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any bs4 css guru around? (such as luciash ? :-) )
-: xavi willing to fix once and for all the ugly display of the (currently named) "Upgrade Wizard" in 19.x
luciash: polom!
hola xavi
xavi: hi luciash
I need some guidance on what needs to be done to fix the display of the upgrade wizard in 19.x
luciash: xavi: one hint for you might be that in bs4 the div class="row" is mandatory now to avoid wrapping of the col-m-X children
xavi: example of page with wrong display: tiki-wizard_admin.php?&stepNr=12&url=index.php&use-upgrade-wizard=1
ok, thanks luciash , I'll have a quick look to the tpl, to see if I can get my head around that
luciash: do you have a link or should I try on my own?
xavi: link: tiki-wizard_admin.php?&stepNr=12&url=index.php&use-upgrade-wizard=1
you need admin perms, etc.
luciash: I bet you just need to add a wrapper div class="row" around the col-md-X divs
xavi: oups, we seem to lack also 19.x and trunk here: http://demo.tiki.org/
luciash: xavi: if that is not already there
I have my own demo site, let me check that quicky quick
ok, I guess the div class="media" is missing something
making it div class="media row" already improves the following page content layout a lot
but I do not understand in the first plae, why is that header with icon floated left in media class?
xavi: mmm
you can see it here for comparison: https://demo.tiki.org/18x/tiki-wizard_admin.php?&stepNr=11&url=index.php&use-upgrade-wizard=1
maybe you mean the two icons floated there, associated with each wizard
luciash: yes
xavi: someone added <div class="mr-4"> to surround them , in the profiles wizard
I'll start trying that (surrounding them with the description line)
luciash: mr-4 means margin-right: 4something
I think the two icons (because they are two and not one) should be wrapped in a div or something actually
the example on https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/layout/media-object/ shows only single image assigned next to the media-body
if we need to use this media object class
interestingly on the other wizard pages it seems to work just fine
anyway, adding the row class worked for me
Can we rename it to the "What's New Wizard" still?
xavi: yes, sure! (but afair, only suggested for Tiki 20+, since tiki 19 was to be released when I last suggested it, etc)
luciash: ok
jonnyb: pompom
luciash: re
hi jonnyb
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xavi: luciash: I run out of time. I'll commit the same fix as in the profiles and admin wizard: icons surrounded by div class="mr-4">, and text moved to within <div class="media-body">
hopefully today (entering a meeting now)
luciash: xavi: cool, yes, I noticed the text is in deifferent place too
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