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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:00]
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mstefmstef is sleepy, waves goodbye [00:15]
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chibaguy2008 Packt Open Source Content Management System Award nominations can be submitted now - http://www.packtpub.com/award [03:29]
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chibaguyWell, I nominated Tiki (Packt cms awards).
...and now am sitting back waiting for my ipod nano.... ;-)
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chibaguylast.fm got a makeover
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Paragtim has joined #tikiwiki [07:21]
ParagtimNewbie Alert - Hi guys. Is this the place that will solve all my problems? [07:23]
chibaguyParagtim, this is the slow part of the day in this channel, so maybe some of your problems won't be solved. [07:24]
ParagtimHi Chibaguy, Nice to hear from you. Money, Sex and Tikiwiki in that order - is that ok? [07:25]
chibaguy:-) [07:27]
ParagtimCos its the slow part,I'll leave the money and sex bit for now. On the Tikiwiki front how are you with categories and forums? [07:28]
chibaguychibaguy starting to think sex and money questions aren't so bad after all....
Well, I haven't messed much with categories for a while. What do you need to do?
Paragtim:-d This is going to take longer to explain than fix I think. In categories the structure can be nested and new categories added as required. I want to duplicate the categoriy structure in the Forums and have new forums slotted into the forum tree, either by hand of automatically. Can this be done? [07:35]
chibaguyYes, categories can be added pretty flexibly. As for the forums, I'm not sure how the display order is done, other than according to the query in the url.
btw, what Tiki version?
In 1.9.*, it looks like the forums are listed alphabetically, within each section.
But they could be reordered with a different url, but maybe not conforming to the category order.
(well, if the forum order could match the category order with some forum column ordering, that'd be a nice coincidense....)
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chibaguyThe forums appear to be listed alphabetically. This is by forum name by default, but using a url you can do the ordering according to other columns, either ascending or descending. If there are forum sections, the ordering is done separately inside each section. That seems to be about the limit on forum listing order. [07:51]
ParagtimVersion 1.10.0b1. In categories I have set up a nested level system and it works well. The problem at the moment is duplicating that structure, which is fluid and will change as new products are added into the forum listing. I can seem to find a way to nest the forums so I looking for suggestions [07:54]
chibaguyThe forum listing is fairly limited, as I described, (as far as I know). I'm not sure how to do a tiki-forums.php that would list forums in some other way.
Maybe it would work to make a wiki page that lists the forums, and use that instead of the standard list-forums page.
(but getting the forum post info, etc., into that would be beyond me)
if just the forum names and descriptions are enough, without the dynamic post info etc., a wiki page would work.)
Actually, probably a tiki-forums.php could be hardcoded to list the forums how you want, but I imagine it'd have to have each forum query written, rather than using a loop to get them all.
luciash_last.fm new design sucks, i liked the previous one much more :-/ [08:04]
chibaguyhi luciash_ [08:04]
luciash_my new nickname sucks too, lets fix it first ;) [08:05]
chibaguyYeah, I think I liked the old one better too. [08:05]
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luciashbetter :)
hey chiba ! :)
ParagtimSorry for the pause. I was with you up to tiki-forums.php, so stupid question time. Are you saying that tiki-forums.php controls the screen layout of the forums and that this can be edited to change what is shown? [08:06]
chibaguyWell, the page's logic is to get the forums in alphabetical order, going through a loop to get each one. You can use different urls (watch in the address bar as you reorder the columns) to vary the order, but it's limited to asc/desc for each column.
To get the forums in a nonalphabetical order, I guess the page would have to have specific database queries hardcoded or something. Beyond me.
