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chibaguyMootools MyTiki seems to be broken now. It worked before, except in IE6. Now broken in FF. Clicking on page bar link loads the content immediately under the link, pushing other links down page. Clicking on another link just displays that content under that link. The previous content doesn't get replaced. It stays in view. :-(. [04:22]
Hmm. I commented out the " <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--" and moo mytiki worked again. Then removed the smarty comment tags (returned file to original) and moo mytiki _still_ worked..
(re tiki-mytiki_mootabs.tpl)
Oh, I need to SVN update -- I'm using some old files... [04:39]
franckHi all [04:40]
luciashheya [04:40]
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chibaguyhi guys [04:49]
luciashwut's da lin 2 dload tw 2,0rc1 ? not on sf.net
yo chibaguy
http://public.amette.eu/ ?
chibaguyyes, that looks right. [05:02]
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luciashchibaguy: did the svn up help ? [05:13]
chibaguyAbout MyTiki? Yes, I think so; I'm still checking. [05:14]
luciashyup [05:14]
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chibaguyHow do I directly upload an image when using the wiki editpage? Now "Upload picture:" opens the file gallery, not the local drive.
Are we supposed to upload an image to a file gallery, then go to wiki editpage?
And the "Upload picture" label is followed by an "Add another image" button (the one that opens the file gallery popup). Why 'another' when this is the first image on the page?
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luciash./htaccess.sh script is missing in 2.0 ?
chibaguy: no idea about the image uploads, sorry
chibaguyThat's ok. Mostly I'm complaining to myself. ;-) [06:02]
luciashah, nope, i have to chmod it first to be executable
LOL, same here... hoping someone listens and maybe gives a hint ;)
chibaguyI guess the procedure for adding images to wiki pages was revised to be easier, but either I don't understand how, or something is broken.
The "add image" button opens the file gallery list in a popup. I navigate to an image file and select it, but then get my browser file download dialog. Looking back at the wikitext, {file name="imagename.jpg"...} is added, but in a preview "No such attachment on this page" apopears where the image should be.
luciashhmm, i have "Operations failed: 1 SQL queries" at the installation of RC1
with mysql classic
pasted the error here: http://sh.nu/p/24675
chibaguy: i'll try the image upload in a second too ;)
chibaguyI can upload an image to the file gallery but it doesn't display (only the "Image" text in a box), although I can download the image again, so it does exist in the gallery.
Trying to upload a file for page attachment, I get a Cannot write to this file:71f04b4a1fba79e37732bad5352975a4 error.
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luciashchibaguy: hmm, all it does here when i enable pictures in admin wiki is that it puts the img syntax tag to wiki page
seems because i haven't enabled galleries with default installation profile ?
"Add another image" should be probably called "Add more images at once"
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luciashwith galleries disabled it adds {img src="img/wiki_up/webcam_zubr.jpg" } to the wiki page but preview does no upload of the image, so it doesn't display anything [06:24]
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luciashi'll install latest SVN 2.0 instead and lets see
chibaguy: wth ? even with enabled image and file galleries it doesn't behave like you described :-o
it's the same as i described before here
preview only adds the tag, no image upload performed
and f**k, file galleries page gives SQL error :(
chibaguyI don't get that error -- I guess my db needs updating. :-) [06:33]
luciashi hope 2.0 doesn't support only mysqli version of MySQL [06:33]
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luciashluciash giving up for now with 2.0 and mysql 4 classic and going up with 1.9.11 [07:33]
chibaguychibaguy using 2.0 with mysql 5.0.51a-community with apparently no db problem. [07:38]
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zorphi all [09:19]
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mstefhi all. [10:28]
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mstefhow does one localize dates in tiki? i have the problem, that the date is formated in many different ways, but none in the correct national format.
i mean there are different places, which show dates in different formats
did i miss something?
