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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [03:29]
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luciash: a username works ... since Tiki17 createdBy is implemented, which is awesome. [04:05]
torsten1joined #tikiwiki [04:15]
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Padlockjoined #tikiwiki
Enter me ! Polom ^^
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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [08:31]
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PadlockHi Bsfez ! [08:59]
BsfezGood morning ! [08:59]
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PadlockHi fabricius !
Hi luciash ;)
.......... (idle for 46mn)
luciashpolom everyone [10:07]
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [10:41]
Padlockluciash: i need some advice on something
people in the project I'm setting up tiki for would like to have some kind of "project roadmap" in tiki. Some kind of calendar view where several tasks of a project are displayed as bars, showing start and end date in one global view
a bit like a project viewer, in short
amette__polom [10:49]
PadlockCan you think of something that could kind of match that ?
polom amette__
amette__hi Padlock
And I'm no expert on this, but this sounds like some kind of tracker with something like trackercalendar.
PadlockActually i just came across something called plugintrackertimeline... I will look into this [10:54]
amette__Sounds good! *thumbsup* [10:56]
Padlocktrouble is, my tracker knowledge is extremely basic.... I guess now's the time to learn more [10:56]
amette__Yeah, just dive in. Like everything in Tiki it's a bit messy, but once you get the hang of it, you'll suddenly build amazing things you didn't deem possible! [10:57]
Since you say "extremely basic": A good starting point for getting to know trackers (and something you can reuse for most Tikis you'll create in the future) is creating a Contact form with Trackers. That's extremely basic, but touches on everything you need for trackers and you'll see the possibilities. Make sure to use wiki plugins to embed your contact form into a page. [11:02]
PadlockThank you so much for your previous piece of advice ! [11:05]
amette__You're welcome. Have fun! :) [11:06]
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [11:21]
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PadlockHas anyone ever used the Simile timeline widget ? [11:41]
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amette__left #tikiwiki [11:59]
yGweSm1OzVHeleft #tikiwiki [12:09]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61807 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/MemoryLimit.php
[FIX] memory: Fix regression introduced (by me, sorry) in r61707 in Tiki_MemoryLimit::getRaw
(and add inspection suppression on the intentional "no break" warnings)
03jonnybradley r61808 10trunk/ 03installer/schema/20170322_fix_allocate_memory_prefs_tiki.sql 10lib/prefs/allocate.php
[FIX] memory: Correct existing allocate memory prefs which may use "MB", "GB" etc to be only "M" or "G" according to http://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.using.php#faq.using.shorthandbytes (so we were trying to set a memory_limit of 512 bytes instead of megabytes)
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
pom pom polom
amette__joined #tikiwiki [12:15]
left #tikiwiki [12:24]
Jyhempolom [12:26]
jonnybpolom Jyhem [12:35]
fabriciusPadlock|Away Padlock - I have fiddled with it. out dated. we get H5P to Tiki 17 ... there is a timeline included
Padlock|Away Padlock https://h5p.org/
Jyhemhi jonnyb
Jyhem finally set the date for moving.
anyone in the Strasbourg area on saturday morning is invited to come and help carry and roll my stuff to and from my appartments and the lift ! :-D
Jyhem had to try :-)
moving in the same building with a lift is the best kind :)
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61809 10trunk/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php
[FIX] prefs: Set the default for wikiplugin_list_gui when $partial is true (thanks Chealer)
jonnybsorry Jyhem - too far away to help, but as you say, you couldn't have made it any easier for yourself! :) [12:59]
PadlockH5P sounds fun however I'm using Tiki 15 and I have absolutely no understanding of how Simile timeline works lol
I guess I'll just use the plugintrackertimeline but I don't manage to make it look nice enough, it shows information that I have no idea where they came from
Jyhemjonnyb: I forgot. Was "before branching" (now) the right time for inentation fixes?
