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I'm trying to use the FancyLists plugin and could use some help
I'm wondering if it would be possible to do something like this:
within a wiki page
the doc page on the plugin is pretty bare
could I just do {FANCYLIST(class="blah.css")}
Nevermind! Looks like this is a much easier way to do what I want
https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_details.asp luciash: gz001: hi, yea, fancylist is pretty simple - only one level of list items possible, etc. gz001: is there anything more to the CSS parameter that I'm missing? luciash: I think there is only class="foo" and then you need to define your CSS for .foo {...}
you cannot link stylesheet file in the class parameter gz001: any way you can think of to easily achieve pretty collapsing unordered lists? luciash: if you use Tiki 19 you could do with: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/collapse/#accordion-example gz001: oh! that seems like a good enough reason to upgrade!
thanks! luciash: also Tiki is using jQuery UI in some parts so this could maybe also work: https://jqueryui.com/accordion/