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Topic: for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki 14.2 (Peony) and LTS version 12.5 (Altair) released! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ (start line with [off] to exclude message from log)
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
amette_: joined #tikiwiki
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I have a problem with the tracker
I have created a questionnaire and I want to add a return receipt, I don't know how to do it
GillesM: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
New Forum Posts: Using Notes in a Presentation (Slideshow) -
New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
New Forum Posts: Using Notes in a Presentation (Slideshow) -
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
xiaolin: I want to add a return receipt for the respondents automaticly
But I don't know how can I do
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
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New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
New Forum Posts: Using Notes in a Presentation (Slideshow) -
New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
New Forum Posts: Using Notes in a Presentation (Slideshow) -
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r57519 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl
[FIX]Hide edit section icons when revision approval is set on the page, and you are not viewing its last version. With this fix, section_edit (and editplugin) behavior is consistent with the behavior of "Edit page" button, which was the expected behavior, by the way, for "edit section" icons.The source of the issue is at the parser level, but I was unable to fix there properly, th
tikiwikierefore, I aplied this cheaper fix at jq level once the page is displayed. It will be backported to 14.x & 12.x.
03xavidp r57520 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl
[bp/r57519][FIX]Hide edit section icons when revision approval is set on the page, and you are not viewing its last version. With this fix, section_edit (and editplugin) behavior is consistent with the behavior of "Edit page" button, which was the expected behavior, by the way, for "edit section" icons.The source of the issue is at the parser level, but I was unable to fix there p
tikiwikiroperly, therefore, I aplied this cheaper fix at jq level once the page is displayed. It will be backported to 14.x & 12.x.
03xavidp r57521 10branches/12.x/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl
[bp/r57519][FIX]Hide edit section icons when revision approval is set on the page, and you are not viewing its last version. With this fix, section_edit (and editplugin) behavior is consistent with the behavior of "Edit page" button, which was the expected behavior, by the way, for "edit section" icons.The source of the issue is at the parser level, but I was unable to fix there p
tikiwikiroperly, therefore, I aplied this cheaper fix at jq level once the page is displayed. It will be backported to 14.x & 12.x.
Jyhem: polom
-: Jyhem looking at
Jyhem: Is there a Tiki-way of inserting an info panel? The page makes use of the HTML() plugin :-(
amette_: polom
Jyhem: hi amette
amette_: heya Jyhem :)
Jyhem: the bootstrap section of is a bit disappointing: all these nice new widgets and then no tiki-syntax for making use of them :-(
amette_: (And for what it's worth: I thought there was a Tiki-Syntax for it, but I might have been dreaming...)
But I agree: there really should be Tiki-Syntax for it.
Jyhem: Well, it's all a big HTML() plugin :-(
amette_: At least for the most common Bootstrap elements like Panels and Jumbotrons and the like.
It shouldn't be too hard to code a plugin for that though. Maybe it would be even possible with Plugin Aliases?
Jyhem: Yes, classic Tiki syntax like remarksbox should just map to them
amette_: yep, good point!
Jyhem: I'd rather bootstrapify existing syntax before creating a new layer of new plugins
-: amette_ agrees
Jyhem: if possible (I have not tried)
amette_: Not sure though, if that's possible - exactly
Like: it surely is possible, but in a backwards compatible fashion, I mean.
I want to set the remember me cookie settings and I can find them via the admin search, which tells me the settings are in Admin->Login, but I don't find that setting there...?! o.O
Jyhem: well, remarksbox looks like an obvious match. There might be others
amette_: Yeah, well, not sure, if it is a good idea to change the output that remarksbox is generating...?!
Jyhem: not right now befoe Tiki 15 as it would break all tyling
amette_: And I think you mean Tiki 16... as 15 is de-facto frozen since the release.
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: Yes, something to think about. Not something to do today :)
amette_: :)
Jyhem: Admin login → General Preferences → look for section Cookies → Remember me
maybe you dn't see advanced settings?
amette_: I don't have a Cookie section there... :O
... although I do see it in the HTML source of the page. o.O
Jyhem: maybe you don't see advanced settings?
amette_: I have them all turned on, even "Unavailable".
Jyhem: weird :-(
amette_: But yes, it's set as "display:none;" ?!??
Jyhem: clear browser caches ?
amette_: Huuuuuge amount of settings appeared, when I disabled that CSS thing.
lemme try
nope, doesn't help
-: Jyhem baffled
amette_ too
amette_: I could set what I needed to now, but the UI problem persists...
Jyhem: Hey! I'm not an admin on ???
amette_: it's themes.t.o - it doesn't get groups via InterTiki afaik
Jyhem: Can you validate the HTML plugin there?
amette_: nope, I just see the pending approval box, but no buttons
Ah, hang on... logging in helps... :P
The theme changed, when I logged in... is it supposed to be like that?!
Jyhem: Thanks
amette_: yw
Jyhem: I guess your login has a custom own theme
can you put me in whatever group is appropriate ? :)
amette_: Hang on, I'll check.
