Who | What | When
Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - Tabular does not handle fields of type group selector - http://dev.tiki.org/item7630-Tabular-does-not-handle-fields-of-type-group-selector
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gour | joined #tikiwiki
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki
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luciash | joined #tikiwiki
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Topic | for #tikiwikiis now Tiki 22.0 is out! (See https://tiki.org/news) Questions? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start the line with [off] to exclude your message from the log). If nobody responds try https://wikisuite.chat
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vlombardi | joined #tikiwiki
Hi, I've signed in the tiki.org site (my registration request was approved), now I'd like to submit a bug, but the http://dev.tiki.org/Make-a-wish section asks me to log in again and when I try, it notifies me a "Request could not be completed due to problems encountered in the security check..." error |
I don't know how to procede, can you help me?
I've found a bug related to Tags: if you don't assign a tiki_p_admin permission to a group, its users can't see tags in TrackerLists and in Wiki pages containing Tags. How can I submit this bug?
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giesen | left #tikiwiki
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Jyhem_ | joined #tikiwiki
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