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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [00:02]
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luciashpolom [13:29]
jonnybpompom luciash [13:30]
luciashRoberto releasing 18.4?
luciash just received some notifications
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [15:13]
Jyhemom pom [15:16]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [16:09]
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robertokirpolom jonnyb, sorry only saw your msg now. 18.4 successfully released. Now going for 19.2. [16:30]
jonnybmoloq robertokir - well done, thanks! [16:30]
robertokir:) (where's the thumbs up here in pidgin?) [16:32]
jonnybi don't think IRC is that advanced :P [16:40]
robertokir>:o;-) [16:41]
seamymsgin pidgin is :yes: [16:41]
hmmm :no: ?
seamymsgmyabe only for xmpp conference chats ? dono [16:48]
robertokirprobably [16:49]
Jonnyb, I got the following messages while running release.php for 19.2:
10) Check Database related files and upgrade scripts?
Checking jobs for branch 19.x, pipeline: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/pipelines/75855737 Check _tiki.sql suffixes: skipped, job: schema-naming-convention, url: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/jobs/270293363 Structure: skipped, job: db-upgrade-12-lts, url: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/jobs/270293377
joined #tikiwiki
03:55:03 PM) robertokir left the room (quit: Excess Flood).
(03:55:03 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will automatically rejoin the chat when the account reconnects.
So jonnyb, should I go for --no-check-db ?
jonnybha ha, yes, maybe pastebin is better for that sort of thing?
hmmm, no, i think --no-check-db just bypasses the local check for uncommitted changed, not anything to do with gitlab
i really don't know what doing on with that stuff, i think Ricardo set it up?
robertokirHmmm pastebin... gotta learn about that. Well, will check with Ricardo... [17:00]
jonnybi guess if you can't find hime just doing "n" at that step will skip it... [17:02]
robertokirYes I'll give him a few minutes to reply to my message, if not will try skipping that step.
thanks for the hint
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Links for tarballs here, all testing is welcome:

jonnybthanks robertokir - testing... the 7zip one [17:28]
robertokirthanks! [17:28]
jonnybseems fine robertokir - unpacked and installed, did a minor db update (another spurious charset error) but all ok so far, nice one! 8) [17:34]
robertokirGreat. Now let's wait for other 2 testers. [17:35]
jonnyb:) [17:36]
JyhemJyhem took the tar.gz one [17:45]
LDAsh[]-_joined #tikiwiki [17:49]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki
ahem !
loic is not hereā€¦
how can people not here says what they are testing ?
robertokirhehehe in private message [18:02]
Jyhemas I reported on xmpp: tar.bz2 works for me. Even the Tiki 18 profile page bug is gone. I could succesfully install JonnyBs_Luxury_Tiki_Setup profile, even [18:07]
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jonnybA very wise choice sir, if i may say so! ;) [18:24]
Jyhem:-) [18:25]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki [20:47]
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