ParagtimFood for thought - I'm going to have a quick read through the file and see if it makes any sense to me !! [08:10]
chibaguyMaybe start with tiki-forums.tpl. [08:10]
ParagtimThats was my thought - Now about the Money and Sex !!!! [08:11]
chibaguyHmm, well, ..... [08:12]
luciashchibaguy: seems lot of ppl are missing the older design (see the comments) → http://blog.last.fm/2008/07/17/lastfm-the-next-generation [08:13]
chibaguyHeh, interesting. Anyway,.time for me to catch a subway. Be back later. [08:14]
luciashhappy run, c u later gary [08:14]
chibaguyok [08:14]
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mstefhi all. [11:11]
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lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [13:01]
sylviegwhat means in css .rbox-title[name="tip"] (I am on darkroom) ...
the html is <div class="rbox-title"> only
(tips in darkroom are white on pale gray bg - not easy to read)
lphuberdeaumight have a different kind somewhere else
the bracket syntax is for conditions on attributes, but afaik, IE does not support it
sylviegbut name is not an attirbute....
wondering how to fix taht an attribute name in {remarksbox} ? fix in darkroom.css?
lphuberdeaucan't say [13:07]
gillesmmhi [13:08]
sylviegchibaguy: around?
hello gillesmm
gillesmmdo you have news from tikifest ? [13:16]
lphuberdeauyeah, it's over ;)
what do you need to know?
gillesmmall was nice ? [13:17]
lphuberdeauyeah, it was long overdue [13:17]
we took some decisions about the release process, you probably noticed that one on the mailing list [13:24]
gillesmmok [13:27]
lphuberdeauto keep the story short, we will release a lot more often, on fixed dates
and no new features will be accepted in stable branches
on technical aspects, trunk no longer has to support php 4
it's very likely that adodb will be dropped
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SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki [14:16]
luciashlphuberdeau: any replacement for adodb ? [14:22]
lphuberdeaulikely PDO
lower level abstraction layer
luciashsylvieg: name was wrong xhtml attribute, you can drop it or replace by .rbox-title.tip and div class="rbox-title tip"
lphuberdeauphp.net/pdo [14:24]
luciashah, never hear of it
gillesmm: http://picasaweb.google.com/mindbro/TikiFestStrasbourg
SEWilco2"PHP Data Objects" [14:25]
luciashwhat about that pear MB:something ? [14:26]
SEWilco2PDO requires PHP 5. Is PHP 5 already a requirement for TW? [14:26]
luciashnot now, maybe will be in trunk (HEAD aka upcoming after 2.0, likely 3.0)
sylvieg: got it ?
sylviegthx luciash [14:27]
luciashnp [14:27]
lphuberdeauTW 3.0 won't support php4 [14:28]
luciashsylvieg: if u get in troble i can fix it
lphuberdeau won'ŧ support php4 :-p
sylviegworks fine - just committed it [14:29]
lphuberdeauPHP 5 is at ~40% market share right now, the PHP group drops support for PHP4 in 3 weeks [14:29]
luciashsylvieg: thx [14:29]
sylviegwondering if I have to do the same for all the css that use this
.. will do
like this we can advance on putting {remarksbox}
luciashsylvieg: the answer is most probably yes or put it in transitions with !important [14:29]
caralluna_|awayHi all :-) [14:34]
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kokohi! [14:40]
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herve__hello, is there a feature to dump a tiki in 1.9.10 without access to the machine ? [15:02]
lphuberdeauphpMyAdmin can dump the database for you
you need at least FTP to get files stored on the drive
herve__yes but there is not a feature in tikiwiki ?
I only have access to the tiki
lphuberdeaudon't know of any of them
might want to contact your sysadmin
gorambaWhen adding multiple pictures to an edit, is there an easy way around having to preview it before adding another pic? Like trying to add 3 pics to one page. [15:11]
SEWilco2goramba: You're talking about uploading to an Image Gallery? Because the question doesn't make sense for a Wiki page, where images are added through WikSyntax text. [15:16]
chibaguyI just saw the rbox title talk. I have to change that in a bunch of themes. [15:16]
gorambaWhen editing a page in the wiki you have an option near the bottom to upload a picture. [15:16]
chibaguy(or any that other people don't get to first) [15:16]
SEWilco2goramba: I forgot about that. Upload the images to an Image Gallery, where you can upload several at once. Then you can add the images to the Wiki page. [15:17]
gorambaHmm..that slows the flow quite a bit and requires a bit of note keeping. I liked that when you selected to upload a picture it automatically added the necessary line of code to the current edit. Makes it a quick procedure...if only you could do that multiple times.
