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jonnybradley1joined #tikiwiki
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fabricius1joined #tikiwiki
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Caarriejoined #tikiwiki
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gourjoined #tikiwiki
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jonnybradleyjoined #tikiwiki
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gour_joined #tikiwiki
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into-the-voidjoined #tikiwiki
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I was disconnected last night so if anyone responded, I didn't see it. apologies.
I was disconnected last night so if anyone responded, I didn't see it. apologies.
I was disconnected last night so if anyone responded, I didn't see it. apologies.
..... (idle for 22mn)
into-the-void: you can see the logs at https://irc.tiki.org but i see nobody responded
into-the-void: you can see the logs at https://irc.tiki.org but i see nobody responded
into-the-void: you can see the logs at https://irc.tiki.org but i see nobody responded
into-the-void: let me check your registration...
into-the-void: let me check your registration...
into-the-void: let me check your registration...
into-the-void: what was the username you used?
into-the-void: what was the username you used?
into-the-void: what was the username you used?
into-the-voidinfoplague and also infoplagu3, i did it twice because the first attempt seemed to half-complete... i didn't move past the form, yet I was somehow logged in.
infoplague and also infoplagu3, i did it twice because the first attempt seemed to half-complete... i didn't move past the form, yet I was somehow logged in.
infoplague and also infoplagu3, i did it twice because the first attempt seemed to half-complete... i didn't move past the form, yet I was somehow logged in.
luciashok, checking...
ok, checking...
ok, checking...
seems fellow Tiki Admin validated your infoplagu3 account on 11.01.2020 7:29
seems fellow Tiki Admin validated your infoplagu3 account on 11.01.2020 7:29
seems fellow Tiki Admin validated your infoplagu3 account on 11.01.2020 7:29
did you not receive a confirmation mail?
did you not receive a confirmation mail?
did you not receive a confirmation mail?
into-the-void: can you check your spam folder?
into-the-void: can you check your spam folder?
into-the-void: can you check your spam folder?
seems infoplague did not go through completely but I can re-validate either of them - which one you prefer?
seems infoplague did not go through completely but I can re-validate either of them - which one you prefer?
seems infoplague did not go through completely but I can re-validate either of them - which one you prefer?
into-the-voidi found the email in spam folder for infoplagu3, that one should work. thank you (sorry, not sure how I missed that)
i found the email in spam folder for infoplagu3, that one should work. thank you (sorry, not sure how I missed that)
i found the email in spam folder for infoplagu3, that one should work. thank you (sorry, not sure how I missed that)
luciashinto-the-void: no problem, dunno why the first one did not work... sorry for the inconveience!
into-the-void: no problem, dunno why the first one did not work... sorry for the inconveience!
into-the-void: no problem, dunno why the first one did not work... sorry for the inconveience!
into-the-void: can we delete the first attempt?
into-the-void: can we delete the first attempt?
into-the-void: can we delete the first attempt?
into-the-voidyes the first one can be deleted
yes the first one can be deleted
yes the first one can be deleted
luciashcoolio, thanks for the heads up and welcome
coolio, thanks for the heads up and welcome
coolio, thanks for the heads up and welcome
........... (idle for 52mn)
jonnybpompom polom
pompom polom
pompom polom
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Creating captions breaks flow of text around images - http://dev.tiki.org/item7233-Creating-captions-breaks-flow-of-text-around-images
Recent Bug: - Creating captions breaks flow of text around images - http://dev.tiki.org/item7233-Creating-captions-breaks-flow-of-text-around-images
Recent Bug: - Creating captions breaks flow of text around images - http://dev.tiki.org/item7233-Creating-captions-breaks-flow-of-text-around-images
.................. (idle for 1h25mn)
luciashpolom jonnyb
polom jonnyb
polom jonnyb
jonnybmoloq luciash
moloq luciash
moloq luciash
luciashthe show instance just works for me, maybe you catched it in between things, jonnyb ?
the show instance just works for me, maybe you catched it in between things, jonnyb ?
the show instance just works for me, maybe you catched it in between things, jonnyb ?
jonnybjust realised there are two of them…
just realised there are two of them…
just realised there are two of them…
luciashah, right :)
ah, right :)
ah, right :)
jonnyblooks like old show.tw.o has a database problem :(
looks like old show.tw.o has a database problem :(
looks like old show.tw.o has a database problem :(
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Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki
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jonnybradleyjoined #tikiwiki
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