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jonnyb: moqmoq chibaguy
chibaguy: hi jonnyb
how are things?
jonnyb: sorry, things are fine thanks chibaguy - hope the same for you :)
just trying to get my expenses sorted from last month!
chibaguy: yeah, I'm catching up on things, too.
jonnyb: coolio, off out now, see you laterz
Jyhem: polom
demo.tiki.org/trunk seems down :-(
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I was having some difficulty with the H5P feature on Tiki17, can anyone provide some insight?
luciash: hello
jimbo: what's up?
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jimbo: Ah, sorry about that. I've been trying to use the H5P feature in Tiki17. As I understand it, an H5P library file for a content type needs to be uploaded to the file gallery for it to be able to create that content type. I've been able to upload the .h5p files, but when I go to create H5P, i still have no content types in the library.
I'm assuming the 'H5P project files' mentioned in the documentation is the download link on the content on the H5P page...
luciash: jimbo: yes, should be uploaded in file gallery
jimbo: then just reference the file ID in the plugin?
jimbo: let me check
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: jimbo: if they do not appear maybe you need to clear your Tiki cache?
jimbo: It says 'Cannot find H5P content with fileId:'...
cleared cache, same error
luciash: jimbo: let me try it on my demo site of 17.x
jimbo: ok
luciash: jimbo: did you preset the file gallery on the H5P settings panel?
jimbo: Yes, same gallery I uploaded the .h5p file to
luciash: jimbo: funny thing is when I click the "Create H5P content" button on page where I had just {h5p} it loaded the whole site in the modal dialog opened :-p
jimbo: but choosing the file from my file gallery works
jimbo: this is the result: https://demo.luciash.eu/tiki17x/tiki-index.php?page=PluginH5P
jonnyb: and the "Edit" button under the H5P plugin also loads just the whole site in the modal (something seems borked there)
jimbo: Curious. What about when you click 'Create H5P content' from a file gallery?
luciash: jimbo: if you click the plugin helper icon next to the plugin, can you see the dialog where you can choose the .h5p file uploaded from the file gallery?
jimbo: you mean there is some button like that in the gallery? let me see...
jimbo: ah, yep, there above... yes, that brings up another dialog called "Create H5P", then there is a "Title" field required and below appears dropdown, where ican select the accordion template file
jimbo: that part seems to work for me
jimbo: Yea, my problem is that even after adding the .h5p file, there's still nothing in the dropdown... I'll test the accordion one...
luciash: jimbo: yep, try that one... maybe your chosen one has some issue
jimbo: Ok, so the accordion does work, that's really cool. What my site really needs is the interactive video content type, but when I try to upload that, I get 'File upload failed: Forbidden'
jonnyb: Polom
Bsfez: Polom also...
jonnyb: edit button on h5p seems ok on my local 17.x
jimbo: hmm... I'm going to investigate this more. Probably a php or apache issue... Thanks for your help!
jonnyb: sorry can't help more at the moment - need to do so much for trunk for tiki 18... just not happening
luciash: jonnyb: on my site it points to tiki-index.php instead of tiki-ajax_services.php - weird isnt it?
jonnyb: polom Bsfez
most odd - mine here href is http://localhost/tiki/branches/17.x/tiki-h5p-edit?fileId=1583
luciash: jonnyb:or even to some other page I visited previously (like page history)
jonnyb: maybe a sefurl issue?
luciash: oh? not here. but when I changed it to tiki-ajax_services.php the button loaded the correct thing in the modal
aha, I have sefurls off on this site
can give a clue?
jonnyb: ^
jonnyb: ah, could be a bug in that somewhere then by the sound of it
luciash: yup yup
jonnyb: yes, but doesn't give me any time to fix it sorry, have to go now :(
luciash: hahahah
bb jonnyb :)
jimbo: glad the accordion one works for you at least
hi Bsfez :)
Bsfez: Hi Luciash
Sorry for today I had a relative emergency to deal with
(back in 5)
luciash: Bsfez: np
jonnyb: yes, confirmed, when SEFURLs are enabled it works fine
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luciash: bbl
(in 30 mins?)
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6475
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luciash: polom
does anyone remember who runs Tiki-KGB ?
it stopped reporting svn commits some time ago
Tiki-KGB: hello
Tiki-KGB: luciash: My master told me to not respond.
luciash: Tiki-KGB: who is your master
Tiki-KGB: luciash: My master told me to not respond.
luciash: :-p
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