maybe feature request then? :)
kokogood idea! [15:19]
chibaguygoramba, what tiki version are you using? [15:19]
gorambaAhh not exactly sure..the latest version? Just installed it yesterday [15:20]
SEWilco2goramba: Yeah, even within the Gallery interface it's awkward to find the file ID incantation; I'd prefer a simple image name format. [15:20]
gorambaI'm guessing it wouldn't take much of a code-hack to make it refresh the page when someone adds a picture, that would accomplish it I guess. [15:21]
chibaguyJust asking because in 2.0 I couldn't get image uploading on the wiki edit page to work. [15:21]
gorambachibaguy - is there a quick way for me to check? I don't see a version number on any of hte pages. [15:22]
kokoin admin - general I think
(or features)
in 2.0 the procedure is changed, apparently.
goramba1.9.11 [15:25]
chibaguyAh, that should be ok.
(I mean at least it works.)
(Time to walk dog)
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SEWilco2Hmm. I can't edit dev.tw.o. The comment "// DO NOT CODE LIKE THIS" should be added to "if ($tiki_p_whatever)" to stop cut-and-pasters. http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Hello+World#To_introduce_a_new_permission [15:28]
luciashSEWilco2: sorry, i don't understand [15:40]
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SEWilco2luciash: The text ahead of that code weakly reminds that it is not enough to test if a value exists; one must test for 'y' or 'n', but it's easy to miss that warning.
A strong reminder should be included in that code fragment to make clear that this is an example of what not to do. Preceding text also could use some rephrasing.
luciashah, why can't you edit it ? [15:43]
SEWilco2luciash: user SEWilco doesn't have edit priv on dev.tw.o; I have it on tw.o, but apparently privs aren't interwiki. [15:44]
luciashweird, i thought every registered on tw.o has edit priv on dev.tw.o ... maybe it changed or the page has special perms... [15:45]
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Does anybody get the error "svn: Working copy 'temp/cache' not locked" when trying to "svn update" ?
Or know what it means?
lphuberdeauyeah, but know one knows where it comes from
just rm -Rf temp and it will work
sylviegand do not forget chmod a+w temp/cache after [16:03]
carallunaafter svn update?
sorry, never mind ;-)
SEWilco2luciash: Hmm. I refreshed and now have edit links. Maybe I was seeing a cached copy. [16:08]
luciashSEWilco2: np, good it works for you [16:09]
SEWilco2luciash: oops, I don't have permission to edit. I was seeing a cached version which had edit links in the page, but not at the top of the page.
luciash: Apparently someone edited, and their copy of the page got cached.
luciashhuh, wow :-p [16:13]
SEWilco2A cache bug. Yummy. [16:13]
luciashi see
the new edit by section
SEWilco2I assume the cache thinks an edit by section version is the same as a read-only version of a page. [16:14]
luciashthe edit icons are generated as part of the wiki page content, which is cached, that's the problem (same as with wikiplugin articles, etc.) [16:16]
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kerrnelOk, let's say I have 1.10 that I checked out with SVN a month ago. Now I want to convert that to 2.0 branch. How would I do that, since it complains I already have something checked out in that directory?
The website tells me how to check each out individually, but not if I want to convert/upgrade
gorambaanyone good as js?
er at
lphuberdeaudepends on what you need
kerrnell: svn switch
kerrnelInteresting svn: Working copy 'lib/smarty/demo' not locked. Is it safe to delete that dir? [16:36]
gorambai'm trying to edit the tiki-editpage.tpl to automatically submit a preview when you select to upload a picture. I'm in the right area but it has multiple submit buttons for a single form and I'm not sure how to "press" only the preview submit button, no others. [16:37]
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ohertelHello! :) [18:23]
carallunaHi ;-) [18:31]
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gorambaok, so I was talking earlier about being able to upload multiple pictures without having to press preview to upload the image. So far I have only managed to automatically "press" preview, a band-aid but it works. in tiki-editpage.pl look for: <input name="picfile1" type="file" onchange="javascript:insertImg('editwiki','picfile1','hasAlreadyInserted');"> replace with: <input name="picfile1" type="file" onchange="javascript:insertImg('editwiki','picfile1','has [18:40]
SEWilco2goramba: whatever you were saying was truncated in middle of your "replace with" phrase. IRC is for short messages.
