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New Forum Posts: Changes on articles when displayed on FB - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58057
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New Forum Posts: TRACKERIF plugin problem - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58048 GillesM: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5791 leagris: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
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Good morning, i have a problem which you might already know. When i upload a file like .txt oder .doc to the eFinder Filegallery in Tiki Wiki and try to insert it into the page I edit, i get an html box with"file is not an image" message. The php extension fileinfo.dll is active.
And when i view the sourcecode and change the {img... to {file... then i get my download links as i want it, am using tiki wiki version 14.1 or something janb: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: hi ClassiX_
this reminds me of something I saw in an old Tiki12 already Telesight: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: I forgot the details but I think thre are many plugins for inserting in a page and some want an image, others do the link you want
I suggest you find the toolbar editing tool and add more appropriate icons in the toolbar (one which inserts files, instead of images) jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: polom jonnyb: Hi Jyhem
Jyhem: is the reset demo trunk database on a weekly cron job? If so could you disable it for a little while as we're using it (until show.t.o gets fixed) to experiment with the tour plugin https://demo.tiki.org Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki
New Forum Posts: What is the status of i18n tool choice? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58070 -: Jyhem finishes a mail and comes back to demo/show jonnyb: thanks Jyhem :) Jyhem: back
jonnyb: why is this better than fixing show anyway ?? jonnyb: it's not
Xavi and Gary needed someone to demonstrate the bugs and set up an example
i just didn't want the setup lost when the db resets (as i think it happens on Sundays?) Jyhem: I think so
the setup is going to be broken by the next person playing with demo anyway
Do we know which packages make composer fail? There is "symfony/process" and another one which has "symfony/process" as a requirement jonnyb: no, i think it's something someone added which isn't used though - maybe the phpunit that arrived a while back and puts stuff in a bin dir (not good)
checking history on composer.json might reveal it - think it was in the last 6 months.. Jyhem: I thought we could just remove it. But if we don't know which one it is :-( jonnyb: (actually, or maybe it was zend 2?)
indeed -: Jyhem just added --no-dev in setup.sh in trunk Jyhem: ouch, there is no mention of "symfony/process" in composer.json either :-( jonnyb: i know
i started to go through the dependencies on packagist.org but there were dozens of pages of them :( Jyhem: Ahhh, there is info in composer.lock
"require-dev": {
"psr/log": "~1.0",
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "~2.1",
"symfony/process": "~2.1"
"suggest": {
"psr/log": "For using the console logger",
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "",
"symfony/process": ""
ok, I see the issue on show: you guys could not destroy the instance (because some directories belonged to root, i.e. I did them by hand ) :-( jonnyb: :) Jyhem: I destroyed, recreated and it failed in a new and unexpected way: http://xavi-9794-5781.show.tikiwiki.org/install_log.txt
But now it's there jonnyb: ok, have to go out - bbl (thanks for fixing that :) ) Jyhem: yes, need to aet as well
s/aet/eat/ Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: What is the status of i18n tool choice? - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58070
New Forum Posts: Changes on articles when displayed on FB - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58057
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New Forum Posts: What is the status of i18n tool choice? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58070
New Forum Posts: Changes on articles when displayed on FB - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58057
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repolom amette_: Do we have a sass/css-HowTo anywhere?
hi jonnyb -: amette_ does not polom since he isn't really here jonnyb: hi amette_
sass? no, less maybe amette_: Ok, something that tells me how to modify colors in an existing theme would be cool.
We did switch from less to sass though, right?
https://themes.tiki.org/Modifying+a+theme is cool, but then again it isn't. *g* jonnyb: no, not yet - i think bootstrap are switching in v4 but we're still on 3.x which uses LESS (afaik) amette_: Ah, k, yes, makes sense! jonnyb: are you on trunk? if so there's a funky new feature for custom_less is the look & feel admin panel
(documentation to come, of course ;) ) amette_: No, I'm on 14.x, it's a live site I want to get into the modern ages.
(certainly ;) ) jonnyb: easiest thing is just to verride the colours in the custom_css pref
using old fashoined css
less is, er, more complicated :D amette_: Ok, I see... *g* jonnyb: unless tyou want to publsh the theme amette_: ... but you are right... I don't need to change much and it isn't enough to justify publishing it...
