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Hi everyone! My account on has not been activated yet, what should I do? It's been a few weeks since I registered
luciash: hi James
JamesGeddes: sorry for the inconvenience if we missed it or accidentaly did not validate... I will have a look
JamesGeddes: is this the username you registered with?
JamesGeddes: hmm, it says it was validated on August 28th
JamesGeddes: can you try and login? if you did not receive any e-mail try the forgot password option
JamesGeddes: thanks luciash
will do
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
amette_: polom
luciash: amette_: hiya bro!
amette_: ahoj luciash bracho!
luciash: hei veli :)
amette_: :)
jonnyb: hey amette_ and luciash - pompompom
amette_: hi jonnyb :)
luciash: jonnyb ahoy!
jonnyb: ahoy hoy :)
luciash: jonnyb: figured out the unsubscribbing mystery?
jonnyb: No, but maybe i missed one of these "are you sure you want to still be subscribed to a list you've been on for 10 years" emails...
Quite annoying
still no commit emails though, maybe there haven't been any yet today?
Anyway, lunchtime here now, bbl...
luciash: hmm, I thought you re-subscribed yesterday so I wonder why that would be the case (forgetting confirming)
jonnyb: bon app
jonnyb: hmm, pretty sure i confirmed yesterday as well, but we shall see :)
luciash: jonnyb: nope, ther was no commit today it seems to me too
jonnyb: bbl
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
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Does anyone know if there has been any progress on importing from the latest version of MediaWiki? We have quite a lot of content that we want to keep
luciash: JamesGeddes: I do not recall any recent progress on this, sorry, but if you have someone who would be able to contribute, that would be more than welcome
JamesGeddes: no, i've hit a roadblock
haven't a clue where to go from here
is there another format that tiki will accept?
luciash: JamesGeddes: did you submit a wish?
JamesGeddes: how about csv?
what is a wish?
in other words a RFE
request for enhancement
-: amette_ still thinks Wish is cute, but stoopid - sounds like we're rubbing an effing lamp and hoping for things to come true
luciash: JamesGeddes: csv import is possible in Tiki trackers but that is not what you want probably (you want to import the wiki pages, right?)
amette_: *g*
JamesGeddes: yes, we have an xml dump from our old mediawiki install at
surely this is not "wish" worthy? It's just conforming to the most recent XML format that MediaWiki dumps in?
amette_: Actually this is pretty much worthy of rubbing a lamp....
JamesGeddes: LOL
RE CSV import, I don't mind how we get the data in; I would be happy with just title and body
amette_: ... cause it is very, very rarely done... usually the people needing it fix it and then the mediawiki importer sits there for a while and bitrots until the next one needs it.
JamesGeddes: which is CSVAable
i guess it is only usually done once by each site
amette_: yep, exactly
it might be easy to fix though, if it all just is XML... haven't ever looked at it though.
(all just is XML and they just updated the format marginally)
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any issues with installing 17 on ubuntu 16.04?
Jyhem: hmm, not that I can think of
Tiki|Log: joined #tikiwiki
Topic: for #tikiwikiis now Tiki - the one and only Free / Libre / Open Source Software wiki-based CMS with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki 17.0 is out! For LTS get 15.4 or 12.11. Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ (start line with [off] to exclude your message from the log)
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Topic: for #tikiwikiis now Tiki - the one and only Free / Libre / Open Source Software wiki-based CMS with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki 17.0 is out! For LTS get 15.4 or 12.11. Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ (start line with [off] to exclude your message from the log)
malwar3hun73r: Jyhem, would 14.04 install instructions suffice?
latest instructions for ubunt on the site are for ubuntu 14 and tiki 12
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malwar3hun73r: hmmm, i cannot seem to install - anyone around to help?