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zorpmstef - have you checked the date and time formats in tiki-admin.php?page=general [12:01]
mstefno, that's what i was missing. thanks [12:02]
zorpno problem! [12:02]
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zorpchibaguy - you around? [14:18]
chibaguyhi zorp [14:21]
zorphey, I got a stylesheet question
I am using a custom version of tikineat
and I keep getting a black line right above the "comment" button
at the end of every page
any idea where that black line is coming from?
using v.2rc1
but the theme is from 1.0b
chibaguyI use firefox and the firebut add-on to help identify things like that.
uh, firebug
lemme install - may need your help using it if thats ok?
chibaguyoffhand I don't know
zorpthnx [14:24]
chibaguyThe black line goes all the way across the center column? [14:25]
zorpyup [14:25]
chibaguyWell, try checking in firefox/firebut, would be the easiest way probably.
jeez, firebut again.
zorpyou had mexian food last night or something? ;) [14:29]
chibaguygood one :-) [14:30]
luciashLOL [14:33]
zorpchibaguy - thanx a lot, I wish I asked you this question a month ago - woulda saved me a couple of days of work :) it was div#page-bar
and firebug rules
chibaguythat was quick [14:40]
zorptell me about it :=
it's amazing how much faster things go if you use the right tools
and I can see exactly where the conflict is :)
my stylesheet vs 1.9to2.0.css
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what operating system are you using?
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zorpxp [14:44]
chibaguythen I also recommend WinMerge, for comparing files. [14:44]
zorpthanx, I was looking for a good one that does that [14:44]
chibaguyopen source
dog-walking time again.
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luciash:) [14:46]
my enter key stoped working
sylviegin doc.tw.org - how do I call the tw release for the thing I added tw>=3.0
or tw>=2.1
I am lost with what will become trunk
luciash3.0 [14:48]
sylviegI fell strange to put 3.0 in the doc..... ths luciash [14:49]
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zorpquestion regarding the appearance of articles
actually - just looking for oppinions
it bothers me that the action-icons for the articles are below the heading
I think they should be in the heading or above the article or something...
for instance
that way the heading and the main text area do not have to be interupted with buttons
any thoughts?
chiba_walkingzorp, I agree. I moved the icons to just below the article title in some themes. [15:26]
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chiba_walkingAlso I think it's a problem that the article heading text is in a table and the rest of the article in a div, makes styling harder, especially for IE and its font sizes.
But the table is due to the article image. That needs to be rethought, I think.
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yah maybe we should re-think the appearance and design of articles...
or discuss a bit more
chiba_talkingI think it would be good to look at articles, blogs and wiki pages and see how the construction can be unified somehow. [15:30]
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chiba_talking(also forum posts)
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zorpmy thoughts as well [15:31]
chiba_talkingArticles probably need help first.
But the blogs should look more like the rest of the blogs on the planet, I think.
mlpvoltmorning! (for some) [15:32]
chiba_talkingI don't think it's necessary to have "Blog:" on there. [15:32]
zorphi mlpvolt
chiba_talking - I agree
mlpvoltblogs/articles - i have had similar thoughts [15:33]
chiba_talkinghi mlpvolt [15:33]
mlpvolti'm fighting the urge to "bliki" instead of blog [15:33]
chiba_talkingWhen Tiki's blog design was done originally, maybe the label was needed because blobs were newer.
But now everyone knows the format.
mlpvolt- to create a blog looking wiki template. [15:34]
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mlpvolthaving fun testing 2.0 - hit a stumbling block - the install.php - can't seem to reactivate it. [15:35]
zorpyou mean tiki-setup.php? [15:36]
mlpvolti think i had a bad DB upgrade on this test so i wanted to go back and run it again - re-uploaded the tiki-install.php
this may be the problem - if there are changes i don't know about.
the problem is that running tiki-install.php keeps bouncing me back to the home page.
zorpyou sure you don't mean tiki-setup.php? [15:38]
chibaguymlpvolt, is that a new install or an update? [15:38]
mlpvoltit was an upgrade from 1.10 rc1 to 2 [15:39]
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mlpvolti wiped the whole file tree, uploaded the 2.0 release and pointed to tiki-install.php
- the usual procedure
chibaguyHow far do you get through the install page? [15:41]
mlpvolti selected the 1.9 to 2.0 upgrade and ran it.