(At least that's where my client truncated it. Don't know how much others saw.)
gorambabeen using irc for ooooohhh, 13-14yrs
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gorambaIt would be nice to have a loader pop up but that's a start [18:50]
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kerrnelWhen converting from 1.10 csv to 2.0 svn, is there a way for csv to clean up the CSV files from the tree, so that I can then run an svn checkout? [19:34]
gorambaanyone dealt with the "Assertion failed" error when submitting a page? [19:40]
lphuberdeaukerrnel, if you have nothing custom on 1.10 CVS, it's probably easier to dump the code and make a new check-out [19:45]
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lphuberdeauwho is up for some tarball testing? [20:15]
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lphuberdeauPre-RC2 tarballs... need 3 installs to package the real thing [20:38]
carallunawhat help do you need? :-) [20:40]
lphuberdeauuploading in progress : http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/
bz2 up
caralluna...so I download and install it? [20:42]
lphuberdeaubasically a smoke test to make sure there are no obvious problems
gz up
carallunasure :-)
any preference for which to use?
or is that irrelevant?
lphuberdeaunot really
just write which one you used
carallunaI'll be waiting for the zip ;-) [20:45]
lphuberdeauzip up [20:48]
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zorphi all [20:50]
carallunaHi :-) [20:51]
zorphey caralluna - you got some clean install of v2.rc1 that you can experiment with? [20:51]
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carallunanot original rc1, running svn 2.0 branch on both my 2.0 installs [20:52]
zorpok - could you test something in the blogs for me? [20:53]
carallunain a few minutes ;-) [20:53]
zorpk [20:53]
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carallunazorp: what were you thinking about?
caralluna is unzipping
zorpif you have the blogs feature activated and users can create blogs [20:58]
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carallunayeah, but that is on 2.0 svn [20:58]
zorpI've come across this bug where all users can post to all other users' blogs [20:58]
carallunabah ... sounds bad [20:59]
zorpwell - the bug has been transported into 2.rc1 from 1.10b so I think it should be still there
I'd need someone to verify for me
carallunacan't we just leave the bugs behind? :-P [20:59]
zorpI think it could be my sys settings...
good idea :)
lphuberdeauunless someone works on blogs, bugs won't get fixed [21:00]
zorp:( [21:00]
lphuberdeausad, but true [21:00]
carallunazorp: ...but I have no clean rc1 install ... but I can test on my svns [21:00]
zorpfrom my digging around the problem is in tikilib
caralluna - svn will be great
so, I let one user create blog and see if another user can post there?
zorpyah, when the other user creates a post
there should be a menu where the user can decide which blog to post to
carallunayeah [21:02]
zorpthe bug is that all current blogs pop up there
even the ones the user should not have access to
carallunashould a normal user create the blog or is it ok to let admin do it? [21:03]
zorpanyone can create the blog [21:03]
carallunaok [21:03]
zorpbut a regular user sould try to post
(but regular users should have blog creating perms)
caralluna...and the regular users should not have access to post?
hmmm... I'm not sure I have alloewed that ... hang on ...
zorpwell regualr users should only be able to posts to blogs they created
or ones that are made public
caralluna is installing ...