The lib/prefs description fileds make it hard to review anything :-(
jonnybJyhem: yes, now when we're not auto-merging is good for indentaion etc
Padlock: sadly the simile timeline used in trackertimeline as very old and unsupported now, h5p to the rescue (eventually) ;)
JyhemFine. I'll have some easy boring stuff to do while resting between dismantling furniture :) [13:21]
Padlockjonnyb: fair enough. I can cope with the simple trackertimeline but I'm having trouble tweaking it [13:25]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [13:27]
PadlockHi fabricius thanks for your reply earlier [13:28]
Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r61810 10trunk/ 10lib/core/Tracker/Field/UserSelector.php 10lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[ENH] provide email text/html format for UserSelector tracker field notification preferences
PadlockCan I show you guys something ? It's how trackertimeline looks on my tiki, I think something's off, maybe you have some pointers ? [13:41]
fabriciusnp Padlock
show us
But I would not any start with simile anymore ... try h5p first
PadlockI gave up simile. And if h5p is anything similar requiring JS knowledge, i guess I'll pass on that one too :(
No, I'm just trying to use the trackertimeline plugin as it is, but the display is strange
I'll show you
fabriciussimile was great, but is not devellopped further (the original project) ... only perhabs makes sense, if you desperately need a quick solution for a timeline now, the tracker+simile would be likely the easiest way to setup [13:49]
amette__joined #tikiwiki [13:49]
fabriciustrackertimeline imho builds upon simile, if I am not fully wrong [13:49]
amette__repolom [13:49]
fabriciuswolod amette__ [13:50]
ametteheya fabricius [13:50]
nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [13:51]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61811 10trunk/ 10templates/user/manage_groups.tpl 10lib/core/Services/User/Controller.php
[FIX] groups: Allow setting of a default group on the add/remove group dialog (it was impossible to set admin's default before this)
that's how trackertimeline looks in my tiki. There seems to be something wrong with the size of the bands, text is cut off
Same with the blue band along the dates, it looks a little too narrow
fabriciusLooks surprisingly nice nd plain (Flat design) - the problem seems (to me) a CSS prblem, where you need to find the correct CSS selector and give it a bit more padding - aybe not the only way to do [13:54]
ametteyes, I agree, looks excellent. [13:55]
fabriciusSuggestion: get one of your coders to your desk / screen and ask him/her to find the most possibly relevant selectors for you. [13:55]
amette(functionally excellent, aesthetically not yet, but seriously: it's just a bit of CSS adaptation to your use case) [13:55]
fabriciusThen ask him/her to add those to the custom css field of your tiki in /tiki-admin.php?page=look
The he/she plays around and finally we can teaĺ you where to put the code
But in custom CSS it will work, cause this is the ast spot in the cascade apart from inline css code or css code directl on pages or elements
PadlockDo I have to change the css of the doxygen theme you gave me ?
Oh, you said to add custom css...
Well we don't any "coders", so there.
I thought I would have to change something in the general .css.... I honestly don't know what sort of thing to add to the custom CSS field that will apply to *that* page, I barely know how to use classes
I'll just leave it look weird
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r61812 10trunk/ 10lib/tikilib.php 10lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.avatarize.php * [FIX] notifications: Make avatar source urls absolute when sending emails [14:08]
fabriciusyes start with custom CSS ... in case we get to fix general problems with the trackertimeline css we have the perspective to later coit it to the code, but then we sahould first discuss the best place for it with Gary (chibaguy) and few other collegues like luciash, bs
Somebody in you comany will be capable to use right click "inspect element" and find the selectors - you are an IT company
PadlockYes, that I can do myself. And I've even tested what size would be best. What I don't know how to do is how to make it change in the tiki [14:09]
fabriciusadd it to the custo css field
clear cache and dunno
PadlockWell it's an IT company that lets a secretary (me) implement a tiki platform on his own. I guess if they wanted to pay a coding guy to do it, they'd have done it first hand [14:11]
fabriciusBut we are at your side Padlock [14:11]
PadlockI have no idea what to add to the custo css field. I don't know how to bypass the attributes of an element in a page by adding stuff to the custo css field [14:11]
fabriciusselector { parameter: value; }
PadlockI'm already swamped trying to remove chucnks of code from the doxygen HTML pages because the integrators won't interpret them [14:12]
fabriciusinto the custom CSS field you basically copy paste the css rule you found and altered in "inspect element"
then adapt values, clear cache and see the effect immediately
oh .. do not forget to save first ;-)
you found the css rule, you played with the values, so just take it and paste it into the custom filed - that is for overwriting the theme's css
Padlockso whatever I write in custom css overrides what's in the original css ? [14:16]
fabriciusyes! That easy it is.
that is why we call it custom css
PadlockI still have no idea what this bit is called [14:20]
fabriciusTiki is a beat, but not a monster ;-)
/=>/Tiki is a beast, but not a monster ;-)
That is a problem, that only one can see on the screen
luciashre, Padlock, yep, if there is same CSS selector, it will usually override it [14:22]
fabriciusBut you could open a ticket in the bugtracker, distinguish it as a community project (not bug or wish), open a show instance and implement a simple trackertimeline there => then we can have a loock at it and help you finding the necessary selector and values [14:23]
Padlocktrouble is I'm incapable of determining what is the css selector here, as I have no knowledge, as you know. Here's what inspector tells me. I know what line, I know what attribute, I know what value is best, but don't know what to crite in custom css
luciashsorry I cannot see anything at the link
"Our server is having a problem. We're working to fix it as soon as we can, so try again in a few minutes."
that is what displayed to me :-p
olinuxxjoined #tikiwiki [14:27]
Padlockoh. It's working for me :/
Oh dear Lord I just asked one of my colleagues, who is an engineer.... he says "it's a span thing". I'm doomed.
