[12:26] Tiki|Log joined #tikiwiki [12:26] Topic for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki LTS version 12.2 (Altair) is out! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) [12:41] Jyhem Polom [12:41] jonnyb hi Jyhem [12:42] Jyhem http://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_logs/tikiwiki logging again [12:42] jonnyb :) [12:43] * Jyhem documenting how it's done in sysadmin section [12:44] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r53068 10trunk/ 10themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 10themes/base_files/less/tiki-categories.less 10templates/categorize.tpl [12:44] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Bug 5504 - "Trackers do not allow to select categories ". Thanks to WolfgangA and luci for show instance and info. [12:49] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [12:49] chibaguy polom [12:50] chibaguy wolfganga, the problem with tracker categorizing should be fixed now. [12:50] jonnyb polom chibaguy [12:50] chibaguy hi jonnyb [13:12] * Jyhem answered jonnyb's release email. OK for reschedule [13:12] * Jyhem needs to eat [13:13] WolfgangA joined #tikiwiki [13:14] WolfgangA @chibaguy: Thank you ver ymuch - will try it right away... [13:14] chibaguy ok, you'll need to SVN update first, or replace some files manually. [13:17] chibaguy Any opinions on this: I have Bootstrapped versions of the legacy Strasa and Darkshine themes about ready. Should they be added to trunk so we have more theme choices, or are they too retro now and so will be a negative for Tiki? [13:23] jonnyb chibaguy: hmm, i guess add them - "more the merrier"? [13:24] jonnyb i know a few sites that use darkshine, not many strasa's left now thought afaik [13:25] jonnyb they're both less ancient looking than feb12 imho :) [13:28] chibaguy :-) ok. [13:30] jonnyb updating utopias is on my list, but still haven't got past the LESS->CSS hurdle [13:57] chibaguy sorry, was eating. [14:13] jonnyb same [14:43] RobertPlummer joined #tikiwiki [14:43] RobertPlummer Is anyone aware of permission issues with menus in v7? [14:46] dabright joined #tikiwiki [15:01] jonnyb hi RobertPlummer - 7.x was pretty wobbly, upgrade at least to 9.x if you can, it might just go away :) [15:02] RobertPlummer Thanks jonnyb [15:02] RobertPlummer v7... those were the days. [15:02] jonnyb especially if it's in trackers [15:03] dabright joined #tikiwiki [15:03] RobertPlummer What is the stability like in the latest? [15:06] jonnyb in 13.x? a little patchy also - LTS+1 are for "the adventurous" :) [15:10] chibaguy jonnyb, are you set on bootstrappifying utopias as a personal project, or would you be ok with my doing it? [15:11] chibaguy at least the inital commit in trunk. [15:11] jonnyb hi chibaguy - would love you to do it, would let me fix more bugs :) [15:12] chibaguy ok, i'll go ahead with it then. [15:14] chibaguy I'm finding the first steps of converting a theme to use bootstrap goes really quickly, at least the color values and so on. [15:16] chibaguy But initially it's a legacy-colored bootstrap theme, until white space is adjusted and other changes are made. [15:20] RobertPlummer not sure who is interested, but jQuery.sheet not supports both themeroller and bootstrap :P [15:20] RobertPlummer but still in alpha [15:21] chibaguy not -> now ? [15:22] RobertPlummer now, sorry [15:22] RobertPlummer thanks chibaguy [15:22] RobertPlummer butterfingers [15:22] chibaguy sure, I figured so. an easy typo to make. [15:23] redflo joined #tikiwiki [16:06] Tiki-KGB 03lphuberdeau r53069 10trunk/ 03templates/file/thumbnail_gallery.tpl 10lib/jquery_tiki/files.js 10templates/file/browse.tpl 10lib/core/Services/File/Controller.php * [ENH] Adding a more compact thumbnail view when listing images only [16:06] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r53070 10trunk/templates/tiki-listpages_content.tpl [16:06] Tiki-KGB [ENH] Only permissions icon was displayed as a button in a row of other icons, so button style removed for consistency (tiki listpages actions). [16:21] panamaus polom, et al [16:21] panamaus anybody on deck who can explain to me what Plugin TrackerPasscode does? [16:21] panamaus doc page has a lovely list of parameters, but no narrative [16:30] jonnyb hi panamaus - sorry, no idea [16:31] panamaus I guess I can bug marclaporte when he shows up, he might know something since he edited the doc page [16:38] Tiki-KGB 03lphuberdeau r53071 10trunk/ 10lib/jquery_tiki/files.js 10templates/file/browse.tpl [16:38] Tiki-KGB [ENH] Special handling for single file selection, enforce file selection limitation [17:16] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [17:23] slyskawa joined #tikiwiki [18:46] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [19:00] gezza joined #tikiwiki [19:10] Tiki-KGB 03lphuberdeau r53072 10trunk/ 10(16 files in 15 dirs) [19:10] Tiki-KGB [MOD] Adding a primary image to forums, selectable through a new file_selector component, adding file galleries to object selectors for easier configuration [19:36] Caarrie joined #tikiwiki [19:37] Caarrie|HW joined #tikiwiki [19:40] Caarrie|sleeping joined #tikiwiki [19:45] Caarrie|sleeping joined #tikiwiki [20:18] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [21:05] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [21:08] fabricius1 joined #tikiwiki [21:12] XGuarden joined #tikiwiki [21:13] XGuarden Hi everyone [21:15] XGuarden I need some help =:0( [21:25] XGuarden Siomebody there? [21:34] XGuarden I need help and I think it's a bug [21:41] dabright1 joined #tikiwiki [21:51] XGuarden hi, can you help me? [22:08] XGuarden .. [22:08] XGuarden joined #tikiwiki [22:09] XGuarden hi [22:48] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [22:58] MagicFab_ joined #tikiwiki [22:58] MagicFab_ joined #tikiwiki [23:48] MagicFab_ joined #tikiwiki