking for, please drop a note at http://dev.tiki.org/Profiles+Wizard so that we can sort out whatever is needed to include it in the Profiles Wizard for 12.2 [13:00]
arildbxavi: I will get back you after some testing [13:01]
xaviI have a few in the "oven", cooking... waiting for 12.1 to be released, so that I can add them to 12.x
Like the "Easy GeoBlog", probably a new one for the "Sticky note", etc.
andmaybe split the "rotating images in the header" from the "Easy GeoBlog" into a separate mini-profile
arildbTiki 12 clean installation...ran the TikiKart profile...back on the home page...h-m-m now what? [13:05]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r50228 10branches/12.x/ 10templates/tiki-user_watches.tpl 10templates/wizard/user_preferences_notifications.tpl
[FIX]Add missing tr tags and place the colon inside the translatable string (needed for French translation, as far as I remember, even if I know no French unluckily :-/ )
xaviarildb: that's part of what I meant :-)
and a instructions page is needed, etc.
ThijsThanks for your answer arildb :) I've been trying to do as much research on the internet as possible and I think Tiki is the way to go for us [13:07]
arildbxavi: yes, a "where to next" should be displayed after the profile installation [13:07]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r50229 10branches/12.x/lang/ca/language.php * a few more [13:08]
arildbThijs: give it a try. You can get help here or via the mailing list [13:08]
jonnybdefinitely it needs an instructions page, but it needs to work better first imho [13:08]
arildbwent to tiki-admin.php?page=payment. It is not possible to view the PayPal details. Note I did not enter a PayPal Business ID in the profile installer [13:09]
jonnyb: What should I do next, to proceed with the cart installation? Add a page with the "Add to cart" plugin? How do I administer products, see sales, etc.? [13:14]
jonnybthere should be a page called products [13:15]
arildbchecking [13:15]
jonnybsorry, can't do this now, maybe try next week/month - it's really not ready i guess [13:16]
arildbfound the products page and the Products tracker....I will try a little more. [13:16]
jonnyb: The products are in either the drink or food category. No tracker for the category settings. not sure where I can change them [13:21]
jonnybadmin categories? [13:21]
arildbno. product categories in the Products tracker
ah, it uses regular categories
added a new category, and it appears. good
TreblyHi, the pref log_tpl seems not to function anymore in 12.1x ? No effect. [13:23]
arildbjonnyb: I think I see how it works now. With some proper product definitions it may be ok (or at least look better). The profile does not seem to be very intrusive. So, it may work for my needs [13:25]
jonnybyes, needs some example products, but that means pictures, file galleries etc...
there is one more little thing you need to get the mini-cart working
arildbThe mini-cart...is that a different profile, or a feature/option? ... yes, what do I need [13:27]
jonnybjust add this to the list plugins
arildblist of plugin...you mean in a wiki page? [13:27]
jonnybis very funky :)
yes, in products and product
arildbok [13:28]
jonnybneeds adding to the profile with a parameter [13:28]
arildblike this...
{FORMAT(name="stock")}{display name="tracker_field_product_stock" default=""}{FORMAT}
doesn't seem to do anything
jonnybyes, that looks about right - wonder if i added a pref for it (can't remember now) [13:41]
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bbl [14:08]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [14:17]
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robertplummerpolom [15:08]
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xavihi robertplummer [16:39]
robertplummerhi xavi [16:39]
xaviarildb (and jonnyb: fyi): I've added a page for instructions with the TikiKart Profile [16:53]
arildbxavi: thanks. will check it out later [16:54]
xavi@arildb: whatever you learn that needs to be done once the profile is applied, you can put it there to re-use your knowledge ;-): http://profiles.tiki.org/TikiKart_instructions_page [16:54]
arildbok [16:54]
xaviI checked and the profile nowadays loads that page after profile installation [16:55]
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TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki [17:17]
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aalexjoined #tikiwiki [17:34]
Treblyjoined #tikiwiki
Hi, do somebody knows why "log_tpl" prefs is no more effective
in 12.1x > 10.x [17:41]
No matter, sorry, firebug option changed, when, how ?... don't thought about it [17:49]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [18:07]
xaviarildb: TikiKart profile nowadays includes 3 sample products with their corresponding images :-) [18:18]
arildbxavi: sounds good. I will check it soon [18:18]
xavi back to other stuff
gavincrenshawjoined #tikiwiki
polom all
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50230 10branches/12.x/ 10lib/core/Search/Formatter/Plugin/SmartyTemplate.php 10templates/table.tpl * [FIX] list: Hide header row in table template if empty [18:30]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [18:32]
lphuberdeaujonnybradley: that class is not supposed to know about the details of the templates [18:33]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50231 10(11 files in 8 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50218 to 50230 [18:34]
jonnybhi lphuberdeau - oops, really?
