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polom jonnyb: pompom chibaguy chibaguy: hi jonnyb fabricius: joined #tikiwiki mose1: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki amette: polom jonnyb: moloq amette amette: hi jonnyb :) -: jonnyb gets coffee and will be right back... pbiendl: joined #tikiwiki -: jonnyb back and is glad :) amette: enjoy your coffee :) fabricius: polom amette: bolow fabricius jonnyb: pompom fabricius fabricius: ahhh joooonyyyyy jonnyb: well done getting the FOSDEM ball rolling fabricius: ah thx! amette: yes, good job! jonnyb: crikey, only one seat left on easyjet to Brussels on the 29th jan - already! amette: oh... should I look for flights already, too?! :O jonnyb: FOSDEM is big!
ah, actually only one cheap seat left for that friday, don't panic! ;) fabricius: yes jonnyb huge thing amette: Well, cheap seats would be good... it sucks that one has to pay for them now already... :P jonnyb: yes, think i'm going to wait a while, no money back if you have to cancel with easyjet - need to check i can really go fabricius: I likely will take a train to Brussels - only around 90 days in advance possible ... but it looks like ICE returnticket for 118,- (would be if travel wuld be in Sept/Oct)
jonnyb check trains aswell amette: do we have a wiki-page already? somehow we are planning two events without wikipages incl. dates - main reason I haven't planned either of them for me yet. jonnyb: usually very expensive form the UK, due to the wet bit in the way ;) fabricius: and guys, use this new helpful German site: http://www.goeuro.de/ (different languages available (module top right in the header ;-) )) amette: Flight back and forth 71,00€ - that's frickin' cheaper than Bonn. :-/ fabricius: so FOSDEM will be cheaper than FROSCON amette: Which Airport in Brussels is preferrable?
Yes, apparantly FOSDEM will be cheaper than FROSCON.
It's less days also, etc. jonnyb: actaully train is only about €20 more than cheapest flights, so maybe a good option fabricius: I tell you
and bus seems to be worth checking aswell (at least in Germany long distance busses are very cheap compared to train and plane) jonnyb: good site, thanks fabricius: np as always ;-) amette: I have been thinking about bus to Bonn, but that's 8h... I think I'm too old for that kind of stuff. jonnyb: :D amette: There aren't even pages for the former two FOSDEM events on tiki.org?! fabricius: from Policka to Frankfurt I have been traveling 14 hours (whilst I had to stop and sleep in the car for 3 hours due to dangerous sleeping attac on the motorway) amette: Ah, no... when adding the "Wiki Pages" search filter the search term gets removed..?! jonnyb: https://tiki.org/TikiFestFosdem2015 amette: I don't mind the 8h... I mind the bus. ;P fabricius: Yeah. Who starts TikiFestFosdem2016 ? Mette ? jonnyb: i think the only thing i'm wondering about is that should we have a couple more days and try and do some proper tikifest stuff while there? amette: 8h by car.. sure! But by bus, most likely with a broken toilet and a fat seat neighbour... nah, thanks. *g* fabricius: ahh yeahh you are similar big than Lukas - he is about 1,90 plus and the bus has to less space for his legs amette: yep, exactly
and jonnyb: yes, I think that would make good sense! fabricius: /s/to/too -: chibaguy enjoys the benefits of shortness. ;-) amette: hey chibaguy :) fabricius: wolod chibaguy jonnyb: when are we goiung to have TikiFestJapan? chibaguy: hey, amette! hi fabricius ! amette: Yes, please! I'm missing out on the world YoYo contest in Tokyo next week - so gimme a TikiFest at least! ;) fabricius: autumn 2016 or 2017? chibaguy: ah, yeah, good idea. fabricius: Japan that'll ba a thing
never thought about having a chance to go there jonnyb: must go one day, not a cheap trip though from these parts chibaguy: It's a long trip, so start saving. I'll start cleaning house. By 2017 maybe it'll be possible ;-) . jonnyb: :) chibaguy: (I'm serious. ;-) ) amette: chibaguy: If you need cleaning for as long as I need saving, we at least won't have any space issues at your place. ;)
( chibaguy: me, too :D ) chibaguy: Part of the problem is we're "collectors" and have a hard time sorting out the (more) worthless stuff. :-) amette: But yes, I'll take your word for it! 2017 we'll be big in Japan and maybe jonnyb can get us into British Countryside as a new location for 2016? chibaguy: But I'm working on it. amette: hrhr, that is a very well known problem to me... I have been working on that since five years and with increasing success... start with the basic rule "If you haven't touched it in a year, it _goes_ like _right now_!" ;) -: amette will be waiting with the Brussels flight for a bit, too - need fixed dates and prices won't be skyrocketing in the next month or so *hope* jonnyb: i'll investigate a possible uk fest for next year, but there was also the talk about TikiFestCEST II next summer too... amette: Better to have multiple irons in the fire and UK has been coming up since years now. :) chibaguy: For TikiFest Japan, also you should plan on a couple of weeks, don't you think? One week for Tiki, and one for seeing, doing things. fabricius: yes, we are getting kind of a set of fixed Tiki dates, kind of traditions - that'll be great and will offer the opportunity for longtime planning. amette: chibaguy: yes, definitely! :) chibaguy: a long, expensive flight, so make it worth it. ;-) fabricius: and then put MiniFests and Camps and one-off spontaneous Fests in between amette: Yes, exactly. And a different, fascinating culture, so take some time to be zen enough to experience it. :) fabricius: (was related to another sentence above)