Oh and he added it's complete nonsense the way all of this is built, that there should be a class that I can reuse in custom CSS.... see, that's the kind of help I get. [14:38]
amettelol, adding a class for absolutely everything in the DOM - proper engineer :P
Padlock: just breathe, all is good, you're making the best of the circumstances and that's all that can be asked of you - and so far: you're doing a great job, you'll get there! :)
luciash: https://dl.amette.eu/padlock.png
luciashamette: thanks! [14:44]
Padlockthey have no problem addind classes. They just say that from what they see in the inspector, there's no unique identifier for that sort of green span block that they can use to define a style in custom css [14:46]
luciashPadlock: actually he is right it would be easier if the span element had a class [14:46]
Padlockthey say if you want to change the attribute of a thing, you have to know what the thing is called [14:47]
luciashPadlock: so you need to define height: 41px for that span? [14:47]
ametteIt would be "easier", yes. But it's not absolutely necessary. So he is telling a "dangerous half-truth". [14:47]
PadlockWhere do the current attributes used by tiki actually come from ? The fact that it is green, that height and so on ? Can't we just change that origin ?
41px looks pretty good yes
luciashPadlock: sadly it is hardcoded in the inline style
Padlock: I guess it is in the code of the plugin
Padlockbut I don't know how the interline between all those green bands. If I managed somehow to make em bigger, they might overlap [14:48]
luciashPadlock: lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackertimeline.php [14:49]
Padlockwhy would the pulgin be coded with a height that cannot display all it's supposed to ? :-D lol [14:49]
luciashPadlock: bad coding habits? ;) [14:50]
Padlockthat sounds legit to me, we all have bad habits
now is it actually really possible to override this ? without having to ask for "help" from my colleagues ?
luciashPadlock: you can force it with custom CSS using .wikitext td > span[style] {height: 41px !important;} but adding a class would be more clean (as this might affect other spans in td on that page)
Padlock: or wrap the plugin inside {DIV(class=myclass)}...{DIV}
PadlockOh I see the thing about a class [14:54]
luciashPadlock: then you can use .myclass td > span... as your CSS selector [14:54]
Padlocki'll try that [14:54]
luciashstill it will not be on the span directly but at least something lessening the scope to match that span [14:55]
Padlockbesides, if I only added a non-class CSS thing, it would apply to any spans in any tds anywhere, right ?
or in that bit of css you gave me, there is something that points to my timeline ?
luciashPadlock: anywhere in the .wikitext div (which is the wiki page content) [14:58]
ametteamette agrees btw - in this case a class would be good (still not seeing it as horribly misguided to not have any there... I like it more to do the simplest thing that possibly works and add on stuff afterwards, instead of flooding things with classes nobody needs). Form follows funcion.
I'll probably be ok if I don't quite understanding everything
luciash:D [15:00]
amette:) [15:00]
PadlockI can cook pretty nicely :D [15:01]
amette:D [15:01]
amette__Ok, we keep you around then. ;) [15:01]
luciash+1 [15:01]
amette__But, no, no worries. Life is constant learning for everyone.
(I only have issues with people that don't want to understand that.)
luciashbtw, it would be really better to fix the plugin though to behave properly out-of-the-box than working around using custom CSS ;) [15:03]
amette nods
amette hasn't been using IRC in a long time
luciash*g* [15:04]
Padlockit's not working ^^'
luciashno way! ah! sorry I missed that div
Padlock: .myclass td > div > span...
PadlockSome people, really.....
luciashwhat? :D
some people what?
Padlocksome people, they just forget the simplest things ! I am kidding of course [15:08]
luciashPadlock: btw, browser upgraded - can see your ms onedrive screenshots now ;) [15:08]
Padlockit's working ! Hurray !!