however it was a little wierd - it skipped the step where it says "upgrade complete" then the choices to proceed to homepage and disable installer or not. - it took me straight to the homepage.
i would like to run the installer again but now pointing to tiki-install.php lands me on the home page.
chibaguyThe only 1.10b to 2.0 upgrade I've done, I just overwrote files and updated the db, so I didn't test the install page. [15:45]
mlpvolti looked and the code for install.php and at the end there was (not claiming to be much of a coder) something that looked like a smarty variable for "installer disabled" and maybe that was "on" and i was being redirected. [15:46]
chibaguyMaybe ask on the dev mailing list. [15:48]
mlpvoltplus there is a whole new "installer" folder now that is new to me.
so i'm confused now. :)
mstefsvn switch is very slow for me, anyone else noticed this? [15:49]
Caarriehttp://sourceforge.net/community/forum/topic.php?id=2902&page&replies=1 [15:49]
mlpvoltmstef: yeah sylvie said yesterday they were moving a server. [15:50]
mstefcaralluna: thanks again [15:50]
Caarriethat is not my name :P [15:50]
mlpvoltchiba: thanks [15:50]
mstefs/caralluna/Caarrie/g [15:50]
Caarrieyw [15:50]
mstefCaarrie: sorry [15:50]
Caarrieits ok [15:50]
mstefCaarrie: i read that on the sf.net forum, but didn't expect such a massive impact. [15:51]
Caarriei cant even view the svn log on sf [15:51]
mstefwell, what would happen if i ^c the switch?
hmm, nothing happens...
wow, after almost half a minute it caught the signal...
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chibaguytime to sleep in the far east; cya later. [15:56]
zorpg'night [15:57]
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DarkbeeI've come to pester people with questions again.
A quick question: Does the calender module provide an event recurrence feature? i.e. a event that happens with repeating frequency such as a birthday.
sylviegnot yet [17:17]
Darkbeethx [17:18]
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DarkbeeWhat are considered the most stable/robust themes for 1.9.11? and will those be good for 2.0 or should I look to the new themes?
Darkbee ... always with the questions :o
carallunacaralluna likes those ;-) [17:31]
sylviegin 1.9 it was tikineat - but tikineat will not be anymore maintain in 2.0 as 2.0 is tableless layout [17:31]
carallunacaralluna learns a lot too ;-) [17:31]
sylviegfor 2.0 ask chibaguy - not sure which one will be the leader theme
sorry 3.0
we are in a transition
carallunacaralluna is hoping darkroom ... it's beautiful ... of faulkner
Darkbeewell tableless is certainly the more standards compliant approach and one I'd probably advocate... I guess I'd better not get too fond of any particular theme... seems like things are a changin' (for the better I might add)
thanks again sylvieg
carallunayeah ... alot of the new themes are beautiful
...but too much white for my liking in many of them
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Darkbeewhite can make it easier to read, but I know what you mean.
Too many shades of grey (if you include white as a shade of grey) ;)
carallunawhite has nothing to do with gray imho ... I think white is useless as background on computer screens ;-) [17:40]
DarkbeeI feel so sad... I was really happy this morning because I figured out how to create a phplayers menu module...then realized that it is listed as predefined choice for custom modules.
caralluna: So what is the best background colour?
carallunablack [17:41]
DarkbeeDarkbee thinks lime green.... in another universe [17:41]
carallunaor gray
dark gray that is ;-)
Darkbeeyou should like the "trollparty" theme then! ;)
it's pretty .... pretty "in yer face!"
carallunayah, and planetfall ... and underworld
but I think both darkroom and trollparty has too big fonts
at least on the mac, not that big on Windows it seems
Darkbeeone day when I'm feeling brave I'll pick a theme I like that need modifications and make them.
but I still feel like I'm getting to know my way around Tiki first
I still keep finding new features or things that I didn't know about and I've been using it for a couple of months! Never ceases to amaze me.
