[00:57] montefuscolo joined #tikiwiki [02:04] nelsonko joined #tikiwiki [05:00] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [07:08] Oon_ joined #tikiwiki [07:08] Oon_ Hello [07:13] Oon_ Is anyons around right now? [10:23] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [11:01] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6272 [13:08] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [13:08] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [13:26] chibaguy Great, I'm getting an error "unknown password format" when trying to log in to a localhost Tiki 15 instance. This is really frustrating. Users (inc. admin) are basically locked out of the site. [13:27] chibaguy This isn't the first time this has happened in the last several months. [14:08] chibaguy This site has been regularly svn-upped in branch 15. I wonder why now I'm getting this error. [14:45] chibaguy So I copied the database and checked out a new branch 16. Install was fine but my password isn't accepted at the new site, even though it's using the same credentials as the copied site db. [14:46] chibaguy Something about pws is borked lately in my experience. [14:49] chibaguy This is on localhost where I don't have a mail server set up, so I guess no way to reset pw? [14:49] chibaguy Can it be done in the db? [15:04] chibaguy Not by the instructions on https://doc.tiki.org/Lost+admin+password, as there's no longer a "password" column in the table. It'd be nice if that info could be updated. [16:50] giesen joined #tikiwiki [16:53] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [19:22] Dwokfur joined #tikiwiki [19:23] Dwokfur I'm currently running 16.1 and just tried to upgrade to 16.2 lately [19:24] Dwokfur I usually browse to tiki-install.php, specify database details and select choose upgrade database [19:24] Dwokfur The upgrade from 16.0 to 16.1 went smooth [19:25] Dwokfur Now the installer doesn't seem to recognize the database and asks to specify it again and again. [19:25] Dwokfur The setup is simple, the database is on the same machine and the website is otherwise working using the connection the installer denies. [19:26] Dwokfur The installer says: "Tiki cannot find a database connection." [19:27] Dwokfur Several non-tiki websites are working fine as well. The database connection is OK and I can manually access the database at the mariadb prompt using tiki's credentials [19:27] Dwokfur All I can find in the logs is: "apache2: PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 5 bytes in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/tikiwiki/lib/setup/prefs.php on line 377" [19:29] Dwokfur It was a long time before I did manual upgrade. I followed a link shown by the installer (php console.php database:install). [19:29] Dwokfur But it reports correctly, that the database already exists. I have a feeling this is for recreating the database. [19:30] Dwokfur Any of you run into some problems trying to upgrade tiki? [19:30] Dwokfur How I can manually apply database realted changes? [19:39] Dwokfur sent a mail to the list, thx! [19:39] Dwokfur exit [20:01] fabricius joined #tikiwiki