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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - Fatal error in file gallery - http://dev.tiki.org/item7603-Fatal-error-in-file-gallery
Recent Bug: - CSRF Error Message displayed when adding new user to group - http://dev.tiki.org/item7604-CSRF-Error-Message-displayed-when-adding-new-user-to-group
luciash: polom
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - Object Permissions: message "No permissions were changed" is untrue - http://dev.tiki.org/item7605-Object-Permissions-message-No-permissions-were-changed-is-untrue
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tomaw: [Global Notice] Hi all. We need to reroute a lot of our servers away from a hub that's being retired so you'll see lots of split for a while. It should be fairly brief though.
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tomaw: Global Notice] Sorry about the noice, but that's over with now.
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