I added you to "ThemesTwoAdmins" - that sounded appropriate to me. ;)
Jyhem: Yes thanks, I just reapproved :)
fabricius: amette_:
amette_: Jyhem : cool :)
fabricius: polom y'a all
amette_: Hi Torsten
fabricius: amette_ and Jyhem hello
gezza: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: Back to your Bootstrap chat (I just reread after pooping in): I agree, that we need TikiSyntax / WikiSyntax for common Bootstrap components, but I am nt sure if I want to agree to soe kind of alias thingi or so ... should be clear Syntax for non-so-tecchie user, in other words defult existing and working wiki plugins
Jyhem: hi Torsten
amette_: Alias was meant as a local workaround for Jyhem's case
fabricius: It is sad, that I cannot code those wikiplugins myself, otherwise I would take some time to code some of the components
ahh ok
understand amette_ - that sounds appropriate
amette_: Why not take time to learn to code? This is the perfect project for a start.
fabricius: I have so many projects running - I am convinced, it could only work out, if someone would take the time to teach me. kind of a crash course with videoconferencing (screensharing) ... maybe not one long, but a few short sessions
gezza: polom
amette_: bolow gezza
fabricius: I really cannot make it by self-studying - that is not realistic, but with a tutor / teacher I would/will try
amette_: Yeah, always easier to put the responsibility somewhere else.
gezza: remarksbox plugin is using bootstrap alert
you can also just use the DIV plugin
amette_: Ah, that's cool. Is there a type-parameter for DIV that would create those bootstrap elements?
That might be what I was remembering then...?!
gezza: take a look at the source of
fabricius: no not a matter of responsibility - a matter of too limited ressources - I work between 80% to 90% in voluntary non-payed contexts and have no time left. If someone from the community took soe time (as investment) i would tae some time from other projects aswell andsee it as investment aswell. but I have not the time to take one or two or three weeks off to selfstudy ... I have no coders background and it would take too much time with
yes, you can do a lot with the DIV lugin, just by applying the bootstrap classes
amette_: gezza : ah, right, just use the class-parameter, yes, that's what I have been doing, too - but maybe that's not intuitive enough for the average n00b?
fabricius: Plugn Button works with bootstrap classes aswell
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Inconsistent toolbars and missing toolbar options -
fabricius: it still would be good to get some of the component as "native wiki plugins"
GillesM: joined #tikiwiki
gezza: well, so many things can happen inside a jumbotron or a well, I'am not sure you can make a plugin for that
Jyhem: hmmm, how do I activate these links from settings to pages which explain them ?
amette_: gezza : you know translations... I am going to change some strings in wikiplugin_tracker.php, adding more text to parameter descriptions... I then have to change that string in all of the language.php/js files, too - right? Do we have any scripts or best practices for that? Any wiki page on that topic?
fabricius: I think such a plugin would be only kind of a miniplugin - a variation of a div with predefined jumbotron class ... just to make it easier for a noob
amette_: Jyhem : context help or so? Should be on by default iirc.
fabricius: {JUMBOTRON(additional-parameters=whatsoever)}put any content here, as it is only a div{JUMBOTRON}
amette_: as it is only a div, a Plugin Alias would be good enough instead of duplicating code - I tend to agree with gezza after all
Jyhem: hmmm, maybe it is, actually. i thought there was a link for site_layout but there is none
fabricius: More difficult or more sense maybe for dropdown stuff or other mre complex stuff !?
Jyhem: yes, there is. my bad
amette_: On a totally unrelated note: PHPStorm is so fckn good!! :)
gezza: amette_ you need to run some script to update all other language files
gary was doing it o'lot lately
after using transifex it wont be necessary
amette_: Ok, a script would be cool, anything else wouldn't make much sense.
Does the script that gary runs notice when a string has changed?
So I can just change the string and don't have to worry about the language files as Gary will take care of it?
gezza: chibaguy is doing it only if he cahnges something
if you change, you have to run
amette_: Or maybe I just commit and ask on the SVN-list how to handle that case...?! Probably better to work with an example... it's going to trunk anyway.
Ok, I'll commit this, ask on the list what to do this time and keep waiting eagerly for Transifex. ;)
gezza: i started to document it in the new translation perspective
check back in a few days ;)
amette_: Ok, cool! :)
Tiki-KGB: 03amette r57522 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php * [FIX] Missing documentation of Tracker-plugin parameters
amette_: As a matter of fact I feel that the parameter I added is named improperly, but I took its name from PrettyTracker-thingy, where it is already named wrongly imho. I really didn't know which way around to advance the inconsisteny... *sigh*
Anyway, it works and is documented in the place in which it is being used, so should be more or less ok.
Wicky: joined #tikiwiki
Hi, is Tiki DDA or ADA compliant?