carallunai took a quick walkthrough of of the drakroom theme, made fonts a bit smaller and margins smaller ... with that I learnt a lot of how *not* to do it ;-)
btw: caralluna = Hansi_MP/Hansi_MBP :-P
like woody allen said - you are never alone with schizophrenia
carallunalol no ;-)
O though that it would be a nice thing to have the same name here as I have on the tw.o sites ;-)
DarkbeeDarkbee sees a lightbulb above his head [17:51]
also, caralluna has been my main nick for 10-15 years or so ;-)
Darkbeeguess trollparty would be no good for the iphone then either if the fonts are too big :P [17:51]
carallunait' not that bad there
..but I would like them a little smaller
...but phpmenulayers seems not to work in Opera mini :-(
Darkbeebigger is better so I've been told [17:53]
carallunacaralluna disagrees ;-) [17:53]
DarkbeeDarkbee has never used Opera... mini or otherwise [17:54]
caralluna<3 Opera :-P [17:54]
DarkbeeI was resistant to Firefox for a long time but then I just got fed up with IE and other browsers using the IE engine. [17:54]
carallunaif you have a phone it works on it's simply marvellous
The only sensible use of Java I've seen ;-)
(it is in Java, right) ;-)
Darkbeemy phone can barely display pictures... never mind a browser [17:55]
carallunaah [17:55]
Darkbeein fact, I'm lucky it even has any colour but it works quite nicely to make phone calls.
I assume Java yes... kinda be hard to write a browser in Javascript :)
carallunaa lot of people are using phones to make calls ... what's with that? ;-) [17:56]
Darkbeewhat next? people using feet to walk to places! What is the world coming to! [17:59]
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carallunacaralluna shakes his head looking all surprised [18:12]
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kokohi All [18:36]
zorphey [18:36]
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gorambaI know I'm going to feel dumb once I figure it out, but I'm wanting to have a series of wiki pages you can drill down through. So on the menu it has "Maryland" that they can click and get a list of cities, or if ones not listed they can create one, then drill-down as far as they want. That seems so easy but I'm missing the checkmark or something! :) [18:51]
amettegoramba: check out structures [18:59]
gorambawhere would I find that? [18:59]
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Darkbeegoramba: wiki pages can be put in sequence sort of like what you describe. When you do this, it's known as a structure.
look under the wiki options
wiki menu
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mstefis it possible to have a summary in the blog rss feed, instead of the whole blogpost? ...page... doesn't seem to work [19:08]
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carallunaI get a weird problem with the RSS feeds
When I try to write a descriptoion for the Formu feeds, that description just disappears
also, the name I have set for calendars feed seems to be ignored
any ideas?
mstefcaralluna: what version are you using? [19:37]
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carallunaIt says 2.0 RC2, but I thought we still were on RC1 ;-) Anyway, 2.0 SVN branch [19:39]
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gorambaI'm losing it. What "wiki menu" do people keep referring to that contains the structures?? I click on Wiki under the standard menu and just get the home page of it, nothing else. In the Admin section the only thing abuot it is something to do with viewing pages as structures...what the huh [19:47]
luciashgoramba, click the folder image of the Wiki item to expand it [19:50]
gorambaI'm...a damn...idiot. wow. NOT used to having to click specifically on the folder. Thank you! hah..wooh [19:51]
luciashgoramba: well, it's usability issue, not your fault ;) [19:52]
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gorambado you know of a theme or something that makes it more of clear a tree style? maybe fixes that a little. [19:53]
carallunamaybe planetfall puts it clearer [19:53]
luciashi don't think so, maybe planetfall, yup [19:54]
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SEWilco2Some themes have plus signs instead of folder icons. [19:54]
caralluna...or one of those with +/-
yeah ;-)
dont remember any names though
