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amette_left #tikiwiki [01:43]
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Kollejoined #tikiwiki [09:02]
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good morning luciash :)
im back at it again
today its going to work!!
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robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [10:14]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [10:53]
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luciashpolom [11:20]
fabriciusbolow [11:24]
Kollewhat language is this guys? ^^ [11:30]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [11:30]
fabriciusKolle: English! :) [11:44]
amette_joined #tikiwiki [11:44]
fabriciusKolle: Iam sure, you are from Germany, right!? [11:45]
Kollepolom and bolow is english? ;D
yes im from germany
polom is "Tiki" :)
Kollehow that? [11:48]
jonnybsee https://tiki.org/glossary Kolle, and welcome! :) [11:51]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [11:52]
Kollehey johnnyb, thank you :) [11:57]
amette_left #tikiwiki
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Bsfezpolom [12:00]
jonnybhi Bsfez [12:00]
BsfezHello Jonnyb :)
Thanks for the push !
Kolleok you guys, today we are more people. and more people = more brains. i almost achieved what i wanted to achieve.. i have the php script which generated 4 random digits. now i want the 4 digits to be written into a lets say 4digits.tpl file.. any ideas how to do this?
there seem to be 2 commands in php which can provide this.. fwrite and file_put_contents
but i dont know how to do this exactly :(
jonnybKolle: a .tpl file is a smarty template, so maybe you need to look at $smarty->assign('varname', $value) in your php? [12:10]
Kollehmm, my php is rather simple.. VERY simple.. i dont know where to find this smarty template. my 4digits.tpl is empty and should be filled with the 4 digits
<?php echo mt_rand(0, 9999); ?>
this is my whole php script
jonnybIs this for a Tiki? There might be better ways to do this, like using a plugin [12:14]
Kolleyes, its for tiki
the main aim is to generate a random 4 digit number using this php script
unfortunaetly, there is no straight plugin for this
or am i wrong?
jonnybnot that i know of, maybe try writing a little plugin?
check this out https://dev.tiki.org/Hello-World#To_create_a_new_plugin
Kolleokay, i will! thank you [12:16]
jonnybsorry, i have to get on now, good luck :) [12:16]
Kollethank you :) [12:17]
amette_polom [12:21]
jonnybmoloq amette_ [12:21]
amette_heya jonnyb :) [12:21]
jonnybamette_: did you meet Kolle? You might be neighbours (ish) [12:22]
amette_Yeah, I just wondered the same, no, we haven't met yet. Hi, Kolle! :)
From what I've read in here a while ago... you were discussing your needs with fabricius and luciash... you won't need a plugin... the cron-way makes sense in this case.
(Though nobody really understands, why you would want to hide your four precious digits in the source of the page... either you have an amazingly weird use case or it just doesn't make sense. But well, we're not here to judge. ;) )
Hmm... and having thought just one minute more... a plugin actually still would make sense... it would be the proper way to include the file you generated via cron... so yes... you should look into a very simple plugin after all.
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [12:26]
amette_Then the process becomes: 1. Plugin reads contents of file into variable, 2. Plugin assign variable to Smarty, 3. Smarty template displays it (including the comment that hides it)
hi fabricius
jonnybsorry i didn't read up on the whole use case, so possibly not the correct answer... [12:27]
amette_No, jonnyb, I think you're right. I was just thinking only of the first half of their process and you of the second, I guess. ;) [12:28]
fabriciusHello jonnyb, luciash, amette_, Jyhem: following problem in Tiki 17 productive site (conference website) ... a usertracker to collect additional data at registration is in place and works ... users can display/view this data (only) when using plugin LIST with filter content={{user}} ... so far so good ... BUT ... I do not find a way to let the user edit his own data.
Is there any bug known?
I have another tracker on the same installation where registered users can input data and upload an abstract. there it works.
I do not find the difference apart from the one tracker is a usertracker and the other not
I am stuck
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki
amette_moloq chibaguy [12:36]
chibaguyhi amette_ [12:37]
amette_fabricius: isn't there a link from user preferences to edit the user tracker data?
