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Tiki-KGB03robertokir r63180 10trunk/ 10tiki-rename_page.php 10templates/tiki-rename_page.tpl * Semantic alias when renaming wiki page [00:08]
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Polom everyone, long time no see !
Wait, is this the nickname I usually have ?
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jonnyb: amette_ on the php-curl thing
jonnybpompompom [15:43]
what php-curl thingy!?
jonnybH5P currently needs php-curl amette_ as seen here https://doc.tiki.org/PluginH5P#Example_1 [15:45]
Jyhemthe extension, so H5P works
also doing aptitude upgrade while I'm on the server
amette_ah, ok [15:47]
Jyhemjonnyb: done… but https://doc.tiki.org/PluginH5P#Example_1 does not seem to show anything [15:50]
jonnybthanks Jyhem - there's just an error saying file not found at the top of the page, which is correct - adding some content is the next step ;) [15:52]
Jyhemhmmm, that upgraded postfix. I chose "no change in config files"
np jonnyb. I totally missed the error on top of the page :-(
jonnybyup, that happens, Lindon's been working on better fixes for that... [15:53]
JyhemIt looks weird to disconnect the plugin and it's error feedback. I mean, it's kind of acceptable when it's the only plugin on the page, but…
Yes, let's hope we get something better for Tiki18. Changes have to start somewhere
jonnybhmmm, maybe that was me, i'll try and check sometime (trying to do too many things currently ;) ) [15:55]
amette_so we need to update tiki-check !?
since when is h5p available?
jonnybamette_: first release will be 17.0 [16:02]
amette_H5P has been introduced in Tiki 17... but its parameters in 16? See https://doc.tiki.org/PluginH5P#Parameters [16:02]
jonnyband i think curl is checked in tiki-check already [16:02]
amette_tiki-check only checks that curl_exec is disabled cause it's a security risk [16:03]
jonnybincorrect, will fix that [16:03]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63181 10branches/17.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_h5p.php * [FIX] h5p: Introduced in 17 (thanks amette_) [16:04]
amette_amette_ goes reading where-to-commit
From that page I gather, that we are in semi-automatic merging period and therefore I should commit to 17 and it will be semi-automatically merged to trunk, right?
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63182 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php
[FIX] trackers: Function get_item_creators now returns an empty array instead of null so filter out empty array values. Thanks Tommy on https://stackoverflow.com/q/44930908/2459703
chibaguyDoes anyone else notice the numbers on the items in the "Newest forum posts" tend to drop down to the last line of a multi-line item, affected by mouse-hover?
When I remove display: inline-block in inline CSS on the list item text, it fixes, but I don't know why that CSS is needed there or where it comes from in the code.
(Referring to https://tiki.org/Community .)
jonnybSorry, not sure what you mean chibaguy (but it looks fine to me) [16:13]
chibaguyWhen you mouse over the list, no changes in the list item number position? [16:14]
jonnybon since your last visit you mean? [16:14]
chibaguyNewest forum posts - you don't see that module? [16:15]
aha, only as anonymous (weird)
chibaguyAh, it shows to anonymous but not to logged-in
jonnybi guess sylv replaces it when logged in
yes, i see it - nmost odd
chibaguyThe inline CSS isn't in the template. I don't know where it comes from.
I was going to remove it.
jonnybindeed, was just going to say - maybe it's some stinky javascript doing it?
sorry, no idea - a mystery :)
aha, ok, it's the popover tooltip code doing it
but why that makes the numbers move about i have no idea
ok, found it... it's in $.tikiPopoverWhereToPlace
chibaguyI see. [16:27]
jonnybthere is no css position:center is tehre? looks like some rubbish code in there...

hmm, oh - it's not css, it's a made up html attribute i think...
Tiki-KGB03robertokir r63183 10trunk/ 10tiki-rename_page.php 10templates/tiki-rename_page.tpl * Wiki Page Rename: fix code to adhere standards [16:32]
jonnybi think that whole function is redundant now - bootstrap popovers seem celever enough to work out where to appear... [16:32]
chibaguyOk, yeah, it'd be good to get rid of the old code if it's unnecessary. [16:33]
Tiki-KGB03kroky6 r63184 10branches/17.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php * [FIX] update permission error message in module menupage to be more accurate
03kroky6 r63185 10branches/ 1016.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php 1016.x
[bp/r63184] [FIX] update permission error message in module menupage to be more accurate
03kroky6 r63186 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php
[bp/r63184] [FIX] update permission error message in module menupage to be more accurate
03kroky6 r63187 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_h5p.php 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php 10trunk 10trunk/modules/mod-func-menupage.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63169 to 63184
03amette r63188 10branches/17.x/tiki-check.php * [FIX] mod-curl is needed for H5P [16:44]
amette_alright.. took a while to get 17.x set up in PHPStorm, but now that's done, too - woop :) [16:45]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63189 10branches/17.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js
[FIX] popovers: Remove the code in tikiPopoverWhereToPlace that was setting the css display to inline-block for anything with a tooltip, which was causing numbered lists to behave weirdly on tiki.org (thanks chibaguy), also use this to position popovers for "ajaxtips" which was missing.