i thought it made sense next to maxRecords, count, offset etc
lphuberdeautable is one of any number of templates that can be used, and if you can't resolve the issue from the template for this case, there is no way to believe custom templates could do what they have to without customizing the class [18:35]
jonnybwhere would be better? [18:35]
lphuberdeauresult related variables are one thing [18:35]
jonnybi figured it would also be a useful flag to use in custom tpls... [18:36]
lphuberdeauthe SmartyTemplate class knows nothing about columns, the variables are just generated from the inner input by name [18:36]
jonnybcould do it with some horrid smarty capture thing (yuk)
hmm, ok - will revert
lphuberdeauto me, if you don't have columns, you don't have a table [18:37]
jonnybthe trouble i see is that the tpl needs to know, so it needs to be assigned to smarty, and smarty doesn't exist until it gets that far [18:37]
lphuberdeauyou know you can pass additional values from the list plugin right?
everything within {OUTPUT()
is just data sent to the template
jonnybyup, got it (doesn't help with this though, does it?)
will redo it in the tpl then... :(
lphuberdeauyou can add some option to ask hiding the header row...
{option header=hide
or something like that
make it template specific
jonnybwould be better if it just didn't render out empty header rows i think - no need to another param imho [18:42]
lphuberdeausure it's not as smart as checking if you have no label, but it does not open the door to template-specific creep [18:42]
jonnybfair buff :) [18:43]
lphuberdeauand it avoids ugly capture constructs [18:43]
jonnybor even "nuff"
i was just going to do the same foreach logic but in table.tpl
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50232 10branches/12.x/ 10lib/core/Search/Formatter/Plugin/SmartyTemplate.php 10templates/table.tpl
Revert r50230: Wrong place for "[FIX] list: Hide header row in table template if empty" (thanks LP)
Lonecrowjoined #tikiwiki [18:55]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50233 10branches/12.x/templates/table.tpl
[FIX] list: Another go at hiding empty header rows in the table template, avoiding template-specific creep this time
03jonnybradley r50234 10trunk/templates/table.tpl 10trunk/lib/core/Search/Formatter/Plugin/SmartyTemplate.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50230 to 50233
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03lphuberdeau r50235 10trunk/ 10tiki-payment.php 10lib/payment/paymentlib.php * [MOD] Adding MAC validation to authenticate the return URL [19:14]
xavibbl [19:14]
sergdojoined #tikiwiki [19:22]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50236 10trunk/templates/tiki-payment-single.tpl * [ENH] Include currency code parameter [19:30]
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03jonnybradley r50237 10branches/12.x/composer.lock
[FIX] jcapture: Hopefully a fix for jCapture - composer and svn (and sourceforge plus caching) is extra confusing, seems to work for me locally now...
03jonnybradley r50238 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50233 to 50237
03jonnybradley r50239 10trunk/lib/jcapture_tiki/tiki-jcapture.js * [FIX] bootstrap: Use tikiModal for jCapture
03xavidp r50240 10branches/12.x/lang/ca/language.php * a few more
arildbxavi: the instructions page comes up nicely after the TikiKart installation! ... now it just needs some proper content. [20:27]
and there is some content already in the tracker
go to the products page and you'll see it :-)
(with images also)
arildbnice! [20:29]
xavifrom there, all yours ;-)
if you manage to set up some checkout module, or whatever else works with tikikart, just say so, so that we can add that to the profile
arildbhm-m-m how do I get back to the instructions page? [20:29]
xavihe he :-)
"Wiki > List pages > Instructions"
It's not listed in Last Changes
...I selected the wrong menu item..
xaviI personally like adding a module "menupage" with links for a profile.
there is one that could be reused...
arildbHow could this module work? [20:32]
xaviI have no idea of current modules for a shopping cart in tiki [20:32]
arildbnone of the profile installed pages, are listed in Last changes .... maybe that's ok [20:32]
xaviI recently saw the playback of the last webinar, and I saw a nice checkout-like module in the demo
this could be reused, or cloned to make it easy for the other profile: http://profiles.tiki.org/Collaborative_Community_Wiki_menupage
xavi will add this old profile to the dev page for the "Profile Wizard". It might be useful for others...