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jonnybhi fabricius and chibaguy [12:46]
chibaguyhi jonnyb and all [12:46]
jonnybfabricius: are you using inline editable on the list plugin page? or a tracker plugin as well? [12:46]
fabriciusamette: yes there is a link, but that does not help. The user cannot view the tracker or the tracker-item ... only way to see the data is a wiki page with a {LIST()} on it and this data is plain text ... apart from the admin, who indeed sees and cn edit, but not the ordinary user of group Regsitered only [12:54]
chibaguyjonnyb: question about List plugin GUI: Do some things need to be input by hand? I don't see "content" in the "filter" dropdown. (asking as a relative noob re List plugin). [12:54]
amette_jonnyb: have you ever noticed elasticsearch errors, when saving very long pages? It is enough to just fifty paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum and it will save, but not index properly. [12:55]
fabriciusjonnyb: I have inline=y in the LIST plugn. I do not have a PluginTracker in place. [12:55]
amette_It says: "Indexing failed while processing 'TestPage' (type wiki page) with the error “Parsing search query failed: “[tikidev_main_5a09a5901e714/qumzKzGwQVeV6tG1Z9vbWg] QueryShardException[failed to create query: ....... " [12:55]
fabriciushi chibaguy [12:56]
amette_fabricius: sounds like an ordinary permission issue, no!? [12:56]
fabriciusI am unsure, cause I fiddled around with permissions a lot - categor permissions [12:56]
jonnybsorry all, back bad, need to lie down, bbl [12:56]
fabriciusbe better soon jonnyb [12:57]
jonnybfabricius: do you have "owner can edit" set on the tracker properties? [12:57]
amette_fabricius: so give Registered explicit perms to do it and see if it works. [12:57]
jonnybthanks [12:57]
fabriciusamette_: the tracker has to be non public (contains personal data like address and acdemic background) [12:57]
chibaguyjonnyb, no rush about my question - go lie down :-) [12:57]
amette_and yes: owner can edit + the auto-set user field needs to be in the tracker
fabricius: I know, I meant for testing.
fabriciusI have set administrator and user can edit .. and user can edit his own item
I have done that, but will do again ... the problem is, that the user can see+edit his own item only at the point when he sees the other users items aswell
I do not get to the point in between - might be an error_40 (configurtion issue) or a bug, I don't know
Kollehi amette
thank you for clearing up :) ill read further into the plugin thing now
amette_:) [13:01]
fabriciusamette_: I will try again and document step by step what I did ... then I make a temporary page with url and post here ... thx for helping so far [13:01]
amette_fabricius : it works with your submission tracker... so I think it's a config issue and not a bug. [13:01]
fabriciusKolle: where in Germany you are located about? I am in the very north west of Bavaria [13:02]
Kolleaus paderborn, NRW :)
about 100km from dortmund
fabriciusah I know. Not very often u there.
But I knw where it is.
Kolle:) youre around würzburg/aschaffenburg? [13:04]
fabriciusIf I am right, from here you have to pass Paderborn, if you go for a travel to check, if Bielefeld exists [13:05]
Kollehehe right
bielefeld, the town which "does not exist"
fabriciusYes I am directly in the center of Würzburg [13:05]
Kollesmall world ;) [13:06]
hey guys, anyone of you maybe with some spare time right now? i struggle to create this plugin :( as i said, i have never coded anything in my life before. it makes no sense to me (the link on how to create plugins) [13:14]
amette_left #tikiwiki
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fabriciusIf you are not a coder this will be a longterm and difficult task. I am not a coder either. [13:17]
Kolledamn ;/ [13:17]
fabriciusI see it this way: you are working for a company and need some code snippet, respectively a simple plugin for your company. there are a number of sel-employed freelancer coders making a living of coding mainly Tiki stuff ... why you do not ask your company for a little buget and a coder like amette for a quote and then you as the employer get the ressources quickly that you need to do the job
and further more, generally this will not be custom coded, if not agreed differently. if the plugin makes sense for more than for only an extremely specific and rare use case, the code can be added to the legacy code, respectively upstream and you and your company have that at every next versions upgrade included ... saving maintaining costs from upgrade to upgrade.
so Kolle, go ahead and query with amette_, if you fnd that a good idea ... side effect: amette_ speaks German very well :D
Kollegood idea, but the problem is that i am an apprentice since 3 months.. my "boss" is a masters degree IT admin, so this code snippet would be very easy for him to create :( his philosophy is: give the new guy a rather difficult task and let him get the result himself. i managed to do all the tasks whch were given to me, but this one makes me struggle
i did not have to code anything besides now
fabriciusKolle: your job is not to DO everything yourself, even when it is high above your state of apprentice, but TO FIND SOLUTIONS: [13:25]
Kollegood advice with amette as well, but i dont want to "steal" her time since she seems to be pretty busy
haha yeah well i have the solution, but i dont know how to achieve it
the only thing i am missing is how the php script will write the 4 digits into the .tpl
all i need is this step. when this step is done i can finish this job
ametteIt's not stealing, if it is being paid. ;) But yeah, I get the situation you're in.. and a Tiki-Plugin is actually a pretty good task in this situation! :) It's rather straight-forward and simple, but still complex enough to teach you a lot.