jonnybThanks amette_ for r63188 but as i was going to say (then got distracted) hopefully that dependency will be removed for 17.1 :P [16:53]
amette_oh, ok [16:53]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63190 10trunk/tiki-check.php 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63184 to 63189 [16:54]
amette_yeah, well, got 17.x set up in PHPStorm then :P [16:54]
jonnybthis is A Good Thing :) [16:57]
amette_Agreed. :) [16:57]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63191 10branches/17.x/lib/modules/modlib.php
[FIX] modules: Hopefully a fix for wish6381 - could not reproduce but this line will include the file where convertToTiki9 lives (thanks BSfez)
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robertokir: you can share here that problem
jonnybpolom montefuscolo and robertokir [17:17]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63192 10branches/17.x/lib/metadata/reconcile.php
[FIX] php7: Strings cannot be used as arrays any more. Also declare $finalall before use.
robertokirPolom! Hi everyone, in my local Trunk install I try to remove a wikipage and get a System Error message. Fabio has reproduced the problem. [17:29]
jonnybpolom robertokir [17:29]
robertokirpolom jonnyb! [17:30]
montefuscoloyes, maybe a sql error
how are you guys? everything ok?
jonnybyes, all fine here thanks, but very distracted (my poor clients! :) ) [17:38]
JyhemHi guys, less distracted, more active :) [17:39]
robertokirjonnyb, montefuscolo, should I paste the entire message here or not necessary? maybe only the defective query? [17:43]
jonnybmaybe find a pastebin somewhere if it's big?
amette_: where's that one you use?
amette_https://zerobin.amette.eu [17:46]
jonnybta :) [17:46]
robertokirGreat! https://zerobin.amette.eu/?93fa217a551c6365#p9cURZIV5ihaaznhCS99421wlr2LLQNObJiLUH0HcpQ=
thanks amette_
jonnybthanks - someone did some changes in page removal recently i think... let me try it here [17:49]
amette_yw, robertokir [17:49]
jonnybhmm, just worked fine using the context menu on listpages...
hmmm, that worked fine too - how did you get this robertokir ?
maybe a good time to file a bug report (wish) and make a show instance?
robertokirjonnyb, it's a fresh install of 18.0. Either usign context menu on listpage, or inside the page --> more --> remove [17:53]
jonnybwhich versions of mysql and php?
because that error "Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'" as there doesn't seem to be any reference to a column called Array
but that's what an array comes out like when converted to a string in php...
amette_left #tikiwiki [17:58]
robertokirPHP Version 5.6.30
mysql (mariadb actually) 10.2.6+maria~jessie
jonnybdoesn't sound too racy ;) [18:00]
robertokirbeg your pardon? [18:00]
jonnybbut i'm not familiar with mariadb versions, is that very new (or old)? [18:00]
robertokirI guess it's very new, montefuscolo installed it on my machine (Dockers) [18:01]
jonnybsorry, doesn't sound experimental or out of the ordinary
and you get the same error montefuscolo ?
montefuscoloYes, jonnyb [18:01]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63193 10branches/17.x/lib/filegals/h5plib.php
[FIX] h5p: Remove version query ("cache buster") from the js files being added to headerlib as when minified those files were not being found causing errors
jonnybamette_ and/or Jyhem: how often does doc do svn up? Just hopefully fixed h5p when minified so am keen to test! :) [18:35]
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robertokirHi jonnyb, so is it a case for a bug report? [18:55]
jonnybyes, i think so, i couldn't see any easy fix i'm afraid
then you can create a show instance and try and recreate the problem there, but i have a feeling it's something to do with mariadb or docker as we've not had any otehr reports of this (afaik)
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63194 10branches/17.x/templates/h5p/edit.tpl * [FIX] h5p: No delete button when creating new content [19:08]
robertokirthanks jonnyb, I've just registered at tiki.org, as soon as I get approved I'll file the bug. [19:12]
jonnybok, i'm on it :)
ok, done
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robertokirgreat, thanks. [19:35]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r63195 10branches/17.x/lib/filegals/h5plib.php * [FIX] h5p: More fixes for minification for the h5p-editor
03jonnybradley r63196 10(5 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63189 to 63195
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6385 [20:11]
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Tiki-KGB03robertokir r63197 10trunk/ 10tiki-rename_page.php 10templates/tiki-rename_page.tpl * Wiki Page Rename: better phrasing for Semantic Alias option [21:54]
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03chealer r63198 10branches/16.x/templates/list_file_gallery_content.tpl
Stop automatically hiding and showing action popover
This restores the pre-Tiki 14 behavior, which works around issue #5668.
Worked around in 17.x via r62687/r62391
03chealer r63199 10branches/15.x/templates/list_file_gallery_content.tpl
[bp/r63198] Stop automatically hiding and showing action popover
This restores the pre-Tiki 14 behavior, which works around issue #5668.
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