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carallunalphuberdeau: Only thing I notice is that two install profiles has been removed ... or has that happened earlier maybe?
lphuberdeau: should I choose a specific profile?
lphuberdeauthey were removed in Strasbourg [21:08]
carallunaok [21:08]
lphuberdeautry whatever you want ;) [21:08]
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carallunaBasicEnabled it is ;-) [21:09]
luciashlphuberdeau: are they coming out of the current SVN branch ?
or are they same tarballs as on public.amette.eu ?
carallunalphuberdeau: 1336 SQL queries, no failures [21:10]
lphuberdeauhttp://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/ [21:10]
luciashare they current SVN ?
so i don't have to download and test immediately
*and can start test immediately
carallunalphuberdeau: http://rettvest.org/twprerc2/ installed and operating normally as far as I can see :-) [21:11]
luciashcaralluna: too early to say that don't you think ? ;) [21:11]
lphuberdeauthat counts for 1, 2 more to go [21:11]
carallunaluciash: yeah, probably ;-) [21:12]
earramehello, I am having a login issue that I can't figure out: If I try to login to my site without clicking the "remember me" box, it does nothing but blink. Checking the box makes it all work fine. Is there any way to fix this issue? [21:12]
carallunanormally meaning I have changed admin passord and site comes up as normal. Anything specifi you want me to test? [21:13]
zorpanyone knows where to find the prefs that regulate the appearance of the list of categories (using the categories module)? ie if it should be displayed as arrows and folders or +/- signs
earrme: you have the login settings in the admin-login page
may be something with your remeber me prefs
luciashlphuberdeau: i had the following issue with 2.0rc1, was that fixed for rc2 ? → http://sh.nu/p/24675 [21:15]
earrameit only gives two options: on or off. off makes the box go away and then I can't login at all. [21:15]
luciashlphuberdeau: it happened when installing for mysql classic [21:15]
lphuberdeauI think so
was a missing conditional drop
zorpearrame - if all your other login settings is as it should be then I'm sorry - can't think of anything [21:16]
lphuberdeaubut feel free to try it out ;) [21:16]
luciashlphuberdeau: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is supported in all versions of mysql ? [21:17]
carallunazorp: bah sorry, tested on 1.10b ;-) I think I have too many installations ;-) hang on ;-) [21:17]
lphuberdeaukind of old I think [21:17]
earrameZorp: as far as I can tell everything is set correctly, but thank you, perhaps someone else around here will have an answer.
zorpearrame - which version are you using?
carallunazorp: Blog created by admin, "Allow other user to post in this blog" not checked (if that was what you meant) ...and normal user can post http://tw2.rettvest.org/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=1 [21:23]
zorpyup, then it is still there
quick fix
will have to remind some of the hardcore programmer's about it
carallunayea, thanks
wasn' aware of that one
zorpthanx caralluna! [21:26]
carallunaanytime :-) [21:27]
zorpI think the issue is with new DBs
DBs that have been updated throughout the versions do not seem to have the problem
but fresh installs of 1.9.11 have it too
carallunathe "oldest" I have now is 1.9.11 fresh [21:28]
luciashlphuberdeau: still preparing for the installation :(
i think you'll find more fast ppl to test earlier than i finish it
carallunalast cms-period I think it was 1.9.7 or something [21:28]
lphuberdeauthere is this thing with tarball tests, most people tend to flee when you call for one [21:31]
zorplphuberdeau - there's been a call? [21:32]
lphuberdeauhttp://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/ [21:32]
zorpgoram - missed that
is it a general testing or something specific?
lphuberdeausmoke test before the real RC2 packages
just make sure it installs basically
how bad do you/we need testers? I can sacrafice my 1.9.11 if its really urgent...
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Paragtim[A]Paragtim[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes [21:36]
earramezorp: i'm using 1.9.11 [21:38]
luciashluciash selected default installation profile and mysql classic [21:39]
carallunalphuberdeau: I can test on another server if you want :-) [21:39]
luciashlphuberdeau: no problem this time, seems it's fixed or mysql 4 specific [21:39]
zorpearrame - ok in the later versions you have more prefs for the remember me function
but that doesn't help you now...