DDA : The Disability Discrimination Act
ADA : American Disability Association
Jyhem: Hi Wicky. We pay attention to accessibiity issues as much as we can, but we have no formal compliance process.
mose1: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Inconsistent toolbars and missing toolbar options -
New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
New Forum Posts: Inconsistent toolbars and missing toolbar options -
New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
amette_: Can someone enlighten me on when to use TrackerList vs TrackerFilter plugin?
ah, TrackerList doesn't give me a search field in the wiki page, it only allows filtering via plugin parameters, right?
except for tablesorter... :P
Can't I turn off this massively annoying automatic scroll-down after searching in the trackerFilter-plugin?! :O
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57523 10trunk/templates 10trunk 10trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 57516 to 57519
amette_: moqmoqmoloq jonnyb :)
jonnyb: hi amette_
amette_: left #tikiwiki
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fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: hi jonnyb :)
jonnyb: hi Jyhem
Jyhem: I've been trying to get up to date on new themes and layouts (you can follow my progress by looking at the pages I updated on :) )
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57524 10branches/15.x/lib/structures/structlib.php
[FIX] structures: Use pageSlug instead of pageName when using the new slug manager SEFURLs (wiki_url_scheme)
Jyhem: Is it just me or are the titles in rathr ugly?
I find them too big and too black. But I'm not a design person, so maybe it's just me
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57525 10branches/15.x/lib/structures/structlib.php * [FIX] structures: Use pageSlug instead etc... oops, missing backtick
Jyhem: off to eat
Jyhem_laptop_: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57526 10branches/ 1015.x/templates/tiki-admin_structures.tpl 1015.x/lib/structures/structlib.php
[FIX] structures: Observe perms for individual structures, based on testing for the perms on the top level wiki page - probably more fine tuning to do, also only really tested on tiki-admin_structures.php so far (thanks Geoff)
03jonnybradley r57527 10trunk/templates 10trunk/lib/structures/structlib.php 10trunk/templates/tiki-admin_structures.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 57519 to 57526
amette_: Jyhem : on the page you linked the titles look kinda ok, I think - but in general: yes, Tiki has waaay too big headings imho - and it's not just you and me, this is one of the first things any one of my customers tells me
fabricius: amette_, gezza plus for the sake af being online Jyhem : to our previous discussion (Bootstrap Components - Wiki Plugins):
{DIV(class=jumbotron)}{REMARKSBOX(type=info title=info parameterx=valuey)}sometext{REMARKSBOX}{DIV}
creates a beautiful Jubotron with a jumbotronised beautiful info remarksbox ... no WikiPlugin needed for this - we should look into the more complex Bootstrap components and check out if we needed WikiPlugins there and add documentation to BootstrapTricks on (maybe referenced from themes, but not at themes, as it is a conent related thingi, not so much a themeing issue, where we use pure HTML instead of WikiSyntax
/s/):/ ) : /
Jyhem: Well, the page I referred to is the perfect page for putting such examples! That is what it's for :-D
It showcases all wiki syntax tricks with explanations, and suddenly the bootstrap section is a huge HTML() plugin. Maybe starting with plain jumbotron and plain other components, but yes, I like it
-: Jyhem looking for the page. There was a power cut and I lost every tabs
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: fabricius: that is the page I was thinking of:
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Inconsistent toolbars and missing toolbar options -
New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Inconsistent toolbars and missing toolbar options -
New Forum Posts: Upgrading from t12.x to t15 - Error while starting session for partner -
New Forum Posts: Question about tracker itemlink field -
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Why different ShareThis publishers for blogs and articles? -
fabricius: Jyhem: "fabricius: that is the page I was thinking of:" <= imho this page is to generally show, how Bootstrap looks in Tiki - it is (or was initially) a simlpe copy/paste of getbootstrap and is meant to be so ... although it might make sense to point this out clearly.
Jyhem: themes is for themeing where themes are made from CSS (including LESS/SCSS/SASS) and Smarty templates plus optional further components like JS
Jyhem: Templates are made with HTML plus Smarty, optionally some JS I think aswell and the styling of the themes is made with CSS via LESS (BS3) or in future SCSS (BS4)
Jyhem: I think this stuff has to be on themes, but not how you work out stuff on wiki pages - wiki page editing imho belongs clearly to doc.t.o
Imho we shoud have a link from the page on themes.t.o you mentioned to the and work out Bootstrap related wiki plugin stuff from there.
Jyhem_laptop: fabricius: ok, understood. So someone needs to find that page on which explains the syntax. I think there is one
fabricius: Jyhem_laptop: we should make it easy to find. check out the left column (#col2) on doc.t.o where you should find a Bootstrao Tricks area. I did set this up some month ago and it could be made better and referenced from different places. should be at an appropriate place of the releant main wiki structure aswell (at least linked)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Custom access denied message -
Jyhem___: Very nice. I missed it because I spent the day in themes and in Tiki15 code is kind of the right place or the right starting place...
fabricius_tux: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem___: But if we want people to find it, it needs to be labelled something with "wiki syntax" rather than "bootstrap" which only makes sense for coders/designers/professionals
and of course, it needs to keep "bootstrap" somewhere for those professionals :-)
-: Jyhem___ back to sharing icons
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