SEWilco2goramba: are you a tw.o editor? Say no if you don't know what that means. [19:55]
luciashLOL [19:55]
gorambammm. no [19:55]
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SEWilco2goramba: OK. I'll try to add a table of theme characteristics to the theme documentation. It won't help you right now, but will help others later. [19:56]
caralluna_good idea :-) [19:56]
gorambaOh yeah that would be awesome. [19:57]
caralluna_including the color base (dark/light) would be nice in such a table? [19:57]
SEWilco2Yeah. I just waded through the default themes, trying to pick something suitable. Guess I'll get to do it some more in the coming weeks. [19:58]
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SEWilco2#tikiwiki: now with more Carallunas than ever! [19:59]
carallunalol yeah, sorry about that ;-)
caralluna=Hansi_MP/Hansi_MBP :-)
probably makes sense having the same nick here as I do on the tw.o sites
ametteoooooh, one of those schizophrenic guys... ;) [20:00]
SEWilco2No problem. I'm too far down the user list for most to notice I'm in twice also. Left my home machine in. [20:00]
ametteamette nods with a vengeance about having one and the same nick.... :P [20:00]
SEWilco2caralluna: You're a Member of Parliament? [20:01]
carallunain addition I'm testing out other IRC clients, so if I forget loggin out it could be pretty crowded of me ;-)
uhm ... no, what makes you say that? :-)
SEWilco2"MP" [20:02]
DarkbeeDarkbee is heading on out. [20:02]
carallunalol lo ;-) just designates which machine I'm loggend in on ... MP=MacPro, MBP=MacBook Pro [20:02]
SEWilco2I get worse when I have the N800 on my hip in IRC, and it decides to hop between various Wifi and phone links as I move around. [20:02]
carallunacaralluna waves to Darkbee
DarkbeeIP=iPhone ;)
SEWilco2Darkbee darkens our neighborhood with his departure. [20:03]
carallunalol yeah ;-)
DarkbeeI saw that! :P [20:03]
carallunaHEY! Where'd the lights go? :-P [20:03]
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carallunaAybody have an idea about my RSS problem I posted earlier?
though I might have posted it as Hansi_MP :-P
SEWilco2SEWilco2 scrolls up
A feed wasn't appearing, as well as a calendar with a specific name?
Do you have categories on any of those materials? (I've been reading about the new category permissions...)
mstefyeah, sorry i was off, what version do you use? [20:11]
carallunathe feed appears OK, but the description I enter in the admin just disappears
2.0RC2 it says menaning RC1 SVN
SEWilco2Any special characters in the description such as quote or apostrophe? [20:12]
carallunaThe calendar ignores what I type in in the title (but the title I type in remains in the title field in admin) [20:13]
SEWilco2By "feed" do you mean outgoing feed (a URL in your site) or an RSS-fed module showing stuff from another source? [20:13]
carallunanop, only a dot and normal letters
outgoing feed yes
SEWilco2I haven't set up an outgoing feed yet, and I'm on 1.9.11. Anyone in the peanut gallery...? [20:14]
carallunapeanut gallery? [20:15]
SEWilco2The people sitting in those bleachers, off-camera. [20:15]
caralluna;-) [20:16]
mstefcaralluna: i can confirm your problem. [20:17]
SEWilco2Try taking out the dot and using, oh.. a six-character name, for testing. Just in case that matters. [20:18]
carallunathanks, that's a start ;-) [20:18]
mstefit looks like title_rss_calendars is not set in tiki-calendars_rss [20:18]
SEWilco2mstef: Ah, so there's no code to display the title? That would explain the symptom. [20:19]
mstefno the code is there, but there is no value to display. [20:19]
carallunathough the title i keyed in on the blogs feed and wiki feed works fine, title and all [20:20]
mstefwhoops [20:20]
sylviegI found the bug on calendar rss - 2 secs [20:20]
SEWilco2Oh, so the title is not being retrieved, so the code displays the nothing which it knows?
English tends to get contorted when talking about nothings.
carallunahmmm... blogs and wiki feeds are the only ones with data ... could that be something
the other ones are enabled and active, but have no data yet
SEWilco2caralluna: Sounds like they found a bug, which will probably be fixed in short order. [20:24]
carallunagood :-) [20:24]
sylviegthre are a messing confusuion in the rss betwwen rss_calendar and rss_calendarS [20:25]
carallunais that also the case regarding the forums feed?