two weeks sound possible
I'll have to coordinate with a few other events, but really like to go to Japan ! Should start to save money now . gezza: polom chibaguy: hi gezza gezza: japan sounds great! amette: wolod gezza
Doesn't it?! :) gezza: definetly will be there :) amette: Cool, then we're already at least three! ;) chibaguy: :-) msaad: joined #tikiwiki
hi all! amette: heya msaad :) pat-proulx: joined #tikiwiki msaad: Hey amette! All good over there? :) amette: Yeah, all fine. I'm guarding things in Berlin now again, pretty darn hot here. Though even hotter at yours, I suppose?! All good with you, too? :) pat-proulx: joined #tikiwiki msaad: We are having winter right now, but that doesn't mean a thing hahahhaha. It's a pleasant day so far. I would say we are around 28C with blue skies and a sunny day. Perfect for some swimming pool ( Or working >=[ ) amette: That's a kind of winter I could easily live with. *gg*
Probably wouldn't like the summers too much though. ;D
How's tracker revamp planning going? msaad: hahahahah yeah, it's amazing. Summer tho.. hell on earth.
I've gathered enough feedback, have to analyze it, trace a route through what I'll do first
and get it done!
right now I'm working on getting the admin templates migrated to bootstrap =) amette: Good stuff! :) msaad: Yeah! It's repetitive, but in the end it will look a lot better :D amette: Yes, and also be much more usable, I suppose. Which will in turn help you with your cleanup later on. Sounds like a full-on win all around. ;) msaad: Exactly! I was about to say that :D amette: :) msaad: Alright, I'll start listening to some Megadeth and code on! Ping me if anything ;) amette: Alright, sounds like a plan. Happy coding! :) msaad: Thanks, have a nice day over there amette: Thanks, mate! jonnyb: off out to the real world, bbl... pat-proulx: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki msaad: chibaguy: Its safe to remove .normal from tables right?
I'm filtering all the files that has them and removing. chibaguy: Yes, it's safe. There's no table.normal in the CSS files.
No css rules for the class. msaad: Proceeding then :) Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Logging in prompts download of the Logo - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56787
New Forum Posts: resetting a page's hits on rename -- bug or feature? - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56786
New Forum Posts: users can't connect - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=56776
New Forum Posts: Logging in prompts download of the Logo - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56787
New Forum Posts: resetting a page's hits on rename -- bug or feature? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56786
New Forum Posts: users can't connect - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=56776 leagris: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki pat-proulx: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki gezza: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Is there a plugin or program that I can use to convert Mediawiki formatted content into TikiWiki Formatted content? (or altneratively word documents into TikiWiki formatted content) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56792 fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki msaad: amette: are you around still: amette: about to leave in five minutes - what's up? msaad: amette: can you take a look at something really quick just to see if I'm not missing something? amette: depends on what it is msaad: /tiki-contacts.php -> add a contact with extra field
(such as zip code or something like this).
then edit that contact. Does the field you added show up? amette: Hmm, I don't think I'm qualified to have a quick look at that.
Ah, just try in a tiki?
Which version? msaad: I'm doing on trunk.
I'm doing a revamp on that page template and JS.
I diff'ed the file against what it used to be, but I don't see those fields being shown.. amette: Hmmmm.... that'll take longer than five minutes... let me try. msaad: No worries, I'll take a look on the file history :D amette: Ok, that would be cool... I promised to be on time. ;)
Sorry msaad - next time! :) msaad: amette: no problem at all. Have a good night =) amette: Thanks msaad, good rest of the day to you! :) msaad: ty amette: Hey, that was quick after all... I added a Department field, left all others blank and saved... when I edit the contact again, then the department field is shown.
ok, now I'll have to run, it's 40 - cya!
msaad: --^ msaad: hahahahah cya, thks luciash: polom, did we lose the email notifications of commits somehow again?
commited something half an hour ago, still no mail fabricius1: yes fabricius: luciash: lost luciash: :-/ leagris: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki
New Forum Posts: Translation Team - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56797
New Forum Posts: File upload component choice - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56798 msaad: left #tikiwiki