lphuberdeauI think I fixed it myself [21:40]
luciashlphuberdeau: great
just the consistency in installer sucks a bit: "Tikiwiki is ready to run" and "Entering TikiWiki"
not bad for rc
carallunalphuberdeau: though is the other one using sam os, configured by me, pretty much same software [21:42]
lphuberdeaunot worst than before [21:42]
luciashgreat somebody added #fff for header background by default, thanks [21:42]
lphuberdeauI think it was myloth if by commit memory is good [21:43]
luciashmuch better than rc1 ;) [21:43]
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zorphas there been a lot of work on the categories module since 1.10b? [21:48]
luciashlphuberdeau: oh, but it's white only for tikineat :-/ maybe better idea would be to fill the #fff directly by default to the l&f > general layout > Site logo background color
but nevermind, better anyway
earramezorp:actually, I just did an upgrade a few days ago. now the problem is that I just set the login box module to be only available to registered users and lost it on the main page. do you know how to get it back through the database? [21:48]
zorpwell you can always access the login through yourpage.com/tiki-login_scr.php
then you should be able to set it in the admin interface
lphuberdeauluci: not really my decision to make [21:53]
earrameoh yea, sorry I forgot. I Knew that.
zorp:) [21:53]
lphuberdeaucertainly not the kind of detail that will fit in RC2 thought ;) [21:54]
sylviegzorp: I just fixed one perm checking about blog posting [21:56]
zorpoooooh cool
sylvie: would it be a fix to http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1782
may I ask what the problem was?
sylviegI never usually post from the blog post menu - only from the list blog - so I never saw it....
the perm checking was not looking at the public field
zorpok [21:59]
luciashlphuberdeau: works very well so far with default profile [22:00]
lphuberdeaugood, in theory, only one is missing [22:00]
luciashlphuberdeau: oops ! → tiki-calendar_edit_item.php [22:02]
earrameOK, I'm back to where I was. Is there any one else here who might know why my remember me feature is acting buggy? [22:02]
luciashlphuberdeau: as admin i get "Permission denied you can not view this page" [22:02]
sylviegzorp: try this one http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=E1KJxvu-0008AJ-TE%4074yxhf1.ch3.sourceforge.com&forum_name=tikiwiki-cvs [22:03]
luciashlphuberdeau: i've just enabled all the *main* features and tried to add an event in calendar [22:03]
sylviegand zorp - you had the fix in dev.tw [22:04]
lphuberdeauany idea what this could be caused by? [22:04]
sylvieg... there is still a fix to do neverless [22:04]
luciashlphuberdeau: imho bad conditional check for perms in tpl
if admin it should be always accessible
lphuberdeaucan you work around it by adding a perm? [22:05]
zorpsylvie - sorry I missed the fix in dev.tw :(
but it sure is a lot more complicated than the one I had coughed up :)
earrameI am on version 1.9.11 and the dropdown menu for the remember me feature only has two options: 'disabled' and 'users and admins'. [22:06]
luciashlphuberdeau: actually, not in tpl, php
lphuberdeau: there 's else at line 265 which appears every time when you go to the page with no request variable
lphuberdeauvery old problem
from the log
luciasheither there should be '?calendarId=' in the Add Event link or change the code in php [22:15]
lphuberdeaukind of reduces the priority for me... fix would go in trunk [22:15]
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luciashwell, when i create new calendar then the link works well [22:21]
new forum doesn't appear in changes since module
new tracker the same
otherwise no problems/show stoppers found
lphuberdeauthanks luci [22:30]
carallunawell, then it's nighty for me ... see you :-) [22:35]
zorpc ya [22:35]
.... (idle for 17mn)
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mstef has joined #tikiwiki [22:57]
mstefhi all [22:57]
I was just about to email you
are your latest commits fixing bugs?
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ohertelhello :) [23:15]
msteflphuberdeau: yes, i believe they are
lphuberdeau: i tried to keep them small.
lphuberdeaujust weird to see files added in RC mode [23:22]
msteflphuberdeau: i've already switched over to trunk, i just thought these small fixes would be nice to have in this version.
lphuberdeau: i hope this is not a problem, is it?
lphuberdeauwas it really broken?
I pushed out RC2 just before you made your commits
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msteflphuberdeau: would be nice to have, but no big problem if not, some corrections only
lphuberdeau: should i recommit them to trunk, or will this be automatically handled as well?
lphuberdeaumerging will do itself in time... in fact, I merged the stuff before your commits as well [23:48]
msteflphuberdeau: bye, it's getting late [23:56]
lphuberdeaug'night [23:57]
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