though it's not the same kind of problem there, so I guess not
SEWilco2I think they're not responding because their eyes are busy in editor screens, as mine are with a different problem. [20:30]
carallunaYeah, guess so ;-) [20:30]
sylviegdammit - sourceforge is dead again [20:30]
SEWilco2caralluna: If you have to leave.. well, you're on 2.0 so you expected to have to fetch new versions. Test for a fix in several days before filing a formal bug report. [20:31]
carallunaI'm updating all the time ;-)
...and I usually stay logged on, so I can read any fixes that comes up :-)
gorambaI noticed when I added a page that the structure didn't change. It says (cached) at the top and I'm wondering if that's why....or is it? [20:32]
sylviegcan somebody else do a svn update . I have svn: PROPFIND of '/svnroot/tikiwiki/trunk': Could not read status line: Connection reset by peer (https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net) [20:33]
SEWilco2goramba: Yes, you're probably seeing a cached (old) version. There's a refresh method someplace. [20:34]
awful annoying :)
carallunaYou can disable the caching I think
though I don't remember exactly where at the moment
gorambahttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Cache - "RFE - It would be very nice if there was a way of purging the cache via the tiki interface." [20:37]
sylviegI can not commit - but the fix is $feed="calendar"; in tiki-calendars_rss.php
and what is the other feed that is not working?
carallunaForums - when I input a title for the feed in the RSS admin, the titleI inout just disappears when I press apply [20:38]
SEWilco2goramba: I found mention of adding at the end of the url: &refresh=1 [20:40]
carallunaand there are others that doesn't retain the title ... It seems OK in the admin, but when I subscribe to the feeds it hasn't got the title I gave it [20:40]
gorambaSEWilco awesome that worked. Any idea how to keep cache off? When people make modifications it's kind of strange that they don't show up automatically. Might confuse people into doing it over and over. [20:41]
carallunaI think default chache time is 5 minutes or so? [20:41]
gorambaI managed to create two pages that showed up in the structure twice under the same name because of it.
Ahh found it
Admin-Wiki-"Cache wiki pages(global) - set to 0 (no cache)
kokoI made a file galley but I can't edit the name of I can't replace it
can anyone confirm this issue?
I didn't put it in the buglist yet, because i first want to have it confirmed
SEWilco2goramba: There are cache options someplace in admin options.
koko: The name of the file gallery is "I can't replace it"?
kokoof = or
sorry, a dutch word slipped through
SEWilco2koko: What name did you use? Any special characters? [20:48]
kokono, the name was: avondactiviteit (not even a capital)
I also can't get it deleted
SEWilco2koko: Which TW version? Is the file gallery stored in database or in a directory? (I don't remember if that is even a configuration option) [20:50]
and stored in DB
carallunaSEWilco2: Yeah, you can configure it, at least in 2.0 [20:51]
SEWilco2I don't have any suggestions. Anyone else? [20:52]
kokoalso the Javescript options (when you click on the tool-icon) don't work [20:53]
carallunaWhen I get those kind of problems I go directly into the database usually, but that is probably not the recommended thing to do [20:53]
kokothe page reloads, but it seems to do nothing
I also got into DB
but I prefer TikiWiki
carallunabe very careful when you go the DB way, I have screwed up many times ;-)
yea me too
kokohhmm ... best to file a bug? [20:55]
zorpkoko - if you have time
just hang out a while
kokoI have time [20:56]
zorpthere have been discussions [20:56]
SEWilco2So far I've only had to go in the DB when I made the admin pages stop displaying. I configured one thing the wrong way and the PHP blew up before emitting HTML. [20:56]
zorpabout that issue [20:56]
kokoah? [20:56]
zorpwell - file gallery in general [20:57]
has there anything been decided allready?
zorpwhat do you mean? [20:57]
kokoin the discussions [20:57]
the file galery just comes up
bugs and all
so some of the dev people may have encountered it
lemme know what you did and I will try to verify
or you can try to verify it on http://www.opensourcecms.com/cms/tiki/admin.html
but I noticed some one has seriously messed with the settings there :)
carallunagive it [21:00]
kokoI made a file gallery and saved it (so it was created), netxt I selected the file gallery I wanted to move and I hit the edit icon (under the list) [21:00]
carallunagive it max two hours, and the messed settings will disappear (opensourcecms.com) ;-) [21:01]
kokoopensourceCMS got reset :-D [21:03]
caralluna:-) They do every two hours :-)
omg I spent many hours there :-)
zorpok - I can edit the name of a gallery
are you trying to move an individual file?