The Hello World page jonnyb linked earlier, should be pretty helpful.
fabriciusYou can go to your boss and make a presentation with all your findings and all waht you have done and solved and then what the necessary steps are, where you need support by other pros.
You can tell him: 2 options to finalise ..
a. you or another employed coder codes the plugin for me. advantage: no extra bill; disadvantage: time to get known the code of the software, upgrade issues / reintegration at every upgrade
b. a Tiki consultant / external Tiki coder is contracted. advantage: very quick result. very good fit in the existing code base. code is in place at any upgrade and co-maintained b the community disadvantage: none
Kolle: if it is only the task to write the digits in the tpl, I personally would solve it with an sh script in the command line and with enough time I would get ther trial and error in few hours or days on my own .. I just have not the time to invest horus or days for your comany and you are the apprentice
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [13:36]
fabriciusFirst: it is your apprentice
Second: go and get a Linux Laptop or make a dual installation on yours
Third: do use other OS like Windows ONLY for stuff that you HAVE to do with software that is not available for Linux
Fourth: go and get used to the command line and sh magic asap!!!
Fifth: you can then present your boss the solution based on a command line script (easy!!!) and then suggest the options how to obtain a PHP plugin, where alternatively depending on what apprentice you do, you can say ... somebody else has to do the PHP or I'll do that after learning PHP, so in a few weeks or month. Until then it worls with sh
............ (idle for 55mn)
Kollehey guys, i managed to create the plugin (i guess)
php seems to be not that bad :)
i can see the plugin in my wiki, but i cant check the "activate" box :( there is just the description, but no box whatsoever
where is the mistake?
i have full admin rights
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:08]
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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki
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amette_Kolle : Do you have a function wikiplugin_include_info() at the top of your plugin? I think that's needed to get it to register properly with Tiki. [16:05]
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Kollei hope
may i post my script here?
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [16:25]
Kolleok i do not have the include string
i have this
function wikiplugin_codegenerator_info() {
codegenerator is the name of my .php file
OMG it works
somehow!! at least i can activate the plugin now
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robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [16:55]
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amette_Good stuff, Kolle! :) [17:10]
Kolleif you are curious, here is my script:
<?php //the info function is needed for tw >= 3.0 function wikiplugin_codegenerator_info() { return array( 'name' => tra('Codegenerator Plugin'), 'documentation' => 'http://www.portal.incony.de', // will add help link to https://doc.tiki.org/PluginHelloWorld 'description' => tra('Generates random codes between 1000 and 9999'), 'format' => 'wiki', // html or wiki: must be lower case; not any other value accepted 'prefs' =>
ok, its not complete
if anybody is more interested, i could provide it through an online share or something like this
amette_yes, please don't paste code here. there are pastebins on the web for this. [17:20]
Kolleyes, sorry. thought so
thank you all again for helping me out
everybody helped me so big thanks!! <3
amette_You're welcome. Happy to hear it worked out! :) [17:22]
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robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [18:14]
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Jyhempolom [19:46]
I see how I can sort LIST plugin results using {sort mode="tracker_field_f_122_asc"} but can I cascade sorting? Like sort by field 122, then 120? [19:55]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [19:55]
Jyhemcan I set target=_blank using the [url|text] syntax? [20:01]
BsfezArf... it was possible and I recall a bug [20:01]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [20:05]
Jyhemohh :-(
anyway, I can always fall back on <a href="… if they really want it
and while you are here Bsfez: I see how I can sort LIST plugin results using {sort mode="tracker_field_f_122_asc"} but can I cascade sorting? Like sort by field 122, then 120?
in case you know :)
Bsfezsorry was semi-busy
[http://tiki.org|hello tiki.org|target]
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