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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Add sorting of category by text; currently sorting is only done in the category ID in plugin lists - http://dev.tiki.org/item7171-Add-sorting-of-category-by-text-currently-sorting-is-only-done-in-the-category-ID-in-plugin-lists
Recent Bug: - Sort by several fields in plugin list - http://dev.tiki.org/item7172-Sort-by-several-fields-in-plugin-list
Recent Bug: - Add possibility to get the DISTINCT list of fields of trackers - http://dev.tiki.org/item7173-Add-possibility-to-get-the-DISTINCT-list-of-fields-of-trackers
arildbMarc sent out a reminder about: https://dev.tiki.org/Endangered-features. On of the features is Live Support. Non-functional for many years. There are currently many products that provides similar functionality. All seem to charge. Tiki having a basic Live Support system would have been nice. [16:28]
jonnybCoincidentally we're playing with it here https://wikisuite.chat/XMPP (in groupchat mode, but i think it can be configured to do live support) [16:33]
We're having trouble with standalone clients for Mac and iOS but the others are well covered, and for a live chat scenario you'de be using the converse.js popup mode which yoiu can see on other pages there, e.g. https://wikisuite.chat/About [16:36]
arildbhttps://wikisuite.chat/XMPP looks like group chat yes. I am looking for a "popup" on the web page and an on-demand one-on-one chat. [16:38]

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