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amette_polom [13:15]
jonnybpolomamette_ [13:16]
amette_hi jonnyb :)
amette_ is gonna play with the JQuery-stuff today and really looking forward to it :)
jonnybyay! jquery is fun :D [13:21]
amette_Yeah, I remember so from the little things I did some time ago... let's just hope that the learning curve isn't too rough. *g*
Though I have a good project to start with, especially since there is this page full of examples you dug up yesterday! :)
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amette_ ?
Have a look at the profile "Conditional display in forms"
I did create it just for the goal you hqve: learn without a steep curve
The version for 12x works better than the one for 14x+, in which i didn't know how to port all behavior and css styles
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