... so just overriding two or three colors will be the better thing to do. jonnyb: yeah, just like in the olden days amette_: :) Jyhem: repolom amette_: heyho Jyhem jonnyb: (unless you have a less compiler installed and know what you're doing) -: Jyhem also wading in the new thems jonnyb: moloq Jyhem Jyhem: we have a custom_less pref ? jonnyb: yup yup, i added it for Marc - it's good
on the look&feel/customisation tab Jyhem: Ohh, a textarea. I was thinking about a CSS file -: Jyhem has been using theme options but the site relies on "theme control" and this nonly deals with the base themes, it ignores the theme options Jyhem: amette_: my experience on less so far: jonnyb: really, i thought we fixed all that for 13 or 14... nelsonko: gamete jyhem jonnyb: since you are all here, wanted to ask about the possibility of shared server script, Jyhem: cp -r themes/ themes_bak nelsonko: _amette sorry jonnyb: pomlom nelsonko nelsonko: see above Jyhem: php console.php less:compile --only=didiem --as-user=web15
vimdiff themes/didiem/css/didiem.css themes_bak/didiem/css/didiem.css
only shows a little difference in @font-face src paths, which I fixed manually
Then I made real changes into themes/didiem/less/didiem.less jonnyb: just added a little doc here https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki15#Custom_LESS_preference
i suppose for consistancy we should support a custom.less file one day... Jyhem: and after recompiling, I just had to manually redo the above «little difference in @font-face src paths»
I was thinking more of a custom.css amette_: aaaah, console.php compiles it... nice! :) Jyhem: or theme_custom.css since all file names change with the theme name amette_: nelsonko : hi - what do you mean by "shared server script"?! Jyhem: I could be available tomorrow afternoon amette_: Yeah, actually tomorrow afternoon would be better for me, too! Jyhem: then we can run stuff on my backup server again nelsonko: ok - that is the morning here, but I will be available as well jonnyb: tomorrow afternoon Europe-time is ok for me too nelsonko: alright set :) amette_: Cool, so let's meet again here then tomorrow afternoon Europe-time. :) jonnyb: Jyhem: the "shared release server" idea is making a copy of the svn repo mirror you made on a share tiki server so other people can help with releases Jyhem: I only need to referee a show at 20:00 jonnyb: like the one Changi set up ages ago nelsonko: by afternoon, do you mean about 1400? Jyhem: yes, 14:00 amette_: yep nelsonko: ok Jyhem: otherwise it's evening, isn't it ? jonnyb: so i think the simplest path would be to upgrade php on the ovh.t.o and update the svn repo amette_: Evening starts around 1700-1800 ?! -: Jyhem also needs a short run for buying a gift for his mother.... maybe I manage it in the morning
jonnyb thought he had been emailing people about this for a couple of week...
amette_ didn't really get to much except the most urgent things... lots of e-mails to be read, he's afraid :-/ Jyhem: I think the simplest path is a dedicated VM with recent OS, PHP, mirror, etc -: Jyhem thinks there is nothing simple in wondering if composer.tiki.org will keep running nelsonko: if new vm is most straightforward, how much time does it take to fire up an elastic host instance?
jyhem, what needs to be on it? Jyhem: a full tiki repo mirror (I can provide a gzipped one)
a full tiki repo nelsonko: in there of the system, just PHP right? Jyhem: svn, mariadb/mysql nelsonko: no need puppet or any of the confutation stuff I suppose..... Jyhem: various little things like zip/unzip, 7zip
we would not even actually need to fire apache or whatever
yes, php is required
no "configuration stuff" :-) Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Using TRACKERLIST within wiki template page - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58072 amette_: left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki -: Jyhem is totally baffled about the effect of changing the "Site layout" look&feel option Jyhem: it's like it changes nothing jonnyb: indeed - just adds more work imho ;) although the "solcial" layout gives you one of those bars at the top of the page Jyhem: ahhhh, I saw what the "social" layout does, thanks. Not that I need it now, but it's nice to see this option is actually doing something :-) GillesM: joined #tikiwiki amette_: left #tikiwiki
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joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5792 nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: polom
anybody here?