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Jyhem: in which way does the install fail?
malwar3hun73r: the install process did not change
malwar3hun73r: well, there seems to be a bunch left out about permissions and such that i'm fighting through
that said, i think i've gotten through most of it - however, hitting http://mysite/17.x/ does nothing
Jyhem: ubuntu seems to come with more and more restricted environment and missing stuff, yes. Not really a Tiki issue but annoying
whiat's nothing?
malwar3hun73r: blank page
Jyhem: White Screen of Death?
malwar3hun73r: yes
no errors in apache log
Jyhem: and you ran sh
malwar3hun73r: yes
i ran it as root the first time, then backed off that and made /var/www/html/17.x 777 belonging to www-data:www-data
-: Jyhem has seen this before but can't remember
malwar3hun73r: when i run it now i get a bunch of
chmod: changing permissions of 'X': Operation not permitted
Jyhem: run sh as root
malwar3hun73r: which is weird since all files throwing the error are 777 www-data:www-data and my user is a member of www-data
it explicitly says not to run it as root in the instructions...
Jyhem: and input www-data when asked if it does not auto-detect
malwar3hun73r: ok, still white screen of death
Jyhem: That's composer's message
did you go through the installer?
Edit tiki-setup.php
and add those 2 lines at the bottom:
That should give hints instead of WSOD (White Screen of Death)
malwar3hun73r: yes
Jyhem: Ahhh, what does it complain about?
malwar3hun73r: do i need to point browser to a certain page?
http://mysite/17.x is still wsod
if i go to /tiki-setup.php
Jyhem: you should get to tiki-index.php
malwar3hun73r: it just prints the php
hmmm... is apache not serving php
Jyhem: Does it? That's it!
You have no php support
malwar3hun73r: it's installed
Jyhem: it's not active, then
malwar3hun73r: LoadModule in apache config?
Jyhem: something like this
malwar3hun73r: ok just installed libapache2-mod-php
working now
is it picky to expect that to be part of the install guide?
maybe to some degree, but the guide does explicitly list other packages that need to be installed
Jyhem: No, it's not :-( Someone should have added this when ubuntu changed their default config
Which page are you looking at? The install guide page?
malwar3hun73r: yes
Jyhem: From memory, they also removed .htaccess support, or didn't they?
can you cut-paste the URL?
malwar3hun73r: i'm not sure, but i think they did
for my install page?
-: Jyhem hasn't needed this page for a long time
malwar3hun73r: a couple of errors to walk through - missing DG library, invalid email address
Jyhem: yes, the page that needs updating
Jyhem: Thanks
You should edit .htaccess and type some garbage on the first line, like "uiygjfjfj", then save, then reload.
If you don't get an error 500, you need to get .htaccess activated
malwar3hun73r: why do i need .htaccess
also, where can i fix the "Email address not valid, test mail not sent"
we use a custom domain for internal email and i bet that's what it's barfing on
oh, to do the rewrite?
Jyhem: .htaccess overrides some default timeout values, it helps protect from unwanted access to the wrong files, it is necessary if you want search-engine friendly urls, etc
it does a lot, you can read the comments
malwar3hun73r: is there a sample somewhere to start with?
Jyhem: The default .htaccess works fine usually
But if it's not active, it's useless
You might want to have a look at tiki-check.php
malwar3hun73r: some of the dependencies are wrong too - php-xcache doesn't seem to exist with 7.0
also, doesn't list php-mysql which is needed
Jyhem: Was it "libapache2-mod-php" ? I add it to Ubuntu Install page
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malwar3hun73r: libapache2-mod-php, correct
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: Thanks. I edited
Feel free to create an account and edit some more :-D We need to make a new tab for 16.04
malwar3hun73r: i might do that if i get some time ;)
is it recommended to change the setup so that http://mysite goes straight to the wiki or should i leave the /17.x ?
Jyhem: You should either change the setup so that http://mysite goes straight to the wiki or you should edit .htaccess (the line about RewriteBase)
uncomment it and edit it:
RewriteBase /17.x