kokohhmm ... I can also there [21:04]
zorpok [21:04]
carallunawhat version are you using koko?
where you have the problem
kokoI'm checking right now [21:05]
zorphave you checked the admin configurations for file galleries
it may be something with the file stored in the database vs. file stored in folder
koko1.10.0b1 [21:06]
SEWilco2koko: were you doing this as an admin or a user? Maybe user doesn't have a gallery permission in his group? [21:06]
kokoadmin [21:07]
carallunaI've got that on my test server, so I can test it ...
zorp, what version did you test it on?
zorpI thought koko said 1.9 before so I checked it on 1.9
but 1.10 has had issues with the galeries
kokoI also thought I used 1.9 [21:09]
zorpand if it works on 2.0 then there really is no point in reporting it... [21:09]
carallunaok [21:09]
kokono, that's a fact
I'll try to update my wiki
zorpmake sure you backup your db!
koko:) [21:10]
caralluna...an filedir :-) [21:10]
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kokook, I'll follow the instructions on updating [21:10]
hang on
lemme try it on my 1.10
kokook [21:11]
zorpthen we can see if it is your settings
or a bug
kokoIs there anyone here using the contact manager? I'm writing a text about TikiWiki and CRM, but I'd like to check my opnion with some other TW'ers [21:12]
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zorpok - I enabled the file galeries, created one, renamed it and deleted it without problems [21:15]
kokohhmm ... I'll have to check my settings
Will come back to that again later
zorpi would check
if in your general settings
if you store to the database
or in a seperate folder
and if you store to a folder if that folder is set up properly
carallunaI can't even find the rename option [21:17]
zorpand if the feature php-layers dynamic menu is enabled [21:17]
kokook [21:18]
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a13xhi [21:18]
zorphey [21:18]
a13xi moved my wiki to a different server and now i get an error [21:18]
carallunagood luck koko :-) [21:18]
kokohi [21:18]
a13xPHP Warning: session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: open(/var/lib/php/session/sess_q35ff5okth6rqlj269b6akag75, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)
i can't log in
zorpeek [21:19]
carallunaI gotta go to bed ... see you 2morrow folks! Thanks for great help tonight! :-) [21:19]
zorpc'ya caralluna [21:19]
kokosee you tomorrow [21:19]
zorpa13x didn't you have login problems yesterday too? [21:20]
a13xnot yesterday
i didn't solve it
zorpoh [21:20]
a13xthe problem is session files are owned by apache [21:20]
zorpwell, then it's beyond me :( [21:21]
a13xi am using suphp
-rw------- 1 apache apache 16K Jul 11 16:32 sess_127ha1f3ql1b562hbflvj4iodp98uu5u
drwxrwx--- 2 root apache 4.0K Jul 17 14:06 .
but wiki is executing as another user
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luciashhi luis [21:37]
lphuberdeaufinally home [21:42]
luciashsweet sweet home :) [21:42]
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lphuberdeaulooking forward to sleeping in my bed, but that will have to wait until after the party tonight [21:43]
sylviegalways doing parties these tikidevs ;-)
is marc back too?
luciashlphuberdeau: when you settle down and relax check out the pics from TikiFest ;) [21:46]
lphuberdeauyeah, marc also is
sure will
was a great time
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luciashyeah, it was ! :) [22:02]
ametteawesome time - just sorting my pics also and thinking of how great it was! :) [22:03]
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luciashwb home marclaporte ! [22:30]
was a long trip
ametteyou should sleep like for 48 hours or so, man ;)
amette is slowly getting back into his normal day rythm...
... next week will be good again, I guess! :)
lphuberdeauI'm doing pretty good right now... cooking already... after the last trip I spent 2 days not eating or doing anything because I was too lazy [22:48]
amettehehe, cool, seems like you're getting used to it... ;) [22:49]
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