Topic: for #tikiwikiis now Tiki 21.0 is out! Read to learn more! Any questions? Just ask! We log the channel @ (start the line with [off] to exclude your message from the log) is more active than the IRC TikiHetz|Log: joined #tikiwiki Topic: for #tikiwikiis now Tiki 21.0 is out! Read to learn more! Any questions? Just ask! We log the channel @ (start the line with [off] to exclude your message from the log) is more active than the IRC fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: polom fabricius: joined #tikiwiki gour: joined #tikiwiki Hugh: joined #tikiwiki
The established website has gone offline with the tiki error message ---------------- fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - Tag file in file galleries - danielemezzetti: joined #tikiwiki
1) I am unable to find how to tag file galleries. The docs say file galleries can be tagged; in List Tags there is a column for file galleries. So the feature should be there, but on the file gallery properties page there is no Tags field.
2) Sorely missing a file tagging feature, e.g. tag single file in a file gallery. Archives and knowledge bases need this. maybe someone can tell me where to look in the code, I may try to fix this myself TikiHetz|Log: joined #tikiwiki Topic: for #tikiwikiis now Tiki 21.0 is out! Read to learn more! Any questions? Just ask! We log the channel @ (start the line with [off] to exclude your message from the log) is more active than the IRC luciash: Hi danielemezzetti
maybe it is a regression in recent Tiki versions? Is it in 18.x LTS?
danielemezzetti: afaik files can be tagged using the assigned module freetag
but I agree adding that ability to file galleries would be nice enhancement
There it says "Note about usage in features different than wiki pages: For the moment, you can only use freetags in module - the module finds out for what object the freetag has been added looking at the url param." fabricius: joined #tikiwiki danielemezzetti: seen that. I'll check if it's a regression. Not sure of what the note means.. "can only use freetags in module" ?? luciash: yes
I sent you links to learn more about the module
you can have the module assigned on left or right or top or bottom of the site
and use that to tag and display the tags on various objects including the file gals and files fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki gour: joined #tikiwiki xavi1: left #tikiwiki xavi: joined #tikiwiki
left #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki danielemezzetti: joined #tikiwiki