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marclaporte: polom
franck: marclaporte: hi
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nyloth: Hi all :)
franck: hi alone
tomb_: yop
nyloth: :)
franck: http://www.ohloh.net/projects/compare?metric=Activity&project_0=TikiWiki+CMS%2FGroupware&project_1=Drupal+%28core%29&project_2=Joomla%21 <- interesting
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dthacker: interesting graph
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lepei: .
NefariousC: !
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lepei: ma question : que puis-je faire pour avancer dans le probleme suivant :
j'ai deux tikiwiki chaez deux hebergeurs (appelons les A et B)
chez A : version 1.9.1, probleme a cause des 16M : pages blanches
j'ai copié la base Mysql de A vers B
j'ai installé tikiwiki 1.9.11 sur B
B contient donc la derniere version de tiki et la base de données de 1.9.1
le probleme le plus important :
chez A (l'ancien), je sais pas me logguer sans page blanche, mais quand j'appelle 'tiki-admin' directement, cela fonctionne.
chez B (le nouveau), je sais meme jamais me loguer et je sais pas appeler la page 'tiki-admin'
Caarrie|away: lepei: this is the english tikiwiki channel i think there is a few for other languages around but not here ;)
lepei: MERCI de me dire si vous avez une piste ...
okay, if you want, i can repeat all this in english
Caarrie|away: there is #tikiwiki-fr if that might help you more
lepei: nobody home at tikiwiki-fr. (;-)
so, i'll tell it in english.
my question : what do i have to do to try to solve the following problem :
i have 2 tikiwiki's online on 2 different providers (lets say A and B)
on provider A : version 1.9.1 ; problem with blank page (16M problem in php.ini)
i did a copy of the mysql base from A to B
i installed the last version of tiki on B (1.9.11)
B contains the last version of tiki and the date from 1.9.1
now the problem :
on A (the old one), i can log in (with blank page) and call directly the tiki-admin page : it works
on B (the new one) : i can NOT log in and i cannot reach the tiki-admin screen
THX to give me a way to advance with this problem.
okay, Caarrie|away ?
Caarrie|away: better, but not that i have any advice :(
lepei: :( indead
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lepei: lphuberdeau> as-tu un moment pour m'aider ?
lphuberdeau: maybe
lepei: i will repat my question. attention for flood.
[16:22] <lepei> my question : what do i have to do to try to solve the following problem :
[16:23] <lepei> i have 2 tikiwiki's online on 2 different providers (lets say A and B)
[16:23] <lepei> on provider A : version 1.9.1 ; problem with blank page (16M problem in php.ini)
[16:24] <lepei> i did a copy of the mysql base from A to B
[16:24] <lepei> i installed the last version of tiki on B (1.9.11)
[16:24] <lepei> B contains the last version of tiki and the date from 1.9.1
[16:24] <lepei> now the problem :
[16:25] <lepei> on A (the old one), i can log in (with blank page) and call directly the tiki-admin page : it works
[16:25] <lepei> on B (the new one) : i can NOT log in and i cannot reach the tiki-admin screen
[16:26] <lepei> THX to give me a way to advance with this problem.
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lphuberdeau: you can the upgrade script after copying the database?
lepei: i think i did it before the export/import.
Can i run it again ?
and, to be sure, wich one do i have to run ?
lphuberdeau: usually not dangerous
lepei: okay
anothe idee : mu old site is on "www.dmmh.be/tiki"
lphuberdeau: but I never really used 1.9, so I don't know about the specific requirements
lepei: my new one is on : http://dmmh.i8.be
is that difference (without "www") important ?
lphuberdeau: depends on your host, but tiki does not care
lepei: do i have to look at the installation on free ? perhaps it is the same problem
(include and so on)
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lepei: lphuberdeau> file 18-19.sql runned : same result.
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lepei: he says me something about the cookies : i have to accept them. But it also accepted !
i delted all my cookies + restart : now i receive a csrf fault
feature_ticketlib is 'Y' in tiki_preferences
okay, i putted it to the value 'N' , no more problem witj csrf
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lepei: i created a new user via the normal way.
i changed his group via phpmyadmin in the db (to 'Admin')
i logged in with the new user and started tiki-admin.php
answer : no privileges to do this
anybody home ?
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marclaporte: dev.tikiwiki.org is slowed down because one of the RSS feeds is not getting in
ohloh.net seems to be down
franck: marclaporte: oi
marclaporte: Can someone access dev.tikiwiki.org?
NefariousC: I seem to be able to.