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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [00:50]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62794 10branches/17.x/doc/devtools/svnup.php
[FIX] svnup.php - Fixes a handful of errors in the reindexing process caused by changes in file content. The solution is to create a new process to reindex in.
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [01:44]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62795 10trunk/doc/devtools/release.php 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62791 to 62794 [03:12]
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03drsassafras r62796 10trunk/tiki-setup_base.php * [FIX] ticket filter needs to be updated for trunk usage [03:28]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62797 10branches/17.x/ 10tiki-contact.php 10templates/tiki-contact.tpl * [FIX] tiki-contact var filtering [03:38]
03drsassafras r62798 10branches/12.x/tiki-contact.php * [bp/62797][FIX] tiki-contact better filtering [03:50]
03drsassafras r62799 10branches/15.x/tiki-contact.php * [bp/r62797][FIX] better var filtering in tiki-contact
03drsassafras r62800 10branches/16.x/tiki-contact.php * [bp/r62797][FIX] tiki-contact.php better filtering
03lindonb r62801 10trunk/tiki-contact.php 10trunk/templates/tiki-contact.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62794 to 62797
03lindonb r62802 10branches/17.x/lib/tikiaccesslib.php * [FIX] missing variable definitions from r62749
03lindonb r62803 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62797 to 62802
03drsassafras r62804 10branches/17.x/tiki-contact.php * [FIX] tiki-contact, reduce reliance on REQUEST
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62805 10trunk/tiki-contact.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62802 to 62804 [04:28]
03drsassafras r62806 10trunk/ 10tiki-contact.php 10lib/core/TikiFilter.php * [ENH] New Tikifilter, Bool [04:34]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62807 10branches/17.x/tests/testfile.txt * testing [08:48]
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Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62808 10branches/17.x/doc/devtools/svnup.php * [ENH] svnup.php - Optional abort on conflict option & email upon failure option.
03drsassafras r62809 10trunk/tests/testfile.txt 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62804 to 62808
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is there any body here?
i have some problem about add page title in other language (Thai)
after i add it it show page not found
Tiki-KGB03drsassafras r62810 10branches/17.x/doc/devtools/svnup.php * [ENH] svnup.php - May now delay revision update by a set number of days
03drsassafras r62811 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62808 to 62810
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jonnybpolom fabricius and all [12:59]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
https://nextdoc.tiki.org doesn't look happy today... WSoD :(
wsod!? *sigh*
But the script seemed to work all weekend long.
jonnybnetdev seems ok [14:00]
amette_Will have to check nextdev for sql errors. [14:01]
jonnybpompom amette_ - apologies [14:01]
amette_heya jonnyb
nothing to apologize, I think..!?
I don't see any issues with the DB.
no notifications from the refresh run and also no issues when running manual db upgrade
jonnybstinky - no 500 err in error_log or wherev er amette_ ?
ah, seems ok now :O
amette_yup, must have been temporary. it doesn't have too many resources, maybe it timed out having many requests at the same time
but I was referring to the issues we had with the db upgrade on nextdev
so.. everything looks good to me... working since friday
jonnybyou think anyone is actually testing it? :D seems unlikley to me (stealth testers?) [14:10]
amette_hope dies last :-|
some notices from the composer runs: "svn: E155027: Tree conflict can only be resolved to 'working' state; '/var/local/doc.tiki.org/www/vendor' not resolved"
jonnybhmmm, tree conflicts yum! [14:14]
amette_not getting them on manual run... I suppose they were fixed then!? [14:14]
jonnybthat would be the change from vendor to vendor_bundled/vendor...
i think once it's happened once you should be ok
amette_nextdev gives me: "[ErrorException] file_put_contents(/var/www/.composer/keys.dev.pub): failed to open stream: No such file or directory" [14:16]
jonnybis there anything in vendor?
maybe clearing that one out would doi it?
amette_themes does the same, doc doesn'T [14:16]
jonnybnot seen the keys thing, never heard of that one but something to do with composer and ssl i guess [14:17]
amette_yes, there's stuff in vendor on nextdev [14:17]
jonnyblet me check the migration script...
(i did try and get them to leave vendor as it was and make something else the optional ones... sigh)
amette_amette_ isn't understanding the issue
I think after getting that once, it is ok.
jonnybit looks like the first time that runs it should clear out the old vendor dir and use vendor_bundled [14:20]
amette_ah, ok, leftovers in vendor are the issue [14:20]
jonnybRicardo did it for Marc, here's the dev page about it https://dev.tiki.org/Composer+Dependencies+Revamp
but tl;dr ;)
amette_ok [14:22]
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jonnyb: congrats for releasing the beta and huge thanks!
amette_that's true - congrats and thanks - my apologies
and hi luciash bro
jonnybpompom luciash - no worries, needed doing [14:44]
luciashamette_: hiho bro :)
jonnyb: had no time to test it yet, sorry, but will do after the meeting ;)
jonnyb: see you in 15 mins or so?
jonnybyupyup [14:46]
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Tiki-KGB03lindonb r62812 10branches/17.x/tiki-admingroups.php * [FIX] set undefined variable
03lindonb r62813 10trunk/tiki-admingroups.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 62810 to 62812
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Tiki-KGB03rjsmelo r62814 10branches/ 10(162 files in 92 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 62677 to 62813
03rjsmelo r62815 10branches/experimental/composer-web-install/templates/admin/include_packages.tpl * [FIX] Typos

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