arildbthe TikiKart generated pages search and 'searcj fom tpl' show nothing or smarty syntax. Are they needed? [20:34]
xavino idea
jonnyb would know, or bernard, I guess
arildbI am guessing, not implemented/completed yet [20:36]
arildb: the search depends on the unified-index - maybe it needs rebuilding (or enabling even)
arildbprobably. A fresh installation. Trying... [20:38]
jonnybthe form tpl should show syntax, it's used in the search page custom_search plugin [20:39]
arildbit looked syntax like
the search page is still empty, after rebuilding the index....it has no content
xavi and jonnyb, I updated https://profiles.tiki.org/TikiKart_instructions_page a little bit. [20:50]
jonnybthe search page should have this in it: http://profiles.tiki.org/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=TikiKart_Search_Include&source=0 [20:52]
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [20:54]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50241 10trunk/lib/structures/tiki-edit_structure.js
[FIX] bootstrap: Use tikiModal for structure edit (and fix save button references)
xaviarildb and jonnyb, there is a naming error in the profile
I'll fix it (for the search include page)
arildb_I just fixed search form tpl
typo...different thing
xavisearch works now :-)
but wrong info shown
arildb_xavi: yes, search is good now. Thanks
except images missing
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r50242 10trunk/lang/ca/language.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50237 to 50240 [21:02]
xaviok, nice [21:03]
malariajoined #tikiwiki [21:03]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50243 10trunk/templates/trackerinput/showtikiorg.tpl * [FIX] bootstrap: Use tikiModal for showtikiorg (hard to test, looks ok) [21:04]
03jonnybradley r50244 10trunk/ 10(12 files in 9 dirs) * [FIX] bootstrap: Use tikiModal for various features, lightly tested
03jonnybradley r50245 10trunk/ 10(7 files in 6 dirs)
[FIX] bootstrap: Use tikiModal for some other features (should be all now, testers please report any new problems)
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [21:16]
robertplummerjoined #tikiwiki
polom all
hi jonnyb
jonnybhi robertplummer [21:22]
arildbxavi: All major system changes are now described https://profiles.tiki.org/TikiKart_instructions_page#Instructions
still missing description of plugin/module cart...I am not familiar with thiose yet
xaviok, thks arildb. I might play with the profile in a few days. Off for tonight. See you all!
left #tikiwiki
jonnybthanks arildb for triggering stuff on the tikikart - been going as a solo thing for a long time! :)
coo, malaria just left the chat room... curious
arildbjonnyb: I haven't tested all yet, but it looks good so far. I am still not familiar with th UI plugin/module [21:29]
jonnybthere's not much to them - the module acts as the cart, collecting items in a session array
the plugin adds stuff to it
arildbwow...lots of cart plugin params [21:32]
jonnybafraid that was me - i just added a bunch, was all quite hard-coded until recently
mainly ajax though
arildbI filled in the ones in bold...hopefully ok
qty + edit field appears and the Add to Cart button, but no product description. I added a random product code TST...does that matter?
jonnybusually the addtocart plugin is set up from the tracker item info [21:38]
arildbok [21:38]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [21:39]
jonnybin templates/examples/shop/add_to_cart.tpl
hey marclaporte - i think i might have fixed jCapture in 12 (and arildb actually)
arildbjonnyb: oh...what was the problem...will give it a try [21:40]
jonnybfor us the applet wasn't running at all - needed updating by Pavel [21:41]
arildbok [21:41]
jonnybbut i didn't manage to get the composer.json thing done properly until today
there are just _so_ many caches (browser, java, composer, probably others!)
arildbhm-m...jcapture locked-up tiki. Nearly clean installation. TikiKart profile applied
after pressing "Capture" in the gray area
json_encode - Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded
jonnybew [21:46]
arildbthat the attempt to URL encode raw PNG data [21:46]
jonnybafter lots of cache clearing? [21:46]
arildbhe he...no...clearing now [21:46]
jonnyboh right, you said before
odd - i don't get that
cos it should only be sending the image url i think there
the upload is a form post i thought
arildbyes, only url sounds right. However, when loading the filename, the whole record is returned. ...maybe you store images in files? [21:48]
jonnybah, yes [21:49]
arildbwill try on a clean Tiki 12...only jCapture enabled [21:49]
jonnybyou have filegals in database? [21:49]
arildbclean Tiki 12 [21:49]
jonnyb(once ended up with a 4GB+ database, so don't ever do that now) [21:49]
arildball new users will initially use the database for file galleries. Can that be the problem?
the png file data, should probably be base64 encoded, or dropped altogether...probably better
jonnybyay, got it [21:51]
arildb:) [21:51]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50246 10branches/12.x/lib/core/Services/File/Controller.php
[FIX] jcapture: Don't send the image data back when files are stored in the database, causes json encoding to fail and isn't needed anyway.
Thanks arildb
arildbtesting [22:04]
jonnybnice - two bugs fixed for the price of one - thanks arildb :) [22:04]
arildb:) [22:04]
jonnybfound a tiki with hundreds of left over image files in temp the other day, so stuck a breakpoint in the bit i suspected and it just came up :) [22:05]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50247 10branches/12.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php
[FIX] filegals: Remove the temp file if required, even if no resizing was performed when doing transformImage
jonnybok, think i'm done for a Thursday - more tomorrow [22:06]
arildbjcapture works now. Thanks jonnyb [22:07]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50248 10trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php 10trunk 10trunk/lib/core/Services/File/Controller.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50240 to 50247 [22:08]
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