Ah good, you're gonna need that lol
luciashlol [15:08]
PadlockSo, yes, with that pretty customized class, it's working just fine [15:09]
luciashluciash thinks should have keep that broken now [15:09]
PadlockAnd now I even know how to change the color of the bands :D [15:09]
luciashPadlock: clever! [15:09]
PadlockYes, you should lol
Ah luciash my savior (well at least of them this week)
luciashPadlock: you are learning fast! In no time you will be Tiki expert/developer! ;) [15:10]
PadlockNow I'll go back to erasing chunks of html from my integrated doxygen documents, if I want to be ready for the show and tell
in no time I will have resigned from this job. Seriously.
luciashPadlock: maybe if you find a class in the doxygen stuff you can hide them using display: none (OK, that sounds like cheating! ;)) [15:11]
PadlockI mean, all fun aside, it is so disrepectful to me and to the whole tiki community to make me bear the responsibility of implementing something like wiki, knowing how absolutely minimal my IT knowledge is
cheating is fine with me, regarding doxygen, luciash ! It's better than selecting/deleting whole chunks of code !
luciashPadlock: you are actually brave you took it... some people would give up right away or not even try! [15:13]
PadlockI didn't really have a choice...
there aren't classes in the chunks of code I need hidden, but there are several "id=something"
luciashPadlock: try #MSearchBox {display: none;} [15:15]
PadlockOh actually there is a class. ironically, it's called "MSearchBoxInactive". (what i want to do is to hide that searchbox)
# means everything containing that word ?
luciash# means id
. means class
but from the other day I saw there is id="MySearchBox" so I suggest that
out of time for now, gotta go
Padlockthanks again !!
bye bye !
luciashbyez [15:18]
amette__cya [15:19]
.... (idle for 17mn)
Tiki-KGB03chealer r61813 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/MemoryLimit.php
[REF] getRaw(): Declare static and rename "toBytes"
[REF] getRaw(): Clarify and optimize
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [15:36]
fabriciusPadlock, luciash, amette, just reread the chat. cool to have that solved, but one thing. This:
"... t is so disrepectful to me and to the whole tiki community to make me bear the responsibility of implementing something like wiki, knowing how absolutely minimal my IT knowledge is ..."
I would see differently: They *challenge* you and you are doing a great job, soon qualifying for tasks you did not dare to expect just recently ... besides all fun
I learned most, if not everything about IT since I started to be a Tiki community member. Much stuff I learned by myself, but ongoingly I benefit from the mutual help and solidarity in the Tiki community
Tiki-KGB03jyhem r61814 10trunk/changelog.txt * Extra explanation so commit tags stay synchronised between code and website [15:46]
03jyhem r61815 10trunk/lib/prefs/ 10(61 files) * Indentation fixes. Tiki standardises on tab indenting [15:52]
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03jonnybradley r61816 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/pluginedit_list.js
[REF] listgui: Convert the (clumsy) select dropdowns to bootstrap menus and refactor duplicated code
......... (idle for 44mn)
03kroky6 r61817 10trunk/ 10lib/user/monitormaillib.php 10lib/core/Services/User/MonitorController.php
[FIX] notification digests send activity streams via email without limiting to default 50 records and pagination links which are inconvenient in emails
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03chealer r61818 10trunk/templates/layouts/internal/modal.tpl * [REF] Fix Id keyword [17:18]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [17:32]
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redfloleft #tikiwiki [17:51]
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amette__left #tikiwiki [18:12]
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Tiki-KGB03chealer r61819 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.log_tpl.php * [REF] Clarify [18:28]
03chealer r61820 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.log_tpl.php * [REF] Optimize (only look for DOCTYPE at the start of the string)
03chealer r61821 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.log_tpl.php * [FIX] Template logging if "DOCTYPE" is not fully uppercase
.... (idle for 15mn)
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [18:55]
amette__joined #tikiwiki [18:57]
Tiki-KGB03chealer r61822 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.log_tpl.php * Log template usages in whole documents [19:04]
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [19:06]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [20:28]
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Tiki-KGB03chealer r61823 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.log_tpl.php
Change template identifier from deprecated _current_file to template_resource
This shortens paths, which might annoy developers who would directly open the full path, but allows seeing the child file when using extends (the compilation of the child file is dismissed, so the compilation of the parent has to indicate the child).
..... (idle for 24mn)
03chealer r61824 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Broker.php * [REF] render(): Optimize [21:14]
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [21:33]
.... (idle for 17mn)
fabriciusHi, anybody aware about adodb problems with/in vendor_bundled when svn checkout or up?
upgraded a site to trunk and got messy, yet successful installer ... no utf-8 in installer, even after forcing utf-8 for database upgrade
any news with h5p?
(not related, just curious and impatient
............ (idle for 59mn)
Tiki-KGB03luciash r61825 10users/ 10cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/less/CartoGraf.less 10cartograf/cartograf_tiki15/themes/CartoGraf/css/CartoGraf.css * [FIX] make the register link bg transparent too [22:54]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [23:19]

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