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marclaportejoined #clearfoundation [01:11]
.... (idle for 19mn)
marclaporte1joined #clearfoundation [01:30]
......... (idle for 42mn)
marclaportejoined #clearfoundation [02:12]
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joined #clearfoundation [14:26]
joined #clearfoundation [14:35]
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joined #clearfoundation [16:11]
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MarcelvanLeeuwenjoined #clearfoundation
Hi guys!
.... (idle for 16mn)
marclaporteHi MarcelvanLeeuwen! [16:56]
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MarcelvanLeeuwenHi marclaporte
How is life?
Something interesting to tell?
maybe Clearfoundation related…
..................................... (idle for 3h1mn)
working on something else today, but tomorrow, working on new website, and new theme
MarcelvanLeeuwennew website and theme for clearfoundation?
looked into programming. Not sure if it’s something for me.., but it’s interesting.
some guy on the forums advised to look into python
marclaporteBest is if you have a real project [20:26]
MarcelvanLeeuwenand that is something i haven’t
creating website’s is something i find also interesting
there are some tutorials on codecademy
stuff about html, css, javascript
but in my opinion if you want to be a pro you’ll need years of experiences
i bought a macbook pro. That thing costs a fortune…
but it’s the best laptop i ever had!
very good battery time!
I’m correct that you not working full time for Clearfoundation?
hmmm, no you also dev of Tiki Wiki
......... (idle for 42mn)
off to bed
see you!
left #clearfoundation

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